Gao Xiaomei has a standard round face. Although she is slender, her face makes people feel blessed.

"Sister Song Ya." The gentle voice also brushed Song Huan's ears.

Song Huan smiled back to the second sister-in-law.

Xiaomei Gao held the chubby aunt in her hand, blinking her eyes and looking curiously at the good-looking aunt opposite.

Song Huan took out the candies that had been prepared, knelt down in front of the little fat man, and said, "Little fat man is so cute, call me aunt, and my aunt will give you candies."

The corner of Xiaopangdun's mouth was drooling, and when he heard that there was sugar, his eyes sparkled, and he called out childishly, "Auntie, Auntie~"

Song Huan's heart was tickled by the cuteness, and he rubbed his chubby chubby face with both hands, and after he was addicted, he handed him the candy wrapped in oil paper, "Hold it steady, or if you don't hold it steady, It fell to the ground and was eaten by ants~”

When Xiao Pangdun heard that there were ants robbing him of candy, he clasped the candy tightly with both hands and stuck it to his little chest, shaking his head, "I won't give it to the ants, I won't give it to the ants."

"Hahahahahaha..." Song Huan laughed loudly.

Liang Fucai and Gao Xiaomei also looked dumbfounded.

Little Fatty doesn't understand the adult's evil taste, but just curious why his aunt and parents suddenly laughed.

Liang Fucai invited Song Huan and said, "Come to my house for dinner tonight. It's too late to take care of the things in your house today. Let Xiao Xing go up and help you clean up tomorrow."

Gao Xiaomei's name is Gao Xiaoxing.

Song Huan was not polite either, he just said to go back and have a look first, and come down later.

Song family
The courtyard didn't look like it was overgrown with fallen leaves and overgrown with weeds, it was as clean as if she had never left.

Song Huan guessed that Liang Fucai and Liang Dayong often came to help take care of it.

Looking at the cemetery of Father Song and Mother Song from a distance, there are still traces of worship.

Song Huan smiled warmly.

Song Huan returned to the village, and the Fu clan received the news immediately.

On the morning of the third day, when Xiaomei Gao was helping Song Huan with housework, people from the Fu family came to the door.

Sun, Fu Qinglin's mother.

Let's see that she is about forty years old, dressed in purple-green plain clothes, with sharp eyes, sculpted eyebrows and nose, slightly dimples on her cheeks, she is a kind and sharp woman.

Beside her was a woman whom Song Huan looked familiar to.

Oh~ I remembered!

It's Fu Xueshu's mother, Aunt Qiu.

The visitor is not good.

Song Huan put down his things, and exchanged a few polite greetings with the two of them.

Mrs. Sun sat down in the main room. She hadn't paid much attention to this daughter of the Song family before.

I didn't expect to be more beautiful than her mother. It's really better than blue.

Song Huan poured water for the two of them according to the principle of being a guest when entering the door, and let Gao Xiaomei go back first by the way.

Gao Xiaomei frowned, "Are you sure?"

Sister Song Ya may not know that the Sun family is also from Dongxi Village like her. The Sun family is one of the three major surnames in Dongxi Village, and it is also the most difficult to mess with.

Song Huan said, "It's okay, you go back and take Xiaopangdun first, I don't have anything to help here, and it will be over soon."

Gao Xiaomei frowned, it was too late to say it now.

Song Huan entered the room and sat on the stool beside him.

Mrs. Sun paused for a while while drinking tea, and then put it down, "Miss Song is really straightforward and informal, quite like Big Brother Song."

Song Huan didn't hear her saying that she was rude and that she meant Father Song, and only thought that she was being praised by the other party.

I don't know if it is appropriate to use "playing the piano against the cow" at this time.

Seeing that Song Huan didn't understand what she meant, Mrs. Sun was a little confused.

How could such a woman be worthy of uploading Lin?
Sun also stopped beating around the bush and went straight to the topic of this trip, "Song Ya will be [-] this year, right?"

Seeing that Song Huan didn't answer, Mrs. Sun had no choice but to continue, "Brother Song and Sister Lu passed away early, leaving you siblings alone and helpless.

You are a good person. To take care of your younger brother, you have delayed yourself until now.

Those of us who are elders also have dereliction of duty, and it is not too late to save them now.

Song Ya also has to give us elders a chance to take good care of you for your parents. "

After hearing Sun's words, Song Huan finally understood.

It's age, it's saving, it's taking care of parents.

What else can I take care of myself?
At this age, there is only marriage.

Song Huan just smiled and said nothing, the faint light in his eyes paused for a moment on Aunt Qiu's body, Aunt Qiu instantly remembered the scene at the beginning, and the thick hair was covered with fine sweat immediately.

Mrs. Sun took a deep breath, being ignored by a junior just made her intolerable.

Sun said with a smirk, "Auntie has a distant relative. The family does some small business in the county, not to mention wealthy households, but life is no problem. People know how to live and are honest. Why don't Auntie take you with me someday?" To meet him?"

If you hear it, you will live your life, be honest and do your duty.

Song Huan immediately thought of the complaints from his former friend.

Will live: stingy and stingy.

Honesty: old, not much truth, no merit.

Song Huan, "..."

Song Huan looked at Mrs. Sun, and said something confusing, "I heard that the dyeing workshop in the county is selling cloth."

Aunt Qiu, "???"

Does this mean to ask to buy cloth?
Sun, "!!!!"

Mrs. Sun suppressed her anger. The father-in-law sent her here because he couldn't let himself screw it up.

She took a deep breath, took another sip of water, and forced herself to smile, "Song Ya, think about it first, the other party is a rare and good person, and after passing this village, there will be no such shop."

After all, Mrs. Sun took Aunt Qiu away quickly on the pretext that there was still something to do at home.

Song Huan snorted coldly.

Don't even think about fronting your elders' scores in front of you.

This group of people said that they would marry whoever they asked themselves to marry?

What are you thinking about?
She has no father, no mother, and no relatives, so it is basically impossible for her to suppress herself with filial piety.

What's more, she also has an elder brother who is already a scholar.

They thought that the Fu clan could control themselves if they made a success?
Fu Yuanzhi is still on his side!
Who doesn't have a backer?

I don't know what the brain circuits of these people are thinking.

Song Huan closed the door and went to deal with his own affairs, completely ignoring the group of grasshoppers that were jumping around.

At present, she just wants to clean up the house as soon as possible, and then go to burn charcoal to make money.

Making money is the priority.

When going down the mountain, Aunt Qiu asked her doubts.

Mrs. Sun sneered, "Where is this asking to buy cloth? That means we are meddling in our own business!"

The duty of the dyeing workshop is to dye cloth, and selling cloth is the business of the shop, so selling cloth in the dyeing workshop is nothing but worrying about meddling in other people's business!

Mrs. Sun was so angry that she was so big, when was she ever squeezed out like this?
But thinking of his father-in-law's words, he had to swallow his breath for the time being. If Fu Chuanlin was admitted to Jinshi, then there would be more Tian Fu, which would benefit not only the Fu family, but also his own family.

Sun calmed down and sneered in her heart. When Song Ya gets married, she will suffer a lot!

Sun walked into the house, not noticing that someone was in the shadows in another place.

Not far away was Fu's house in the locust tree, and Mrs. Pan stood under the locust tree, quietly looking in the direction of Song's house.

Lucky star?
As the star of fortune, Tianfuxing, I like to meet with auspicious stars most.

Since that is the case.

Then, is it okay to break it?

Pan's hand split the leaf in half.

The leaves fluttered to the feet.

Pan Shi turned and left, stepping on a leaf.

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