Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 109 Notification

The middle-aged man was not too embarrassed, it was beyond his expectation that a little girl could come up with so much.

That's when he said in embarrassment, "Seeing you as a daughter's family, if you really marry the wrong son, you will suffer for the rest of your life, forget it, who made me want to show kindness today, let me tell you.

However, you can't spread the word that I told you, I still have to accept business here, otherwise, you little girl can't afford it. "

Song Huan nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

in October.

He remembered that it was raining heavily that day, while drinking tea, a person came in from outside.

About 20 years old, dressed as a servant boy of which family, with good looks and handsome appearance.

He walked in and asked directly, "Shopkeeper, what do you mean by beating ghosts?"

The middle-aged man motioned the servant to sit down, drank tea, pretended to be unfathomable, and said, "When a girl suffers from evil spirits and conceives without a husband, she is called a ghost fetus.

If the husband of the woman is not at home, she is affected by evil spirits and conceived, which is also a ghost fetus.

If this ghost fetus is not cured, it grows into a shape, and it is born, maybe it is something.

This ghost fetus is not terrible, if it is rumored, it is really embarrassing! "

The boy was overjoyed, he didn't think that he had come to the right place.

The boy said, "How do ghosts fight?"

The middle-aged man habitually touched his mustache with his index finger and thumb, and said, "I have two ways."

The little servant asked, "What method?"

After the middle-aged man felt that he was almost pretending, he said, "One way is to prick it with a needle, and the effect is very fast."

The young man frowned when he heard this, he couldn't avoid meeting this man with a needle.

The boy asked again, "What about another method?"

The middle-aged man said again, "The other way is to take medicine and beat down."

The servant let go of his frown and said, "This is a good idea. Is that a decoction? Or a pill?"

The middle-aged man said, "Both soup and pills are fine."

It was quite convenient for the boy to hear, "Then take the pills, how much do you pay for the medicine?"

The middle-aged man said, "20 taels a payment."

When the boy heard this, did this person want to blackmail him?
The boy said, "Why is the price of this medicine so expensive?"

The middle-aged man said, "The medicines used are not cheap, and they are all high-quality medicines. Among them, musk will cost more than two taels of silver, not to mention others.

Although the drug is expensive, it is not without its benefits.

People will not be injured if this pill is taken, and it will definitely kill the ghost fetus in a day.

Dude doesn’t cheat you either, to tell you the truth, dude, I just earned you a tael of silver. "

When the servant heard this, the price that he thought was quite expensive became acceptable, "Here, eat it, what if it doesn't work?"

The middle-aged man was completely unfazed, and waved his hands, "No matter what happens, I won't charge a cent of the original money, and I will return it to you!"

The servant was still a little worried, "No one will die?"

The middle-aged man quickly waved his hands, "They are all high-quality medicines, how could they be dead!

That's all, if you don't believe me, go to another house and have a look. "

The boy would not have come here if he had other places to go, so he hurriedly stopped the middle-aged man and said, "The shopkeeper must be very skilled in helping the world and saving lives."

While talking, the young man took out two ingots of five taels of silver from his pocket and said, "Shop, you can dispense this medicine. I will leave ten taels as a deposit. I will pick it up tomorrow, and I will bring you the rest of the silver." Come."

The middle-aged man put his eyes on the two ingots of silver in the boy's hand, took them casually, and said, "Then you have to keep your word, and I have to give you the money first. If you don't come, Then I won’t be able to do business.”

"By the way, what is the name of the little brother?" The middle-aged man asked.

The boy only said his surname, "My surname is Wu."

"Don't worry, shopkeeper, I'll be here on time at this time tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the boy turned around and left the shop.

After he walked a certain distance, the middle-aged man immediately called out his son, "Did you see the man just now?"

The sturdy young man nodded, "Dad, don't worry, you can see clearly."

Then the middle-aged man said, "Hurry up and chase him, follow behind, see which street and alley he enters, which house he enters, and come back and tell me after confirming which one it is."

The burly young man was obedient and immediately chased him out with an umbrella, following him secretly.

The middle-aged man's daughter-in-law also opened the curtain and came out, with a worried expression on her face, "You are cruel, you are not happy to let my son go out in such heavy rain, I said you should hire a guy."

The middle-aged man snorted, "You woman, what do you know?
In our line of business, people from the rivers and lakes don't want to take a second look.

Hire a guy, or dismiss the idea.

As long as someone is willing, he can learn my job secretly, and then we will be the three who are hungry! "

The middle-aged man's daughter-in-law was silent, but turned around and went back to make ginger soup, and when the son came back, he would drink more to dispel the cold.

After a while, the middle-aged man's son came back, and then reported the address.

The middle-aged man has been in the rivers and lakes these years, and he knows something that breaks through the lower limit. He looks familiar and sighs, "Wei Dao doesn't like to have needles!"

At this time, the middle-aged man's son also didn't enter the backyard, and sat beside his father, asking questions, "Father, you don't know how to get needles, why did you talk about getting them first?"

The middle-aged man said, "You don't understand, your father used these words to find out."

The middle-aged man's son's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I'll tell you when you get older."

Children of this age can't control their mouths the most. When the time comes, they will say everything in a few words. How can your father mess around?
The son of the middle-aged man let out an aggrieved "Oh" and ran to find his mother.

Hmph, don't tell me if you don't say it, I don't even know it!
The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

Alas, if it wasn't for the fact that his daughter-in-law was injured and had to recuperate for a few more years, he really wanted to have a few more children right away.

In Song Huan's words, the tuba was retired and he wanted to practice a trumpet again.

The next day, the boy was on time as expected.

The middle-aged man handed over the medicine bottle and instructed, "Use the sitting medicine first, and then take the pills when you feel any movement."

The boy kept in mind that after giving the remaining ten taels of silver to the middle-aged man, he couldn't wait to leave with the medicine.

On the fourth day, the young man came to the door again, and he was much more respectful than the previous two times. He bowed to the middle-aged man and said, "Sir, your medicine is really effective, and I'm here to thank you."

As he spoke, he took out another tael of silver and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't shirk it either, who would dislike the free money?

The middle-aged man stroked his mustache again, and asked, "How do people feel after laying down a ghost?"

The boy said, "After taking the medicine, my stomach hurts unbearably, and the baby simply fell off."

The servant said sadly again, "However, in the past two days, the patient's whole body has been weak, he doesn't want to eat, and his mind is confused..."

The middle-aged man said, "I'm afraid this is a little bad, and I have to take some postpartum medicine to soothe the nerves and nourish the blood, and nourish the qi and the heart."

The boy touched the empty purse, gritted his teeth and said, "What will happen if you don't eat?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed, "If you don't eat it, you're going to risk your life, and you're close to death."

Words of thanks:

Thanks to Molin Piaoyu, Maoqiu Weiwei, Huajuanyun, book friend 20200618230532332, SJS, Happy Angel, The Little Mermaid, Orange Xiaowen, glxhyh, Yichi Pingzui, book friend 20220602121709699, Hao Ning, how dare I have an opinion, ChaoQiong .

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