Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 110 Chapter Village

The little servant took a step back in shock, a little scared, and then asked, "How much money does it cost to prepare this postpartum medicine?"

The middle-aged man said, "It's not expensive, only five taels of silver."

The boy let out a sigh of relief, "Sir, please make up the medicine first, and I'll get it the day after tomorrow."


After hearing the whole story, Song Huan really confirmed that it was indeed Fang Lao Tongsheng's mansion.

As for whether it is the youngest daughter born by Fang Laotong, you can deduce it by just asking around.

Fang Tongsheng's original partner died of dystocia when giving birth to the second child, and there was only one concubine in the family.

The daughter of the original concubine had already been married, and the only two women left in the family were the concubine, and the youngest daughter of the concubine, who was the so-called daughter-in-law of Fu Yuanzhi's unmarried son.

The original spouse passed away, and the concubine was in power. In order to show her existence, the concubine often went in and out of her own property, and as long as she paid close attention, she would know that the concubine was not idle during the period of beating ghosts. It is clear at a glance.

Song Huan was amazed, is this Taiping Town's feng shui bad?

How can you do such a thing?

On the way back, the more Song Huan thought about the engagement, the more he felt it was fake?

Fu Yuanzhi's father is Tongsheng, and the person who betrothed Fu Yuanzhi is also the daughter of Tongsheng's family, so there is no need to question this family relationship.

But this era still pays attention to the difference between concubine and concubine.

She felt that Fu Yuanzhi's father would not be so foolish as to let his son marry a concubine's daughter.

Could it be that the Fang family wanted to find a receiver to make this up?
Song Huan felt sorry for Fu Yuanzhi, this kid, alas, to be honest, if he hadn't left, people would have eaten all his bones by now.

As for why the Fu family insisted on arranging a marriage for themselves, it was just as Sun said that they would not let themselves stay by Fu Yuanzhi's side. With her around, it would be more difficult for Fu Yuanzhi to accept this marriage.

Fu benefited less.

Song Huan felt as if he had spied on the intentions of these people.

Are they trying to get benefits from Fu Yuanzhi?
Or do you want to bring down Fu Yuanzhi?

Of course, based on current understanding, Song Huan is more inclined towards the latter.

Why did they try so hard to make this marriage happen?

If it is true, the parents' order is understandable. Who would have expected that Fu Yuanzhi's salty fish would be admitted to Juren now?
But if the marriage contract was fake, they asked Fu Yuanzhi to marry a concubine from a Tongsheng family whose family status was too different, wouldn't they just want to bring Fu Yuanzhi down?

To bring down a person, a backyard fire is the quickest way they can use.

Is this revenge for Fu Yuanzhi's refusal to entrust the Fu family with land tax?

No matter what Song Huan thought, he felt that his analysis was still a little bit off.

But at this moment, she didn't think so much.

Overall, she had a good day today.

At the very least, Fu Yuanzhi had a reason for wanting to quit this relationship.

December 24
Adi suspends school successfully, he and Yan Liu have a lot of bags in their hands, these need to be put in the carriage.

Brother was surprised, "Did you change the carriage? It's much bigger!"

Fu Yuanzhi helped to put the luggage in, "The four of us will have a lot of room to use, so it's better to be bigger."

Adi nodded, "That's the reason."

It takes four and a half days to go back to Darongshu Village from Fucheng, and one night in the middle can be spent in a rental house in the county. superior.

At noon on December 29, a mule cart drove into Darongshu Village.

There are also families in Mule Cart Village, among which are of course the Fu family of Huaishu and Fu Qinglin's family, and now Lizheng's family is an ox cart.

The new mule cart that came in today has a larger compartment, and looks more powerful and handsome than the others.

The kind that can satisfy people's vanity.

Children who love "cars" shouted excitedly on the side of the road.

The elders at home were also shouted by the movement to stop what they were doing and came out to check on the situation.

Liang Fucai said to Gao Xiaomei, "It must be rumored that Brother Lin is back."

This scene was also watched by Huaishu Fu's family and Fu Qinglin's family.

Fu Tai looked at the mule cart gradually driving under the big banyan tree with a complicated look in his eyes, and he felt the impact more intuitively than he imagined.

A vine called jealousy keeps growing and spreading in my heart.

Fu Yuanzhi's mule cart could not go to Song's house, so he had to stop at the intersection and ask Liang Fucai's family to take care of it.

Adi jumped out of the car first, and greeted Liang Fucai and his friend Liang Fukang who happened to come out.

Liang Fukang is one year older than brother, and he is still a mischievous kid now, and he doesn't pay much attention to demeanor, so he ran over quickly, "Okay! It's been a long time since I saw you, how come you are fairer than me!"

Brother laughed, "I'm already whiter than you."

As soon as Liang Fukang heard it, he waved his fist and hammered it in a fake manner.

Brother laughed and avoided.

The two broke up again in an instant.

Their friendship has not been diluted by time.

Ah Di faded away from his gentle scholarly appearance in the county town, and in the blink of an eye he turned back into a carefree wild boy in the fields who could do whatever he wanted.

Seeing this, the other companions who had a good time with brother put aside the tension in their hearts and joined the team of the two, and everyone laughed and laughed.

Yan Liu on the side sighed, unlike the lifeless feeling of his home, this place is full of vitality and hope, and a thriving vitality is flourishing.

Fu Yuanzhi exchanged pleasantries with the elders of Liang Fucai's family, and within a few words, he brought up the matter of going to Beijing for the exam. Fu Yuanzhi only said that he wanted to take the exam next time, not because of lack of money.

But they didn't think so, they just thought it was Fu Yuanzhi who was too embarrassed to say that he didn't have enough money.

Liang Fucai's father thought he still had to talk to the patriarch, this should not delay Fu Yuanzhi's future.

The mule cart was entrusted to the Liang family, and Liang Fucai patted his chest and said rest assured. In the eyes of the common people, cows, mules, and donkeys are all treasures. It can be said that they are more important than their lives, and they will definitely take good care of them.

Besides, now Fu Yuanzhi can be regarded as their "parents". Isn't it right to take care of a mule?
Before Fu Yuanzhi returned to the Song family, Liang Fucai told about Sun's frequent visits to Song Huan during this period, what the specific content was, Gao Xiaomei didn't know, and he naturally didn't know, so Fu Yuanzhi could only be more vigilant, I don't know What follow-up actions will the Fu clan have?

A chill that could freeze people to death flashed across Fu Yuanzhi's eyes.

The Fu family will never know how to write the four characters of self-knowledge.

When Fu Yuanzhi and brother arrived home, the house was quiet.

Well, it's normal, he has become accustomed to the fact that Miss Song is not at home when he comes home.

The three of them tidied things up, while Fu Yuanzhi naturally went into the kitchen and prepared to light the fire for dinner.

After being separated for less than half a month, Song Huan was able to fill the originally empty kitchen with food.

Fresh winter bamboo shoots, cured rabbits, cured chickens that have been smoked for several days, and handfuls of Hovenia chess pieces.

The smell of fireworks rushed over.

Adi picked up the Zhizhi chess piece and handed it to Yan Liu.

The first time he met Yan Liu, he called him Uncle. Later, when he learned that his age was about the same as his elder brother, he changed his name to Brother Yan, "Brother Yan, try it, this is delicious and sweet!"

Brother Yan is really polite, he just asked him to eat, although he nodded in response, if everyone didn't take the initiative to pass it to him, he would not eat it.

His biggest feeling after getting along these few days is this, that is, how should I put it, Brother Yan is too restrained?

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