Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 111 Telling

When Song Huan came back, he saw that the lock on the courtyard door had been unlocked, and cooking smoke was coming out of the kitchen.

This is such a familiar scene, Song Huan subconsciously shouted, "I'm back!"

This is a habit formed over the years.

Sure enough, the next moment, it was brother who ran out, but it was already version 2.0 brother.

Song Huan burst out laughing.

What should I do, she really likes that chubby brother.

But the current brother is not bad, a handsome young man, fair and handsome, very seductive.

Brother grinned and raised his voice, "Sister, you're finally back, I'm so hungry."

Song Huan snorted, "Be more hungry, look at your round belly."

Brother was told by Song Huan, he immediately looked down at his belly, he didn't have the round belly like sister's mouth, then raised his head and yelled at sister, "Sister, I've grown up, don't tease me anymore !"

Song Huan laughed, "Stupid!"

Although there are some bad places in Darongshu Village, this is the place where Song Huan first came here, and it is also the birthplace of Yuanshen and Adi.

The full sense of belonging cannot deceive people's senses and subconscious.

How easy it is to be outside, but there is always a little feeling missing, which is the sense of belonging of returning to the familiar place where I grew up.

Both Song Huan and Ah Di let go of their energy and returned to the carefree and carefree life they had in the beginning.

Although Song Huan would come back to burn charcoal every year, the feeling of being with relatives was different, and the contrast this time was obvious.

Is she old?
Why can't we accept separation more and more?
Not only Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi were relieved.

Here are his two extremes, the most painful and the happiest.

But in the Song family, he was able to soften the thorns on his body, being gentle and calm.

In addition to Yan Liu, everyone sat down around the dining table in the main room. There were four dishes and one soup on the table, and there was a charcoal basin burning charcoal fire under the table.

It warms not only the house, but also the hearts of those who have been away for a long time.

Although tomorrow is New Year's Eve, but today is the first day of my younger brother's return, Song Huan felt that it was still necessary to talk to Father Song and Niang Song.

This time, Fu Yuanzhi did not stay in the house as in previous years, but also went to the cemetery.

Brother burned incense and prayed three times, and when he got up for the third time, his eyes were full of tears, "Father, mother, I am back, I miss you so much, do you miss me too..."

My younger brother told his parents about the events of these years.

He went to school, the interesting things that happened in the school, and the good news that he was already a teacher.

He wanted to tell his parents that he had a good life and was very promising. He had grown up and knew how to take care of himself and elder sister. Parents don't have to worry.

Song Huan, Fu Yuanzhi and Yan Liu not far away were all standing still.

Yan Liu suppressed the tears in his eyes. After all, he has become a loner.

He looked up at the sky and said in his heart, father, mother, brothers, don't worry, I am living a very good life now, I have visited many places, met many people, and seen many things.

Mother, I will take good care of myself.

Fu Yuanzhi suppressed the darkness in his eyes, he also had to go to his parents' graves tomorrow.

Today is different from the past, he doesn't have to be afraid of them.

After everyone cleaned up their mood, they returned to the dining table and had a reunion dinner.

At night, Fu Yuanzhi and Yan Liu went down the mountain, they had to go to Liang's house to stay.

Now, it is no longer convenient for him to live in Song's house.

Song Huan and brother didn't fall asleep early, but sat on the stove and chatted with the fire.

Brother handed over the roasted peanuts, "Sister, do you want me to stay in the school?"

Song Huan shook his head, "It was like this at the beginning, but after hearing what your big brother Fu said, I think it's better if you don't stay."

The situation in the government school may be more complicated than the school she attended.

And what Fu Yuanzhi said shocked Song Huan.

If Ah Di becomes the second Yan Zhao, then she is not happy to see him.

There are no ideas, no means, high-mindedness and low-handedness.

Unwilling to be ordinary but always want to escape, not how to solve it.

Not doing anything practical, not only frustrated in the workplace, but also implicated the people around him.

The imperial court and the common people need strong grass, not empty talkers.

Of course, she didn't completely deny Yan Zhao's everything. He may have outstanding achievements in the aspects she couldn't see, but judging from the aspects she can see, this person is indeed a bit harmful to himself and others.

Every word and deed of Yan Liu made Song Huan always feel how sorry Yan Zhao was to his wife and children.

If my younger brother becomes such a person, hehe, she will definitely beat him up, deny her younger brother, and refuse to marry her a wife and have a son.

She still remembers a sentence she heard before, what is the author's name Ling?

It's been too long, and she can't get up anymore.

However, the content made her remember deeply.

That sentence says so, if a child is born, it is to inherit one's own toil, panic, and poverty.

So, not giving birth is also a kind of kindness.

Yanliu is an example.

Yan Zhao was born but not raised.

He is poor, cautious, always afraid of disturbing others, and he is reticent and unable to speak. How sad is this?

Perhaps his biggest mistake was being reborn in the wrong family.

Therefore, at Ah Di's age, she puts more emphasis on establishing Ah Di's correct outlook on life than studying.

Morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor must be put first.

Since the government school can't give it, then let yourself come.

Hearing Song Huan's words, brother breathed a sigh of relief, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely not drop out of my studies, just wait for someone to call you sister Xieyuan!"

Song Huan stretched out his hand and squeezed brother's cheek, "Oh, amazing, look at you, Jie Yuan is determined to win, is it within reach?!"

Adi nodded vigorously, "That's right, Sister's Adi is the best!"

Song Huan laughed, "If you say you are fat, you are still out of breath!"

The siblings laughed together again in an instant.

The entire Song family courtyard ushered in the long-lost excitement.

The big trees outside the courtyard, which have grown a lot after several years, are also rustling their branches and leaves, catering to the laughter that comes with the wind.

next morning
My brother got up early as usual.

Just like the scene Fu Yuanzhi saw when he was five years old.

My brother was holding a broom in his hand, cleaning up the dead leaves that fell down last night, and he was carrying a book in his mouth.

The little face was full of seriousness, resolutely not allowing a single leaf to fall.

Song Huan was a quarter of an hour later than Adi, and saw this scene when he got up.

She was in a daze for a long time, and Song Huan was frightened when Adi appeared in front of her.

Adi looked at Sister A curiously, "Sister A, why are you in a daze? Today's New Year's Eve, don't try to be lazy!"

Song Huan, "..."

Is it so difficult to let yourself draw a poetic mood?

Also, when did I get lazy?

Song Huan bluffed and retorted, "Didn't you see so many things in the house? They were all made by your sister. You also said that your sister was lazy and wanted to be beaten!"

Song Huan's fist froze, looking at his younger brother who was about the same height as him, "!!!"

How come you are as tall as yourself all of a sudden?
This grows too fast, doesn't it?

Brother took advantage of sister's trance, and quickly slipped out.

Although it won't hurt if sister hits him, he subconsciously wants to avoid it.

Maybe he developed a conditioned reflex when he was "beaten" when he was a child. As long as those two words were triggered, he would subconsciously avoid running away.

Words of thanks:


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