Song family
Song Huan, Adi, and Yan Liu, the three of them have already cleaned the whole house, and cleaned everything that should be cleaned.

The mahogany plaque to ward off evil spirits was also hung up, but Fu Yuan was nowhere to be seen for a long time.

In Darongshu Village, his life would not be in danger, he should have been tripped, Song Huan thought.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't return to the Song family until the moment of Shen Shi.

The matter of Tian Fu came to an end for the time being. Fu Yuanzhi's unyielding and guilty conscience failed to force him to take it back, and Fu Yuanzhi also turned their attention to the matter of clan fields.

As for now, he didn't enter the house immediately, but recalled what the patriarch said about his father's marriage for him.

He had never heard his father mention it.

On the marriage contract that Fu Tai took out, he carefully deciphered the handwriting on it. Although it was very similar, it was not his father's handwriting.

It is estimated that someone is playing tricks behind the scenes.

However, did Miss Song already know that she had a marriage contract?
Did Mrs. Sun tell her already?

Why didn't she ask herself?

is not it……

"Fu Yuanzhi, you're back? Why are you standing there? Hurry up and help!" Song Huan turned to see Fu Yuanzhi and shouted.

Fu Yuanzhi's thoughts were interrupted, and after sorting out his emotions, he went directly into the house to help.

The process of the Song family's New Year's Eve is still the same. After cooking the dishes with good meanings, worship the gods, worship the shrines, and then offer sacrifices to Song's father and mother.

There are many night watchmen this year, and none of the four will fall.

Fu Yuanzhi never had a chance to ask what he kept in his heart.

After the sound of cannons sounded from the foot of the mountain at Zishi, Adi made a fuss about firing the cannons, and dragged Yan Liu, who was not in a state of state, to the gate of the courtyard to toss and fire the cannons. After freeing up space, Fu Yuanzhi had the opportunity to ask questions. exit.

Song Huan nodded calmly, without taking his eyes off Adi, for fear that the kid would get hurt by playing crazy, "Ah, I already knew about this."

Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Miss Song's tone was so light and light, she didn't know if she was angry or not.

He had no way of guessing.

Fu Yuanzhi explained, "This marriage contract is fake. I have never heard my father mention it. Moreover, the handwriting of the marriage contract that the patriarch took out is not my father's."

Only then did Song Huan focus on Fu Yuanzhi, "I also guess it's fake."

Fu Yuanzhi, "???"

How did you guess that?
Fu Yuanzhi asked, "Have you also read that marriage contract?"

Fu Yuanzhi asked this because his father copied his previous books, so it is normal for Song Huan to recognize Fu Yuanzhi's father's handwriting.

Song Huan shook his head, and then told him what he found in the town.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't expect that he was hit by the green grass flying from the sky for no reason.

However, with Miss Song's words, his heart also settled down. In short, it's good that Miss Song didn't misunderstand.

Everything else will be fine.

outside gate
After setting off a few cannons, Yan Liu wanted to go back, but he was stopped by brother, who winked and said, "Big brother has something to say to sister, don't go in first."

Don't interfere with sister's good business.

Yan Liu, "..."

Have it?

Looking at Brother's pair of gossip-filled, shining eyes.

Well, then he will stay a little longer.

Brother thought that the big brother and sister would develop by leaps and bounds, but who knew that after a few months they would still be the same as before.

There is no progress after getting along for so long, then, could it be because Brother Yan can't wink?
Tsk, he has to teach those older than himself to look like this when he is a little kid.

Sigh, sister, brother has sacrificed a lot for you!
If Song Huan knew about brother's thoughts, he would slap him in the face, what kind of rubbish would his head be if he didn't learn well at a young age?
Your elder sister is born beautiful and hard to give up on. How can you, a younger brother, help me with such a trivial matter?
Then she would have spent so many years watching the bloody drama for nothing.

Study tour, time allocation can naturally be arranged freely by yourself.

On the seventh day of the seventh day, there was another heavy snowfall.

Song Huan wanted to use this first month to hunt more hares and pheasants. After smoked, they could be stored for a longer time. After all, not every place could hunt prey more easily and conveniently than here.

After all, there are ready-made traps here.

Saving a little is a little.

Adi withdrew his heart of being let go and returned to his study state. He would definitely do what he promised Ajie. He didn't want to let Ajie down.

And parents!

Yan Liuze and Song Huan went into the mountains together. He has a strong learning ability. Anyway, he doesn't want to study at home, and he can't help him. It's better to go hunting in the mountains with him. It can relieve Song Huan a lot of burden.

Moreover, Song Huan also learned a lot from Yan Liu, but he knows many plants that she doesn't know, and he also knows its curative effect, maybe he hasn't experienced it himself.

Song Huan listened very carefully, this was the respect she should have for Yan Liu, and it also indirectly made Yan Liu try to relax herself, so she didn't need to be in a tense state all the time.

Yan Liu is also working hard to change herself. During this period of time, some subtle changes can still be seen. Although the effect is not great, it is still a little bit of progress. Let's take it slowly.

The sixteenth day of the first lunar month is Fang Lao Tongsheng's birthday.

He invited a lot of friends and Fu Tai for this big event. Of course, the drunkard's intention was not to drink, this glass of wine was Fu Yuanzhi, and Fu Tai wanted to bring him.

Seeing this, Song Huan also planned to take the prey and go to town that day.

According to the development of the plot of dog blood, this is probably not a Hongmen banquet.

If Fu Yuanzhi was drunk to make their relationship real, then who cares about the authenticity of the marriage contract?That is, you have to marry if you don’t marry.

Fu Yuan's person is Shan Ligu, so she can rest assured that she will go with her.

Unexpectedly, she also had a day to protect her boyfriend's innocence?
Tsk tsk tsk, Fu Yuanzhi, you owe me too much.

Xishui Fangjia
Although Fang Lao Tongsheng is a child student, he runs a so-called private school. The enrollment rate is not high (basically none), and his income is not bad. Because he is a cultural person, the people he invites will give him more or less face.

Fang Laotong's original partner had passed away, he did not straighten his concubine, and his daughter was also a concubine, so it was inappropriate to come out to entertain guests.

For a moment it stumped him.

However, those people who were invited knew the situation of Mr. Fang's birth. In the end, only men from various families came, and none of the women came.

They just came to congratulate, not to send face to each other's feet.

This little concubine was so angry that she smashed a lot of good things.

But she also knows that today is a big event, and she can't act too rashly. If Fang Lao Tongsheng loses face, then her result will be obvious.

As long as that is done, she will naturally be able to straighten things up.

After suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, she took a deep breath and raised her usual smiling face, and sat down triumphantly.

Lan Huazhi raised the teacup, raised the corners of her lips, and hooked the fox's eyes.

I thought, be patient, it will be soon.

Fu Yuanzhi was dragged by Fu Tai and had to come. This was the result of Fu Yuanzhi taking advantage of the situation. In fact, he also wanted to see the situation himself.

According to Fu Tai, this old boy is still a friend of his father?
Then he has to see what this person is from.

Did the marriage contract in Fu Tai's hand come from this person?
Was it him who came up with this idea?
Did he make any deal with Mr. Fu?
Apart from starting with his marriage, is there any other place involved?

For example, Miss Song?

Mrs. Sun tried her best to impress Miss Song, did she have other considerations?

Fu Yuanzhi had too many questions in his mind, and he had to find out the answers one by one.

Fu Yuanzhi was sitting on the table, and Fu Tai was next to him.

When he raised his head too much to look at the opposite seat, a figure flashed past at the rear, his face was very familiar.

Fu Yuanzhi frowned, the time he saw was too short, and he couldn't remember even that moment.

Fu Yuanzhi kept Miss Song's words in mind, and he didn't eat the food during the banquet. When toasting, he only touched his lips and didn't drink it into his mouth.

Words of thanks:


Special thanks to Comrade 1382544553 for the monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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