After Song Huan dealt with the prey, he put the 410 five coins he got into his purse.

I passed by the bun shop and bought two meat buns.

When she reached Xishui Lane, she planned to climb over the wall and go in to check the situation, but the main entrance would definitely not work.

Song Huan walked around to the other side, and when she saw no one around, she stepped back a certain distance, and directly climbed over the top of the wall by stepping on the wall.

Song Huan stabilized his body, looked around, checked his position and confirmed his next landing.

At this time, Song Huan heard a small exclamation.

Song Huan's conditioned reflex lowered his lower body, and looked vigilantly towards the source of the sound, and saw a chubby man in rich white and tender clothes, sniffing his nose, with an O-shaped mouth, looking at Song Huan with big round eyes. Filled with wonder and admiration.

Song Huan took down the bun in his mouth, raised his eyebrows handsomely at the little fat man, and made a silent gesture.

Little Fatty also imitated Song Huan's movements.

Song Huan grinned silently, then jumped into Fang's yard.

Little Pangdun's mother just came out at this time, saw her son staring blankly at the wall, smiled helplessly, and hugged her son in her arms.

"It's cold outside, let's go in and warm up." The little chubby lady touched her son's cold face.

At this moment, the little fat pier stretched out his little fat finger and pointed to the wall, "Mother, sister Huihui (Feifei)."

Little Fatty's mother corrected her patiently, "My sister's name is Feifei, not Huihui."

Little Fatty is just at the age of learning to speak, and he also has a sister who is a few years older.

Little Fatty blinked his eyes and wanted to say, that's not what he meant.

However, the person is small and the ability to express is not enough.

She only kept going gray and gray, but her mother was Feifei Feifei who was full of patience.

Entering Fang's house, Song Huan looked at the layout.

It is similar to Liu's house, but much smaller than Liu's house. It is a two-entry courtyard that is forcibly separated.

There were not many servants in Laotongsheng's mansion, so Song Huan easily entered the backyard.

Song Huan stayed in the corner to check the situation first, and quickly determined the room of the youngest daughter of the Fang family.

Seeing the little concubine twisting her willow waist knocked on her daughter's room, the two of them said something in the room, and soon the little concubine waved a handkerchief, twisted her willow waist and left.

After confirming that there was no one there, Song Huan wanted to change to a better place to listen to the corner. At this time, another young woman dressed as a woman walked in again.

Song Huan retracted his body, looked at her side face, looked and looked suspiciously.

This person is very familiar.

Where did she meet?
While Song Huan was frowning and thinking, the woman also entered Miss Fang's room.

Song Huan didn't want to think about it anymore, and took advantage of the moment to change places quickly.

When Miss Fang saw the person coming, she called out in surprise, "Sister~"

The woman called elder sister patted her hand reassuringly, glanced at Miss Fang's attire, and asked in confusion, "Are you..."

Miss Fang sat down angrily, "My mother asked seduce that Juren."

The woman's eyes flashed, and she sighed, "You and my Guangfu are no longer destined."

Miss Fang said sadly when she thought of something, "It's all because of Dad..."

If the father knows that he likes the servant of the family and conceives for him, he will probably kill him.

The woman patted Miss Fang's hand, "It's nothing, you may become Mrs. Gaoming after you marry that son, and it's not all bad.

It's just, I'm sorry for Guangfu... He has a deep love for you... This fate was cut off like this. "

Miss Fang grabbed the woman tightly with her backhand, "I, I don't care about Madam, I just want to be with Wu Lang! Sister, you have to believe me, I am sincere to Wu Lang, and he hasn't come to me these days Oh, he, is he mad at me..."

There is no one in the world who is more considerate, more loving and better than Wu Lang to her...

The woman grabbed Miss Fang's hand, her eyes seemed to have whirlpools, she and Miss Fang looked at each other, and asked in a bewitching voice, "Are you really reluctant to part with Guangfu?"

Miss Fang looked at Madam with teary fox eyes, then nodded seriously, her voice trembling slightly, "Sister..."

The woman's voice became calm again, "It's not impossible, if you marry that Juren, it won't affect your relationship with Guangfu..."

Ms. Fang was surprised and couldn't believe it, "Is this really possible?"

The woman nodded, "It's just that I'm afraid I have to persuade Guangfu..."

Miss Fang wiped away her tears, "Well, how can I persuade you? Even if he doesn't come to me, it won't help me to think about it..."

The woman reassured, "We are sisters, how can I sit idly by? You are in love with each other, and your two hearts are bonded together. If it hadn't happened to you, how could you not be a married couple with deep love! "

Miss Fang felt even more sad when she heard the woman's words.

Ms. Fang may still not be able to accept being with Wu Lang secretly like this, which will make their beautiful love unbearable. After thinking about it, she still hesitates.

Seeing this, the woman started from another angle and said, "Your third brother is already weaker than your elder brother. If you can marry that Juren, your third brother will be able to turn the tide against the wind. How can you not worry about overwhelming the elder brother? "

Seeing that Miss Fang was agitated, the woman continued to add anger, "In this way, your father will have to pay attention to your mother, or he can help your mother upright for the sake of others. The main house is out?!"

Miss Fang was distracted by the woman's persuasion.

Doesn't she care most about her status as a descendant?

If the mother helped her upright, she would be an upright wife, and the third brother would also have the confidence to compete with the eldest brother!

The two then continued to refine these plans.

This scene and this dialogue made Song Huan surprised.

It turns out that love and flesh can be separated in this way.

Clever words are like a spring, and the face is thick! !


Still in the home of this kind of scholar.

Fang's Front Yard
Fu Yuanzhi watched Fu Tai drink the wine in one gulp, and then looked away.

After drinking for three rounds, Fu Yuanzhi pretended to be drunk, Fu Tai and Fang Laotong glanced at each other, Fu Tai sent Fu Yuanzhi to rest first on the excuse, and with the help of a servant, he went into the backyard in such a bloody way, He entered Miss Fang's room in a bloody manner.

After confirming that there is no problem, Fu Tai was about to go back to the front yard. He felt a little dizzy and his body was hot. He thought it might be because he drank too much alcohol. He wanted to go to the corner to rest but was firmly restrained by a hand, and he couldn't see clearly. , the back of the neck hurts, and the person fell to the ground without consciousness.

Song Huan clapped her hands, and the old man couldn't help hitting, she was afraid of killing him.

Song Huan picked up the person and went into Miss Fang's room. At this moment, Fu Yuanzhi was still drunk. He was stepping on the window frame with his right foot and was about to go out through the window. He just froze when he heard the movement.

Fu Yuanzhi turned his head Kakaka as if slowing down, and met Song Huan's eyes unexpectedly.

The air froze for a moment.

Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Should the foot be retracted, or should it not be retracted?
Isn't this very, wretched?
Song Huan looked away and raised Fu Tai in his hand, "What should I do with this person?"

Fu Yuanzhi coughed, retracted his feet, and flicked off the non-existent dust on the hem of the jersey, "Just put it there."

Fu Yuanzhi pointed to Miss Fang's bed.

Song Huan nodded, and obediently threw it on the bed. She paused when she wanted to leave, but turned her head to stare at the innermost quilt. She pulled it over and covered Fu Tai, leaving a hole in her body Mouth, as long as he can breathe without being suffocated.

Song Huan heard the movement from outside the door, ran towards Fu Yuanzhi quickly, put his arms around his waist, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them were outside the house, and the moment they closed the window, they heard the door open from inside the room the sound of.

Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

How handsome Miss Song's actions are, how wretched he was just now...

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