Ms. Fang who entered the room looked at the tightly covered person, she didn't even have the desire to lift it to see, she just lay on the outside, and fell asleep unconsciously.

In the silent room, only the other side of the bead curtain is the smoke from the furnace.

Fu Yuanzhi outside the door shook his head, feeling sleepy, shook his head, and leaned on the wall with one hand.

Song Huan noticed something was wrong, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Fu Yuanzhi waved his hand, "Nothing, just a little sleepy."

Song Huan looked up at the sky, do you want to sleep at this point?

I am not tired of reading and writing on weekdays.

Song Huan helped him to sit in the corner, Fu Yuan leaned his head against the wall, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Song Huan looked at the sky boredly, counting the plum blossoms in the corner.

I don't know how long it took.

An exclamation spread throughout the backyard.

Fu Yuanzhi was woken up by this sound.

Just as he was about to speak out, Song Huan covered his mouth.

Song Huan pointed to the inside of the room, and Fu Yuanzhi finally came to his senses, remembering their current situation.

Seeing Fu Yuanzhi nodding, Song Huan let go.

The owner of the scream inside should be Fang Lao Tongsheng's concubine.

When Song Huan listened to the follow-up, there was no concubine's voice, only a rustling sound.

When the voice stopped, Old Tongsheng Fang just arrived.

Inside, the concubine has already helped the girl who has not woken up to dress.

The quilt on Fu Tai's body on the other side of the bed was lifted at some point, revealing his wrinkled and ugly face. He was still in a coma, his face was flushed, and the clothes on his body were torn apart by him, making it a mess. , and his special parts are still standing firm under the hem of his clothes.

Seeing this scene, the old Tongsheng's blood pressure soared, and he almost fainted.

How is this?
Where is Fu Boyan's son!

Song Huan looked into the room through the gap in the window lattice, and before he could take a closer look, he was covered by Fu Yuanzhi's cool hand, covering the scene in front of him.

Fu Yuanzhi's steaming voice came from next to his ear, "Let's go, you wait for me at Taiping Restaurant, and I will go find you right away."

Song Huan didn't know that his ears had turned red, he just ignored the abnormal heartbeat, secretly thought it was a pity, and then the two retreated quietly.

Song Huan didn't know exactly how it was resolved that day. He only knew that the incident was not a big deal. It is estimated that only the parties and participants knew the situation.

Since Fu Tai came back that day, he said he couldn't get sick.

Later, Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi analyzed the situation that day, and guessed that the wine given to Fu Yuanzhi should be an aphrodisiac.

After all, Fu Yuanzhi covered Song Huan's eyes after seeing the scene inside.

Fortunately, Fu Yuanzhi calmly changed the wine, and let Fu Tai drink it by the way.

At that time he didn't know what was in it.

But Fu Yuan felt very sleepy afterwards, and it was not a physical problem.

It can be deduced from that scream.

The sound didn't wake up the two people inside, so it's very likely that there was something like a drug in the room.

But there is still a question, since it was the Fang family's game, why did the drugs appear again?

Wouldn't it be superfluous?
Double insurance is not the way to go.

One aphrodisiac, one drugged.

It doesn't look like they complement each other.

Is there anyone else involved in this?

Fu Tai did not have anything to do with Miss Fang. After learning the details, his face turned black and he trembled with anger!

He is naturally familiar with the special strangeness in his body.

The glass of wine didn't enter Fu Yuanzhi's mouth, but was drank by himself instead.

It's a shame and shame that he was tricked by a junior at his age!What a shame!
Since this method has been seen through by Fu Yuanzhi, it can only be done directly!

Three days later, Fang Lao Tongsheng came to Darongshu Village, and his two sons and Miss Fang were among the people who came.

Fang Lao Tongsheng went directly to Huaishu Fu's house.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Fang Lao Tongsheng and Huaishu Fu's family is really complicated.

In the beginning, the relationship between Fang Lao Tongsheng and the Fu family was just that of Fu Boyan's friends.

Later, with Fang Laotong's original sister, that is, Pan married Fu Bo'an's elder brother (Fu Yu'an), and became a cousin relationship.

Fang Laotong was born Pan's brother-in-law.

Fang Lao Tongsheng went directly to Fu Yu'an and asked him to accept Fu Yuanzhi's behalf, fulfilling his promise to marry the family.

Fu Yu'an was an honest and dull middle-aged man, who seemed out of place among the entire Huaishu Fu family.

He was dressed in ordinary clothes, and he didn't change his clothes just because Fu Xuelin became a Juren, in order to enjoy himself.

His hands are rough and calloused, and his skin has become whiter due to the winter, but overall he looks like an ordinary farmer.

Although the years are not forgiving, it can be seen from the outline that Fu Yu'an was also a good-looking man when he was young.

Fu Yu'an only listened to Fang Lao Tongsheng's words, and said directly, "This is strange. To fulfill the marriage contract, you have to find Chuanlin. My family only has Xuelin."

Fang Laotong looked at Pan Shi, a trace of playfulness flashed across his eyes, Pan pretended not to see it.

Old Tongsheng Fang said directly, "His parents are not here, and brother-in-law, you are his blood relative, so of course it's up to you to decide."

Fu Yu'an forced a smile to himself, "In his heart now, I'm afraid I'm not the person he hates the most."

Pan glanced at the man who hadn't looked at her from the beginning to the end, and said to Old Tong Fang, "It still depends on the opinion of the clan."

Fang Laotong was amazed, "It's different to be a juren. Although you are close relatives and elders, you don't even dare to interfere too much with your parents' orders."

Fang Laotong almost directly said that Fu Yu'an was worthless.

What's the use of a junior who can't control his marriage?

Fu Taijia

Fu Tai supported his sick face and asked his son to find several clan elders and call them home.

Everyone agreed that Fu Yuanzhi must fulfill the promise according to the marriage contract left by his father, so they sent someone to Liang Fucai's house to call Fu Yuanzhi back.

Clan Laojia was so bullied by Fu Yuanzhi last time that he didn't want to see him, and he didn't want to speak today either.

Clan boss C is used to being a peacemaker, so he directly broke the silence and said the matter, "After all, it was ordered by your father when he was still alive. It was the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. You still have to keep the promise, otherwise, I'm afraid It will be unfilial by the number of people."

Several other clan elders also echoed, and one of them said, "Yes, you are too old and young, you can't stop getting married just because you say you want to concentrate on scientific research, there are three unfilial acts, and having no offspring is the greatest!"

"Besides, after marrying a daughter-in-law, someone can help take care of the trivial matters at home. Wouldn't it be great for you to be able to concentrate on the imperial examination?"

Fu Yuanzhi said indifferently, "Home? Do I have one?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent.

One of the clan elders reacted, "Shouldn't we just be with your uncle?"

Fu Yuanzhi said, "That's not the case anymore."

My grandfather was still alive when my father passed away.

Parents are not separated.

Where does he have a home now?

Clan boss B said, "In this case, let the patriarch find Lizheng to divide another piece of land, just to build a house for you. Now that your status is different, it is just right to build a yard with two entrances."

Fu Yuanzhi refused, "I think the school is very good, I have lived there since I was a child."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Tai immediately coughed, and he looked a little creepy with dark bags under his eyes.

Patriarch Jia slammed his cane hard, "That's a school! It's not a place where you can make a home."

"Whether I can be a family is up to me, so my father gave up the school to the clan?" Fu Yuanzhi asked.

"I remember that my father's name was written on the deed. Could it be that the third grandfather took it to the county government for a new record?"

Fu Tai seemed to be coughing his lungs out, but he didn't take Fu Yuanzhi's words.

The others didn't dare to speak when they saw this.

Seeing this, Fu Yu'an ignored the resistance on his elbow, stood up and said, "The deed has Bo'an's name written on it, third uncle should take it out."

Fu Tai never imagined, how could a good urging marriage turn into a urging house?
Fu Tai was held up and couldn't get off the stage, so he could only ask his son to go to his room to take out the deed from the box.

Clan boss C said awkwardly, "Isn't this about marriage? Why did it involve the house again?"

"How can I take care of my daughter-in-law if I don't have a home? How can I get married? How can I take the imperial examination with peace of mind? Right?" Fu Yuanzhi looked at the clan elder who had just said this to him, and returned exactly what he had said to him.

Clan elder, "..."

"But, this is a school! The clan opened a school this year! Take it back, where will the children of the clan go to study!"

Fu Yuanzhi said calmly, "Looking for the land, I think the output of the family farm these years, with the contribution of each household, is enough to build a bigger and brighter school than my father's."

"...Oh, by the way, are the books my father left in the school still there? Third Grandpa, remember to return them to me together with the house. I will donate a few books to the clan after I sort it out. A little bit of thought from the family."

Words of thanks:

Special thanks to Anitaqing and book friend 20180807162902882 for their monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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