Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 116 Confrontation

Fu Tai really wasn't just pretending to cough this time, pointing at Fu Yuanzhi with trembling hands, he couldn't utter a word.

This little brat!

Should have let him...

Fu Yuanzhi looked back at Fu Tai indifferently.

He didn't have to humble himself to get back what belonged to him.

These people are not worthy.

When Fu Tai felt that he couldn't catch his breath, he glanced at Old Tongsheng Fang from the corner of his eye, and suddenly he came to his senses after thinking of something. I’m afraid you won’t be able to manage it, so the clan will keep it for you, and now it’s really time to return it to the original owner.”

Fu Yuanzhi took the deed and key from Fu Tai and asked casually, "Where's the book?"

Fu Tai's son said, "The books are all in the school."

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, looking at the word "Fu Boyan" on the document, felt a sense of loss in his heart, and immediately put it close to his body.

Seeing this, Fu Tai said again, "Now that these have been dealt with, it's time to talk about your marriage.

It is reasonable for us old people to make decisions about your marriage, but since they have already approached you and your parents are dead, we can't just sit idly by, so we should be a witness for your father, this marriage..."

Fu Yuanzhi interrupted, "How do you know if this marriage is true or not? Didn't you confirm a thing or two before you came?"

Several clan elders who didn't know the inside story all looked at Old Fang Tongsheng.

They just heard Fu Tai say yes, so it must be there.

Moreover, the other party is not a poor family, but a child.

Before the two brothers of Huaishu Fu's family failed to pass the exam, they were the ones they looked up to.

How could they, a group of people who planed food in the fields, suspect that the marriage contract was faked?
Fang Laotong stroked his beard and said, "This marriage contract is the proof."

Fu Tai looked at Old Tong Fang and said, "No certificate?"

Old Fang Fang didn't answer, and said, "Your father wrote it to me at the beginning."

Fu Yuanzhi stepped forward, "May I take a closer look?"

Fang Laotong laughed, "You child, can this be false?"

Fu Yuanzhi just smiled and said nothing.

Fang Laotong couldn't keep his smile, and immediately put the marriage contract on the table.

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Fu Tai again, "Third Grandpa, where's your share?"

Fu Tai motioned for his son to pass it over.

Comparing the two pictures, if Song Huan was there, he would definitely say that this is just a photocopy, exactly the same, not bad at all.

Fu Yuanzhi looked at it for a long time, Fang Laotong thought it was a foregone conclusion, Cheng Zhu said in his chest, "Does Yuanzhi have any doubts?"

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "I have doubts."

Fang Laotong chuckled, "Oh? You can tell me so that everyone can clear up your doubts."

Fu Yuanzhi nodded.

He also took out a marriage contract from his pocket, showed it, and said, "I also have a marriage contract here, I don't know which one is real and which one is fake?"

Fang Lao Tongsheng sat up straight in an instant, and subconsciously looked at Pan who was beside Fu Yu'an.

Pan also had a surprised look of "how is that possible".

Fang Laotong frowned, and then forced himself to calm down again, "Well, brother Bo'an has arranged two marriages for you in advance?"

"Both are for marriage. I don't know if Mr. Fang knows that my father wants me to marry two wives?" Fu Yuanzhi asked doubtfully.

Old Fang Tongsheng, "..."

"Can you let my old man take a look."

Mr. Fang took the marriage contract and looked at it, his back stiffened.

He knows Fu Yuanzhi's handwriting, and this is Fu Boyan's real handwriting. As long as the two contracts are compared carefully, his one will not be authentic!
What he imitated was only the skin, and did not reveal the "bone" of the powerful strokes.

Fang Laotong gritted his teeth secretly, Pan, this useless woman and child, didn't even find out whether there was any news about marriage.

Now, he lost face ten miles away!

Seeing this, Pan frowned slightly, she didn't expect that Bo An actually got engaged to another family.

Naturally, Fang Laotong didn't want Fu Yuanzhi to say the words of comparing Fu Bo'an's handwriting, so he sighed and said, "Unexpectedly, Bo'an is worried about you, boy, since your father and I are good friends, I won't say more. What, since there are two marriage contracts, they should be equal wives to each other."

If someone who knew Fang Lao Tongsheng was present, they would know that this story was false.

According to his past temperament, how could he agree to his daughter as a flat wife? Does he look down on his daughter or the Fang family?
There must be something tricky about this.

The elders of the clan are old and mature, so they naturally know that there is a problem.

Seeing this, Fu Tai agreed, "That's fine."

No matter what, Fu Yuanzhi must marry Fang Xianyu.

Fang Xianyu, who was behind Fang Laotong, had never taken his eyes off Fu Yuanzhi since he saw him.

She didn't expect that this Juren was not only an old man, but also a handsome and promising young man.

Now that she heard that her marriage with him was a certainty, she felt a little joy in her heart. How could she still remember that there was Wu Lang at home that she had wanted to marry before?

Fang Xianyu felt Fu Yuanzhi's gaze on her, bowed her head and blushed shyly.

Fu Yuanzhi looked away indifferently, "I will not marry Miss Fang, that marriage contract is fake."

All the redness on Fang Xianyu's face faded, leaving only paleness.

Fang Xianyu's own brother came out and said arrogantly, "If you say it's fake, it's fake? I still say yours is fake!"

It was too late for Fang Laotong to give up on his third son.

What a teammate like a pig!

No, a son like a pig!

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "Since Mr. Fang also doubts the contract in my hand, then just take out the book copied by my father and compare the handwriting."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the room.

No one moved, and everyone knew that if there was a real comparison, the result would definitely not be what they wanted.

Fu Yuanzhi sneered, got up and said, "Since everyone is not going to take it, it happens that I still have it."

Fang Laotong slapped the table and got up, angrily said, "Fu Yuanzhi! Don't deceive me too much! This is your father who took the initiative to talk to me. What are you trying to do! Want to ignore the relationship between you and my family?! Want to disobey your father? decision?! You are unfilial!"

Fu Yuanzhi was not distracted by him, and said calmly, "First prove whether this marriage contract is true or not, and then it's not too late to say whether I am filial or not."

Seeing this, what else could Fang Laotong say, but he was at a loss for words for a while, and the situation was deadlocked.

At this moment, Mrs. Pan stood up and said, "Everyone knows that Xianyu has been engaged to you since childhood, and now she is not married again. It's not good for her reputation as a little girl, how about..."

Fu Yuanzhi set his sights on Pan, who he saw for the first time in the past few years, she was such a kind-hearted woman.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't answer these words, but was picked up by a female voice from outside, "If he is held responsible for this, then the world will be in chaos.

According to what you said, is it because some daughter Xuanyang and Fu Xuelin have been engaged since she was a child, so she can marry Fu Xuelin? "

Pan looked at Song Huan who came in, and tightened her hands, "This is a matter of the Fu family, maybe it's inappropriate for Miss Song to come here?"

Song Huan pulled out the deed from Fu Yuanzhi's hand, and pointed out the name on it, "The other name written on this deed is me, and I can be regarded as his unmarried wife, do you think it is suitable? "

Song Huan looked at Mrs. Sun, who had lost his face after seeing him, and smiled brightly, "Oh, my aunt has been exhausted all this time, right? I never thought that the elders would find such a good marriage for me What! If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have bothered Auntie, Auntie wasn’t blamed by her natal relatives, right?”

Sun, "...!"

If you really don't want to see something, something will come!

Fang Lao Tongsheng looked at this man and woman, and snorted coldly, "You want such a woman? I don't know how many times stronger Xianyu is than her."

Song Huan, "..."

I'm so overwhelmed.

Say who is "such a woman"? ! ! !

Special thanks to Comrade Hao Ning for the reward and support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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