rewind time
April tenth
When Song Huan was hiding in Qingfengzhai, he found two people.

A woman in her thirties, and a boy who looked about six years old.

The place where the two stayed was a very inconspicuous corner in the cave.

There is only thick dry grass on the ground, and some rags for heating.

This place is where the bandits used to imprison women and children.

Because of the perennial confinement, the woman's eyes were empty and her expression was numb. She spent year after year like this.

The boy seemed so ignorant of everything that happened here.

From his birth to the present, his daily life is to stay in this dark place.

Everything that happened here was the most normal thing for him.

He has never seen the flowers and trees outside, the blue sky and white clouds, and he has not seen too much beauty.

Here, he can only be honest and obedient, only then they will be in a good mood and will give him food.

That way he won't be hungry.

His world is like a blank sheet of paper, he doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.

He only knows that he has something to eat, and he is satisfied.

Song Huan also found out that the woman in the corner who seemed to be dumbfounded was old man Zeng's granddaughter, Zeng Taohua.

Song Huan immediately recognized the red mole on the tiger's mouth.

Maybe she was the only one left, and the bandits tacitly agreed not to let her die.

Song Huan also found Tuohua beside Zeng Taohua.

She noticed that Zeng Taohua would often chew the plant, and after chewing, she would soon fall into a deep sleep, much like the markers after they fell asleep.

That's why Yan Liu went to Nancheng to ask about medicinal materials.

When Yan Liu went to Nancheng, Song Huan and Guo Yunsheng also discovered Xu Shusheng's collusion with the government.

This has the distance meter behind.

Xu Shusheng found the jade pendant of the magistrate of Nancheng in Sandang's house.

San Dang was illiterate, and letters could not be used as "evidence" that he had contacted Mancheng county magistrate, so Song Huan sneaked into the mansion in the middle of the night and took a jade pendant.

This piece of jade pendant was also placed by Song Huan in the house of the third family, and by chance, Xu Shusheng saw it.

Then they can wait their turn.

Seeing the internal strife in Qingfeng village, weakening his own strength.

They prayed for the cicada, and the oriole followed.

A quarter of an hour after Song Huan returned to the team, Qingfeng Village was on fire.

The bidders also stopped and looked back at the scene.

Although Song Huan has only been with everyone for more than a month, he has a basic understanding of everyone's personality.

What they look like now is very different from what they used to be.

Now they even omitted the word "Ha Wu", and their spirits were greatly reduced.

Uncle Xu and Uncle Liu didn't expect to meet Song Huan and get her rescue, they were very moved.

Especially Uncle Liu, who had a child of his own, and his feelings were very open, and his nose and tears flowed out.

He said that he almost thought he would never see his wife and children, and his son was still waiting for his father to send him to school!
Uncle Xu's eyes were red. Although he had no relatives and no reason, and was alone, it was true that Song Huan could do this and it made him feel soft.

Really, I really didn't expect it!
It's unbelievable that a girl like her has the guts to kill more than 100 people with Biaotou.

As for the other bidders, handymen, and trippers, everyone was silent for a long time.

Many of their companions, friends, and even relatives have already died here, and there is no way to go back with them.

And similarly, Wang Dayu was also silent.

He looked into the distance with a complicated expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

He carefully recalled the day before departure.

It seems that there is some detail that he missed.
Back to the village.

Although most of the people in Qingfeng Village are sleeping, in that environment and situation, no one can really relax their body and spirit and have a good rest.

The team is going to rest in this village for one night, and then set off for their destination - Jian'an County the next day.

When the team returned to the village, old man Zeng also reunited with his granddaughter.

Zeng Taohua looked at old man Zeng dumbly.

As if they didn't know him.

But she listened to old man Zeng very much.

It's as if the mind can't remember clearly, but the body still has the memory.

Old man Zeng never expected that after seven years, his cheerful and lively granddaughter would turn into this appearance.

However, fortunately in misfortune, the man is still alive.

It's good to be alive!

The boy is most familiar with only Zeng Taohua, wherever Zeng Taohua goes, he will naturally follow.

No one knows the origin of the boy, it may be Zeng Taohua's child, or it may be the child of other women and children.

Old man Zeng looked at his granddaughter with tears in his eyes, and he didn't say much to the boy beside him.

At the beginning, he was able to bring the third child who had no blood relationship with him, and raise this boy who might be his great-grandson. He didn't have any idea.

It's just that I feel extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and there is also a trace of hatred, hating the other blood in his body.

It's just that he has reached this age and he doesn't have many days to live. If he is brought up well, he may be able to take good care of his granddaughter and third child.

The matter in Qingfeng Village has come to an end.

There is nothing left in this village.

The next day, Song Huan and the others also set off with the standard team and left the deserted village.

Sanwazi led the boy by the side of the road and watched them go away.

His eyes were full of reluctance.

Sanwazi clenched the slingshot in his hand, this is what brother made with him during this time and left it to him.

It was the best present he had received in a long time.


Song Huan saw a lot during the few days of lurking.

Among them is the perverted behavior of the man with the scar.

And the man with the scar happened to fall into Song Huan's hands again, and Song Huan vented all the sulking anger accumulated before on him.

The behavior of that beast is simply heinous.

Being a beast in reincarnation cannot make up for it.

Human life is nothing in their eyes, they play with it recklessly, without any bottom line, for them, such a cruel behavior is actually used as entertainment?

Song Huan only felt a pain in his chest.

When she saw the man with the scar, she didn't realize that she had a moment of surprise.

Those people were all in a coma, and making up the knife directly was like dying in a dream. There was no pain, no pain, no torture, no fear, and the death was too happy to be discouraged at all.

But the man with the scar is different, his mind is sober, and every counterattack from her can make him feel the torture that directly hits the soul.

That's why she was able to solve him with five moves, but it took more than ten moves.

The tricks made him feel as if he would die in the next breath, but he barely avoided it, so he repeatedly hovered on the edge of death.

But she still felt that his death was too painful, and she cut his throat with a sword.

If she wasn't mad enough, she would have fed those people to the wolves.

Qingfengzhai is simply hell.

People don't know how to write transactions, but they understand how to trade.

While making people feel distressed and pity, they also hate those bandits.

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