Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 137 Nancheng, the Treasurer

The team had to go through Nancheng to go to Jian'an County.

Enter from the west gate of the south city and exit from the east gate.

When the team stopped in Nancheng to replenish supplies, the shopkeeper of the branch under the Wang family came to find them.

He was accompanied by Zhang Aniu and a doctor.

Zhang Aniu's injury is almost healed, and the wound has scabbed over, so it's okay if he wants to keep going.

This is the case for the migrant worker, who has already arrived in Nancheng, and will arrive in Jian'an County in a few days, and his salary will be paid.

In this way, it is not a waste of running this trip and receiving this injury for nothing.

He can't give up halfway, can he?

The shopkeeper is an old man with gray temples and a white beard.

He can be regarded as watching the eldest son Wang grow up, and he returned to Nancheng to reunite with his family six years ago.

He came up with a lot of concern, talking about losing weight, haggard, injured, etc., and kept talking about letting the doctor take a look.

Hearing this, the doctor at the side also stepped forward to feel Wang Dayu's pulse, "There is no color on his face, and his blood is deficient."

And a little too frightened.

The doctor prescribed some calming tea and some prescriptions for nourishing qi and blood.

Wang Dayu, "..."

During the time in Qingfengzhai, Wang Dayu lost a lot of weight.

His originally chubby figure has also become thin and tall. Coupled with his fair and delicate skin, his face is pale, and his blood has not yet recovered. He looks like a sick and beautiful boy.

The reason why the shopkeeper knew that the eldest son was in danger was because Zhang Aniu asked Yan Liu to find him.

Wang Dayu was kidnapped, and Qingfengzhai needed someone to inform the Wang family, but they didn't expect that the handyman who deliberately let go was timid, and he disappeared, let alone looking for the shopkeeper of the Wang family.

They waited for the news for a long time and couldn't respond, but because of the jade pendant, Xu Shusheng was distracted, so he naturally ignored what was wrong.

The shopkeeper got the news from Yan Liu.

He immediately sent a letter back to the Wang family.

Now, I don't know if the master has got the news. Now that the young master has been rescued safely, he has to send another letter to prevent the master from worrying too much.

The shopkeeper was worried, and wanted to know about his young master's situation, so he followed Yan Liu back to the village without even thinking about it.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi was having a headache, and the appearance of the shopkeeper just solved the urgent need.

They had to let Xu Shusheng discover the "evidence" and make him want to kill.

Not only must there be a killing intent, but Xu Shusheng must also be provided with the conditions to do it.

Before he could react to the subtle flaws in it, he had to cut through the mess quickly.

If there were no suitable conditions, they would have to passively wait for Xu Shusheng to get his hands on it, and they didn't know how long they would have to wait.

Even if they can wait, the bidders inside may not be able to wait.

In this way, the opportunities they provide are important, and the initiative of the process is also in their hands.

In this way, they can solve the drug properties for the bidders and ensure the safety of the bidders.

And that batch of wine was the result of their discussions with the shopkeeper.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in this world.

Nancheng didn't stay for too long, and the team set off again after an hour.

At this time, in the opposite direction to the standard team, one person and one fast horse were quietly leaving Nancheng and rushing towards Yangjiang Mansion.

Nancheng County Government
The county magistrate of Nancheng is a refined and elegant middle-aged man with a tall figure.

He stood under the window lattice and looked at the scenery in the courtyard, his eyes were like a deep pool.

Not far behind him, a man knelt down on the ground, his head bowed, not daring to speak.

after a long time

The county magistrate of Nancheng said, "Send someone back to investigate, and there is nothing missing."

Xu Er is a cautious person, and likes to keep his hand in everything, if there is anything that has not been cleaned up, he has to take advantage of it now.

The man bowed his head and said yes.

When he was about to step out of the room, the magistrate of Nancheng asked again, "Is there anything unusual about that standard team?"

The man lowered his head and replied, "No discovery yet."

The magistrate of Nancheng County moved his hand.

In the end, he was still afraid of fraud, so he said directly, "Bring the entire Zeng family back for interrogation."

He wanted to confirm whether Qingfengzhai's destruction was a coincidence or premeditated.

It would be best if it was a coincidence.

If it was premeditated, then what the enemy wants from Qingfeng Village is nothing more than the amount of money that Qingfeng Village has accumulated in the past few years.

If Xu Shusheng didn't leave a ledger, he wouldn't be afraid, if he did!

The magistrate of Nancheng clenched his fists.

Things happened too fast and in a hurry, and he didn't figure out many things himself.


Inexplicably, there was a lack of a way to get money. Not only did he have to open it up again, but he also had to explain it to his superiors.

And his jade pendant, it seems that it is necessary to check the talents in the mansion.


With Song Huan and four more on the itinerary, Wang Dayu would not stay in the standard line.

Wang Dayu asked people to drive the cart to the rear of the team, next to Song Huan's mule cart.

He looked at the cute little bird in brother's hand curiously.

Today's little bird is no longer as embarrassed as it was before.

Its body is black, its eyes are green, and its feathers are as fluffy as a ball.

It holds its head high and its chest high, its eyes are particularly bright.

From time to time, he leaned close to Brother's finger, shaking his head and grinding its beak.

It seemed to be aware of Wang Dayu's gaze, looked at Wang Dayu, opened its mouth and barked a few times, which was crisp and melodious, mellow and loud.

"This bird is not bad, where did it come from?" Wang Dayu said curiously.

Adi proudly plucked the bird's feathers, "I picked it up! I saved it, and it won't go away."

After its injury healed, he and Sanwazi went to the forest to release it, but unexpectedly, it flew back again, clutching Brother's clothes tightly, as if unwilling to leave.

Seeing that the little bird did not resist, Wang Dayu responded by rubbing against Adi's hand.

Tsk, itchy hands.

Wang Dayu came to him and said, "Touch me."

Adi didn't pass the bird over immediately, but said first, "If someone you don't know touches it, it will peck people."

Wang Dayu looked at the little ball bird that could be crushed to death with a single slap, and said disapprovingly, "It's okay, how can I be bullied by it at my age?"

Adi shrugged, he explained first, if Brother Wang doesn't listen, then he can only let his seeing be believing.

The little bird stood on Brother's index finger, and it saw Brother send itself in front of a stranger.

The little bird first tilted his head in doubt, blinking his green eyes, fully demonstrating the word ignorance.

When it found that a huge palm was about to touch itself, it immediately spread its wings and flew up.

The voice was not as mellow as before, chattering, as if cursing.

Wang Dayu didn't believe in evil, so he reached out to fish for it.

The little bird dodged and stopped in the air. Seeing the other party's reluctance, two raging fires burst out of its green eyes.

It swooped down and quickly pecked a red mark on Wang Dayu's palm.

Immediately he flew back into the air, chattering at Wang Dayu.

Humans, don't offend this bird!
Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!
The little bird called out to the air again with a gentle and long voice, and the raging anger in its eyes was finally extinguished.

It flew to Brother's right shoulder without looking back, snuggled up to Brother's hair, squatted down, and rubbed against Brother's neck with its small head.

Adi looked at Wang Dayu with a complacent expression, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

See, I just said it pecks.

You still don't believe it!

Wang Dayu snorted, opened the folding fan with a "snap", "If you don't touch it, don't touch it! Who cares!"



Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Just a bird, really unnecessary.

Words of thanks:

Special thanks to Comrade Lei Ting from Paradise for the monthly ticket support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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