Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 162 Jincheng

Song Huan and others left.

But Hua Fu and Zou Yueqin didn't know about her existence.

This indirectly led to the deepening of the conflict between Hua Fu and Zou Yueqin.

When Hua Fu entered Zou's house, the two of them didn't know what big commotion would happen.

I'm afraid that before the Zou family actually went to the "battlefield", the fire in the backyard would burn half of the combat power.

As for Mei Qingqing, although she is engaged to Shi Youping, she is not married yet.

Isn't Huafu an example?
It was impossible for Zou Yueqin to just let it go.

Whether Mei Qingqing can take precautions is another story.

The struggle between the four major tea merchants has just begun.

five days later

Song Huan and others arrived at the border of Jincheng.

The sun is scorching hot, the heat waves are rolling, like in a steamer, the sun curls up the leaves.

Cicada chattered non-stop, adding a layer of irritability to the sweltering weather.

Song Huan and the others went directly into the tea shed not far away to rest.

When Xiaoer brought the tea, he asked too much, "You four are going to Jincheng?"

Song Huan looked at Fu Yuanzhi, and Fu Yuanzhi said, "No."

Xiaoer said again, "Are you going to pass through Jincheng?"

Fu Yuanzhi put down the teapot, nodded and said, "Is there any news for the little brother?"

Xiao Er chuckled, "This news is about your lives, but..."

Seeing this, Fu Yuanzhi politely took out five copper coins, and still had five copper coins in his hand.

Xiaoer grinned, and directly pulled the Wuwen cross on the table into the palm of his hand, and then said, "You can't enter this Jincheng, and now it's time to pay taxes, and Jincheng is in a mess!"

Fu Yuanzhi raised his eyebrows and said, "How can there be chaos in paying taxes?"

Xiaoer counted the copper coins, put them in his pocket, and said, "Jincheng is different from other cities, which only collect common land tax, poll tax, industrial and commercial tax, salt tax, mining tax, tea tax, wine and vinegar tax, etc. , and Jincheng also has more driving tax, road occupation tax, residential goods tax, etc. "

"For a big car like yours, you have to pay a lot of traffic tax!"

Hearing what he said, Fu Yuanzhi asked, "Where did the word 'chaotic' come from?"

Xiao Er sighed, "This is inseparable from taxes! Jincheng county magistrate sent tax envoys to collect taxes, and took the opportunity to levy heavy taxes on the people. I heard that those loom households have to collect three hundred cash for a loom, and a piece of yarn. You have to collect [-] Wen, and more silk and satin, you get [-] Wen."

Xiao Er showed five fingers with an exaggerated expression.

What's the difference between this and a robber? !
Fu Yuanzhi frowned, "This Jincheng belongs to Xindu County, so the governor of Xindu County doesn't care?"

Xiao Er curled her lips and shook her head, "How do we, the common people, know about the above things?"

At this time, Adi asked, "Is it the same in Jincheng in the past?"

Xiao Er shook his head, "Where is it possible, it was only after this county magistrate took office."

Adi asked again, "Then how long has this county magistrate been in office?"

Xiao Er replied, "This is the second year."

Xiao Er sighed, "I hope the big guy can survive this change of county magistrate, and life will be fine."

The jackal is gone, but I don't know if the successor is a tiger or a leopard.

Fu Yuanzhi saw that the topic was getting far away, and asked again, "The second brother hasn't said how messed up it is?"

Xiaoer laughed, "It means that there are a few people in Jincheng who have the courage and courage. When they saw that the tax envoy was collecting taxes and destroying people's families, someone tied up six or seven of them and threw them into the moat." inside!"

"As soon as this person was thrown into the river, all those who surrounded him scattered, and some fled. The county magistrate sent troops to suppress the torture. So far, no one has been found!"

Adi snorted and cursed in a low voice, "You deserve it!"

The second brother nodded in agreement, "So, at this cusp, you'd better take a detour, so as not to get hurt."

Fu Yuanzhi gave the remaining five Wen to Xiao Er, "Thank you, Brother Xiao Er, for reminding me."

Xiaoer accepted it happily, "You are welcome, could you have some food? Our tea shed is the only one nearby."

Fu Yuanzhi said again, "Then I will trouble you to pack another twenty steamed buns."

Xiao Er responded happily and hurried to the back kitchen to prepare.

Adi asked, "Are we really not going to Jincheng?"

Song Huan swallowed the steamed buns and said, "Didn't you hear that there was chaos there? It's safer to take a detour."

Brother looked at sister and said, "Sister, are you still afraid of being safe?"

Song Huan straightened his expression, "The people don't fight with the officials, not to mention there are so many tea leaves in the car, then not only the driving tax but also the residential goods tax will have to be paid, so how can I make money from this business?"

Jian'an County is the capital of tea, and the price of low-quality tea is generally lower than that of other places. If she resells it, can she earn a difference?
After making such a calculation, Song Huan went to buy a batch of goods.

Now apart from the essential luggage, Song Huan has filled the rest of the space with tea.

Adi looked at Fu Yuanzhi, Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "It's better to avoid it, one thing more is worse than one thing less."

Brother actually wanted to watch, but brother Fu and sister both thought so, so he had no choice but to give up.

Curiosity is still not as important as safety.

Yan Liu patted Brother comfortingly.

Yan Liu is no longer what she used to be, she is more confident and calm.

On the way away from the teahouse, where there were only the four of them, Song Huan asked suspiciously, "I've never met a county magistrate who doesn't cherish official reputation so much. Is this county magistrate deceitful?"

At this moment, Yan Liu took over the conversation and said, "I heard from Master that the top ten groups of Feng, Ma, Yan, Que, Porcelain, Gold, Ping, Leather, Cai, and Hanging, if there is a fraud in this county magistrate, it might be Quemen who made trouble." ghost."

Brother Yan asked suspiciously, "Brother Yan, what is a sparrow?"

Yan Liu said, "Que, this is the most scheming one.

Sparrow, also known as "quee", means a gap.

Wherever there is a gap in the position in the officialdom, someone will fill it immediately.

This kind of thing needs to mobilize and contact many people, and those who make the game plan their strategies until the game is completed before they leave with a lot of money. "

Yan Liu then said again, "I heard from Master that it happened a long time ago, but it was from Master's grandpa's generation. I just suddenly felt very similar, or maybe it wasn't."

Adi concluded, "Either the county magistrate is powerful and others dare not offend, so they can only turn a blind eye, or it is what Brother Ruyan said, he is a liar."

"At that time, if an official comes down, he will just run away. How can he catch it if he changes his face?"

Song Huan agreed.

So how important is the development of information.

But after thinking about it, they are not officials, so they can't control this matter.

What's more, there is a "chasing" behind them!

Song Huan later speculated about the previous oolong, maybe Ziyang Academy is special, so someone is stationed outside to ensure the safety of the academy?

Either there is something important in Ziyang Academy, or there is someone important who needs protection.

They happened to be given a certain amount of protection by staying inside.

Otherwise, how to explain why there are always people outside?
Song Huan has been observing carefully since then to confirm whether it is a coincidence or not.

And she would go outside for a walk from time to time.

Of course it's not all fruitless.

As long as there are people around, it is impossible for there to be no traces, so under Song Huan's unremitting observation, there are those guesses and judgments.

And the leader and the others on the tree said, "..."

They were all about to suffer a nervous breakdown from Song Huan's repeated appearances, but luckily they were professionals.

eat youth group

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