Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 163 Arrest

Song Huan and his party decided to bypass Jincheng, but due to road problems, they could only enter the Jincheng area first, and then find a road that diverged from the Jincheng boundary, so they could only proceed along the current road for the time being.

It's just that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

Song Huan and others were stopped by officers and soldiers who appeared suddenly on the second day.

The leading yamen servant sized up Song Huan and the others, then looked at the blueprint in his hand, and after comparing them, he directly ordered, "All bets go!"

Four people, "???"

Fu Yuan stepped forward and said, "This official, what happened?"

The yamen servant snorted, and didn't buy it at all, "You will know when you come with us to see the adults!"

Fu Yuanzhi wanted to hear some more news here.

Song Huan looked at the yamen servant who was rummaging through the carriage, and clenched his fists.

Forget it, and throw the contents on the ground. Feelings are not yours, so you don’t know how to cherish them, right? ?

The yamen servant didn't want to listen to Fu Yuanzhi's nonsense at all, and only wanted to bring the four of them back to Jincheng.

Song Huan and the others were inexplicably troubled to find them again.

The four of them were puzzled along the way.

It wasn't until a day later that the four of them were brought into the county government office and met the county magistrate, oh no, the governor, and only then did they understand the reason.

The governor didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked the county magistrate beside him, "Is it them?"

The county magistrate came to the side of Song Huan and the four of them, looked at them carefully, and said uncertainly, "They look like but they don't look like them. Those four are very cunning, and I don't know if they have done anything wrong with their appearance."

Fu Yuanzhi took out the Juren certificate from his bosom, and said respectfully, "Master, the student is Tianyou's Juren for 31 years. This is the student's document, please have a look at it."

Before that, it wasn't that Fu Yuanzhi didn't want to take it out, but the yamen servant acted like he didn't want to take it in. This document is very important. If the yamen servant doesn't know the authenticity and insists on thinking that the document is fake, he won't have a place if he breaks it. Make up, but it's different for the governor.

The governor naturally knew the truth.

Seeing this, the county magistrate at the side quickly took the document from Fu Yuanzhi and handed it to Lord Inspector.

Lord Inspector took a closer look and confirmed it was true. Then he looked at Fu Yuanzhi and asked, "Are you from Yangjiang Mansion? How did you come to Jincheng?"

Fu Yuanzhi saluted and said, "Students and younger brothers come out to study together."

Lord Inspector glanced at Adi, nodded, and sighed, "You can have such a thought, yes, yes, the younger generation is awesome!"

Lord Inspector turned to the county magistrate again and said, "The wrong person has been arrested, and we will continue to send people to investigate."

The county magistrate and the yamen servants on the side should salute.

After they retreated, Fu Yuanzhi finally asked the doubts along the way, "Excuse me, my lord, what is going on?"

Lord Inspector sighed, "The county magistrate of Jincheng was reassigned the year before last, and five people pretended to be the county magistrate of Jincheng to take office..."

The conclusion of this incident is that the people from Quemen killed the real county magistrate, and came to Jincheng as the county magistrate after they seized the letter of appointment.

The increase of driving tax, road occupation tax, residential goods tax, etc. are all their ideas.

Members of Quemen:

Beautiful young woman: Indescribably beautiful, knowledgeable and courteous, gentle on the outside, extremely vicious on the inside.

Master: The real identity is often the husband or concubine of a beautiful young woman. In short, the two have a tacit understanding and work hand in hand.

Props Master: This person is good at engraving seals, making official certificates and official seals, and is skilled in counterfeiting.

Killer: This position is generally held by the master himself, of course there are also special killers.

But it must be a close person of the beautiful young woman and the master, often apprentices, relatives and the like.

Silly bird: A down-and-out scholar, he has the ambition to serve the country, but he has no way to serve the country.And the "three poisons" of mental weakness, lust for beauty, greed, hatred and ignorance are all involved.

The "Master" in Quezhong is very familiar with the officialdom and knows that there are many loopholes to take advantage of, so he takes advantage of certain places where the transportation is inconvenient and the news is not good.

And why did they arrest Song Huan and his party, who were a group of four, even though it was five people? The reason was that one of the members, a down-and-out scholar pretending to be the county magistrate, was murdered by the other four people.

The composition of the other four people just corresponded to the four of Song Huan.

One woman and three men basically match based on the number of people and their ages.

Song Huan - Beautiful Woman
Fu Yuanzhi - Master

brother - killer

Yan Liu—Props Master

Song Huan and brother looked at each other, "..."

Yan Liu (Brother Yan) really hit the spot.

The next time you go out, you must see the date.

After Song Huan suffered that incident at Qingfeng Village, he tried his best to avoid things that could cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Who knew that it would be a problem for her to resume her women's clothing and hurry? !
She was doing men's clothing in Qingfeng Village that time, but she resumed women's clothing when she left Jian'an County.

The men's clothes were hunted down, and the women's clothes ran into the bird's door again, causing trouble.

Song Huan felt in his heart, "..."

What a dog!

Lord Inspector sighed, "When the county magistrate found out, the county office was already empty, and those four people had already fled with all the money, and then entered the back hall, the fake county magistrate was dead."

It was hot in August, so we had to find out in time, otherwise the entire county government would be haunted by the stench.

The Inspector is a high-ranking person, and he is naturally more informed than ordinary people. He said, "In recent years, there have been many such things, but they have not been spread."

Fu Yuanzhi said, "We can remind officials to pay attention to people who behave strangely on the road."

Lord Inspector shook his head, "It's useless. Although I have reminded all the officials to pay attention, how can ordinary officials be surrounded by skilled attendants? If they are not caught, such tragedies will continue to happen, and the people will continue to suffer. In dire straits."

In the past few years, there have been several cases one after another, and the amount of money collected by the other party is no less than one million taels.

The amount was so huge that the imperial court had to pay attention to it.

Fu Yuanzhi thought, that's right, if there was no Miss Song on this journey, how would they have come here.

Lord Inspector asked again, "Where are you going?"

Fu Yuanzhi saluted and said, "Students want to visit Mr. Lin Zong in Danyang County."

Lord Inspector nodded, "I have seen a lot of scholars, but I am not like Guo Linzong. He is intelligent, elegant and profound. In today's world, he is rarely seen. I have to go, otherwise this study tour will be a pity. carry on."

Fu Yuanzhi said, "My lord is right, and the students think so too."

Lord Inspector suddenly remembered something, and asked, "I checked your route, but did you pass through Jian'an County?"

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "Yes, Jian'an County is worthy of being a tea capital. It is the most prosperous city that students have ever seen along the way. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are three pillars, and the theories of each school are so diverse that it is dizzying."

Lord Inspector sighed, "Yes!"

And his favorite white cockscomb.

The governor asked again, "Have you stayed there for a while?"

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Students are fortunate to have Mr. Gao An's permission to study in Ziyang Academy for a period of time."

Lord Inspector Oh?He said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, this year's literary fair will be held at Ziyang Academy in Jian'an County?"

I think he went to participate several times at the beginning!

It's just a pity that I didn't go to Jian'an County.

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Yes, the top ten academies gathered in Ziyang Academy and listened to it for a few days. The students benefited a lot, which is better than studying for ten years."

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