Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 164 Meet an acquaintance again

Chapter 164 Meet an acquaintance again
Because of the literary meeting, the governor wanted to know more about it, so Fu Yuanzhi and Adi were kept by the governor.

Song Huan and Yan Liu played the roles of servants and "mascots" on the side.

The next night, the moon was on the tip of the mountain.

Fu Yuanzhi and Governor Xu were playing chess when they suddenly heard a sound coming from the courtyard.

Song Huan's sleepy eyes faded away, and he became sober in an instant, and immediately went out to check the situation.

The people in the courtyard and Song Huan froze.

Song Huan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the person opposite, thinking, it looks so familiar, has she seen it somewhere?
The person opposite said, "..."

She had better not recognize him.

At this time, Master Xu also came out, but he didn't notice that Song Huan was in a stalemate with the person opposite, but instead focused his eyes on the two people who fell on the ground.

One male and one female.

"These two are...?" Master Xu asked.

The man in black on the opposite side looked at Mr. Xu, then at Song Huan, then turned around and left quickly across the wall.

Master Xu walked up to the two of them, and quickly ordered, "Quickly, call the county magistrate."

The boy should hastily retreat.

Song Huan focused on the place where the man in black disappeared.

After a while, she patted her forehead.

She remembered!
It's Gong Siwei's people!

Isn't he solving a child abduction case?How come here?
Song Huan shifted his gaze to the ground. Could it be that these two are human traffickers?

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan's thoughtful expression, pursed his lips, and didn't speak.

Now is not the time to ask.

Mr. Xu was having a headache with the Quemen case. When he saw a man and a woman, his first reaction was to ask the county magistrate to identify them.

When the county magistrate shook his head, Mr. Xu concealed his disappointment.

The whereabouts of this group of people are secretive, and it is not easy to catch them.

And just as Song Huan thought, these two are human traffickers.

Perhaps they were intimidated by some method used by the guards. As soon as the cloth strip was taken out of their mouths, the two couldn't wait to reveal their crimes.

Mr. Xu was in a bad mood, but when he heard the content, his mood became even worse, so he got up and dealt with these two people.

According to the confessions of the two, those who sell children under ten years old and serve as slaves for others shall be sentenced to death by hanging.

In the current dynasty, even though the sex trade of slaves and maidservants has been declared illegal by law, this does not mean that there is no human trafficking in the Tianyou Dynasty.

In fact, the crime of human trafficking in the current dynasty is quite rampant.

For example, in the ten years of God's blessing, the "students in Fucheng, Jian'an County, who had no plans or clever designs, or used small money to make money from other women and maids, said that they would hire them as wives or adopt them as sons, so It lures out remote people to stop hiding, and after a while, they will be taken to various places, sold and sold, in search of huge profits."

Another example is in the 23rd year of Tianyou, in Decheng, Guanghan County, "There are many people who are not going to succeed in the waves, and they plan to make a lot of money. There were no more than dozens of people on the boat."

The "students" here are professional human traffickers who specialize in trafficking in children and abducting women.

The law of God Bless Dynasty severely punishes this kind of human trafficking.

It can be said: "The law of ignoring others is the most serious."

According to "Tianyou Xingtong", "Selling people slightly (disharmony is a little bit, even if they are under ten years old, it is the same way) who are slaves, hang; those who are trilogy, flow three thousand miles; Act for three years; whoever kills or injures others is treated the same as a robber;

The Tianyou Dynasty distinguishes human trafficking behaviors into "slightly selling" and "harmonizing lure".

A little selling is equivalent to abduction, and baiting is equivalent to abduction.

And the crime of seduction is one level lower than that of selling.

But for children under the age of ten, even if they are seduced, they will be treated as the crime of selling human beings.

According to this piece of legislation, it can be known that if the Tianyou Dynasty catches a child trafficker, it will give different punishments according to the experience of the trafficked child:

Anyone who slightly sells children as slaves for others shall be sentenced to death by hanging;
Those who are sold as child laborers in the manor will be exiled for three thousand miles;

Whoever sells it as a descendant of others shall be sentenced to three years in prison;

Whoever causes physical harm to the person being sold shall be dealt with according to the robbery law.

The robbery law of the God Bless Dynasty is very strict, and the leader is generally punished by death.

At first glance, these two people seemed to be familiar with the laws of the dynasty.

Since Gong Siwei was not around, the two of them probably played a little tricky.

Song Huan didn't expose it because she had no evidence.

Those people took the risk to abduct the children of the rich to be other people's slaves?
She doesn't believe it.

The real situation behind it is not so simple, is it?

For five days in a row, there was no news from Quemen.

As the governor, Mr. Xu can't wait here all the time, and there are still many things to deal with in the follow-up.

And a new county magistrate is about to take office.

And Song Huan and others were finally able to embark on the journey again.

Song Huan and others also found corn in a village in Kuaiji County.

However, because it comes from a foreign country, the locals call it "Fanmai".

Corn is not very strict on the soil, the soil is loose and deep.

Compared with traditional rice, wheat and other food crops, it has strong drought tolerance, cold tolerance, barren tolerance and better environmental adaptability.

Therefore, in addition to growing rice, the local people will also set aside relatively barren land to grow wheat.

This adds another item to their recipe list.

Adi was eating delicious corn, and asked doubtfully, "Is this fanmai only grown here? Can Nancheng, Yangjiang Mansion, and Darongshu Village work?"

Song Huan said, "Of course."

This corresponds to the map of the previous life, which should be in the Zhejiang area.

They all belong to the subtropical monsoon climate.

In addition, corn itself has a strong adaptability.

Brother thought for a while and said, "Why have we never heard of such good food?"

Fu Yuanzhi answered, "The transportation is inconvenient, and the news is delayed."

Song Huan nodded, "Besides, this is a normal food for the local people, but the farthest place they have traveled in their lifetime is only the county seat. How would they know that other places do not have it."

Adi pursed his lips, "If we can promote Fanmai, many people won't be hungry!"

Just like Sanwazi and Grandpa Zeng, they don't have to eat the last meal without the next meal.

This fanmai is eaten fresh and sweet, dried and ground into powder, which can also be made into paste, and can be eaten on cakes.

Same as rice!
A strange emotion suddenly appeared in my brother's heart.

He wanted to take the Panmai back.

But his ability is very limited. Suddenly, he thought of something and said, "Isn't the county magistrate all tasked with persuading farmers to teach mulberry? There are such good grain varieties here, they can ask the court to promote them?!"

Fu Yuanzhi said, "This is not a trivial matter. The county magistrate is just a leader who manages a county. He doesn't know whether this food can survive in other counties. If it fails, his life will be ruined. It's a shame to tease the king. It is a great crime to behead."

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan, "Ms. Song will definitely be able to survive in Yangjiang Mansion if she knows it?"

Seeing Miss Song's appearance, it is obvious that she is familiar with fanmai, and even has a good understanding of its growing conditions.

Song Huan, "..."

When she got excited, she blew herself up!
Song Huan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "Well, I can see this from the place where they planted it! The soil quality is similar to that of Darongshu Village. After all, I often hang out in the mountains, right? Hahaha..."

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(End of this chapter)

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