Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 165 Observation

Chapter 165 Observation
Song Huan joked that he had exposed this matter.

The main reason is that Fu Yuanzhi didn't hold on tightly.

Having been by Song Huan's side for so long, Fu Yuanzhi actually had some thoughts in his heart, but he never said them out.

Asking this now is actually meant to remind Song Huan.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't care about Song Huan's background, he only knew that she was the one person he would protect and accompany all his life.

That's fine.

As long as she can be by her side.

There are some things, so what if you find out what is going on, but it just adds to your troubles.

Brother recalled what he had seen and heard along the way, and said, "There are caravans! Can they help promote it?"

Neither Song Huan nor Fu Yuanzhi answered his question in a hurry.

Song Huan only said, "You can think about this problem first."

Ah Di chewed the pan wheat in his mouth, feeling the fresh and sweet taste in his mouth, and he responded after swallowing it.

In fact, in this matter, not only the disseminator who undertakes the transportation and promotion is required, but also the receiver who is willing to bear the consequences.

A kind of grain suddenly appeared, and it was no worse than rice. After drying and storing it properly, it would not be a problem for a year or two.

The common people do not have special "technical experts" to guide them, and they all rely on their own planting experience to explore. They don't know whether they will survive or not.

Even if a daring person is willing to try, they may fail because they do not understand the planting conditions, which not only wastes land resources, but also wastes time.

These costs are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Of course, official coercion is certainly different.

But the problem is that it is not mandatory to grow wheat.

This suppresses its propagation speed to a certain extent.

Even sweet potatoes were spread to many provinces through the hard work of six generations of the Chen family.

It took six generations for the imperial court to order compulsory cultivation in the provinces, complete with county magistrates who worked part-time as "technical experts," before it spread across the country.

But how could it be so easy to find Confucian businessmen like the Chen family?
What are Confucian businessmen?

That is to do business with the benevolence of Confucianism, do not deceive, do not deceive, do not coax, do not cheat, do not take ill-gotten gains, do not do unkind things, be rich but be kind, and benefit the world.

It took the Chen family six generations of hard work to wait for the promotion of the imperial court.

Therefore, even if the caravan has the heart, it does not have the ability of the Chen family.

And along the way, how many Confucian businessmen like the Chen family can be seen?

The situation in the court became more and more tense.

Today, in the early stage of ascension to the throne, he is still able to know people and be good at tasks. Politically, he can be regarded as a man of great talent.

There are no descendants today.

All the princes are concubines, and all have the qualifications to inherit the throne.

Today there is indecision in choosing an heir.

Most of the reasons for the current situation are caused by this.

Among them, only the second prince, King Feng, and the fourth prince, King Jing, are the most likely to occupy that position.

In addition, there is also a Marquis of Wu'an with different ambitions watching.

All forces in the world either want to take the opportunity to earn a chance for the family to turn around, or they want to stay away from the troubled waters and protect themselves. How can there be a way to benefit the world and serve the hearts of the people?

Song Huan and the others discovered the corn, and because Brother had some small thoughts, they temporarily settled in a family named Gao in the village.

This is Changliu Village under the jurisdiction of Yuecheng, Kuaiji County.

It is better than the villages in Shangcun, which is ranked upstream in Yangjiang Prefecture.

Because the local people have grains such as rice, barley, and sweet potatoes, they can basically eat two meals a day.

Adi asked Fu Yuanzhi and Song Huan to accompany him to the field where Gao's family planted wild wheat.

Ah Di is not ignorant of farming, on the contrary, because he has been in contact with the Liang family for several years, he knows some tricks compared to Song Huan.

For example, when it rains, the rice will be filled, so that the rice of that year can grow full.

For example, learn to watch the weather. If the weather is bad, you have to harvest rice in advance, so as not to rain heavily and drop the grains, and so on.

Brother took out the notebook and the charcoal pencil made by sister.

He obtained the consent of the master of the Gao family yesterday to pull out the stalks of the wild wheat that they had already picked.

Anyway, if they don't pull it out, they have to step on it and throw it on the ground. They will take it home to use firewood after they are dried.

Brother first observed the best growing piece of soil.

The terrain is relatively flat.

The soil layer is deep, loose and has good permeability.

Fertility is above average.

Water retention and fertility are better.

And the land that is too barren and has more stones than soil cannot be planted.

This is the experience told by Gao's family.

After all, it was already sunburned to death in May and June, so I can't see it now.

Brother recorded the observation results in the book one by one.

Then he observed corn. While observing, Fu Yuanzhi also wrote down its appearance description. Gorgon fruit, big and white, with flowers blooming on top and knotted in knots, it is really different from the valley.”

After the observation, Adi slowly pulled the soil from the root of the panmace with his hands, trying not to damage its root system.

Seeing this, Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi knelt down to help.

A quarter of an hour later.

The three pulled out the root of the fanmai.

Adi and Fu Yuanzhi made a rough estimate.

Most of the root system of Panmacetus is concentrated within a foot or so, and a small part of the root system extends longer.

Because there is no tool, it is temporarily impossible to explore how long it will extend.

But from here, we can know that the soil quality required by Fanmai must be at least one foot deep.

In fact, Song Huan thinks that a hole can be dug out on the side of these plants, and then he can intuitively get a schematic diagram of the root system similar to that in a biology textbook.

However, with the previous carelessness, before there is no more secure tactful reminder, it is better to use this old method, but it is just slower.

Song Huan saw that Adi and Fu Yuanzhi were observing the terrain and soil while observing the corn itself, but they didn't think about the climate issue.

Song Huan gritted his teeth, thought for a moment, put on an appearance of just remembering it, stepped forward and asked (wake up), "Brother, I heard you mention the matter of rainwater grouting the rice, and the wheat grains are so big. , do we need more rain?"

"Also, this soil seems to be wetter than other places?"

Brother was reminded like this, and observed carefully, it really is!
Then he patted his forehead with his muddy hand, and said happily, "Yes! It's better to observe more carefully, sister!"

After Ah Di said this, he hurriedly added these factors into it.

Seeing him taking notes, Song Huan walked to another corn field, where there were several corn plants that were shaded by big trees from the sun.

Song Huan felt suspicious and said, "Huh? Why are these plants so much worse than those in other places?"

Adi and Fu Yuanzhi also came over. Adi looked at the surrounding environment and said, "It is very likely that the sun is not shining, and it is blocked by this tree, so it does not grow as well as other places!"

Song Huan suddenly realized, "It's very possible!"

Brother quickly wrote down this possibility in the record book.

Fu Yuanzhi, who was silent behind him, observed Fanmai silently with a calm expression.

Song Huan guided too clearly, he could see it.

 Thank you for those who voted yesterday~
  Thanks to Yu Muzi's beautiful mommy for the monthly ticket~

  Chapter 2 13:[-] today~

(End of this chapter)

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