Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 178 The Zhang Sanzhu Incident

It is impossible that there was no movement at all when the incident happened last night. Li Ying asked with a serious look in his eyes, "Where were you last night?"

Zhang Ergou was restrained by Li Ying's power, trembling with nervousness and fear, and said, "There is not enough room, so father asked me to go to Uncle Li's house to borrow."

Li Ying looked at Uncle Li, who responded, "Yes, my lord, Ergou lives with my Shuanzi."

Li Ying didn't make a decision because of everyone's one-sided remarks. While asking the documents to record everyone's testimony, he sent someone to Beixiang to arrest the suspects Liu and her son first.

This matter can not only start from the established confession and testimony, but also must be compared with the autopsy's body list and circumstantial evidence, combining multiple aspects to find out the real reason and the real murderer before the case can be closed.

Aunt Liu is a widow and has always lived with her son Tieniu.

At this time in the room, Aunt Liu was circling anxiously, looking at the calm man sitting on the table, and said in a worried tone, "What should I do? Although it was pretended to be Zhang Sanzhu killing himself and then committing suicide, Mr. Li is the master of the sky." Master, are these little tricks sure to be able to deceive the world?"

Yesterday she took her son to Zhang's house to retire. Zhang Sanzhu naturally disagreed, fearing that the mother and son would start a fight and coax them to talk about it tomorrow.

Who would have expected that after their son fell asleep, they would come up with the idea of ​​getting Yao Erya to sleep in his son's room, so that Zhang Sanzhu would have a reason not to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Erya Yao refused to follow, crying and refusing to enter her son's door.

The son was woken up and scolded Zhang Sanzhu for being inhuman.

Zhang Sanzhu became angry when he saw that the plan had failed.

The two just yelled in the room.

During the quarrel, the son was furious. Seeing that he was being bullied and plotted against, his anger arose from his heart, and his evil came from his guts. Without thinking too much, he rushed into the kitchen, picked up a sharp knife, and stabbed Zhang Sanzhu to death with one stride. .

Seeing that someone was killed, she didn't know what she was thinking last night. Looking at Yao Erya who was huddled in the corner, she felt a sudden annoyance in her heart. If it wasn't for her, her son would not have killed someone.

Looking at Zhang Sanzhu's body, and then at Yao Erya, a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred in his mind.

The mother and son kept on doing nothing. They took the rope and put it around Yao Erya's neck. After strangling Yao Erya to death, the two cut off her head and put it on the table, pretending that Zhang Sanzhu committed suicide after killing someone. .

Aunt Liu couldn't calm down, she finally couldn't bear to look at the indifferent man, she patted the table and growled, "Zhang Cheng! That's your own son! Can you stop being full of your thoughts!"

Zhang Cheng put down the copper coin in his hand and said, "Don't worry, as I said, the court will give an amnesty in a short time. Even if you and Tieniu are both imprisoned, you will be released safely in a short time. Calm down!"

Aunt Liu's chest rose and fell, and her eyes fixed on Zhang Cheng.

She still knows a little about Zhang Cheng's skills.

He is not exactly a swindler, he has two brushes on him.

If he really counted, even if their mother and son were arrested and pleaded guilty, it doesn't matter.

At most, he will suffer some flesh and blood, but his life is still there.

Aunt Liu sat beside Zhang Cheng, her tone was still uncertain, and she asked, "Is this true?"

Zhang Cheng nodded, "It's more real than real gold."

Zhang Cheng stopped Aunt Liu and Tieniu from running away, and of course he was sure that they would be fine. Besides, his hexagram has been spread now, if their mother and son killed someone, they would come out safely. example, his status will rise in a straight line!
Naturally, Zhang Cheng didn't tell Aunt Liu about the little calculations in his heart.

The mother and son suffer for a while, and in the future their family will be able to use inexhaustible prosperity and wealth.

They can only wrong the mother and son for the time being.

On the desk of Li Ying's case were the written statement and the autopsy's list.

Thinking of Cai Cai's speculation just now, Zhang Sanzhu spent money to buy a bald man, and the buyer wanted to quit, but he couldn't sell it. He regretted it, and when he regretted it, he killed Yao Erya while she was sleeping, and cut her off. But after committing the crime, he thought there was no way out, so he committed suicide, and in the room where Aunt Liu's son lived last night, the mother and son naturally became the most suspicious people, and they would be able to let the mother and son eat Go to court and go down to accompany him.

Li Ying thought, this is not impossible, but he always felt a little far-fetched.

After marking the paper, think again and again.

He still felt suspicious.

Why didn't the neighbors hear any noise when Zhang Sanzhu killed Yao Erya?

Zhang Sanzhu and Yao Erya, why did they appear in the guest room?

Is it true that Liu's mother and son committed the crime?

Or did Zhang Sanzhu vent to Yao Erya because he bought a bald man and couldn't sell it?
Li Ying said to the servant next to him, "Go and see if the mother and son Liu have been brought back."

The little servant responded repeatedly, and came back within a quarter of an hour after going out and said, "Not yet."

Li Ying thought for a while, then got up and walked out.

The servant at the side asked, "Master, where are you going?"

Li Ying said, "Go for a walk."

The servant hurried to catch up and said, "Master, if you want to go out, you have to change your official uniform first!"

Li Ying looked down and realized that he was so engrossed in thinking about the case that he had already forgotten about it.

Li Ying, who had changed into normal clothes, was thinking and led people to the vicinity of the crime scene. They first inquired extensively about Zhang Sanzhu's personality and reputation, which was neither good nor bad.

The neighbors never heard the sound of murder, but the neighbors heard the fierce quarrel at Zhang Sanzhu's house that night, but which family didn't quarrel these days?
Who ever thought that this quarrel could have something to do with murder?

No one thought of this.

As for why I didn't tell the county magistrate today, it was just because they didn't want to cause trouble, so they didn't talk about it.

In the afternoon, Li Ying also got such a piece of news. For the rest, he had to go back to the Yamen to interrogate Liu's mother and son to see the situation.

Liu family
Aunt Liu and her son Tieniu were taken away by the yamen servants.

Before Aunt Liu left, she kept looking at Zhang Cheng in the crowd.

She is confirming with Zhang Cheng whether it will be all right.

Zhang Cheng in the crowd nodded, signaling to reassure her.

Aunt Liu lowered her eyes, this is the end of the matter, I hope it is as Zhang Cheng said.

Li Ying sat at the head, looked at the two kneeling down, and asked harshly, "You mother and son are so cruel that you killed two people!"

Aunt Liu still wanted to struggle for a while, and argued, "My lord, we are wronged! I, a widow, managed to save money, and spent the money to ask Zhang Sanzhu to find a wife for my Tieniu. I can't live a good life, but how could I kill someone? !"

Li Ying said, "You don't look for a matchmaker, you ask Zhang Sanzhu to find it for you! What's your intention?"

Aunt Liu looked awkward, she was a widow, she became pregnant after her husband's death, her reputation was ruined long ago, any good girl would marry into their family.

Now that her son is in his 20s and still has no wife, she is anxious.

Zhang Sanzhu had some skills and could buy someone back, so she found him.

Aunt Liu gritted her teeth. Anyway, adults can find out what is going on as soon as they send someone to inquire. There is nothing that cannot be said, so she told the situation.

Aunt Liu continued, "When I brought that girl home, I found that she was actually bald. No matter how bad my son is, he can't marry a bald man! So we went to the door yesterday, but who knew he would not agree, and shirked Let's talk about it the next day..."

Li Ying interrupted Aunt Liu, "So you killed someone!"

Aunt Liu shook her head with tears in her eyes, "No, no, I was not happy to see him the next morning, and my son had to go to the pier to carry the goods, so I planned to come back afterward, but unexpectedly, such a fatal accident happened."

Aunt Liu sighed pretendingly, "It's our bad luck."

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