Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 179 Incident 2

At this moment, Li Ying noticed something strange about Tieniu.

Tie Niu's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and all the color of his lips had faded.

Li Ying's eyes switched back and forth between Aunt Liu and Tieniu, and finally, he ordered, "Press down first."

Li Ying took out the corpse list again at this time, and looked at the results above.

The stab wound was seen in the chest, and the bleeding was severe.

Li Ying recalled the scene he saw at that time in his mind, and put a fist on his chest with one hand.

This location...

next day
Li Ying decided to go to the crime scene again.

When Li Ying arrived yesterday, he was all focused on the corpse, he only took a general look at the surrounding environment, and did not investigate carefully.

Looking at it now, we can find that one of the vases has been moved, and the degree of dust accumulation on it is different.

The shelf under the vase is also tilted.

There are no women in the Zhang family, so they don't pay attention to these small details.

Does that account for the fact that there was a dispute here that night?
The autopsy list written by Wu was still too concise.

He might have to see it for himself.

The injured parts of the suicides are generally the parts that can be reached and easily reached by their own hands, mostly on the top of the forehead, the temporal part, the sides and front of the neck, the chest, and the abdomen.

Moreover, the suicide scars are neatly arranged, concentrated, and in roughly the same direction, and there will be no resistance injuries to the hands and feet.

Li Ying went to Yizhuang to check the body again.

The scars are not neatly arranged, and the direction is not consistent, and there are traces of scratching things in the seam of the right finger.

Then he went to look at the female corpse again.

The neck is neatly cut.

He thought of Tieniu's tendons.

Zhang Sanzhu's body is not strong, and he obviously doesn't have a uniform strength.

Thinking about it this way, Li Ying had a rough guess in his mind.

He interrogated Tie Niu alone.

Tieniu is a reckless man with a tall body, a simple mind, and no wisdom. He can only solve problems by hand, and he can't think about how to respond.

Without Mrs. Liu by his side, he didn't know anything except that he didn't kill him by beating him to death.

But it's useless to be stubborn, his psychological strength is far inferior to his mouth, the fine sweat and twinkling eyes have betrayed him.

Li Ying snapped out the scene he had guessed quickly, stared at Tieniu, and let himself fall into the scene unconsciously, "You are not satisfied with Yao Erya, so after learning that Zhang Sanzhu was unwilling to retire that night , follow Zhang Sanzhu's words to stay overnight, you agree to stay, and in the middle of the night, sneak into his room and kill him! Yes or no!"

Tieniu shook his head, and the voice on his mouth became louder, as if to cheer himself up, "No, no, no!"

Li Ying ignored his reply and continued to press, "You made too much noise and accidentally woke up Yao Erya. Yao Erya witnessed the whole process of your killing, and then you strangled her to death with a rope. And cut off her head!"

When Tieniu heard the word head, he felt like a deflated ball, and his whole body became sluggish instantly, and his voice raised, "I don't! It's Zhang Sanzhu! Zhang Sanzhu wants her to come into my room, so we can't retreat!"

Li Ying did not let go of this opportunity, and continued to sternly say, "Zhang Sanzhu didn't want to retreat, but you wanted to retreat, so you stabbed him to death during the dispute!"

Tie Niu held his head in both hands, and the bloody image of beheading his head kept flashing in his mind, "I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it..."

Tieniu shook his head desperately, as if he could get rid of those horrible images, he huddled into a ball, "I didn't want to, I didn't want to! It was he who was unreasonable first, he was unreasonable first!"

Tieniu shed tears, was in a trance, and shouted, "Mom, where are you, I'm afraid, I want mother!"

There seemed to be something wrong with Tieniu's spirit. When Liu saw her son like this, she shed tears, "It's mother's fault, it's mother's fault, mother shouldn't be greedy."

Liu didn't hold out hope at all, she knew the result when her son was called away alone.

However, if there is Zhang Cheng, she feels that there is still a turning point. Her heart has not been turned into ashes because of the sentence of beheading, and the mother and son still have a chance to go out.

Li Ying was half bewildered and half intimidated, and he had finally figured out the case.

As for Zuo Zuo, he dismissed him, so it is better not to use this technology to delay the case.

He thought the case would be over like this, but he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up to this matter.

As for him, because of this case, his official career came to an end here.

Until the new emperor ascended the throne, he was reused.

Of course, this is something.

At this time, Song Huan and the others had already arrived at Fengchi Academy with a letter of recommendation.

Song Huan was dressed in men's clothing, sitting on the shaft of the car, leaning against the frame, dangling with his left foot, stepping on the shaft with his right foot, propping his knee on the elbow with his right hand, and occasionally glanced at Fengchi Academy.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi and Adi also came out from the academy.

Song Huan stopped moving, jumped off the station, and waited for the two of them to get down, before she asked in a low voice, "Is it okay?"

Adi raised a smile, "Of course it's no problem, we got a letter of recommendation written by the sheriff!"

Song Huan said happily for them, "It's okay if it can be done!"

Fu Yuanzhi shook his head and smiled, "Just move your luggage in tomorrow, and now I'll find you a place to stay."

The mule cart slowly drove away from Fengchi Academy.

The day is approaching mid-July, and the local early rice has begun to be harvested.

In the fields, children can often be seen playing and celebrating by blowing reed pipes.

Similarly, on July [-]th, every household will hold the Yulan Festival, offering sacrifices and celebrating the harvest.

The Yulan Festival is also known as the "Tianle Festival".

Song Huan withdrew his gaze from the carefree children in the field, and continued walking.

Song Huan picked up his old job again.

She specially went to those mountains that were close to the village. Although the journey was a bit far, she was the only one at home, so there was no need to go back on time every day.

Song Huan hummed a little tune and walked forward.

As she walked, she found that there was another strange man in his 50s and [-]s with a beard in front of him.

Seeing that he was walking in a hurry, Song Huan would stop and look around from time to time, and continue on his way after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

Song Huan followed out of curiosity.

An hour later, we arrived at a valley. Two thatched huts were built in the valley, and the huts were quite wide.

Song Huan didn't dare to get too close, and only watched the man enter a thatched hut from a distance.

Song Huan approached the house lightly when he saw no one on patrol.

The thatched cottages are generally built.

It's better than scribbled words.

For walls made of wood, there will always be some gaps between the boards and the boards.

Song Huan hid outside the wall, and saw the people inside clearly through the gap.

The layout inside is very simple, a bed, a table, and two stools.

There are two people sitting on the stool.

One of them was the man A whom Song Huan had followed for an hour just now.

"You are so cruel! You even want to send your own son in!" The man who said this was amazed.

Man A said, "A tiger's poison doesn't eat its offspring. How can I be willing to let him die? It's just a period of suffering. Compared with the glory and wealth of the rest of my life, what is this suffering?"

There are five disadvantages and three disadvantages in their business.

How could he be willing to get such a son at last.

Man B laughed and sighed, "If I want your means, why worry about not being rich."

Man A snorted, "The people you abducted have already given you enough food and drink."

Speaking of this, man A committed an occupational disease again, and said, "I have long said that you are evil, promiscuous, and serious. If you don't stop, your luck will be ruined if you are late, and you will be imprisoned!"

"Did you drink the prescription I gave you?" Man A said.

Man B said indifferently, "There are four great happiest events in life, I only wish to spend the wedding night in the bridal chamber every day, without it, how can I survive this day!"

Thank you for those who voted yesterday~

See you at 13 o'clock~

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