Mosi thought, if he didn't see something wrong, wouldn't it be a loss of his dignity?
At this time, the leader of Moji happened to come over, and after seeing this and asked about the situation, he said to Song Yi, "Young master, what did you find?"

Seeing this, Moji could only take a step back unwillingly, now it was no longer a matter of majesty.

Song Yi bowed his hands to the leader of the door division, showing politeness, and pointed to the salt bag in the hand of the door manager, "Can I let you take a look at this salt bag?"

After all, Song Yi casually glanced at the village boy who was trembling with fright and was already weeping and choking.

Moji leader nodded.

Moji didn't want to go any more, so he had to hand it over.

When Song Yi was about to ask a question, a strong fragrance suddenly wafted over him. He inspected it carefully and found that it was the handkerchief with the bag of salt that was fragrant.

Song Yi's heart moved, and she asked the village boy to come over. Looking at the village boy's clothes with overlapping patches and several torn pants, which looked short and small, she couldn't help feeling soft, and asked, "This salt bag Is this yours?"

No matter how stupid the village boy was, he knew that the other party was helping him, so he quickly said, "No, no. I have never seen this bag before, and this bag is not mine."

Even though he wanted to try his best to speak clearly, but after all, he was still young and it was the first time he experienced this kind of situation, so he was still frightened into incoherent speech.

Song Yi thought of the nun who was with brother before, and asked deliberately, "Did you come here alone?"

The village boy said nervously, "I came alone, no, not alone."

Seeing this, Mosi snorted coldly and said, "Is he here alone, or is he here alone? It's not clear at all?"

The village boy became even more nervous when he heard the words, and dared not speak.

He was still bound with ropes, Domons was too scary just now.

Song Yi looked at Moji and then at the leader of Moji, and said, "My lord, this child is frightened. I can't ask anything. That lord's threat has left the child in shock. Can you..."

The leader of the department saw Song Yi, who was no more hairy than the village boy, "..."

How could he so naturally call a peer who was not two years younger than him a child?
Moji's leader put aside the messy thoughts in his head, and glanced at Moji. Moji lowered his eyes, dared not make a sound, but clenched his back molars.

Song Yi saw that the other party stopped talking, and didn't say much.

His original intention was to let Moji leave.

But after all, he is just a passer-by who has no rights. If the other party doesn't say anything, he can't make further progress.

Song Yi turned to the village boy with a gentle tone, and continued to repeat the previous question, "Did you come here alone?"

The village boy hurriedly shook his head. Although he was still a little nervous, he was better than before, "I didn't come alone."

"My lord, don't listen to his nonsense, this kid won't tell the truth if he doesn't fight." Moji couldn't calm down, and couldn't help but interrupt loudly while standing aside.

After finishing the words, he still glared at Song Yi angrily, "My lord, don't believe the words of this unknown person, maybe they are in the same group."

Moji's leader glanced lightly at Moji, and Moji felt an invisible pressure, so he quickly bowed his head and dared not speak any more.

The leader of Moji felt that Moji's words were not unreasonable, and said, "What evidence do you have to prove..."

Seeing this, brother knew that if he wanted to continue, he had to show the documents to prove it.

The leader of the department is literate, and his expression changed after he took the document, he was more than a little more respectful than Fang Cai, and said, "It turns out that it is Master Xie Yuan, if I offend you just now, please forgive me."

The anger in Moji's eyes dissipated when he heard the words "Master Xie Yuan".

Jieyuan, that is also a distant word for him.

The leader of Moji knew that Moji couldn't just be here to obstruct people's eyes, so he said to the other party, "What are you doing here so stupidly? Why don't you continue to check those people behind."

The team cannot stop because of one inspection.

Moji continued to check obediently.

When the village boy heard it, it turned out that the one who helped him was Mr. Xie Yuan. Although he didn't know what Mr. Xie Yuan represented, he could tell that he was a very powerful person. At least Mr. Moji didn't dare to confront him.

Then, the village boy slowly regained his composure, and spoke the truth at a gentle speed, "I met a nun on the road and walked with him."

Song Yi and Moji's leader looked at each other, and Moji's leader nodded and said, "Understood, looking at your rumpled clothes, how can you have such good salt and handkerchiefs? Someone must have put them in your basket inner."

Song Yi handed the salt bag to the leader of the department, and said, "There is a very strong fragrance on the veil of this salt bag, sir, please check it."

Seeing this, the leader of Moji took the salt bag and sniffed it carefully.

Xindao, it really is.

Song Huan just felt that the leader of Moji looked at him just now, which was a bit inexplicable.

What he didn't know was that the leader of Moji knew that it was the kind of fragrance from his daughter's home when he smelled it, but Xie Yuan, who was opposite him, didn't know much about it.

Xindao, it's really a novelty.

Song Yi really doesn't know.

One, he didn't touch women.

Second, the one who is closest to him is his elder sister.

And Song Huan didn't burn incense at all, he really had no way of understanding.

The leader of Mosi looked at the village boy and said, "How can you, a village boy, have a good handkerchief for incense? It's okay, it's none of your business, you go in."

The village boy seemed to be pardoned, and before he ran away, he kowtowed to Song Yi and the leader of the door, saying, "Thank you for your help, the little one will always be grateful to you , may the adults and lords go well and be safe and sound!"

Song Yi watched the village boy leave and was about to leave when Mosi turned his head and said hastily, "Sir, why did you let him go? Who put the salt?"

Seeing this, Moji's leader smiled, "There are others."

Seeing that Moji was extremely nervous, Song Yi couldn't help being suspicious.

After Song Yi and the three of them left, the leader of the door, then calmed down, and said sharply to the door, "It's not obvious?! This is what you did with the nun, right? The nun put the salt bag, the nun Knowing that there will be inspections and bringing salt, it is definitely not for private salt, he and the village boy have never met, and it is not for revenge."

Mosi's leader looked at the fine sweat that was gradually coming out of Moji's forehead, and continued in a cold voice, "Why? There is only one thing. After the illegal salt is seized, she can get some kind of benefit. Needless to say, this benefit must be a bounty .”

After Moji's leader finished speaking, he looked directly at Moji.

Moji was terrified, facing the aggressive leader of Moji, pressing every step of the way, he was speechless, and knelt down with a "plop".

Moji said with a trembling voice, "My lord, this subordinate knows it's wrong!"

Moji's leader ignored it, and ordered someone to immediately go to a nearby nunnery to check on the nuns who went out today.

In the afternoon of the same day, the yamen servants arrested the nun.

After interrogation, it turned out that the situation was not much different from what Moji's leader guessed.

The nun put salt in other people's belongings, and then told Mosi that Mosi found out and went to receive a heavy reward, and the two shared it. The only pity for those innocent people was punished and beaten, and they still don't understand how it happened. thing.

The previous chapter was blocked (╥_╥)
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