Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 198 God Blessing Emperor

The prosperity of private salt has indirectly led to the court's income. If the war in Liaodong is not over, the people will only suffer more.

Song Huan and his party hurried on their way, and when they were two days away from the capital, they discovered the situation.

This morning, they were going to set off from the village where they were staying.

Brother Mule, who had set up the carriage, suddenly started to make a fuss again, groaning in the direction they came from yesterday.

No matter how brother pulls it, it won't go away.

After a stalemate for a while, Song Huan suddenly heard the faint but rhythmic sound of iron hooves, and Song Huan made a quiet gesture.

Brother immediately stopped fighting with brother mule.

As Song Huanjing listened, there was a sound of iron hooves mixed with chaotic footsteps from far to near.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi and Adi also vaguely heard it.

Not far away is the official road.

Song Huan said solemnly, "You guys stay here first, I'll go and have a look."

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Be careful, don't try your best."

Adi nodded in agreement.

After Song Huan gave the two of them a reassuring look, he quickly climbed to a hillside that could conceal his figure.

Here, the sound reaches the ear with increasing clarity.

After a while, Song Huan saw a group of armored cavalry leading the charge. The speed of the horses was not too slow. During the march, the horseshoes and the ground made a rattling sound and brought up a cloud of dust. Behind the cavalry were infantry, jogging to keep up .

Song Huan saw the flag flying above.

Samurai Army

If she remembered correctly, the army in the hands of Marquis Wu'an was called the Wu Family Army.

The direction they were heading was the capital.

Song Huan frowned, now it's the end of November and almost December, if the capital mutiny starts, they won't be able to enter the capital so quickly, it's okay, if they are taken advantage of by those who take advantage of the opportunity, the common people And the affected people are even more complaining.

Song Huan roughly counted the number of people, and estimated that there were 2 people.

so many people.

According to Song Huan's speculation, there might be a big event happening in the capital.

It's not rebellion, it's about changing the emperor.

Song Huan went back and told Fu Yuanzhi and Adi about his judgment.

Fu Yuanzhi thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, we'd better not go to Beijing for the time being, and it won't be too late to go to Beijing after the situation stabilizes."


As Emperor Tianyou got older, he believed and paid more attention to many mysterious and mysterious things.

After the matter of Li Ying is over this year.

one day.

Emperor Tianyou suddenly saw a man in the palace. He saw that the man was tall and tall, wearing a sword.

In the palace, people who enter the palace are not allowed to carry swords.

Emperor Tianyou saw that the man not only carried a saber but also went straight into the Longhua Gate.

He was immediately alert and realized that the other party had come with bad intentions.

Emperor Tianyou quickly ordered to capture this person.

Tracked by the imperial guards, the man dropped his sword and fled hastily.

God Bless Emperor suddenly felt that the surrounding area was extremely dangerous.

If such a person stayed in the palace, he would not even know that he was killed at night.

Emperor Tianyou did not allow such a situation to happen.

The palace immediately launched a rigorous search.

For several days, there was no sign of the man at all.

God blessed the palace guards so laxly, under scolding and heartbroken, ordered the palace gate guard to be beheaded.

Tianyou Dynasty palace gate guard officer, door waiter, with an annual salary of 700 taels.

After beheading the guards, Emperor Tianyou sent the Imperial Army to Shanglin Garden to conduct a carpet search.

At the same time, close all the gates of the capital, and then search from house to house.

It took half a month.

It was only after a month that the martial law was lifted.

Just because of the carpet search caused by the man who disappeared without a trace, the effect is a series of pulls.

After that, many huge witchcraft cases occurred in the palace.

this time.

Because Emperor Tianyou favored alchemists and sought the way of longevity.

People related to this field, such as the world's priests and witches, all gather in the capital, and the purpose is naturally to seek wealth.

These are crooked ways, mysterious and weird, deceptive words to confuse the public, changeable and omnipotent.

Because Emperor Tianyou was fond of women, a few courtiers sent them to Emperor Tianyou's side under the pretext of praying for longevity for Emperor Tianyou when they saw the beautiful witches.

After that, the witches often came and went to the palace, some entered the palace as concubines, and some taught the concubines and court ladies of Emperor Tianyou how to avoid disasters and pray for blessings.

Fighting for favor in the palace is fierce, and any scheming can be played out.

Under the intrigue, jealousy and criticism of the maids and concubines, puppets were buried in almost every room in the palace.

In the process of framing or framing each other, they denounced each other, accusing each other of cursing Emperor Tianyou and committing treason and immorality.

Emperor Tianyou already hated witchcraft.

During the various frequent incidents of witchcraft in the harem, accumulated over time, the spirit was too tense and the mind could not be balanced.

This vicious method, which was effective against the emperors of all dynasties, made Emperor Tianyou go crazy in an instant and massacre wantonly.

early august

Rivers of blood flowed in the harem, and nearly a thousand concubines, court ladies, and officials implicated were executed.

Although the harem has stopped, the aftertaste of this incident is still there.

August 23

Emperor Tianyou took a nap at noon.

On the dragon bed, one could see his wrinkled face dripping with sweat, and the whole person seemed to be sleeping very restlessly.

In the dream, he was in a vast white space.

He roared in all directions.

There is nothing in the whole space except his echo.

The silence was uncharacteristically frightening.

Suddenly, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a projector screen with him as the center.

Projected on the curtain are scenes of previous harem concubines and maids who framed each other for witchcraft.

Behind each curtain, there will be voices corresponding to the scene, or loud, or grievances, or crazy, or roaring, etc.

Emperor Tianyou tightly covered his ears, but those voices seemed to have penetrating power, and he couldn't cover them no matter what.

Those voices seemed to be captivating and impermanent, and he suddenly felt that the picture in front of him was gradually distorted, and the people behind the curtain seemed to crawl out of it in the next moment and grab him.

But the picture seemed to follow his thoughts, and the people inside suddenly stopped moving.

All eyes were red, and the crystal tears turned into blood tears in an instant.

They stared at the terrified Emperor Tianyou, one by one suddenly stretched out their hands and spread their five fingers, and they slowly walked or crawled out of the curtain one by one.

Emperor Tianyou felt that their hands were hugging him, pulling his clothes, and the hands covering his ears seemed to be transparent. They were close to him one by one, and a cold and dark chill came from his ears.

Fear kept accumulating in Emperor Tianyou's body and gradually expanded, as if he would explode in the next breath.

Emperor Tianyou yelled fearfully and violently, "Don't! Don't! Get out of here! I am the Son of Heaven, how can you and other monsters get close to my dragon body! After I go out, I will definitely dig your graves and flog your corpses. !"

As soon as Emperor Tianyou said this, it seemed that it really had an effect.

Those chilly hands and its owner gradually dissipated in this space.

Emperor Tianyou breathed in the air hard, constantly between panting and taking a deep breath.

After gradually calming down, he thought everything was over.

But he didn't leave this blank space.

He didn't dare to yell and curse like before, for fear of bringing out the scene just now.

He didn't know how long he had spent in this space.

In this space, he will neither be hungry nor thirsty, as if he and the alchemist have really achieved longevity.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation today~

Thanks to Comrade Changmanman for the monthly ticket~

I'll send it again at noon on 4.23

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