The queen outside the door heard the scream, and immediately opened the door and entered.

What came into view was Emperor Tianyou leaning on the back of the chair covered in blood.

Li Zhaoyi on the side was so frightened that she fell to the ground, her face full of horror, motionless, as if she had been petrified.

The eunuch ignored Li Zhaoyi, hurried to Emperor Tianyou's side, and first called the emperor twice.

Then tremblingly placed his index finger under the emperor's nose, and after a pause, he immediately backed up a few steps in fright, slipped and fell to the ground.

No breath.

The eunuch cried out in horror, "Your Majesty!"

But the eunuch came back to his senses very quickly, the panic, fear, and sadness on his face instantly turned into ruthlessness, he pointed at Li Zhaoyi and shouted, "Li Zhaoyi, why did you want to kill the emperor?!"

Li Zhaoyi's face instantly turned pale when she heard the eunuch's words, but she quickly shook her head, her voice terrified, "I don't have it, I don't!"

The eunuch looked at the unfinished chicken soup on the table and said, "The emperor died because he drank your chicken soup! You still want to deny it!"

The eunuch didn't give Li Zhaoyi time to refute again, he immediately stumbled and ran out, "Come on, come on, Li Zhaoyi murdered the emperor!"

Li Zhaoyi didn't have the heart to look at the emperor at this moment. She crawled on the ground with her hands and feet, trying to catch up with the eunuch, and shouted loudly, "Come back! I didn't! I didn't kill the emperor!"

The imperial army came very fast, and when Li Zhaoyi was still thinking about what was going on, she saw Wu Anhou who came out of the imperial army and Concubine Shu beside Wu Anhou.

Li Zhaoyi was stunned, showing a miserable smile, staring at Concubine Shu fiercely with red eyes, "You framed me!"

Li Zhaoyi is the biological mother of the Ninth Prince.

Concubine Shu is the only childless among the four concubines.

She wants her own Ninth Prince!
The purpose of her coming today is just to see if the emperor intends to make the ninth prince the crown prince.

It turned out that this was all Concubine Shu's scheme.

Concubine Shu is dressed in a red palace dress, the neckline is embroidered with a butterfly pattern with golden silk thread, and the skirt is embroidered with a golden auspicious cloud pattern, embellished with precious stones, with a pair of sharp and charming red phoenix eyes with a smile, "Li Zhaoyi murdered the emperor, and he is so angry with me." Speak out badly, someone will imprison her!"

Li Zhaoyi cursed at Concubine Shu, "You will die badly! You femme fatale!"

Concubine Shu's complexion remained unchanged, and when there were only the two of them left in the study, she looked at Marquis Wu An, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes, and then she returned to normal, and said, "Master Hou, what should we do next?"

Marquis Wu'an looked at Concubine Shu, those phoenix eyes were clear and severe, like the winter sun, although bright, but without heat, "Concubine Shu just take care of the Ninth Prince, the rest will be arranged by this Marquis."

Concubine Shu looked at the far away figure, her face gradually revealed a look of complacency.

Concubine De, so what if you have a son whom the emperor loves?
In the end it was me who won.

As soon as Marquis Wu An stepped out of the palace gate, his subordinates sent a letter saying, "Master Hou, King Jing is coming to Beijing soon."

Marquis Wu An said with a low smile, "It's really a coincidence..."

The subordinate guessed what Marquis Wu An meant and said, "Master Marquis, do we want to..."

Marquis Wu An glanced at the person coming, his eyes were without warmth, "King Jing has just returned from a big victory, what do you want him to do?"

The subordinate was sweating coldly and said, "This subordinate is talking too much."

Marquis Wu An said, "Go and receive the punishment yourself."

King Jing entered the capital in armor.

But what he didn't expect was that Marquis Wu An actually greeted him at the door.

Marquis Wu An sat lazily under the tea shed, with several tall and handsome guards standing on each side of him.

Marquis Wu An looked at King Jing who was on the horse, stood up slowly, and slowly approached King Jing, "I haven't seen you for two years, and King Jing's demeanor has become more and more dignified."

King Jing got off his horse, pretending to be surprised and said, "Why is Marquis Wu An here?"

Marquis Wu An recalled the scene when he returned to Beijing, and said, "Can't you come here if you have nothing to do?"

King Jing didn't speak, but said, "It's freezing cold, I have to return to the palace to return to my life, so I won't be here to accompany Marquis Wu'an."

Marquis Wu An laughed, "The emperor passed away, and the throne has been passed on to the Ninth Prince. The Ninth Prince is young, and this Marquis will act as regent. King Jing can just tell Ben Marquis directly."

King Jing received this news yesterday.

King Jing said calmly, "So, this king would like to congratulate the ninth younger brother, and congratulations to Marquis Wu'an."

Marquis Wu'an smiled, "We are happy together, King Jing has won the battle. This Marquis has arranged a reception banquet for King Jing, and I invite King Jing to come on time."

King Jing sneered, "There's no need to bother Marquis Wu'an, my father has passed away, and I, a son, should go to guard the spirit."

After saying that, King Jing waved his sleeves and turned around, got on his horse and left.

Marquis Wu An looked at the receding figure, shook his head and clicked his tongue, "I was also angry at the reception banquet, and it seems that my temper has grown after two years."

The guard at the side said, "..."

This matter is really unethical, King Jing is being kind to you if he can hold back from fighting with you.


An Ren took the opportunity to escape after the battle that day, and entered Prince Jing's mansion in a different form.

Seeing An Ren, King Jing patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work."

An Ren said ashamedly, "This subordinate is not doing well, so I ask the master to punish me."

King Jing sat down, the expression on his face changed slightly, and his whole person softened a lot, "It's nothing, Marquis Wu'an has a perverse personality, it's hard to judge what he will do."

An Ren still looked ashamed.

He originally wanted King Feng and Marquis Wu'an to lose out.

Who knew Feng Wang was so useless.

Those literati are nothing but fools.

And the emperor, who originally thought he could hold out until the return of the master, did not expect Concubine Shu to make a move at this time.

He has always been on guard against Li Zhaoyi, but he didn't expect Concubine Shu to be the one who hides the deepest.

King Jing looked at it at this time and said, "I will change into plain clothes to guard the spirit later, all of you should think about what we should do next."

Mr. Gu, An Ren and other counselors all responded, "Here."

Li Zhaoyi's murder of the emperor was a foregone conclusion. The nine emperors' sons, mothers and concubines were all beheaded along with his mother's clan.

The Ninth Prince is only less than two years old now, and he is innocent and carefree. Children of this age are easier to raise and mature, which is why Concubine Shu chose him.

From now on, the mother clan of the nine princes will be Concubine Shu's family.

When the Ninth Prince grows up and wants to fight against Marquis Wu An and other princes beside him, he can only rely on the so-called mother clan of Concubine Shu's family.

When King Jing entered Zigong, he saw his mother and concubine.

Concubine Liang is a thin woman with a very weak sense of existence.

Others will more or less pretend to cry, but she is different from them. She has no expression in the crowd, but the strange thing is that she can make people who see her feel that she is so sad .

She has been able to survive in the palace for so many years, so she naturally has her strengths.

That's why she is so good, no matter how good King Jing is outside, she will still be safe and sound in the palace, and will not be involved in any troublesome matters.

In front of other concubines, she is a concubine without threat.

Even when everyone occasionally talked about the fourth concubine, they couldn't remember that there was Concubine Liang.

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