Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 208 Life

Concubine Liang seemed to be aware of her gaze, she turned her head to look over, and saw her son whom she hadn't seen in two years, Prince Jing.

The two stared at each other for a while, and Concubine Liang took the lead to look away.

The mother and son did not make much eye contact.

The mother-child relationship between King Jing and Concubine Liang is actually not deep.

This is mainly related to King Jing's education and Concubine Liang's deliberate actions.

Princes, in addition to the royal court training, it also includes the education of the prince, mother and concubine.

Concubine Liang thought to herself, "Emperors in ancient times were born in deep palaces, and when they became adults, they were all arrogant. Because of this, overthrows followed each other, and few of them could help themselves."

In order for King Jing to be preserved, Concubine Liang had no choice but to be ruthless.

The children of the emperor's family were born in the forbidden city, isolated from the world, especially in their childhood and youth. Apart from the eunuchs and servants who served them, they were their father, mother and concubines.

Concubine Liang's presence in the palace is very weak, not only the concubines and the emperor can hardly think of her, even the imperial dining room.

Although she has a prince, King Jing is not favored. Before being crowned king, starvation and cold were very common.

Concubine Liang didn't do the so-called fight for favor because of this.

She doesn't have the help of her mother's family. In order to let King Jing grow up safely, it is safest to be ignored.

But King Jing was able to stand on his own early because of his birth and living environment.

Enrich yourself and sharpen yourself.

Jing Dynasty knelt down on the spiritual seat, and kowtowed three times solidly.


King Feng conspired against him, the previous king passed away, and the new emperor was a ninth prince who was less than two years old.

Concubine Shu is the empress dowager, and Concubine Liang is the concubine.

It stands to reason that after the first emperor's visit, the princes could return to their fiefs, but King Jing couldn't, he could only stay in the capital, and the situation was very embarrassing.

It is impossible for Marquis Wu An to let King Jing leave, so why not let the tiger go back to the mountain and give him a chance.

The first year of Xindi was doomed to be difficult.

Although the war stopped, natural disasters began.

In March of the first year of Tianqi, there was an extreme cold spring in the north of Danyang County.

The heavy snow in March is "five feet thick on the ground".

And in April, there was another heavy snowfall. The common people lacked clothing and food, suffered from hunger and cold, and there was a human tragedy of "cannibalism" in order to survive.

Song Huan leaned against a corner sheltered from the wind, breathed into his hands constantly, and kept jumping on his feet to speed up blood circulation to keep warm.

Seeing the snow falling in the sky, she still didn't spit out the dirty words that she had been brewing for a long time.

The three of Song Huan came to the capital after the Lantern Festival. Fortunately, they were lucky enough to rent a small courtyard.

In such a cold day now, those students who came to Beijing to rush for the exam naturally don't have to worry about it because they are afraid that those poor children will not be able to make it to the day when the exam starts.

It is lucky to be sick and make a mistake. If he died of illness and died of illness, it would be a pity and a pity to be brought into the ground so lightly after a ten-year cold window.

The first thing the new emperor did after he ascended the throne was naturally to amnesty the world in order to stabilize the new emperor's rule.

Of course, this is also limited, not generalized.

For example, political criminals who rebelled, deceived the emperor, and resisted the imperial power.

Murderers with human lives on their backs, etc.

In short, the country's imperial prisoners are not included in the pardon.

Of course, amnesty to the world is what Marquis Wu An meant.

He acted as regent, and all the documents were submitted to him.

The purpose of amnesty is to stabilize the rule of the new emperor, to stabilize the rule of the new emperor, and naturally to stabilize his regent.

Regarding the matter of the corpse, he found a scapegoat.

Of course, some people don't believe it, but because of his high position and authority, they can only keep their mouths shut.

Therefore, for the sake of himself, Marquis Wu An will not let this year's test stop.

The previous Witch Gu case had brought down many officials, and it was just time to make up for it after the trial.

It is now the end of February, Adi and Fu Yuanzhi caught a cold a few days ago.

Adi and Fu Yuanzhi's bodies are quite durable.

After all, his physique was forced to keep up with him on the way of studying abroad.

However, this time the cold was severe, Song Huan thought, one reason was the cold weather, and the other might be the heavy exam pressure.

The two of them were lying on the bed together, drinking ginger syrup and scraping therapy alone were of no use, and they also provided relief.

Song Huan was afraid that the two of them would be burnt out and the exam would be delayed. By then, all the hard work would be in vain, so he called the doctor here while the two were asleep.

It's all like this, I can't do without seeing a doctor, and Fu Yuanzhi has been paying close attention to money for some reason recently, both he and brother thought that after two days of sleep they would be fine, so Song Huan was stopped from letting her go to the doctor.

From the beginning when they felt uncomfortable, Song Huan thought it was just a small cold, so he agreed to let them scrape the patient's neck. Waiting for the heat to dissipate, the cold will basically be cured. I used it on the way to study before, but who knew this time It's useless at all, the place that should be uncomfortable is still uncomfortable.

When the doctor saw it, he spent half of their savings.

In Beijing, everything is really expensive.

But Song Huan didn't feel bad about the money.

People are more important than money, money can be earned without people, and people are really gone.

But because of this expense, Song Huan felt that they might not last until April, and the price of food and everything else was high now.

In addition, due to natural disasters, the landlord wanted to increase the rent.

Song Huan also really wanted to refuse the landlord's price increase, but there was no way, they had to go out if they didn't pay, and now many people wanted to rent, if they didn't agree with the landlord's conditions, they would have no place to live.

Song Huan urgently needs to go out and earn money now.

So, when Fu Yuanzhi and Adi got better, Song Huan came out to look for errands.

The only social work that Song Huan has done here is to run the standard.

Naturally, the first thing she thought of was Biao Xing.

There are limited jobs in the capital, and they have already been fully recruited.

Song Huan said that the other party agreed, and if the number of people is not enough, she will be notified.

Song Huan felt a little better.

With this sentence, at least there is a little hope.

Although Song Huan felt that this was mostly perfunctory diplomatic rhetoric.

They just want to leave quickly without delaying them.

But Song Huan didn't want to think about that.

What if?
It's been hard enough, let's lie to ourselves.

Otherwise, she would feel that the saliva she swallowed was bitter.

Song Huan then went to various restaurants, tea shops, cloth houses, silver houses and other shops to apply for waiters, thugs and so on.

In the end, they were all kicked out.

Even if Song Huan punches a set of punches in front of them, telling them that he is the real one.

Seeing this, the other party had a better attitude, waved her hand and asked her to leave.

If you have a bad attitude, chase her away like a fly.

Song Huan pursed his lips, a little bit like crying, watching the luxury carriages coming and going, Song Huan suddenly remembered a place.


When the old bustard saw her, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Girl, I don't need thugs here, but a beauty like you."

Song Huan, "...Forget it then."

Seeing Song Huan's good martial arts skills, the old bustard naturally didn't dare to act rashly. She just shook her handkerchief behind and shouted, "Girl, if you are desperate, I will always open the door for you!"

In the end, Song Huan returned without success.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi knew what was going on when they saw Song Huan's depressed eyes.
Fu Yuanzhi felt distressed and hated his own incompetence, his eyes were full of pity, and he comforted Song Huan and said, "It's nothing, I will go to the bookstore to copy books tomorrow, and I can earn some income, don't take it all on yourself, and And me!"

Brother also nodded, "Sister, my illness is already cured, I have my own hands, and I can also copy books to make money!"

Song Huan bowed his head and shrugged his shoulders. Seeing this, Fu Yuanzhi and Adi looked at each other, and their eyes instantly became lonely.

Don't let Miss Song (Sister) cry because of sadness.

Thank you for those who voted today~

Thanks to kevinwowo, book friends 20230315194158283, and Shu Yan for their monthly tickets~

Comparing heart O(≧≦)O
Chapter 2 is estimated to be released at night, there will be training~
Friends, forgive me~ (^^)

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