Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 299 Posts

Chapter 299 Posts
Mr. Shi frowned and said: "The people in Xuantu County are exhausted and have no storehouses. If they want to raise troops again, they may have internal worries."

Gao Guangshu knew what Mr. Shi meant, and he said, "That's why we have to take advantage of the high morale to attack!"

"Farming and idling is not something to consider now." After taking Yanhe Dynasty, we can think about farming and idling. Now, let Zhou Jing think about farming and idling for himself!
Mr. Shi saluted and said, "It's the truth."

In order to prevent chaos in Xuantu County, they have already allocated part of their troops. The enemy is outnumbered, and the number of troops is even smaller. There is no food supply at the moment. If there is a strong attack, there is still hope. If it is really farming On the contrary, Yimin was tied up.

The plan to grow wheat also fell through.

"When the time is right, send out elite soldiers, copy the borderlines, and the others will not be safe, and I will take the easy ones."


Fu Yu'an and Fu Xuelin sat at the dining table.

Fu Yu'an couldn't understand and asked, "Why did you agree to let your mother and your daughter-in-law return to Beijing?"

Fu Xuelin put down the serving chopsticks and said, "Mother has made up her mind."

Fu Yu'an lost his appetite after talking, and only sighed softly.

"It's all life..."

Fu Xuelin's hands gradually tightened.

"You still don't understand your mother's attitude towards Chuanlin? Let her go to Beijing now, and you and I are not around. If she does something wrong, what will happen to your future career?" Fu Yuan asked worriedly.

Fu Yu'an suddenly thought of something, his eyes couldn't hide his surprise, and he couldn't believe it: "Don't you also believe the unfounded words of the wandering Taoist?"

Fu Xuelin didn't speak, but said, "Father, my sister's death is unusual."

Fu Yu'an suddenly fell silent.

Fu Xuelin said: "Why did the Zhang family get deposed by such a coincidence?"

"Are you suspicious of Chuanlin?" Fu Yu'an didn't believe it. Even if Chuanlin got Tanhua, how could he touch the Zhang family who had been rooted in the capital for many years?
Fu Xuelin looked up at Fu Yu'an, and said, "Father, Chuanlin is no longer the Chuanlin of the past."

"My son knows what you think. But, father, don't forget that Fu Chuanlin has the Song family siblings by his side."

"Song Yi won the number one prize and married the first daughter of the Lan family. The Lan family's ability is not small."

If the Lan family is incapable, how can they rescue Qingqing's father by stealing him.

"And Fu Chuanlin is Song Yi's brother-in-law. Do you think that if Fu Chuanlin needs anything, will Song Yi not help?"

Coupled with the fact that Fu Chuanlin and Song Yi saved the students of Fengchi Academy and Mr. Guo, they are no longer ordinary people without roots.

There is one more thing that Fu Xuelin did not say.

The Zhang family was exiled and dismissed, and Zhang Jinzhai sent a letter in the middle, explaining all the things that happened during that period of time.

The more you look at your back, the colder it gets.

It can be said that from Fu Wanrong's pregnancy to the crime of Zhang's family, there seems to be an invisible hand behind the series of events that happened. Every line, every fork, was arranged by someone.

In this way, the Zhang family and Wan Rong gradually reached the edge of the cliff without knowing it, and the incident of Lin You was the last step to push them off the cliff.

Every step of the opponent is accurate.

Thoughtful to the point of trembling.

It was precisely when he saw this clearly that he had other thoughts in his heart.

"If that's the case, you shouldn't have allowed them to return to Beijing!" Fu Yu'an said angrily.

Not to mention Pan's, if Xuelin is innocently implicated by her, then this life will be ruined!

Fu Xuelin said: "Father, don't worry, there is Fan's, behind Fan's there is Fan's family, nothing big will happen."

Hearing this, Fu Yu'an sighed, "But this is the end of the matter, I hope Fan can persuade your mother."

Fan Shi persuaded Pan Shi: "Grandma, Song Yi was seriously ill and refused to ask for the invitation. Why don't we talk about it after she recovers?"

Mrs. Pan snorted coldly, "As far as her body is concerned, it is impossible for Fu Chuanlin to get sick if she is sick. She deliberately slapped me, an elder, in the face!"

As an elder, when she came to Beijing, not only did she take the initiative to greet her, but she also asked her, an elder, to ask her daughter-in-law to hand over the post, and she handed it over as soon as she handed it over, but she refused on the grounds of being sick!
Fan said: "Maybe there is some other illness? I sent someone to inquire, and they said that he had been ill for almost a year. It doesn't look like a fake."

Mrs. Pan said coldly: "In that case, just send the post to Fu Chuanlin directly. I am an elder, so he has to come and see it anyway!"

Fan's expression changed upon hearing this.

There was nothing inappropriate for Pan Shi to see Fu Chuanlin, but she was different, since her husband was not around, if there were any gossips, the bad ones must be on her.

Pan obviously didn't think of this, even if she did, she didn't care, as long as it doesn't fit or come out, it's fine.

During her visit to Beijing, the more she learned about it in detail, the more frightened she became.

Song Yi has a good Yue family, Qingqing's incident was resolved lightly.

Song Huan has friendship with the current empress, and many back houses don't say much about Song Huan.

With these two relationships alone, Fu Chuanlin is much better than Xuelin.

And then there's the matter of panmae...

Pan felt that she could hardly breathe.

She hates!

She hates God's injustice!
Obviously I knew Fu Boyan first, so why did she come from the Xu family?
It's not that the skin looks better than him.

God favored Mrs. Xu, and even favored her son!
At the beginning, Mrs. Xu overwhelmed herself, but now her son is overpowering her own son.

How could this be!

I want you to watch how Fu Chuanlin stepped down the abyss step by step and stepped into hell.

The madness in Pan's eyes was even worse.

Fan Shi who was on the side took a step back in fright at the creeping hairs spreading from Pan Shi's body.

Her forehead was slightly hot, which was the prelude to sweating.

She has never seen such a mother-in-law.

Fan's family suddenly felt regretful, she shouldn't have agreed to return to Beijing this time.

She always has bad premonitions.


After reading the post, Fu Yuanzhi threw it aside, obviously not as peaceful as before.

Song Yi picked it up curiously, looked at it, and said in surprise, "Hey, brother-in-law, your aunt has returned to Beijing? How do I remember that County Magistrate Fu is only a year away?"

Fu Yuanzhi pondered for a moment before saying, "I guess I should come back early to make some arrangements."

Song Yi put the post away, sat down and said, "Then when are you planning to go?"

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Wait for a rest, you come with me."

Song Yi nodded without thinking.

Song Yi said: "Hey, it's a pity that sister is not here."

"They also sent a message to sister before. Lan'er refused it. She is still in confinement and has a lot of forgetfulness. She only told me after she refused. I didn't expect them to be so anxious. They refused today and immediately gave it to you. Hand it over." Song Yi sighed.

Fu Yuanzhi could roughly understand Pan's current mood. He took a sip of tea, and the darkness in his eyes became more intense.

 Thank you to those who voted~
(End of this chapter)

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