Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 300 Dacheng Calls for Help

Chapter 300 Dacheng Calls for Help
Song Huan has been staying in Xiangping City recently.

On this day, while she was still shopping for special products in the city, she ran into Dacheng who hurried over.

Dacheng looked at Song Huan like a life-saving straw, holding Song Huan's arm tightly, his voice trembling in panting, "Mr. Song! I beg you, save our village, save my son and wife !"

Hearing this, Song Huan frowned, and while leading him to run out of the street, he said, "What happened?"

It is said that men do not cry easily, but they have not reached the sad part.

A tough guy in Dacheng wiped his tears, his eyes were red and choked up, and he said: "Several robbers appeared in the village overnight, not only robbing the family's food, but also locking up everyone!"

Song Huan frowned, feeling troubled.

She asked, "How many people are there?"

Dacheng recalled: "More than 20."

Song Huan thought about it for a while, and said, "Go back to the inn with me first, and then go back to the village with you after I prepare something."

Dacheng didn't know what Song Huan was going to prepare, he only knew that his family was saved, so he nodded hastily.

Song Huan went back to the inn, gave Xiaolu and Xiaohei's meals for ten days, and then went to the business office in the alley.

Special effect drug is a good thing, so I need to stock up on some more.

Where wars are approaching, there are likely to be bandits and robbers. Most of them are freely organized by ordinary people who have nowhere to go. From my own understanding, their combat effectiveness is generally not very good.

If there were really one or two powerful ones, and the special drug she had prepared, her goal was not to suppress the robbers, but to save people, as long as she put them down, the goal would be achieved.

Song Huan stocked up quite a lot this time, and put all his hidden pockets in his body.

As the evening approached, the two left after a full meal.

In fact, Song Huan can ignore these things, but after all, she is the one who sold the food to the people in Luojia Village, if they attract thieves because of the rice, she has an unshirkable responsibility!

Song Huan hurriedly rode the horse two miles away from Luojia Village before he could find a buyer.

In order not to let the enemy notice, they had to walk the next journey by themselves.

Song Huan tied the horse in an inconspicuous place with dense grass.

After reconfirming the dagger and drug on his body, he rushed to Luojia Village with Dacheng.

At night, on the small slope, they could see the lights in Luojia Village at a glance.

Song Huan still remembered that the last time she followed Sun Da and the others to Luojia Village, all the houses were dark except for one with the lights on.

And the only house that was lit was probably Luo Chengjun's house.

It's different now than it was then, and several houses have been lit up.

Song Huan looked at Dacheng and said, "You stay at the entrance of the village later, I'll go in and check the situation, be careful not to make any noise, be careful to scare the snake!"

Dacheng nodded desperately, "I got it! Don't make a sound, Mr. Song, don't worry!"

After Song Huan hummed, the two continued on their way in silence.

In Luojia Village, the house with the brightest lights was still Luo Chengjun's house. It was obvious that the robbers took a fancy to the superior conditions of his house, and with his house as the center, several nearby houses were also lit with oil lamps.

Luo Chengjun's house is quite large, with two front and back yards, and the roof is covered with gray tiles. Song Huan then quietly jumped to the roof at night, and after finding a suitable location, he secretly uncovered a piece of gray tiles, and saw the scene.

Four men sat cross-legged on the kang, sitting around a wooden table, on which there were white porridge and hot chicken and other vegetarian dishes.

Man A took their words and said: "The things of Yanhe Dynasty are indeed better than ours. When the general takes it down, our life will be better in the future!"

Man B said: "That's not true! There will be many better days in the future!"

Song Huan wrinkled his face, it's not a robber!It's foreigners!
How did they come to Luojia Village?

The fish that slipped through the pass of Benxi Pass?Or sneaked in?
Song Huan gently covered the blue tiles again, and she went to several nearby houses, because the roofs of other houses were thatched, and the quality of the houses was unknown, so Song Huan could only find out the general situation outside the house.

The lit rooms are full of foreigners, but the locked-up people from Luojia Village are nowhere to be found!
Song Huan is not familiar with Luojia Village, so he has to go back and ask Dacheng, a talent in the village!
When Song Huan investigated the situation, he counted the number of people, and it was twice as many as what Dacheng said, 58 people.

There were only more than 20 robbers in Luojia Village yesterday, and there are twice as many robbers today!
The foreigners who can appear in the territory of Yanhe Dynasty are either spies or soldiers. If the number increases by more than 20 people in one day, there will be about one company in seven days!
Song Huan thought of a possibility, his back suddenly turned cold!

Don't act rashly, you have to find a way to let the people in the barracks know!

Song Huan disappeared into the lights, gradually merged into the night and left Luojia Village.

Dacheng dozed off at a corner of the village entrance, nodding his head.

He hasn't slept all day and night, and now he can't resist the needs of his body.

Song Huan touched Dacheng, and Dacheng woke up suddenly. The series of actions he woke up obviously took Song Huan's words as the standard.

He tightly covered his mouth with both hands, blocking the sound that was about to scream out of his mouth.

When Dacheng saw Song Huan on the opposite side, the violent chest heaving gradually slowed down. He slowly moved his hands away, but his mouth was still in an O shape, and he still hadn't fully reacted.

Song Huan said softly: "Don't be nervous, let's get out first."

What Dacheng wanted to ask was interrupted by Song Huan, Dacheng swallowed nervously, and obediently followed Song Huan on his way out.

After returning to the place where the horse was tied, Song Huan told what Dacheng wanted to know: "I can't find out where the people in the village are locked up."

Dacheng was surprised: "How could that be!"

Song Huan continued: "They are not robbers, they are foreigners!"

Dacheng fell to the ground in horror, shaking his head desperately: "No, it's impossible! I clearly heard what they said was Yan Hechao's words!"

Song Huan sighed and said, "Perhaps those people you saw were indeed from Yanhe Dynasty. This is a smoke bomb released by their foreigners to confuse you!"

Dacheng didn't understand what a smoke bomb was, but he understood the last half sentence, confused.

Dacheng couldn't believe it: "Why!"

Song Huan said: "Look, you didn't discover their true identities. This incident is defined as robbery. If you know that they are foreigners, then the nature will become a war."

Dacheng was completely dumbfounded. He had heard that Xuantu County was occupied by foreigners. They burned, killed, looted, raped and plundered, and committed all kinds of crimes. The people of Xuantu County would rather die than live. Is it Luojia Village's turn now?
Could the rest of the village have been killed by those foreigners...

Song Huan pushed Dacheng, who was already in a daze, and said: "Don't think about it, if something happens in such a short period of time, it is impossible to leave no traces, they should still be alive, you are familiar with Luojia Village, and you know that it is possible to get the number Is it a place where many people are held together?"

 Thank you to those who voted~
(End of this chapter)

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