Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 115 Sneak

Chapter 115 Sneak
Maya made a decisive decision, and Lin Wu rushed out of the holiday cabin despite being injured, and the two climbed up the five-meter-high tree house with hands and feet to hide temporarily.This height is very embarrassing, the distance of five meters is within the attention of the zombies, and they cannot hide their tracks by sneaking or other methods.After a while, a black mass of zombies gathered under the roots of the tree.

There is only one way to continue climbing up the tree.The two climbed to 10 meters and entered the stealth state. After keeping the stealth for 10 seconds, the zombies lost their traces of humans, and their irritable emotions gradually stabilized. Walking around, the zombies slowly dispersed.

But the crisis was not resolved. The resort was located in a small mountain depression, and the zombies did not leave too far due to the terrain.In other words, in the short term, the concentration of zombies in the resort will exceed that of the county seat.

Maya said: "The first way is to snipe and kill the screams, then pass through several small wooden houses, shake off the zombies, and get in the car at the intersection to escape. The second way is to wait, I estimate that it will take at least two hours for the corpses to recover. Disperse completely."

Lin Wu compared the drone images and said, "There are a lot of screams outside our shooting range." Here is a forest, full of trees, and obstructions can be seen everywhere.

Lin Wu said: "There are at least five Kuangmengs. We can't get rid of Kuangmengs when we enter the house through the wall."

Although there are still many things to do, but for now, we can only wait.Lin Wu felt a little regretful in his heart, and he should be more careful and vigilant.From this, Lin Wu also learned a lesson, no matter how strong you are, you must keep a low profile, otherwise the weak zombies will teach you how to behave.

"It's the second time." Maya said helplessly, and she faced what the stone said for the third time.When she was on the day shift, she always took care of all kinds of details, because she knew that the strength of the day shift was uneven, and people would die if they didn't do the details well.Teaming up with Lin Wu, the two are completely competing, as long as they can't die, they will play to death.

have to change!

Lin Wu defeated Maya's thoughts with one sentence: "Isn't it fun?"

This, this, it's really fun, much more interesting than the day shift.Even so, Maya still confessed: "We will be quieter in the future."

Lin Wu agreed that before entering the target building, he would sneak around the target place first to confirm how many zombies were around before entering the house.Come out every few minutes and turn around again to avoid being discovered by zombies first.Now it is walking straight through, the door will not be pried open if it can be smashed open.

While the two were waiting, a car turned left and entered the resort cottage.The driver saw the vehicle at the intersection and thought he would meet the player.He broke his head and didn't expect that after making a left turn, a large number of zombies appeared in front of him.

In such a dazed effort, seven zombies were attached to the car. The zombies grabbed the car with one hand and scratched the car with the other. The car was destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.First, the windshield shattered, then the body of the vehicle wrinkled, then the hood began to emit white smoke, then black smoke, and finally caught fire.

Maya said: "There are only 7 seconds before the explosion."

The driver kept pushing the car door frantically, while the zombies tried hard to close the door. Finally, because the car was damaged, the door was pulled away by a zombie, and he was able to get out of the car.Facing the besieging zombies, the driver pulled out the nozzle and shot the three zombies in the head.But the zombies on the left and right had already grabbed his arms. At this time, the driver rushed forward and jumped into the group of zombies.

With the explosion of the car, a huge shock wave sent all the surrounding zombies flying.The driver got up first and ran wildly, and the surrounding zombies gathered, screaming and roaring from all directions.

"It's a nightmare." After running closer, Maya could clearly see Nightmare's face.Nightmare was still wearing black fortress clothes today, except that she added a green military coat, presumably to keep out the cold, and because of this, Lin Wu and Maya didn't recognize her immediately.It wasn't until she looked up, revealing the veil, that Maya was sure she was a nightmare.

Maya yelled, "Go to the tree house."

Nightmare saw two people on the canopy 20 meters away, aimed his left hand at them, and a hook shot out from his hand.The hook claw flew over the branch, and when Nightmare pulled, the hook claw circled around the branch a few times and tied it tightly.The two zombies had already caught Nightmare, and Nightmare pressed the button on the left hand, and the hook rope tightened rapidly, dragging her and the two zombies forward, and soon one person and two corpses were pulled off the ground, flying towards Lin Wu and Maya Come.

Maya took aim and hit two zombies. Although they missed the head, the zombies no longer held on to the nightmare and fell from a height.Nightmare's claw rope was retracted too quickly, and his body hit the big tree firmly, causing the big tree to shake.

Lin Wu looked up at Nightmare, who was three meters taller than them. He hadn't seen Nightmare move for a long time, and asked softly, "Are you dead?"The last time Nightmare was ambushed and chased by several players, she rushed into the community with only one purpose, to prevent others from licking their bags.As long as no one else licks the bag within 1 minute, after she dies, all the equipment will return to her safe house.

"Maya, give me a painkiller." Nightmare stuck to the tree and stretched out her hand.

Lin Wu asked: "You don't even bring medicine with you when you go out? No medicine? You can buy it from me."

Lin Wu didn't know the real situation. When the nightmare hit the tree, a branch pierced her face.She didn't dare to move, and pulled the wound as soon as she moved, the pain was piercing, and it caused bleeding. Considering her current injuries, bleeding might kill her.Naturally, you can't take medicine in this situation.

After taking the painkiller that Maya put in her palm, the nightmare slowly entered her mouth.

She kissed the big tree with her mouth. When stuffing the medicine, she first lifted the mask, opened her left mouth, and stuffed the pill into her mouth.Then, Nightmare pulled out her head, she didn't want them to see her ghostly appearance, she changed a mask with her back to them, then she slid down near them, and found a place with three branches to sit on big tree.In the end, Nightmare turned the backpack in front of her and took the bandage from it to heal her wounds.

"Thank you." Nightmare chose the location next to Maya. Although Lin Wu was not far away from her, she was separated by the trunk of a big tree.So this thank you is naturally to Maya.

"You're welcome." Maya glanced at Nightmare's left wrist.

Nightmare opened the sleeve, and a mechanical hook was installed on the back of her left arm.Nightmare pulled out the claws, followed by a thin steel cable.The cable box is under the forearm.Nightmare said: "Flying Dragon Claw, opened from the golden treasure chest."

Maya exclaimed: "Golden treasure chest." Knowing that they have a special status as fortress agents in Nightmare, this is the first time Maya has heard of the golden treasure chest.

Nightmare said to Maya: "You send me through the tunnel..."

"We'll send you through the tunnel." Lin Wu interjected.

Nightmare paused for a while, ignored Lin Wu, and said, "After passing through the tunnel, I started to do the task at [-]:[-] in the morning, and I didn't complete the task until before the time limit of [-]:[-] in the evening. The reward is a golden treasure box."

Maya asked, "Did you come to Beishang Lake today to do a mission?"

The nightmare did not hide: "I am looking for a secret place, and I have received clues a few days ago that the secret place is near Beishang Lake."

The nightmare was that I came north to the lake during the day, but I didn't meet Liuchi, nor did I meet a blind bat.But she met a group of blasters.More than a dozen explosive fat men ran towards Nightmare, and Nightmare took out a light crossbow and exploded them.After the explosion, a cloud of poisonous gas will appear, and then slowly dissipate.

After the poisonous gas dissipated, Nightmare continued to move forward. Unexpectedly, the explosion death polluted the lake, and Nightmare entered a poisoned state.Poisoning is different from bleeding. Bleeding can be stopped with a bandage, but there is currently no cure for poisoning, so we can only endure the time of poisoning.

Nightmare could have saved his life by taking painkillers to recover his blood, but the noise caused by the explosion attracted the zombies on the lake, and also attracted three violent ones.Beishang Lake is bare, and there are two big rocks and cliffs hundreds of meters away. The nightmare has nowhere to escape, but to move forward.The more he advanced, the more toxins in the water, which soon became moderately poisoned.

If you don't advance, you will face zombies, if you advance, you will enter the bombing cemetery.In this case Nightmare chooses to accept death.Today, she came to Beishang Lake again to find a secret place, but she couldn't find it after searching the entire lake, so she thought that the holiday cottage was nearby, and planned to come to the holiday cottage to see the situation.

After listening to the nightmare story, Lin Wu didn't like the nightmare mentality.

Lin Wu has fallen into desperation many times. He fights with his last breath, plays with dying struggle, and has a strong sense of survival.The reason is that Lin Wu knew that he would suffer a huge loss if he died.On the other hand, Nightmare is different. She died many times, she has no skills, and she doesn't care about skills. She only cares about equipment.As long as the bag is not licked, her equipment will not disappear.In this state of mind, Nightmare doesn't have a strong attitude towards survival, and accepts fate if he can't beat it.Lin Wu, on the other hand, would risk his life if he couldn't beat him. Anyway, he would die anyway, and he would fight to the death.

Nightmare's attitude towards Maya is sincere and frank, while Maya's attitude towards Nightmare is very ordinary. Maya didn't even point out that she and Lin Wu had already discovered the A6 laboratory before Nightmare.The discovered A6 laboratory will randomly appear somewhere in the game.When others express kindness to themselves, they can express kindness to themselves.When others express their favor to themselves, they can refuse to express their favor.

If Maya didn't say anything, Lin Wu certainly wouldn't say anything.Nightmare was not in a hurry to leave, and she chatted with Maya, most of the time she was talking, and Maya asked a few questions cooperatively to satisfy Nightmare's desire to speak.Nightmare seems to like Maya, but she also kept a lot of information. She didn't say anything about Shanna or Bastion agents. She only talked about people and things she met during the mission, as well as information about various equipment.

Lin Wu was even more puzzled by this, is Shana really an accomplice of Nightmare?Shana already knew about the A6 secret laboratory yesterday.It only took Lin Wu one minute to think about people, and two hours to think about zombies. He found inspiration from the crowd of zombies.

Two hours, two full hours of squatting on a tree, Lin Wu didn't know any game that could make players feel so frustrated.Even after two hours, the three of them could only sneak down from the tree.The two women followed Lin Wu sneakily, not daring to make a move at all.Lin Wu was full of concentration, staring at the direction the zombies were looking at, using various gaps to cut behind them, and forcibly killing a way.

Not many, just killed a dozen or so zombies, but the process was quite thrilling and took 10 minutes to complete.A pay, a harvest.Lin Wu gains the passive skill Stealth.

This stealth is different from the other. This sneak has the function of a chameleon. Once Lin Wu enters the stealth state, his body will be integrated with the environment, and the distance from the sight of zombies will be shortened to 5 meters. Lin Wu, who is 5 meters away, enters the stealth state and makes faces at the zombies without being noticed by it.

The game mechanism is a line of sight of 10 meters. Once a zombie finds it, the zombie's effective line of sight becomes 15 meters.When the player climbs over the fence and is more than 10 meters away from the zombie, the zombie will lose the player's trace and then wander in place.Passive stealth means that as long as Lin Wu is more than 10 meters away from the zombies and enters the stealth, or uses obstacles to block the line of sight for more than 5 meters and enters the stealth, he can get rid of the zombies.

However, special zombies such as giants, savages, screams, and blasters cannot.They are usually blind with their eyes open. Once they find the target, they not only have the sight distance of ordinary people, but also have a certain ability to judge.Going through the door and jumping from the building to the building, using layers of obstacles to block the line of sight is currently the most effective way for players to escape from madness.If you encounter Kuangmeng in a place where there are no buildings nearby, you will be close to death.


The three of them got into the car, and Lin Wu reminded the nightmare in the back seat: "Your car is over there." He pointed to the car that was blown into a scrapped car.

The nightmare didn't know how to answer for a while, it's wrong to rub the car without consent, but there are zombies outside, you want me to find my own scrapped car?Fortunately, Maya was more practical, and left the holiday cabin with one kick of the accelerator.

Going downhill to Beishang Lake, Lin Wu reminded again: "Beishang Lake is here."

The nightmare was unbearable: "What do you mean?"

Lin Wu asked back, "Where are you going?"

Maya helped Lin Wu: "Yes, nightmare, where are you going?" Nightmare has no clear destination, and plans to chat with Maya, search together, and play games together.But they are based in one base, and Maya has not invited Nightmare to join the team until now.

"Pull over." The car stopped, and Nightmare got out of the car: "Thank you, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Maya drove to another vacation house: "Put the dagger away."

"It's as if you know me very well." Lin Wu quietly put away the dagger.

Maya said: "You want to blow up her equipment but you are too embarrassed to do it directly, so you run on her with words and make them turn against you."

Lin Wu denied: "There is no such thing, I did not run on others, it is completely normal."

Maya: "I'm curious, why didn't you just do it?"

Lin Wu said: "There is still a big difference. I think that other people have money, so I kill him and steal his money. This is wrong. But I can provoke him legitimately. He slaps me, and I defend myself." It’s okay to kill him. After all, he beat me and he needs to compensate me for my mental damage. Since there is no court, I will pay for my mental damage.”

Maya asked: "Nightmare's personality is relatively withdrawn, but it doesn't seem to make you so hostile."

Lin Wu thought for a while: "You have to ask Shishi."

Maya was slightly surprised: "Is there anything I don't know?"

Lin Wu said: "It's quite complicated, but it seems that Shi Shi is right."

Maya said: "Stone is a very capable person."

Lin Wulai was interested: "Tell me the story of the stone."

Maya: "Ask him yourself."

"Stingy." Lin Wu said: "Then I won't tell you that I have comprehended the passive stealth skill."

(End of this chapter)

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