Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 116 Visit

Chapter 116 Visit
Maya turned to look at Lin Wu in disbelief: "Another skill?"

Lin Wu spread his hands: "It's just so handsome."

When Lin Wu farted, Maya was speechless.

Lin Wu tilted his head and approached Maya and asked in a low voice, "Do you think Shuguang is messing with me?"

Maya couldn't understand Lin Wu's logic: "Why do you say that?"

Lin Wu said: "The secret laboratory retrieved my information last time, and remembered that I had troubled it many times. So it deliberately let me comprehend many skills, and then killed me."

"Hmm..." This idea can't be said to be illogical, but it is somewhat persecution paranoia.

Lin Wu: "If Shuguang doesn't have this idea, there is only one answer."

"what is the answer?"

"Handsome, handsome, even more handsome." Seeing Maya's disgusted expression, Lin Wu asked, "Or do you have another explanation?"

"Handsome handsome." Maya replied perfunctorily, thinking carefully in her heart.Lin Wu's skills are not too much, quick shooter is a 5-star skill for agility, bear trap is a skill for blueprints, and ten-star stealth is also normal.The reason why Lin Wu is strong is because of three rare comprehension skills, one is wind thorn, one is stealth, and the other is the mark derived from the hunter profession.

Maya learned swordsmanship from reading books, and learned immortality from killing monsters with a small knife. All comprehension-type skills are directly related to their own behavior.Maya speculates that the system has a reward mechanism, and Lin Wu is the first to kill Frenzy, Blood Frenzy, Big Mac and Blood Plague.This speculation is not groundless. Every time Lin Wu makes his first kill, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest of loot.After that, no matter how many Kuangmeng and Xuekuangmeng were killed, there was no loot.

Maya compares Forest Fog and Nightmare.In addition to life skills that can be learned by relying on skill books, the nightmare of many deaths is actually a blank board without any skills.The advantage of Nightmare is that her equipment is one latitude ahead of ordinary players.Lin Wu is a skill-based player, and it is difficult to turn over the last time he dies. There is not much difference between Lin Wu and Nightmare's equipment.As long as Lin Wu doesn't die, he can easily surpass Fortress Agent.

The conclusion is very tangled. If Lin Wu does not die, he will not be able to continue to become stronger. Once Lin Wu dies, he may die.

The two arrived at the holiday cottage on the right side of Beishang Lake. After learning the lesson from last time, the two became extremely sneaky.Once sneaking, there is no room for Maya to play, so she can only follow Lin Wu to assassinate.It wasn't until the last two zombies remained in the circle that Maya killed them with a knife.

Lin Wu thinks that Forest Park should be renamed Plug-in Park, and various plug-ins emerge in endlessly.

Add-on stamina booster for the gym that speeds up stamina regeneration.

The picker in the fruit garden, players can pick fruits from the fruit garden for extra consumption.

It takes 5 minutes to use the toilet in the toilet, and the morale of the entire base increases by 10%, which lasts for an hour.

The grill in the kitchen, unlocks the barbecue.

The winery's alcohol still, which can purify medicinal alcohol.

The sleeping bag in the dormitory can increase the warmth value by 10 points.

The PS6 game console in the lounge can play games.

After getting the game console plug-in, Lin Wu immediately looked at the construction map of the base. The lounge needs a large indoor grid, 12 building materials, a sofa, a TV, and a pool table made in the production room, and 10 kinds of fully sealed wine.

Maya asked, "Are you going to play the game in the game?"

Why do you feel like an idiot?Lin Wu immediately retorted: "The Homeland game is mandatory, and you can't play it if you don't want to. PS6 is optional, and I can play it whenever I want."

Maya asked: "Do you think PS6 games have more content than Homeworld?"

Lin Wusi said stubbornly: "I just like playing monotonous and simple games."

Maya smiled and walked away.

You stop for me, what do you mean?So angry.Taking stock of the conversation process just now, I always feel that I did not perform well, not only being bullied, but also despised.


The next goal is to scatter in the campsites in the forest park, find a few food packages, and find a brand new fishing rod that can be used.Some players said that fishing without fishing skill bonus is real fishing.Lin Wu put away his fishing rods. Although he was not very interested in fishing, he couldn't bear to get a few rods if he was trapped in the base in a flood.

After a day of searching, a pistol, two hunting knives, four food packs, two medical packs, and a building material pack were found.In addition, there are mostly plug-ins, all kinds of messy plug-ins.

A library plugin that plays classical and classic music.The coffee machine plug-in in the lounge, the mobile target plug-in in the shooting range, the manual drill press in the production room, the weight-bearing equipment in the gym, the signal booster in the command post, the foam stabilizer in the medical room, etc.

Back at the base, Maya cleaned up the zombies near her residence, and went to sleep first.If you want to play, you can play after going to bed. Today, you have already asked for a day off, and you can't ask for another day off tomorrow.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Maya woke up from her sleep, opened the screen and found that Lin Wu's cubicle was empty, so she opened the door of the dormitory, and Lin Wu's smiling face greeted her eyes.Maya took a step back in fright, and subconsciously asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Wu waved his hand and said, "I'll take you to see something good."

Maya wondered and walked out of the supermarket through the north gate with Lin Wu, and then saw a screaming zombie that was hung up.The scream was 20 meters from the supermarket and 5 meters from the ground.Lin Wu hung it up with a rope through the branches, and tied the other end of the rope to a tree, so that there was no need to worry about other zombies biting the rope.


"Take the gun and go to the sentry tower."

Maya took 41 and went to the sentry tower. The watchtower faced the north road and Birch Forest Park, and was hung above the road in the middle of the scream.Lin Wu sneaked, planted two torches in the dirt, then canceled the sneak, and walked into the screaming field of vision.After the scream, there was a sharp roar, Lin Wu blocked his ears in advance, and ran away.

More than 30 zombies gathered around, including scattered zombies wandering in the supermarket.Lin Wu took the Silencer up to the sentry tower, and saw densely packed zombies under the screaming feet in the scope.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Lin Wu said, "Shoot." First, shoot and kill a zombie.

Only then did Maya come back to her senses, she raised her gun and slammed the heads of seven zombies in succession.

"Slow down." Lin Wu said angrily, "Go pull monsters later."

"Okay." Childish ghost.Maya cooperated with Lin Wu's rhythm and started firing single shots.

More than 30 zombies were killed by two people in a short while. Maya ran into the screaming range, screamed again, and Maya ran back to the sentry tower.This time there were only 20 zombies, but one of them was fierce.

There are only 15 zombies in the third wave, and only 10 in the fourth wave.Starting from the fifth wave, even though the screams broke their throats, only 5 zombies gathered at the screaming feet.

"Not fun."

Lin Wu deeply felt the same way. If there were only silent ones, it would be enough to kill them for more than an hour.Maya 41 is too ruthless, even if you want to control the speed, you will quickly clear the zombies.

Lin Wu came up with a bad idea: "How about we go and bring the tide of corpses from Zuo County?"

Maya is still rational: "No, there are all kinds of zombies in the zombie tide, and ordinary zombies can't catch up with Kuangmeng."

Lin Wu frowned and thought.

Maya imitated the bad idea: "We can hang a scream in the east, west and south."

Lin Wu said: "The east is fine, but the two directions to the southwest are not within the shooting range of the sentry tower."

Maya said: "But it is within the shooting range of the rooftop safety zone."

Such a bad idea should have been brought up by himself.Seeing Maya's excited expression, Lin Wu said nothing more, put away the gun, and said, "Let's find Scream."

Maya said: "I'm going to get the rope. Wait, if we do this, the threat value of the base will increase."

Lin Wu said: "I have a way."

Maya asked, "How?"

Lin Wu said: "Once the system notifies the siege, we will pack the materials into the pickup truck, pile up the sundries in the back of the pickup truck, and drive the pickup truck away to hide."

Makes sense.Maya added: "We can also dismantle the base ahead of schedule, provided we find a few more vehicles."

Lin Wu said: "Didn't the nightmare say that there is an ambulance? There are 9 resource slots, and the pickup truck can hold 15 resource packs. Then get the survey vehicle, plus we carry a resource pack, we can take away at least 20 Resource pack. Besides, we may not be unable to defend, and zombies cannot come to the rooftop."

Maya felt the same way: "It's better to get another automatic rifle. Besides, 10 minutes is enough time for us to notify the general base to come to help." Because of checkpoints, it is impossible to reach the supermarket base in 10 minutes during the day, but the day shift is on the farm. Just one sound.As long as they are fast at night, they can reach the supermarket base.Coupled with a few people on the day shift and their cars, another wave of resource packs can be packed away.You can fight or withdraw, and you are afraid of attacking the city.The only thing they didn't think about was: what if they were not at the base when they attacked the city?
They clapped hands in embarrassment, did what they said, took the rope, and took away the tape. The two searched and screamed all night.


At 5 o'clock in the morning, the last scream was hoisted, and Maya used a ladder to tear off the tape in the mouth of the scream.Seeing that the scream was about to scream, Lin Wu poked it with a wooden stick, and the casting was interrupted.Lin Wu kept poking and screaming, Maya evacuated with the ladder, and finally Lin Wu escaped.

The scream from the south gate brought surprise to the two of them. After its roar, zombies rolled down in the woods crackling.This kind of training is very effective. Lin Wu's aiming time is getting faster and faster, and the gun finger is about to pull the trigger, and the whole process is done in one go.As a rookie back then, Lin Wu had to search through the scope for a long time before he could find the location of the zombie.

Maya told Lin Wu that this is the feeling of the gun, and the muzzle can quickly point to the target without aiming.The higher the multiple of the scope, the higher the requirements for the sniper. If you shake your hand slightly, the person in the scope will not be found.

After killing the first wave at the south gate, Maya went downstairs to use the radio to call Stone.

Stone: "Good morning, Maya."

Maya: "That..."

Shitou: "Didn't get enough sleep?"

Maya: "I'm sorry, I want to take another day off."

Shitou: "It's okay, take a good rest."

At seven o'clock in the morning, except for Su Shi and Xuedan staying at the shadow base, Shitou took the members of the day shift and drove two cars to visit the supermarket base.Grandma has a leg, what's the matter?How could Maya be so ignorant?

The car entered through the north gate, and a dozen zombies surrounded the middle of the road. Everyone got out of the car and saw a screaming one that was hung upside down.Before they could react, the heads of the zombies below the screams burst one by one.Shitou looked up and saw two people in the sentry tower: "What's going on?"

"Hey, Stone." Lin Wu shouted, "Did you see the stick on the ground?"

Shi Shi picked up the stick: "I see."

Lin Wu said: "Poke it."

Maya asked, "You shouldn't ask, why are you here?"

Lin Wu: "Compared to asking questions, I'd rather run around."

Screams followed by screams, 10 zombies came from a distance, Lin Wu and Maya immediately entered the state, they were competing to shoot moving targets.Static targets can no longer satisfy them.

"Hit on a tree." Lin Wu was annoyed.

When it was Maya's turn, she shot past the zombies and couldn't help jumping: "Ah!" She started counting down: "5, 4..."


Maya jumped again angrily, and Lin Wu could shoot another shot if he hit. Lin Wu shot empty with his hands covering his head and scratching his hair, and then immediately counted down: "5, 4..."

Maya stepped on the guardrail of the sentry tower, raised her gun, aimed and fired: "Hit, hit, hit again, yeah, I won."

When they coughed, they turned their heads and saw a few people from the day shift standing at the entrance of the checkpoint stairs and watching them quietly. Maya hurriedly sorted out her image, and her tone changed from excited to serious: "You guys are here, go downstairs and drink tea .”

Playing things to lose one's mind, playing things to lose one's mind!Shi has a headache and a heartache. Is there anything fun to do?A good deputy commander, sleeping or not, yelling with Lin Wu, jumping up and down, how decent.


There weren't enough chairs, so everyone had to stand and drink tea. Shitou was about to speak some reason, but Lin Wu said, "It's just in time, I collected a lot of garbage yesterday."

Shitou: "Garbage? I don't believe you can collect garbage."

Maya explained: "Yesterday we collected six resource packs and a bunch of facility plug-ins."

Lin Wu took out various plug-ins from the warehouse: "To speed up recovery, sleeping bags, barbecue grills, you can see for yourself, and take what you need." One day, the two touched seventeen plug-ins in Forest Park.The plug-in is not a timely help, it can only be icing on the cake, but it is better to have flowers than no flowers, after all, it can slightly enhance the function of the facility.

Shana pulled the corner of Lin Wu's clothes, Lin Wu put the plug-in on the table for them to choose, stepped back a few steps to Shana, Shana asked, "Did you have fun?"

"Well." Lin Wu looked at Shana and said, "You should inform first, and we will restrain ourselves."

"Forget it." Shana said, "I'm going to mix materials near your base today."

"I'll take you to the car cemetery." Lin Wu turned around and said, "Everyone is free, Shana and I will dismantle the car."

Xiaodao looked coldly: "Hmph."

Lin Wu said: "Xiaodao, let sister Maya take you to the blood plague cement factory."

Xiaodao immediately became interested; "Is there a blood plague nearby?"

"of course."

Shitou said anxiously, "Isn't it uncomfortable if you don't kill a few dammits?"

Lin Wu turned around: "Old man, don't look at whose territory this is, and be careful to beat you if you talk nonsense."

Shitou stroked his sleeves: "Come on, I'm afraid of you." In a low voice: "Hold me"

"Hold me." Lin Wu: "Come on, let me tell you, if Shana hadn't pulled me, I would have knocked out all your shit."

Shitou: "Let go, I beat him to death today."

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill him."

"You are lucky."

The extras are exhausting!

(End of this chapter)

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