Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 117 Sun Demon

Chapter 117 Sun Demon
There is a creek near the supermarket, and there is a cement road beside the creek, where at least 20 vehicles are congested.Why are there cars in such a remote place?Maya speculated that after the outbreak of the virus, panicked people planned to go into the mountains to escape.Lin Wu asked again, why not take another broad road?Maya speculates: Lin Wu is looking for trouble for himself.

Shana naturally handed Lin Wu a wrecking stick, Lin Wu took it, and the two started smashing at the scrapped car, chatting until they were hung up and screaming, Shana asked: "Aren't you worried that Shuguang will tell you?" Do you torture zombies?"

Lin Wu said: "Maia did it." The screaming roar can only affect one area, so one needs to be hung in the southeast, northwest, and the covered area will be greatly increased.

"Ha, I don't believe that Maya can come up with such a thing." Shanna: "Hey, do you have any supplies here that I can exchange for the materials of the swallowtail darts in the afternoon?"

Lin Wu: "You are really welcome."

Shana said: "Being polite to you is making things difficult for yourself."

Lin Wu stopped, took off his backpack and rummaged through it.Personal system is also annoying, everything in the backpack.The leadership system is great, but the annoying thing is the commander, he needs to count the materials, otherwise he will not know what goods are in the warehouse.Lin Wu poured out the contents of the backpack: "Quadruple mirror, a tactical pistol equipped with a flashlight, and two bottles of serum? Where did you get the serum?" Lin Wu forgot, it should be the serum that he touched when he was brushing the tunnel with the knife.

Lin Wu took out a design drawing from his backpack: "Only it is worth some money, the design drawing of an engineer shovel."

Shana leaned over to look: "It's a melee weapon."

Lin Wu said: "The engineering shovel has the advantages of both blunt and sharp weapons, the attack speed of a sharp weapon, and the stun effect of a blunt weapon. The attribute belongs to a melee weapon, including the dual effects of a sharp blade and a blunt weapon."

Shana took it over and looked at it, feeling a little regretful: "The one with the green border." Gold, purple, blue and green, and the green border represents the lowest grade of the design drawing.

Lin Wu said: "Can't you paint with a blue pen?"

Shanna was startled: "Is this going to work?"

Lin Wu: "I don't know, I don't do such wicked things."

Shana kicked up, Lin Wu dodged and said: "There are so many goods, I can't use 41 to exchange materials, Maya will cut me up and scream."

Shana said: "Speaking of Maya, Maya is very happy when playing with you, the characters are both forgotten."

Lin Wu said: "Everyone likes to play. As long as you find the toy you like, everyone will be very happy. Maya likes guns very much. Someone competes with her, which also satisfies her sense of accomplishment and provokes her desire to win. You What? What do you like?"

Shana said: "I like points, hehe. I like to play games casually. After coming to Homeland Games, I think the most fun thing is to go to Zuo County twice."

Lin Wu: "Oh? The first time you almost died in Zuo County, and the second time you returned to the base devastated."

Shanna: "So interesting."

Lin Wu: "Wouldn't it be more interesting to go north to the lake? Just die."

Shana pulled her fist angrily: "I like you but at the same time I hate you very much."

Lin Wu smiled and wanted to apologize, then his expression froze, he looked up and pulled the drone with his mind: "There is a zombie at a position 15 meters away from us, in this position. But I didn't see it, and neither did the drone."

Shana asked: "Then how did you find out?"

"Drone scanning." Lin Wu pulled out the Silencer, and the small map of the drone showed that the zombie was moving slowly towards the two of them. Lin Wu looked at the location of the zombie, but saw nothing.

Shana looked at it intently for a while: "Is there anything?"

At this time, the sun penetrated into the dark clouds, and air fluctuations appeared in the due east direction ten meters away from the two of them. This fluctuation was similar to the ripples in the air under the scorching sun in summer.

Shana took out the display mirror and said, "Sun Demon."

There are night devils and of course there are sun devils.The sun came out of the dark clouds again, and when the light brightened, the faint fluctuations in the air disappeared.

"Back." Lin Wu placed a bear trap in front of the car, took out a newspaper, bent down and covered the newspaper on the trap, and then slowly backed away with Shana.

Shanna asked, "Aren't you going to shoot?"

Lin Wu said: "You need data, otherwise it will be difficult for you to explain to Maya."

The Sun Demon walked towards the two of them carefully along the car, and then stepped on the trap with a snap, but the two still didn't see the Sun Demon, only the trap being dragged.Lin Wu made a decisive decision, took out the rope and tape from his bag and threw them to Shana: "Go."

"What?" What do you mean?

"Can't you let me do something that a human being can do?" While speaking, Lin Wu had already pounced into the air.

Shana saw Lin Wu floating on the ground through a layer, twisting all over her body, Lin Wu said, "Hurry up." While speaking, Lin Wu's left arm had teeth marks and began to bleed.

Shana could only go forward, and Lin Wu picked up her foot and stepped on the back of the Sun Demon to let her feel the existence of the Sun Demon.He took the rope around his head and prepared to tie the sun devil's hands and body together.Shanna felt the huge power of the Sun Demon, but had no choice but to kneel down and press on the Sun Demon.

It's nothing.I just came to dismantle some scrap iron, but I did the kidnapping, and the kidnapper was still a zombie.

The two people who didn't increase their strength didn't take advantage of the sun devil. They even used their breast-feeding strength, but they still couldn't control the sun devil and couldn't bind it smoothly.Lin Wu was so angry that he took a stone and hit the Sun Demon's head twice, knocking him out with a blunt object...

The two took the opportunity to tie the Sun Demon, and the Sun Demon soon regained consciousness and continued to struggle non-stop. Lin Wu and Shana assisted in binding its feet again.After finally closing the mouth, Lin Wu lifted the front, Shana lifted her legs, and the two returned to the supermarket camp.


Everyone planned to go to the cement factory to inspect, but when they saw Lin Wu and Shana passing by the intersection, Xiao Dao, who was about to greet them, shut her mouth, because she found that there was something wrong with them.

Lin Wu embraced the air with his hands on his left shoulder in front, and Shana embraced the air with his hands on his right shoulder in the back. After walking a few steps, the two twisted their bodies together.Lin Wu kept cursing. Although Shana was unhappy with Lin Wu's abuse, she didn't reply.

Stone looked at Maya beside him: "Is it an infectious disease?"

Maya was straightforward and shouted: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wu turned around and lost it, but Shana didn't catch it, and the two hurriedly touched the ground together.Maya asked as she walked, "What are you doing?"

"Sun Demon?" Lin Wu replied.

The stone behind Maya asked, "Sana's nickname is Mo?"

Lin Wu froze for a few seconds, and then cursed: "You LSP, you only have shit in your head, and it's all yellow."

Shi Shi didn't fight back unexpectedly, and asked: "No, no, what is a sun devil?" Young people's tricks?
Shana was smart, and called Maya to come and squat down, took Maya's hand and touched the Sun Demon, which startled Maya: "What is it?"

Lin Wu went crazy: "Sun Demon." He was so angry that he wanted to say it several times.

Shana said: "Give me a little more strength, let's carry it to the dark place and you will know."

Xiaodao still doesn't understand: "I am strength, how can I join hands?"

Lin Wu explained: "There is a zombie on the ground."

"Cut!" Horse Soul, Stone and Knife hissed together.

Maya explained: "There is a zombie on the ground."

"Oh?" The three immediately came up and squatted down, touching the invisible Sun Demon with their fingers.

Lin Wu's blood pressure almost exploded after being discriminated against.


The sun devil was carried into the supermarket base, and the light in the supermarket base was dim, and everyone finally saw the appearance of the sun devil clearly.It's about the same length as the night devil, the only difference is the hair.The night devil has long hair, and the sun devil has a bald head.

Shi Shi said, "Dawn is really bad."

Maya asked, "Why do you say that?" She pulled out a dagger without a sharp attribute and poked it at the sun devil to check its defense data.

Shitou said: "Winter is coming soon, and the temperature at night is cold. Players who really need to go out will choose to go out during the day when there is sunshine. At this time, the Sun Demon appears to hunt and kill players who go out during the day."

Ma Hun said: "After that, it will be very lively. Either a place where you can't see zombies is a safe place. Life players, such as fishermen, may be attacked by surprise."

Maya asked: "How about the attack power?"

Shana looked back at Lin Wu: "Lin Wu was bitten."

Maya looked at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu said, "Anyway, you don't believe what I say, so you can just say it for me."

Maya replied, "I believe in you."

Lin Wu paused, what you said moved me very much, you know?
Stone said on the side: "Lin Wu, you can't blame us. You said there was a zombie on the ground, but we didn't see it. Not only you, but everyone else except Maya said there was a zombie on the ground, we will 'cut' him. You have to Are you going to compare honesty with Maya?"

Lin Wu looked at Maya, and Maya stretched out her hand to signal, let's talk.

Lin Wu said: "I am a survivor of the blood plague, and I have no infection data. Stone, stretch out your hand."

Stone Fury: "Why me?"

Lin Wu said: "As the boss, can you appoint a victim?"

Shitou: "I'm not kind to you." Despite saying that, he still stretched out his hand.

Lin Wu and Ma Hun are not very familiar, so he would not recommend Ma Hun.Shana, Maya, and Xiaodao are girls, so they are excluded subconsciously.That leaves stones.Coincidentally, I just ran on myself, and I wanted to get revenge by the way.

After experiments, it was found that the bite of the sun devil would cause more serious poisoning, and the bite of the night devil would cause more serious bleeding.At present, it is known that the only thing that can poison players is Bosang, and now there are more Sun Demons.There is currently no cure for poisoning, and the immune system can only be used to resist it.Severe poisoning for 1 minute, after 1 minute, it will turn into moderate poisoning, and after 1 minute, it will turn into mild poisoning.

Severe poisoning (bleeding), drop 3 points of life per second, drop 1 point of upper limit of life per second.Moderate poisoning (bleeding), drop 2 points of life per second, drop 1.5 point of maximum life every 1 seconds.Light poisoning (bleeding) drops one point of life per second, and one point of maximum life every three seconds.

In the absence of medicines and treatment, no one can endure severe poisoning.

In order for Maya to obtain the data, everyone began to toss the Sun Demon.Stone kicked Lin Wu's shoes, and the two walked outside the door. Stone glanced inside and whispered, "Shana went out for a walk last night, and I followed her for a while. The last time you saw her and the nightmare where she and the nightmare meet again."

Lin Wu asked: "Are you sure about the nightmare?"

"I'm sure, why do you doubt?"

Lin Wu expressed his opinion and felt that the relationship between the two was not close.Not only not close, but quite unfamiliar.Lin Wu said: "I think Nightmare likes Maya." He told about the campsite.

Shitou thought about it after hearing this, and said, "Even if something happens to Shana, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. At least for us."

"Yeah." Lin Wu said, "I didn't tell Maya."

"Don't tell her, she doesn't hide secrets." Maya doesn't talk too much, but doesn't like to lie.Sometimes when she asks the right question, she will avoid answering it, which is equivalent to giving the answer.

Lin Wu said: "Are you going to wait for Shana to explain to you?"

Stone said: "The two-year game career has just started. If you want to maintain the stable development of Shadow, you need a tactical instructor like Maya and a social manager like Shanna. And she has expertise in dealing with transactions. In the past few days, I asked her to Responsible for contacting homeless, invincible them."

Lin Wu asked: "How about the homeless?"

Shitou said: "We took down another small and medium-sized base, but I don't know what happened. Last night, the threat level of their base has broken 5 stars. I wanted Xuedan to help them suppress the threat level, but now the tunnel is blocked. Let me tell you, just play with Maya, don't play too exciting, you know?"

Lin Wu didn't understand: "Emotion?"

"Your size, I'm talking about safety." Shitou said, "You and Maya have been to the Invincible Base, what do you think of Peanut?"

"Not bad, what's the situation?"

Shitou said: "Last night at eight o'clock, Shanna contacted some familiar bases as usual to share information, including the Invincible base. Afterwards, Shana told me that Invincible seems to be a little dissatisfied with Peanut."

Lin Wu smiled and said, "So you have to make preparations to receive peanuts first."

Shitou nodded: "You can't think about the countermeasures after something happens."

While speaking, Maya came out from the door: "Lin Wu, I'm done here. The Sun Demon should be the first kill in Zuo County. If you catch it, you can do it."

Lin Wu said generously: "Give it to Shana." The mere sun devil is nothing to worry about.

"it is good."

After a while, there was the sound of hammering iron from the east. Lin Wu and Stone Heart walked together to the edge of the safety zone of the sub-base, but Shana took a water hose and was beating the sun devil's head. The sound of impact.

Shana stretched out the hose: "Horse Soul, help me change a blunt weapon."

After changing the blunt weapon, Shana continued to beat the sun devil. The poor sun devil's hands and feet were bound and his mouth was sealed, so he could only let Shana slaughter him.Shana put one hand on her hip and asked, "Thick-skinned and thick-skinned, how did you kill the Night Demon?"

"I use sunlight to kill night devils." Only a fool would use a blunt weapon.Lin Wu pulled out a sharp dagger and traded over.Could it be that moonlight is used to kill sun demons?

"Thank you." Shana has a really good personality, and she didn't blame Lin Wu for not showing it earlier, but instead expressed her gratitude for Lin Wu's support.Shana's act of stabbing the head with a dagger was not recognized as an execution by the system, but the damage was high enough.Four swords down, the sun demon who was originally alive and well finally died.Obviously not the first kill, Shanna did not get the loot box.

Even the stone couldn't bear to watch the process, and said: "Shana, you should use the katana." The katana is the reward for escorting the nightmare, and it is also a powerful melee equipment in the shadow base. It has a certain chance of beheading, and it is barely half swordsmanship.

Shana didn't want others to sympathize, and said: "I think blunt objects are very useful. Aren't you going to the cement factory?"

Horse Soul asked: "Aren't you going?"

Shana looked at Lin Wu: "We still have something to do."

Lin Wu explained: "Night Demon, Sun Demon, I'm thinking about catching another Noon Demon."

Shitou was a little helpless: "Listen to what you say, run the train with your mouth full, do you still want us to believe you?"

Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "Old man, maybe I can really catch a Wumo?"

Seeing that the two were getting excited again, everyone coaxed each other to tell Lin Wu and Shana to leave quickly, so as not to trouble the extras.

(End of this chapter)

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