Chapter 118
After continuing to demolish the car graveyard, Lin Wu asked, "Is it because Xuedan didn't come because of the lottery?"

When Lin Wu asked this question, Shana couldn't help but smile: "No, he was drunk last night."

Lin Wu asked: "Is there any connection between them?"

Shanna replied: "If you are bold when drinking, you will start confessing."

Lin Wu snorted: "I was rejected by you, so I didn't come because I was afraid of embarrassment."

Shanna: "Half of the answer is correct."

Lin Wu: "Which half?"

Shanna: "Guess."

Lin Wu thought for a moment and was shocked: "Is it right to be afraid of embarrassment? It is wrong to be rejected by you."

Shana was surprised: "This idea is very interesting. Assuming I didn't reject Xuedan, why is he afraid of embarrassment?"

Lin Wu replied: "Because the person he confessed to is not you."

Shana was stunned: "That's okay, can you guess this?"

Lin Wu smiled proudly: "Lin Wu, the forest of the forest, the fog of the mist."

Shana did not give up: "Guess who is the object of the confession?"

Lin Wu opened his mouth and came: "Xiaodao, Xiaodao is very inactive today. Reasonably, she would definitely join the ranks of stabbing and screaming when she went to the supermarket base, and cried and shouted to play with guns, but she didn't."

Shana stood there blankly: "You got the answer right."

There is another story within the story, the drunken Xuedan bravely confessed his love to Shana under the encouragement of the half-drunk Mahun.Shana and Xiaodao were sitting on the edge of a cliff chatting about girlfriends, when Xuedan fell and hugged her feet, Xiaodao's face turned pale with fright.Xuedan bravely said the phrase "I love you" that was covered in dust in his heart, but Xiaodao didn't know how to respond, and threw Xuedan off the cliff with one kick.

Shana said: "I have to say, it's really a lot to add a little blood to the double body, and it's hard to survive falling off a cliff more than ten meters away."

Lin Wu could imagine that the night base was very lively and lively, and said with some regret: "It's better to live in groups, and there are a lot of gossips. Apart from killing monsters, Maya and I just discuss how to kill monsters."

Shanna asked, "Do you like Maya?"

"Like it."

Shanna said: "No, I mean you understand."

Lin Wu thought about it seriously for two seconds, and suddenly realized: "Men will only affect Maya's sword drawing speed, and women will only affect my deadly stealth. It is enough for us to have zombies. Feelings and other things wait for the world to be peaceful and human beings to live a happy life We'll talk about it later. But, let me tell you, I thought I was in harmony with Xiao Dao."


Lin Wu said: "Actually, Maya and I are the next best partners."


Lin Wu: "Of course it's you."

" scumbag." Shana held her forehead: "Why do I think you don't know how to coax girls, but you don't bother to coax girls."

"I don't bother coaxing boys." After Lin Wu finished speaking, he was in a daze for a few seconds, and said: "Just be happy, why do you have to do something, and you must not do anything?"

Shana: "Although I can't understand, please don't stop the demolition."

Lin Wu smiled and continued: "I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. Others think I'm a fool. Being with my ex-girlfriend saves worry and effort, and saves 20 years of struggle. I am very distressed about this. I asked for advice." My Wangnian friend, a dead fat man, looks a bit like a stone, and is older than a stone. He asked me, are you happy now? I said happy. He said, it’s fine to be happy. As long as you are happy, why worry about gains and losses? You can You will lose 20 years of struggle, but you will also lose 20 years of happiness. Don’t use other people’s values ​​to measure your own gains and losses.”

Lin Wu explained: "If I say something nice, you will be happy, and I think I am happy if you are happy, so I said something that makes you happy."

Shana understood: "When we were not acquainted before, you didn't care whether I was happy or not, because whether I was in a good mood would not spoil your mood at all. After I died, you didn't team up with me because my death made you feel happy. Some unpleasant things happened."

"Probably so." Lin Wu said: "However, according to that fat man's family, he is a pure hedonist after divorce. His words may not be correct."

Shanna further understood: "You and Xiaodao are very boring to fight the blood plague. It makes you feel very boring with Xiaodao for the first time. When you are in a group with Maya, your rhythm is in sync, so you like to be in a group with Maya."

Lin Wu does not deny: "Maya can handle some details that I don't notice, such as planning routes in advance, arranging supplies, and making timetables. When killing zombies with a knife, they don't talk to me, hum! There are only so many hours in a few hours. A word, attracting monsters, I got out of the car to brush a few zombies, I'm back, attracting monsters..."

Shana smiled, thought for a while, and said, "I have a secret."

Lin Wu hurriedly said: "It's good to keep your secrets in your heart. I like to listen to gossip, and I don't like to share other people's secrets." There is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not, so don't say it.

Shana was angry: "I want to say, I will say."

Lin Wu immediately gave in: "Please speak."

Shana was angry and thought it was funny, who is this...

Shanna adjusted her mood and said, "I am a regular employee of Blue Star Fortress..." Waiting for a response.

Seeing that Shana was about to react, Lin Wu applauded immediately: "That's amazing."

Not for that kind of reaction.Shana raised her forehead and continued: "On the eve of emigration, the president of Fortress met with 88 Blue Star employees who immigrated to Earth. After our 88 people arrive on Earth, we can directly report to Fortress Company. The specific positions will be adjusted by the system. Points, etc. It's also a measure."

Lin Wu: "..."

Shana reminded: "I said points, etc., wait, please cooperate."

Lin Wu asked curiously: "What are you waiting for? Are there other conditions?"

Shanna replied: "Yes, that is to assist Bastion agents. There will be several Bastion agents in the game. They remember our names and faces in advance. If they need our help, we must provide help. If they refuse to help Bastion Agents, Earth Fortress jobs may not be guaranteed. Instead, helping Fortress agents will greatly increase the chances of promotion to the top."

Lin Wu can brag, but he is not good at lying. For a while, he didn't know how to face Shana's secret as an ignorant person.After thinking for a while, I asked, "Have you met?"

Shanna nodded: "Yes, not only did I meet Bastion Agent, but I also married her for her mission. That is the mission of the road of love."

Lin Wu was shocked: "Nightmare?"

Shana nodded, stunned, right?Shana was very satisfied with Lin Wu's expression, and continued: "The mission of the road of love was released at the very beginning. The nightmare has been looking for the personnel of the fortress until I met me. At that time, the lion opened his mouth and asked for a medical book and a sand eagle. Although she was very angry, she gave it to me. So far, she has died five times, and I have died twice." Sigh.

Well, the road of love cannot be the road of one person.Shana assisted Nightmare to do some tasks on the road of love. When it came to getting married, Shana resisted and couldn't stand Nightmare's begging. In the end, Shana got Shaying and medical books and successfully married Nightmare.

Marriage is only a part of the quest, and there is no need for Shana to do anything after that, and the quest also needs a certain amount of time to wait.Shana was killed by Lin Wu and resurrected near Beishang Town. Knowing that the Shadow Base is currently the most powerful base in Beishang Town, she borrowed the Beishang Town player radio station to contact Stone and joined the Shadow Base.

Shana said: "Nightmare died too many times and had no skills, so I got stuck on the task of the textile factory. Just when I died for the second time, she went to the wild to pick me up and wanted to use the power of shadow to help her. I didn’t take it to heart, but tailoring skills were brought up at the meeting, and I mentioned the textile factory. After the meeting, I met with her, and she said that she had a book of tailoring skills, and she was worried about whether you could cooperate with her to complete the task.”

Shana: "I said that as long as you express your kindness first, he won't be ashamed to do evil."

Shanna finished speaking: "I want to sincerely apologize to you here."

Lin Wu waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, it's okay, it's a trivial matter."

Shana said: "I didn't want to say it, but you all treated me very well. Although I didn't hurt the shadow's interests, deception itself is a kind of harm."

Lin Wu pondered for a moment: "Then you should talk to Shitou."

Shanna nodded: "I plan to explain to Shitou at night. There is another reason why I explained to you today. Nightmare contacted Shitou last night, hoping to establish a long-term cooperative relationship."

Lin Wu understood: "Instead of being exposed in the future, you might as well expose yourself."

Shanna admitted with a smile: "I have such an idea. I don't believe in Nightmare's acting ability."

Lin Wu suddenly realized: "No wonder Nightmare knows that we have the ability to pass through the tunnel." My acting skills are good, and I can consider becoming an actor after arriving on Earth.

Shana said, "You...don't have any ideas?"The weirdest thing is not being curious at all.

Lin Wu said seriously: "I have always believed in you and supported you. I not only think you are a girl with a story, but also a kind girl."

"Really?" Shana looked suspicious.

Lin Wu said: "It's getting late, you guys have to go back to the market, let's go back to the base first."

"Okay." Weird.


The market hours are from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm.Near noon, the people who visited the main base of the cement plant boarded their cars. Stone told Maya: be careful and safe, don't play crazy.

There are not many trading items in the sub-base, only the plug-ins that the main base does not need.There are medicines, but they are not rich enough to trade them.So forget it, Maya and Lin Wu didn't go to join in the excitement of the market, they continued to torture and scream, and continued to practice guns.

Even if there are four screams in the south, east, north and west, the zombies are not enough to kill two people.In order to give the zombies a chance to refresh, Lin Wu and Maya made up for 5 hours of sleep in the afternoon and planned to go to Zuo County at night.When the bases were opened before, Maya received an important task and personally inspected the three bases to determine the goal after winter.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the two opened the screen of the dormitory, and a gust of cold air eroded the skin. Checking the temperature, the temperature had dropped to [-] degrees.This temperature has a characteristic, when the sun is shining during the day, it does not feel cold.As the sun sets, the cold sets in.

Fortunately, the clothes of both of them have been upgraded. 50 points of cold resistance can resist zero degrees, and 60 points can resist minus 5 degrees.Thinking of the few people on the day shift, it is probably too much, and it is basically difficult to go out at night.

Maya did things differently. Instead of doing a full reconnaissance of the three quasi-bases, she drove by, past the fire station, past the sawmill, and past the baseball field.

On the way back to the supermarket base, Lin Wu asked a question.

Maya replied: "You have explained the details very clearly. Like you, I won't get more information than you by climbing and observing. What I need is the geographical location."

Lin Wu asked: "Have you confirmed the base?"

Maya shook her head: "The advantages and disadvantages of the three bases are obvious. You can choose any one. The fire station has superior geographical conditions and a comfortable environment. Obviously, there are not many large outdoor grids, and there are only three at most. The baseball field is large, but it is the same as the supermarket base. , Zombies will suddenly touch the residential area, and sentries are required to be on duty. The sawmill is good, but the disadvantage is that there is no defensive position, and there is no height drop. When defending the city, players must directly face the zombies on the ground."

Maya said: "The key lies in whether the three bases have attached facilities. Our hilltop church base is the base recommended by the system map. Although there are no attached facilities, it is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack." The invincible base is also the base recommended by the system. Has two major characteristics of cars and gasoline.

Lin Wu said: "I suggest. The first suggestion is to find Nightmare to take care of her. I think she still has a map in her hand. The second suggestion is to search for a system map."

Maya: "The only city hall that can be sure that there is a map, and the city hall is in the middle of the city. The lesson of history: We have been beaten by gangs many times, and we have never won." The density of zombies in a small town is not the same as that of a county seat.

Lin Wu began to come up with a bad idea: "Can you pass by, I will use the drone to check the situation of the zombie branch."

Maya didn't answer right away, that road was a gathering place for zombies.

"It's a heartbeat."

"If you play again, your heart will stop beating." Despicable Lin Wu, Maya turned the steering wheel and left No. 2 Road, driving into the city.

Although I went to the textile factory last time, the scale of the zombies in the city hall was completely different. Maya still couldn't avoid the zombies by dodging left and right. After a while, the hood started to smoke, and the durability of the car dropped to 20%.

Maya asked, "What's the plan?"


Knowing that she couldn't listen to him, Maya said, "Go to the rooftop after entering the city hall." How could she listen to his bad ideas so suddenly?

Seeing that the city hall was just ahead, the car ran over a zombie, and the hood immediately burst into flames.Lin Wu also got angry: "Shuguang, you idiot, the tires are crushed, so turn off the engine."

With the 7-second countdown, Maya slammed on the brakes to death, and the two got out of the car and ran towards the city hall, followed by a flood of zombies.The car exploded, and a circle of zombies was emptied, but it was not enough compared to the total number of zombies.Lin Wu took the lead and rushed to Kuangmeng who was rushing towards him. He hugged Kuangmeng and fell to the ground, stabbing him to death regardless of his injuries.

Maya arrived later, before she had time to open the door, her body smashed through the glass door and rolled into the city hall, and she turned back to hold the door with a knife.But to their surprise, all the zombies stopped five meters away from the city hall.Lin Wu looked back at the city hall. There were no traces of zombies inside. There was a fat uncle in his fifties with a cow hat off sitting behind the service desk. He was looking at the two of them with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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