Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 119 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 119 Bounty Hunter
Lin Wulamaya stepped back into stealth, and after waiting for a while, the zombies outside lost their target, stopped their croaking and slowly dispersed.

The two stood in front of the fat uncle, and the fat uncle said excitedly: "Brave heart brought you here..."

Nonsense for 5 minutes, it means that the city hall is now the headquarters of the fortress company bounty hunters, and the status of bounty hunters can be obtained by completing tasks.After becoming a bounty hunter, you can go here to claim the bounty task.Bounty rewards include a variety of fashionable warm clothing, various weapons and firearms, a variety of props and skill books, seasonal clothing and more.

Bounty tasks are divided into ten stars, ten stars are the most difficult and the rewards are the best.

Since they were the first group of warriors to reach the bounty hunter headquarters in Zuo County, the uncle gave them a privilege that they could pick up from 2-star missions.Of course, first they need to obtain the status of bounty hunters.

The fat uncle waved his hand, and countless envelopes appeared in front of the table: "Randomly draw your own tasks."

Lin Wu stretched out his fingers, and the envelope was in his hand. Maya leaned over to look at it. Lin Wu opened the envelope and read: "To kill a madman alone, the time limit is seven days. Fatty, who do you look down on?" Lifting the dagger and going out the door: "That, Come here." The surrounding zombies were in commotion.

Gang fights are not good.Lin Wu turned back: "Uncle, is there a back door?"

The fat uncle pointed backwards, and Maya pulled out an envelope: "Two left hands, five right hands, and three right legs. Mission reminder, after receiving this mission, use a sharp blade to attack zombies, and there is a certain chance of cutting off limbs."

The two sneaked to the back door. The back door was a street, and the density of zombies was still high. They were about ten meters away from the safe zone.Lin Wu walked out of the safe zone, took the silent man and shot at Kuang Meng about ten meters away, and Kuang Meng happily ran over to die.

In contrast, Maya's task is much more difficult. The biggest trouble is her swordsmanship. The beheading rate of intermediate swordsmanship is very high, and she will be beheaded directly without cutting twice.

Lin Wu on the side came up with a bad idea: "Corpse."

Maya looked back at Lin Wu: "Dismemberment?"

Lin Wu spread his hands: "Maybe Shuguang needs to cultivate some perverted killers."

I'm sorry, Suguang is very upright, a corpse is a corpse and cannot be dismembered and destroyed.So Lin Wu sat and watched Maya chop, and cheered for Maya: "Okay, one knife, two knife... owe? Don't behead. One knife, oops, my god. One knife, ouch. One knife, two knife, Three cuts, hold on, four cuts, lost, lost a left leg? Have you done too many bad things?"

Maya turned around and walked up to Lin Wu with a knife in her hand. Lin Wu's voice lowered immediately: "What a pity."

Maya slapped Lin Wu's head three times with the knife, and continued to chop off.

The efficiency of the task was terrible. Maya chopped off a left hand in 5 minutes. Lin Wu applauded and cheered: "Okay." Huh?Murderous again!
Lin Wu hurriedly said: "Use two knives, the main hand has sword skills, and the off-hand knife has no sword skills." I am so witty, no wonder I said that people were forced out, without Maya's murderous aura, I would never have thought of such a coup.For survival!
Maya drew out the second knife and chopped off the zombie with her off hand. Sure enough, the decapitation would not be activated, and the efficiency increased instantly. The unlucky zombie was killed after its limbs were cut off.

Lin Wu sat on the steps and shouted, "You're welcome."

Maya had no desire to fight for a moment, and couldn't help pointing at Lin Wu with a knife: "Go in for me."

"Be careful." Lin Wu reminded, Maya turned around, beheaded the zombie who was sneaking up behind her with a knife, and then faced the second zombie.Lin Wu sighed: "I want to leave you alone, I didn't say thank you for helping you, but I wanted to chop me off together. But the truth is cruel, wouldn't you be attacked without me? Don't use the main hand, you idiot."

Maya couldn't help but reply: "Didn't you see there are three?"

Lin Wu: "You can't do it with three?"

Fortunately, it's a game, if there is such a spectator croaking around, Maya can't guarantee whether she will go up and beat him up.

In any case, Maya finally completed the task during Lin Wu's refueling, and a bounty hunter's logo appeared on the left chest of the two's coats.

Uncle Fat explains the bounty hunter rules.

One, only one task can be accepted at a time.

Second, each task has a time limit, and reward points will be deducted if the task fails.

[-]. After accumulating enough bounty points, you can advance to a high-level bounty hunter.

[-]. You can fill in the address of the base. After completing the task, the prize will be delivered to the base by express delivery.

Fifth, the tasks are all carried out in the form of lottery. Before accepting the task, you don't know the content of the task, nor do you know the task reward.

Maya asked, "There's nothing in this building?"

The fat uncle replied: "And me."

Maya was speechless: "Then how do we go back?"

Fat Uncle: "How to come and how to go back."

Lin Wu drew out the dagger and put it on the fat uncle's neck: "Speak well, or I will be you."

The fat uncle replied calmly: "Even zombies dare not approach me, so why are you threatening me?"

stamp!Invalid Object, Dead Dawn. (Uncle Rotten is the only NPC that cannot be attacked by zombies.)
Uncle Fat: "I suggest you learn more about this building. If you are lucky, you can leave safely."

Lin Wu retracted the dagger: "First, a two-star mission."

Maya admires Lin Wu's mentality, and he is not in a hurry when facing the desperate situation of being besieged.Brother, we just lost a car, and now we are surrounded by countless zombies, are you still in the mood to take on the mission?
There was another pile of envelopes, and Lin Wu reached out and took them: "Eliminate the blood plague in the highland villa." Aha, this mission, this fucking is only a two-star mission?It is clear from Lin Wu's explanation that there is no limit to the number of people and weapons in this task. As long as there are taskers in the team, the task will be considered successful if the team kills the blood plague Kuangmeng.Limited to 7 days.

Maya asked, "What's the prize?"

Lin Wu replied: "Choose one of the three, 20 pieces of iron, a random green skill book, and an advanced car repair kit. What rubbish."

Maya also drew an envelope: "Kill 100 blood plague male zombies. Reward: tracer bullet design drawing. Mission description, after learning how to make tracer bullets, you can use bullet molds to make tracer bullets. Tracer bullet effect: low chance of burning."

Lin Wu said: "Better than mine."

Maya said: "Let's focus on the present first, how to leave here? Since the NPC said that the way to leave is in the building, then the way to leave is in the three-story building."

Lin Wu said: "He also said that with luck, we can leave safely."

Maya said: "Do your best first, then gamble on luck. Search separately, there should be no zombies in the building."


Not only are there no zombies, but there are no lootable items. The furniture, etc. are all decorations, which cannot be moved or demolished.It has been a few days since he left the shadow base, and Lin Wu is rarely active in a bright room, and he is still in a good mood.Turn left, look right.The so-called luck means that you can either reach out and find it, or you can't find it if you dig three feet.



Maya came down from the third floor and saw Lin Wu standing beside the fat man, looking at the fire evacuation map on the wall.Maya stepped forward and asked, "What?"

Lin Wu pointed: "There is a sewer entrance."

Maya asked again: "What?"

Lin Wu said: "Which fire evacuation map have you seen that will mark the entrance of the small waterway? Are you afraid that people won't run underground?"

It seemed to make sense, Maya and Lin Wu walked to a basement along the diagram, Maya picked up the manhole cover alone, a rotten smell and a bit of hot smell immediately filled the whole basement.

Lin Wu covered his nose: "It smells like a septic tank."

Maya was curious: "How do you know?"

Lin Wu replied: "I have been to a pig farm before, and I can't stand it..." The smells inside are very messy, but the categories are very obvious.The first is the septic tank smell.The second is the rotting smell that zombies don't even have.The third is the smell of water vapor that evaporates after a few drops of rain in summer.The fourth type has an oily, very greasy oily smell.

Lin Wu ran up the stairs, breathing heavily, and soon heard Maya calling himself, but Lin Wu had no choice but to go back to the basement, and followed the straight ladder to the sewer below.Maya points to the wall: "The maze."

Lin Wu breathed through his mouth, looked at the topographic map of Zuo County sewers on the wall, densely packed, with criss-crossed teeth, and said, "I can't understand it at all."

Maya pointed: "We are here, walk this way, walk this can reach the county mark."

Lin Wu said: "At least 40 abductions, right?"

Maya didn't speak, she closed her eyes and muttered something, opened her eyes again, closed her eyes again, and muttered something again.She is splitting the entire maze map into multiple parts and storing them separately in each room separated by her mind, each room has a code name.The process is like clicking on the C drive, then clicking on my favorites, and then clicking on the three-year simulation.

Lin Wu knew that this was a memory method called mind space.Yes, I understand, but Lin Wu doesn't.As long as the brain is enough, if you can't play 3A masterpieces, don't force it to run, it will crash.

"OK!" Maya pointed her finger, "Go."

Lin Wu stuffed his nostrils with cloth strips. Seeing Maya's determination, he hurriedly said, "Don't think about it again? It stinks. Our car is still here."

Maya resolutely said: "Go."

Walking through a few corners, I encountered a wave of zombies. The density was far less than that of the county town, but it was better in grouping and suddenness.After all, when you turn a corner, you will meet a group of zombies, which is very exciting.

Maya raised the knife and slashed without saying a word, and Lin Wu didn't dare to speak. If Maya's thoughts were disturbed, she would have to spend her life in the sewer.I don't know if I can build a base and cut Maya down. As a hunter, I can actually survive.

Facing the dozen or so zombies, what Lin Wu wanted to say was: Damn Shuguang is too bad.Players who can reach the city hall have more or less brushes, and it is impossible to defeat a dozen or so zombies.The purpose of the zombies is to interfere with the player's memory, as long as it is a little bit wrong, its tricks will succeed.

After walking for a while, Lin Wu vaguely felt that something was wrong, and Maya started to draw an X on the wall with a marker pen.I didn't dare to say, and I didn't dare to ask, my heart was very flustered, the smell was very smelly, and the hot breath kept coming from all directions...

Damn Dawn!
After a while, Lin Wu saw X, and Maya stood in front of X with her eyes closed, pointing her left index finger and middle finger on her forehead, chanting words.After doing the trick, Maya opened her eyes, pointed to the left, and moved forward with the knife.

After a while, Lin Wu had completely lost his sense of direction. He walked up a small step, passed a passage, and walked a sewer, and Maya walked as she said.

Slash zombies, walk and turn around.The good news is that X is not seen again, the bad news is that Maya thinks longer and longer.Suddenly Maya pointed happily, it turned out to be a straight ladder with a manhole cover above it.

"Amazing." Lin Wu admired.

Maya smiled leisurely: "General."

Lin Wu entered stealth first, removed the manhole cover with all his strength, and secretly stuck his head out. At that time, Lin Wu had only two thoughts: Where is this?Second thought: There are so many zombies.

Lin Wu came down and leaned into Maya's ear: "I don't know how to say it."

Maya was puzzled, she went up the straight ladder and stuck her head out to look for a while, then lowered her head and asked softly, "Where is this?"

Lin Wu spread his hands: "I don't know." But it is definitely not the county mark, this place is brightly lit, and judging from the density of zombies, it is no less than the city hall.

Lin Wu suddenly thought of something: "Come down, I seem to have seen this place before."

Maya got off, Lin Wu got on, watched for a while and slid to the ground, with a face full of indescribable words.

Maya asked, "Where is this?"

Lin Wu followed Shana's forehead: "Fire station." I wanted to cry.The county mark is in the north of Zuo County, and the fire station is in the south of Zuo County.

Maya was extremely embarrassed when she heard it, and said at a loss: "This... this, I'm sorry." She wished she could dig a hole with her foot and bury herself in it.

Lin Wu said: "Don't be like this, there is also good news. We are near the gas station on the left side of the road, and there is a red car available in the gas station." This is Lin Wu and Shana visiting the fire station at night, above the signal tower information obtained.


Maya followed Lin Wu out of the sewer. Lin Wu hid behind the scrapped car and looked at a zombie three meters away.The zombie looked up at the bright moon, Lin Wu waited patiently, the zombie slowly turned his head to look at Lin Wu, Lin Wu immediately hid.Lin Wu didn't go out from behind the bunker until the zombies started to move around.

Lin Wu sneaked up to keep up with the zombies, while paying attention to the other two zombies three meters away. 3 meters is a dangerous distance, and the only safe way is not to let the zombies see it.Lin Wu passed between the two zombies, stabbed the first zombie, laid it horizontally on the ground, and took down the dead zombie.Zombie B turned his head, this action was expected by Lin Wu, the wind pierced behind him and executed him.

In this way, the two sneaked to the side of the red car, and there were a lot of zombies more than ten meters around them.Maya got in the car to check, and asked Lin Wu to come over to her ear, and said softly word by word: "50% durable, the oil level has bottomed out."

Fuck, Suguang, you can do it, the car at the gas station is out of gas, can you believe it?
Shuguang: Guess why it went to the gas station?
Lin Wu gently closed the car door and moved to the fuel dispenser. He used a dagger to unscrew the four Phillips screws on the back of the fuel dispenser, opened the cover, and there were four barrels of gasoline inside.This is a standard operation when searching for gas stations. As long as no one gets in first, there must be gasoline in the partition on the back of the tanker.

Lin Wu took the gasoline and was about to go back. A zombie moved to the side of the car. It seemed to find something, but it didn't seem to find it. The zombie stood in front of the driver's door and turned its head back and forth.

Lin Wu looked around, he only cleaned around the car, and there were a bunch of zombies in the outer circle, among which there were at least two violent ones, and the screaming was standard.Why don't zombies have the law of the jungle?According to the law of the jungle, the fierceness should kill all the zombies, and the zombies should kill the screaming...

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Wu finally found an opportunity to kill the zombies in the past, and started to work hard, paying attention to the left and right movements while working hard.After refueling, put the empty oil drum gently on the ground, open the door and enter the passenger seat.

Maya looked at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu nodded.Maya fires.

Hum hum……

The surrounding zombies turned their heads and found the food when they heard the sound, while the engine was still humming...

(End of this chapter)

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