Chapter 145
After the episode, all the Japanese demons were wiped out. Ma Hun took out a medical book from one of the corpses, and Maya's voice came from the headset: "Shana, come in for tea."

Ten minutes later, Maya said, "Lin Wu, come in for tea."

Lin Wu entered the Nightmare Base in a daze,

Xiaodao asked: "Who is next?"

Xuedan replied: "Let's go find some firewood, they may take a long time." Xuedan didn't tell Xiaodao that this kind of thing basically has nothing to do with the three of them.

The Nightmare Base is small, with only three units. Entering the main entrance is the living room, with a dilapidated single sofa and a table.None of the three women sat down, they just stood at the table drinking tea and talking.

Lin Wu said: "I thought it was because there were not enough teacups, but it turned out that there were not enough chairs."

Nightmare: "I said he was annoying, and I wanted to strangle him as soon as he opened his mouth."

Maya comforted: "You will know that he is a good person after you have known him for a long time."

Lin Wu was shocked: "Why do you need to be in contact for a long time?"

Shana handed over a skill book: round stick specialization.Passive skill, effective against round stick weapons.The skill of round stick specialization is very strange, usually the system assists the player's movement, but this skill is the system to judge the player's movement.There are two effective actions, namely poking and chopping.

When the system determines that the action is established, the passive effect will be triggered.The passive effects of poking are 30% combo chance, 20% stun chance, 20% knockdown chance and 20% headshot chance.The passive effect of chopping is 100% increase in attack power, 30% stun chance, 50% knockdown chance and 20% headshot chance.Headshots are only possible if hit to the head.The round stick combo is different from the sword combo. The sword is to make up the knife, and the stick combo is to hit the same part again.

The system explained the round stick, and the first one requires the word stick in the system item.The second requirement is that the whole is cylindrical or nearly cylindrical, and must not have pointed ends.Such as telescoping sticks and rubber sticks.Baseball bats, hockey sticks, etc. are not part of the round stick family.At present, the round sticks that can be made in the shadow workshop include wooden sticks with a length of 70 meters and rubber sticks with a length of [-] cm.

Lin Wu said: "This is a good thing." For Shana, the most useful of the two actions is poking. Poking does not require strength, and the move is faster, and you can rely on system bonuses to eat.The action of hacking itself has attack power and stun bonus. The favorite action of the main blunt weapon players is hacking, because the stun and knockdown effect of this action is very significant.

Maya said the topic: "The condition is that Nightmare joins the Shadow Base."

Lin Wu looked at Maya in doubt: "I have no problem." Add it if you add it.

Maya added: "The shadow base is a command system. When a character enters the base, the backpack items will be automatically stored."

"Isn't it?" Lin Wu finally understood the reason for letting him in for tea.Nightmare's main strength is in equipment, she must not be able to join the shadow base, and the personal supermarket base has become the only choice for Nightmare to join the shadow.

The nightmare said: "I solve the food problem by myself, you just need to upgrade the dormitory and add a bed."

Lin Wu asked: "Aren't you living well alone? Why live with ordinary people like me? Besides, Maya is in the shadow base, not the supermarket base."

Nightmare explained: "Library, Beast, and Zuo County."

"What?" Lin Wu couldn't understand at all.

Maya added an explanation: "Her clothes have the same cold resistance value as yours, and she can't leave the base at night. There is a library in the supermarket base to pass her boring time. In addition, this base is close to the mountains, and there are often foraging beasts breaking into the base. The third reason is that the supermarket base is very close to Zuo County."

Nightmare said: "I can paint the cement factory with you and divide the serum equally. Finally, Maya and clothes."

Lin Wu didn't like nightmares even more. Why did this man speak intermittently, half of which was missing, and he couldn't understand at all, making him look stupid.

Mayan translation: "In this winter, I will lead a team to the bounty hunter's hall every three days. Nightmare participates in the weekly clothing upgrade of the shadow base."

Lin Wu said: "We don't often go to the cement factory."

Nightmare: "Go to the cement factory and call me."

Lin Wu nodded: "Okay, I have no objection." There are no binding clauses, just doing things by the way brings nightmares.It's a big deal to quarrel, just do it if it doesn't work, whoever is afraid of whom!By the way, she exploded her equipment.

An assault rifle, a Tang knife, and even a pistol looked particularly high-end.

After Lin Wu agreed, Nightmare began to dismantle his own base.After joining the supermarket base, Nightmare did not go with everyone. She said that she was going to a place where she asked everyone to put the materials obtained after the demolition into storage, which was regarded as a meeting gift for Shadow.

Lin Wu knew that Nightmare was going to her secret safe house to store valuables, Shana took a headset for Nightmare.At present, Shadow and the supermarket base each have a set of Bluetooth headsets, and the two sets of Bluetooth headsets are not compatible. The only means of contact between Shadow and the supermarket is the radio.

Everyone brought a basic bag and arrived at the base. Seeing the screams still hanging in the air, Maya was a little lost for a while, and she thought of the happy time here.Then Lin Wu's shout interrupted her thoughts: "It's hot pot, old horse, come and season it."

Xiaodao walked into Hei Bulongdong's aisle, and it took him a while to get used to the darkness, and said, "Your living standards are very high."

"There are not many ingredients." Lin Wu said: "I searched a restaurant for this meal. You are ready, I will go to the supermarket to deal with the zombies, so as not to disturb our elegant mood. Maya, if you have time, cut down a tree and use it as a stool .”

"Oh." When Lin Wu and Maya were together, they were so busy that they didn't even have time to read.Now team up with Shanna to eat slow hot pot.Thinking of this, Maya was a little bit lost, but she knew where her position was and what her goal was, and she quickly let the negative emotions out of her mind.

After the bonfire was lit, the room warmed up, and Shana took out all the food and condiments in the warehouse.As expected of a chef, Ma Hun was born. As soon as the water boiled, everyone could smell the fragrance.Where does the water come from?It's not snow everywhere, there's water when you boil it.Unhygienic?It doesn't matter, there are magic painkillers.

The fly in the ointment is that the base of the supermarket is a hanging pot, and there is no table. Everyone can only stand up and fish for vegetables, and then sit down after fishing.After eating this meal, each person has done a hundred squats.

Xuedan expressed his opinion: "Lao Ma, the level of this hot pot is much better than that of Shadow Hot Pot."

Ma Hun replied: "It's a system hot pot. It can be served in one minute, and you don't need to find water yourself. This hot pot is a real hot pot."

Knife kept opening his mouth, letting the mutton in his mouth cool down in his mouth: "I want to eat rice."

Ma Hun was startled, looked left and right for a while: "No pot."

"Forget it." Xiaodao stood up to fish for something, swallowed and said, "It's delicious!"

Nightmare walked into the base of the supermarket. Being attracted by the scent, she didn't go up to it, but walked to the library on the side.Seeing this, Maya took some food with bowls and chopsticks and sent it to the library. She didn't know what to say, and it took Maya a while to come out of the library.

At this time, Lin Wu finished handling the affairs in the supermarket, took the bowls and chopsticks by himself, and asked, "Go to the bounty hunter hall later?"

Maya nodded: "Since you are here, go."

Lin Wu nodded, pulled Shana's clothes, and the two walked aside, Lin Wu whispered: "Use 5% of your potential and write down the route."

Shana said to herself: "I have a super memory."

Lin Wu expressed doubts.

Shanna asked helplessly, "Have I ever boasted?"

Lin Wu thought for a while: "It seems not, but I often blow."

Shana waved her hand to let Lin Wu go away: "Put it on me." Don't disturb my sister and me to eat.

Lin Wu continued to express doubts, but Maya got lost once, and only remembered the way after using props.

Shana reluctantly leaned into Lin Wu's ear: "I have memorized all the seasonings and the approximate quantity of the seasonings put by the horse soul."

"Oh, it depends on your performance. I hate braggarts the most in my life."

Who can bear these words, Shana immediately laughed at the food in her mouth, punched Lin Wu on the shoulder, ignored Lin Wu, and joined the feast.


The knife is still a knife, bouncing around, even in such a stinking sewer environment, it didn't change her.Like a flower protector, Xuedan took a 1.8-meter large shovel and took a step behind Xiaodao, ready to fight desperately with the sudden appearance of zombies that frightened Xiaodao.His good friend Ma Hun is the loneliest. There are Maya and Nightmare before him, and Shana and Lin Wu behind him. He feels that he is the brightest light bulb in the team and the most redundant person.

Arriving at the city hall smoothly, Shana said to Lin Wu: "It's very simple, remember."

Lin Wu was still worried: "We will walk back later, the other way around."

Shana patted Lin Wu on the shoulder, got out of the sewer and entered the city hall.

Those who come to the city hall for the first time will first accept the identity task, which is to chop off a few zombies, or cut off the hands and feet of a few zombies.After completing the task and becoming a bounty hunter, each took the bounty task.

Lin Wu's task is a little troublesome. His task is to kill a six-winged.This guy's combat effectiveness is not strong, but it's very rare. Lin Wu only encountered it in Beishang Lake.

Lin Wu approached Shana: "Are you interested in remembering the place where you died in battle?"

Shana looked at Lin Wu's mission envelope: "I want to kill a fierce one."

Lin Wu looked at Shana's mission seriously: "Kill a Kuangmeng alone." Killing Kuangmeng is not a big problem, but it is very difficult for Shana to kill a Kuangmeng alone.

Shana was distressed: "How to kill?"

Lin Wu said: "Use a gun." With a full SC magazine of 30 rounds, one should be able to kill one.

Shanna asked, "What's your first mission?"

Lin Wu said: "Kill a blood madman, you know, you went with me."

Shanna sighed: "It's okay." She was hit.

Maya said, "Are you all right? Let's go now."

Shana walked towards Maya quickly: "Maya, I will lead the way."

Maya snorted, "Of course."

Xiaodao shouted, "Is that the corner office?"

Everyone walked to the main entrance and looked at the independent three-story office building across the street. This is one of the small and medium-sized strongholds pushed by Lin Wu and Maya.At a glance, there are densely packed zombies around the corner office surrounded by roads, and there are hundreds of them in a few.

Xiaodao said the corner office, Xue Dan looked at the corner office with 200% eyesight, and said: "It seems that someone is there."

There are lights on the second floor, and it seems that there are real shadows projected on the glass, which surprised everyone. Could it be that there is a team stronger than shadows in Beishang Town?Lin Wu installed the muffler, aimed at the second floor for a while, and then pulled the trigger, and the bullet shattered the glass on the second floor.In an instant, the surrounding air froze, and the zombies seemed to stay on the spot. In the next second, countless zombies rushed into the corner office.

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "What is your idea of ​​this shot?"

Lin Wu said: "I want to know if there is anyone inside."

Xiaodao said on the side: "There should be no one."

While talking, gunshots rang out from the corner office, and the light of the gunfire was transmitted through the glass, and the light kept flickering. It was obvious that there were not only people inside, but also assault rifles and a large number of bullets.

After a while, the window was pushed open, and a burly man appeared by the window. He took a weird gun in his hand, pointed it at the big billboard erected in the middle of the intersection 20 meters away, pulled the trigger, and flew The claw flew out quickly with the rope and penetrated the screen of the billboard, and the claw fell on the iron frame of the billboard.

The man tightened the rope to secure the gun, drew a line from his waist, and the end of the line was a buckle. He hung the buckle on the rope, jumped out of the window, and slid towards the billboard.Maya used the display mirror and said: "Fortress agent, NPC."

Hearing that it was an agent of the fortress, Lin Wu, who was watching the excitement, raised his gun.I saw the second person standing on the windowsill, holding a submachine gun in one hand and shooting inside, while hanging a buckle on the rope.Just when the NPC jumped out of the window sill, Lin Wu pulled the trigger, and the bullet broke the rope of the buckle.The fortress agent stepped on his legs and fell from the second floor, and the surrounding zombies instantly overwhelmed him.

A third person appeared at the window a few seconds later, and Maya said, "Player, Nightmare."

Everyone watched the nightmare together, and the nightmare frowned: "Why did he come? How did he get there?" Looking at Lin Wu from the corner of his eyes, Lin Wu was aiming his gun and waiting.

From the corner of Lin Wu's eyes, he saw her looking at him, so he put away the gun, and Nightmare said helplessly, "Kill him."

Lin Wu asked: "What..."

Nightmare's answer: "I'll give you a heavy weapon skill book."

"Is there a dagger?"


The knife kicked Lin Wu's calf, and Lin Wu was furious: "There is a knife on the head of the word color, the ancients never deceived me."

Aiming the gun, at the moment the nightmare jumped down, Lin Wu repeated the same trick and broke the rope of the nightmare more than 20 meters away.Nightmare cursed: Grass!Then he fell to the first floor, and was eaten up by the zombies in an instant just like his NPC companions.

Nightmare asked urgently: "Who can lick the bag?"

Lin Wu: "I can."

Nightmare immediately said: "Quick."

Lin Wu: "But I won't go."

Maya was speechless: "Why are you messing with someone? He can't do anything, just tease you." The last sentence was said to the nightmare.How could such a dense tide of corpses lick bags and be dismembered every minute.

Nightmare was not angry, but looked at the place where Nightmare fell and thought for a long time, and said: "I hope he resurrected to Beishang Town by accident, otherwise everyone in Beishang Town has to be careful, this mad dog will kill anyone he sees."

Lin Wu didn't believe Nightmare's words.After the marriage system is opened, will Fortress agents be resurrected to other towns?

Maya remembered one thing: "During the communication with the radio station the day before yesterday, two people disappeared and died. One of them went to kill zombies outside the town to practice leveling, and the other went to a base 500 meters away to meet up with friends. Beishang Town has been very busy before. Peace, even if someone dies, everyone knows how they died, but this time the report is a missing death.” The so-called missing death refers to the situation where no one knows where the player died or how.

Nightmare said: "Let's go." Without taking away Nightmare's equipment, Nightmare's strength cannot be weakened.

In terms of Nightmare's equipment, she was ahead of most players early on. If she also took the route of indiscriminate killing, no one could stop her.She can also support war with war.

Originally, he thought that Nightmare was a bad person, but after comparing Nightmare, Lin Wu felt that Nightmare still had merits.But this is the words of the Nightmare family, but if there is a chance, I can still believe in Nightmare.I didn't kill for the equipment, I killed Nightmare by mistake because I believed the base member Nightmare's words.

The only thing Lin Wu could be sure of was that Nightmare did not deal with this person named Nightmare.

Maya quietly confessed to Lin Wu that the nightmare has something to hide from everyone, which may be related to the reason for joining the supermarket base.Let Lin Wu and Shanna be more careful.

(End of this chapter)

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