Chapter 146
After the episode, under the leadership of Shana, everyone arrived at the county mark smoothly.Facing this result, Lin Wu threw his stunned expression to Maya.Maya didn't say much, she was still the same Maya who didn't talk nonsense.Maya knows that Shanna is smarter than she is, just 'not doing business'.Shanna can sing, gymnastics, dance, cook, and much, much more.And Maya has only one goal, to be an excellent soldier.

Everyone rested at the supermarket base for a while, and when Nightmare came back from going out, he handed over a heavy weapon skill book as agreed, which made Lin Wu feel a little fond of her.Even if he is a bad guy, he is still a bad guy who keeps his promise. This kind of person can be associated with.

Heavy weapon specialization, passive skills, simply summed up in one sentence, the heavier the weapon, the stronger the power.Power includes stun, execution, knockdown and other effects.

The 25kg diamond shovel that Xiaodao gave to Xuedan already had a 25% chance of execution. In addition, heavy weapons were the only melee weapons for group attacks, so the effect of wielding them on killing enemies should not be too good.

Ma Hun's only opinion on this is: in order to sublimate himself, he must find a girlfriend.No, just find a woman.No, it's okay to look like a woman.No, just like a human being.

Xuedan knows how to be a man, and immediately thanked Lin Wu when he got the skill book, and Lin Wu took it.Seeing that it was getting late, Maya said goodbye to the three of them, led the team back to Shadow, and made an appointment to go to the Bounty Hunter Hall after three days.

Nightmare and Shanna seemed very strange, and the two barely talked.When Lin Wu went to the supermarket to clean up the zombies, Nightmare was reading in the library, and Shana took the book and read by the campfire outside.

Lin Wu came back ten minutes later: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Shana asked as she walked along, and walked to the bathroom in the southeast corner of the supermarket lobby, where she saw a place where she could take a shower.

There is a lot of charcoal in the bathroom of the supermarket, and a large pot is hung on it. The snow in the pot has completely melted and is almost boiling.Lin Wu also thoughtfully prepared towels, shower gel, shampoo and other items from the observation post.Only then did Shana realize that when everyone was eating hot pot, Lin Wu had already started preparing it.

Lin Wu will definitely find a way to do what he promises to others.If you can't do it, you can't do it, but if you can do it but don't do it, it feels uncomfortable in your heart.

Before Shanna entered the bathroom: "Can you stand guard for me?" There is no one around, and the zombies will spawn. If a zombie runs into the bathroom, it will be too disturbing.

Lin Wu asked: "Shouldn't you wonder if I'm so attentive because I want to peek at you taking a bath?"

"If I can see your true face, I am willing to sacrifice once." Shanna added: "My father said that there is one detail that is very important in making friends. That is, before there is no conclusive evidence, don't easily doubt your friend's character. If the sacrifice can see you clearly this time, I can avoid being plotted by you in the future."

Lin Wu asked: "What else do you have that can be pictured?"

Shana raised her thumb and said in admiration, "You are the first person who can directly extinguish the flames of my emotions every time. I will never forget you in my life."

Is this thanks?How did she learn Lin's nonsense?
Lin Wu made a gesture of invitation, and Shana entered the bathroom without saying anything.Lin Wu originally planned to learn from the ancient Nordic people, placing firewood in the snow and heating a pot of water, so that Shana could soak herself in it.However, in view of the current pure friendship between the two, Lin Wu felt very inappropriate.Even if Shana is wearing a bathing suit, it is not appropriate to even soak the clothes directly.

(You should pay attention to the boundaries between men and women. Even if Shana allows it, the book does not allow it. Love without surname is positive energy.)
Shanna came out 30 minutes later, her face flushed and full of energy.Even in the dark, the light from the torch made Lin Wu's eyes bright.The clothes are still the same clothes, the person is the same person, and there is no such thing as washing the dirt, but the spiritual value is directly filled up, which reflects Shana's temperament from the outside.

"Goodbye." Lin Wu left.

"Hey, it's so urgent, I want to thank you again."

"If you don't come out again, I will really go in." Lin Wu said: "10 frostbite, I took a lot of medicine." After that, he left without looking back, got into the hospital bed and lay down.

Shana came back and took the book, moved the chair away from the campfire, sat directly opposite the door of the ward, smiled at Lin Wu, and asked, "Do you want my sister to read to you?"

Lin Wu sat on the head of the bed and asked, "What book?"

"Orphan Twist."

Lin Wu said: "I know, it's a story about an orphan who was adopted by his adoptive father and became a detective."

Shanna: "That's Detective Fog."


While the two were talking, Nightmare came out of the library, took something in his hand and went outdoors.Lin Wu couldn't help but get down from the hospital bed, and followed Shana to the door furiously, only to see Nightmare pull out a thing, move it to the sky, and then put it to his ear.

Shana pulled Lin Wu, and the two arrived in the ward.Lin Wu was lying down, and Shana covered her mouth with a book like an escort, and said in Lin Wu's ear: "That is a satellite phone in the 21st century, and the thing that is pulled out is called an antenna. If the satellite phone has no external equipment, it must be pointed to by the antenna. The location of the sky satellite."

Lin Wu asked: "Fort mission?"

Shanna nodded: "It should be."

Nightmare walked to the door of the ward, and didn't ask where the two of them went just now, or why Lin Wu was in the bed, and said, "I'm leaving for a while, and I'll be back around eight o'clock tomorrow night."

Lin Wu asked: "Can your clothes hold up?"

After a nightmare, how come I forgot my clothes.

Lin Wu said: "There is a military coat in the shadow base, with a cold resistance value of 80, and it has a bulky BUFF." I didn't know it before I put it on, but I only knew it had this BUFF after I put it on. The impact is not ordinary.It is very suitable for family members like Shitou and Su Shi.The biggest advantage is that military coats are not exclusive clothes, anyone can wear them.

Lin Wu even came up with a way to get stuck.When two people go out, one wears it for 2 minutes first. Put on the army coat 2 minutes later before another person gets frostbite.Changing back and forth in turn can not only ensure combat effectiveness, but also keep warm.

"Thank you." Nightmare replied and left.

The villain Lin Wu said after the nightmare left: "Go and see the medicines in the warehouse."

Shanna: "So stingy."


Shana pouted and came back later: "She didn't take anything from the warehouse."

Lin Wu continued the villain: "It seems that all the good things are in my backpack."

Shana said: "I didn't tell you that there were so many people before. I don't know nightmares, but I know nightmares."

Lin Wu was a little surprised: "How did you know each other?"

Shana said: "I am an auditor. I reviewed a document and found that someone had made false accounts. After I reported it to the leader, I conducted an interrogation with him without seeing the nightmare, and asked him to explain what I found. All questions. This material is the first quarter's expenditure of the Nightmare Squad."

Shana said: "I got some background information from Nightmare for my needs. As far as I know, Nightmare is not the so-called indiscriminate killer in Nightmare's mouth. I guess the reason why Nightmare hates Nightmare is because the Nightmare Squad is a monitoring team, responsible for monitoring other Bastion agent operations, routines, everything."

Bastion Agents are Bastion's security field presence, sort of like a national intelligence agency.In this institution, some people are engaged in criminal activities, such as espionage of commercial secrets, such as privacy threats and so on.Kidnapping and murder are rare, because with the cooperation of Suguang, the police are extremely capable of solving crimes.

The most normal mission of the black team is to gain someone's privacy in order to ask someone to do something for them.Of course some people are not ordinary citizens.In addition, they will also use beauty tricks and other methods to make black people become close to those in power.After all, Suguang is only assisting in the management of Blue Star and maintaining the basic bottom line.It is human beings who really manage Blue Star.

The Nightmare Squad is responsible for monitoring black personnel in the intelligence department, and will initiate punishment if anyone violates discipline.Punishment comes from voting certificates. Anyone who wants to join the black team must do a bad thing, and the fortress company holds the evidence.After discovering the traitor, Fortress only needs to hand over the evidence to the police, and the police will deal with the traitor with the help of Suguang.

Shanna concluded: "Bastion agents can't say they all have a grudge against Nightmare, but no one likes Nightmare."

Lin Wu asked: "What kind of person is he?"

Shana thought for a while: "Arrogant, rebellious, gentlemanly, swearing. Very smart."

Lin Wu said: "There are a lot of antonyms."

Shana said: "Conceited, vulgar. Behind the arrogance is calmness, behind the vulgarity is cunning. But Nightmare is very trusted by the high-level fortress."

Lin Wu nodded: "I have a question, do you know the Ring of the Fortress?"

Shanna replied: "Yes, owning the Fortress Ring will control all the assets of the Earth Fortress Corporation."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you know that several families in the Fortress company have also been included in the immigration list. It is said that the three families will take over the Earth Fortress company."

Shanna thought for a while and said, "How long does it take you to fly from District 1 to District 12?"

Lin Wu replied: "About 15 hours."

Shanna asked again: "What if it's a train?"

Lin Wu said: "It should take a week or two."

Shanna asked again: "What if it's a cruise ship?"

Lin Wu said: "It will take at least three months."

Shana said: "The immigrant spaceship we are taking now is a cruise ship, and Fortress has planes. For most people, even if a route is opened, no one is willing to waste another two years to return to Blue Star. But Fortress has a shuttle, If the descendants of these aristocratic families are important enough and capable enough, and they are not reused on Earth, their families are likely to spend huge sums of money to send shuttles to pick them up back to Blue Star. There is no rule in Suguang that immigrants cannot return to Blue Star. According to the rules of the shuttle Speed, it only takes a week from the blue star to the earth."

Lin Wu exclaimed: "Shameless."

Shana said: "For the vast majority of people, this is a lifelong immigrant. For the children of wealthy families, it may just be an experience. As for the Fortress agents, they do not participate in the competition for the Fortress Ring, they are fighting for the interests of the Fortress Company. The more points the more High, the higher the income of the Fortress Company, the Fortress Company will reward them according to the points. It is said that about 20% of the shares will be handed over to ten Fortress agents, and they will be distributed according to their points. I don’t know much about high-level operations.”

Lin Wu asked: "Is the stone someone from Fortress?"

Shana shook her head: "I don't know, but I'm sure I haven't heard of a person named Stone."

Lin Wu asked, "Where's Maya?"

Shana shook her head again: "I haven't heard of it either."

Lin Wu asked: "Where is Lin Wu?"

Shanna smiled, ignored the stinky person, and asked, "Anything to do?"

Lin Wu said: "Bounty missions, cement factory, poking and screaming, touching supplies. Nightmare learned a book on fishing temporarily, and our food can last for ten days. Besides, the hot pot is good. The main base has eaten up all the stocks today. , we have to touch a little more. I think there are only a dozen sets of serum plus serum needles left, so I need to spare some time to clean the cement factory and go to the invincible base. I also want to find a lonely black bear."

Shana frowned: "There are so many things?" The main base is on day shift, looking for a place, wandering all the way, and taking the resources when they see it.

Lin Wu said: "Tomorrow morning, I will find Kuangmeng in the surrounding area. You have completed the task. I will go to Beishang Lake to complete my task."

Shana said: "I'll go too, I want to seek revenge from Six Wings."

Lin Wu said: "But you don't even have a stick."

Shana looked at Lin Wu: "Go to the main base to get the stick now?"

Lin Wu said: "I can't go out at night, you can cut a branch, maybe it can be used."

"Isn't it too good?" Shana was skeptical of Lin Wu's suggestion.

Lin Wu said helplessly: "Run to the main base tomorrow morning."

Shana shook her head: "I don't like being a tow bottle, let's not use a stick first."

Lin Wu: "Okay." No, the reason for this topic is that he prevented Shana from accompanying him to Beishang Lake. After all, that place is quite dangerous.The discussion turned to the stick, and finally I agreed that Shana would go to Beishang Lake with me without the stick.

Shana showed a sweet smile, seemingly unintentionally, as if she had succeeded in a trick.


The next morning, the nightmare didn't come back. Lin Wu and Shana found an unlucky Kuangmeng in the surrounding area. Kuangmeng was tricked into the safe area of ​​the base, and died gloriously after being slashed by SC.Lin Wu played the role of Maya as a cameo and began to adjust Shanna's shooting posture.

The two were about to set off to go north to the lake. Maya arrived at the base alone and brought Shanna two sticks, one was a long wooden stick and the other was a telescopic stick.The point of Maya's coming is to teach Shanna the technique of 'poking'.

Originally, Shana thought it was very simple. After dealing with zombies twice, she found that it was difficult to poke the head of the moving zombies, and the moves and retreats were not smooth enough.

Maya explained one of the simplest practice techniques.The element is the target, the stick head, the human stick is always facing the target, the person swings and moves left and right, and the stick head remains still, so as to train the sense of position of the stick head.Since there was going to be strong training, Lin Wu left them and went to Beishang Lake alone.

Without a car, the road to Beishang Lake is very difficult, and the drone hovers to keep an eye out for black bears.I didn't find a black bear along the way, but I met a cheetah. The cheetah is different from the black bear. The cheetah confronted Lin Wu for a while and then took the initiative to back away. This may be the uncertainty of animal behavior that Shuguang said.

This can't help but make Lin Wu slander the black bear. Seeing how sensible he is, can't you learn from it?
Having said that, the overall combat effectiveness of cheetahs is indeed not as good as that of black bears.

(End of this chapter)

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