Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 160 Foraging

Chapter 160 Foraging
At [-] o'clock the next morning, the system automatically distributed food to the base personnel, and Nightmare then withdrew from the supermarket base, saying goodbye to Lin Wu and Shana: "There will be a period later."

"There is a period." Why do you just leave?Lin Wu didn't realize it for a while, and he was used to having nightmares in the past 17 days.Well, that's not the point, the point is that Nightmare and Shanna made three trips and worked nine hours to bring food packages to the base.She was leaving after dinner today, and Lin Wu felt a little guilty for no reason.Lin Wu stayed and said, "Do you want to stay for another two days?" There was no trace of sincerity in his tone.

Nightmare shook her head slightly: "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Lin Wu and Shana watched Nightmare leave through the back door.

Shana said: "She didn't want to say hello to Baiban, so she left through the back door of the base." Baiban's voice could be heard clearly coming from Birch Park.

Lin Wu asked: "Why? It's good to hang out with us."

Shanna: "After all, it's inconvenient."

"Oh." Lin Wu remembered something and shouted: "Nightmare, nightmare, come back quickly."

Along with Lin Wu's shout, there was the roar of a giant not far from the back door of the base.Shana just remembered that there was a Big Mac over there.The two ran away with their guns in hand, ran out of the supermarket, bypassed the green belt, and saw the Big Mac taking a leisurely walk 20 meters away.Half of Nightmare's body was thrown into the lake, and the scene was horrible.

Lin Wu gently pulled Shana back and walked back: "We didn't know there was a Big Mac over there before."

Shana suppressed a smile: "Is it interesting to deceive yourself?"

Lin Wu: "You can deceive if you can, and you can deceive if you can't."

The two didn't enter the base, and went half a circle to Baihuashu Park to meet with the day shift staff. We hadn't seen each other for more than 20 days, and everyone was very enthusiastic. Lin Wu and Hun Dan hugged lightly, punched Xiao Dao, and walked towards Maya. Maya took a step back subconsciously, and reached out her hand to shake Lin Wu's hand to ease the embarrassment.

Lin Wu shook hands with Maya with his right hand, leaned forward, and hugged Maya's back with his left hand: "It's nice to see you again."

The two let go, and Maya nodded lightly: "Me too. Let's go."

The first thing I went to today was Exit B, the second closest exit to the sewer.Lin Wu was the first to go up as the vanguard, but he did not remove the manhole cover with all his strength.The main knife and the double-body snow egg were all installed, and the manhole cover could not be shaken. It is certain that the manhole cover leads to the outdoors and is tightly pressed by the snow.

Then he went to Exit C. This time, Lin Wu successfully opened the manhole cover, but before he could probe, the zombies fell in.The zombies smashed on Lin Wu's body and smashed Lin Wu back to the ground.The zombies above found humans, so they lined up and fell down the stairs one by one.After 20 minutes of continuous killing, there were still zombies falling down the ladder, so they resolutely gave up Exit C.

After tossing back and forth for 4 hours, I arrived at Exit D. The knife clasped Lin Wu's right hand with both hands and closed his eyes to pray: "Luck has given you your right hand, push with your right hand."

Xuedan said weakly, "I can do it too."

Xiaodao pretended not to hear.

It seems that the luck of the knife worked, this time not only the manhole cover was removed, but no zombies were found.Lin Wu drilled out of the wellhead in a latent state, and Lin Wu came back after a while: "We are in an alley. Because of the shelter of the building, there is no snow near the well cover. The good news is that there is a back door of a shop two meters away. It is speculated that There is a pizzeria inside the door, at least you can get a food package."

Xiaodao hurriedly asked, "What's the better news?"

Lin Wu replied: "The better news is that there are bakeries and coffee shops nearby."

Maya asked, "What about the bad news?"

Xiao Dao mourns and looks at Maya, do you have to ask?

Lin Wu replied: "There is a blood plague heart nearby, and the blood mist is very thick. It cannot be ruled out that it is an area covered by double blood mist." The double blood mist coverage areas of the two blood plague hearts are all violent blood zombies.Difficult to sneak attack, difficult to approach, and the attributes of zombies are greatly improved.

Maya said: "Others don't move first. Lin Wu, clean up the pizzeria." There must be a suitable and safe base, because the surrounding environment is complicated, and it can only be handled by Lin Wu.

Lin Wu raised the drone to confirm that his guess was correct.There is a blood heart on the south side of this street, and a blood heart on the north side, and the whole street is within the range of the blood fog of the two hearts.When outdoor blood zombies are active on the snow, although they often get stuck in the snow, their movements are agile, which is not comparable to ordinary blood zombies.

Lin Wu pried open the back door of the pizzeria, relying on the cover color and the silencer to kill the two blood zombies first.Facing the blood zombies who turned their heads at every turn, he didn't dare to backstab easily.

The pizzeria is about 120 square meters, consisting of a 30-square-meter kitchen, a 5-square-meter toilet and a 85-square-meter hall.After carefully cleaning out the toilet and kitchen zombies, Lin Wu went to a relatively open hall, and easily put down six zombies.Then Lin Wu greeted everyone to come up and explained the situation to everyone.

Maya assigns work: "Shana, take Xuedan and Horse Soul to search the bag, and be as careful as possible. Lin Wu is in charge of the north-facing zombies. Xiaodao is in charge of the south-facing zombies, and I am in charge of the east-facing zombies." This is an alley, The north passage is 15 meters, and the outside is the road.The south extends into the apartment area, the east passage is 10 meters, and the outside is also the road.To the west is a row of three-story walls, nothing to worry about.

Once the zombies are alarmed and the tide of corpses is triggered, the sewer is the only escape route, so no matter what happens, you must stick to the entrance of the sewer.

The concentration of zombies in the county is high, and they are highly mobile outdoors. In less than a minute, the guard trio had already killed seven zombies wandering towards them.During this process, Xiaodao's archery skills are very impressive. After more than 1 days of snowstorm training, Xiaodao's bow and arrow shooting movements are not only decent, but also amazingly accurate.

Modern compound bows have sights, but not scopes. To master the sights requires not only professional knowledge, but also adjustments according to the situation. The most important thing is that the movements are in place, otherwise it will be lonely.On the contrary, the gun sight is very simple, just look at the heart with your eyes.

The search trio carefully rummaged through the food packages, and corpses passed by outside the shop from time to time. Ten minutes later, the pizzeria brought two food packages for Knife and Maya.Then Lin Wu went to the bakery next door. The bakery was only 10 square meters and the aisle was narrow. After clearing the zombies, Lin Wu came back and reported: "The store is narrow and there are utensils everywhere. Be careful when searching."

Maya changed her strategy: "Lin Wu, search."

"Okay." Lin Wu quickly got a food package from the bakery and handed it to Maya, and returned to the bakery. This time he wanted to break open a wooden box with hamburger buns written on it.According to past experience, it is basically certain that there must be a food package in this wooden box.

At this moment, a wild one walked to the entrance of the alley and entered the North Alley.The North Lane was originally guarded by Lin Wu, but now it is guarded by the soul egg brothers with silenced pistols.This fierce one is half white and half red, with red spots all over its body, as if it is being infected by the blood mist.Seeing Kuangmeng, Xuedan panicked, kept lurking and reminded softly: "There is Kuangmeng."

Everyone turned to the north, Kuangmeng was still approaching.Maya looked left and right at the zombies passing by the alleys, and her mind was racing: what should I do?The first way is to notify Lin Wu to evacuate. Lin Wu is about 20 meters away from the entrance of the sewer, and the route distance is more than 30 meters. All personnel can retreat before alarming a large number of zombies.But it's hard to come back here in a short time.

The second way is to kill Kuangmeng silently.The advantage is that the alleys are narrow and there are a large number of silent weapons on your side.The disadvantage is the characteristic of madness. After being fatally attacked, madness will fall to a certain place. If it cannot get a headshot immediately at this time, it will howl.Although its howling is not as good as screaming and weeping ghosts and gods, but there are zombies all around, and it can move the whole body.At that time, Lin Wu probably would not have time to retreat.

When Maya was about to notify Lin Wu to retreat, a madman appeared in the east passage.Maya immediately waved everyone back into the sewer: "Let Lin Wu retreat."

Shana: "Lin Wu, withdraw."

Horse Soul faced Kuangmeng with a pistol, and took a step back after receiving Maya's order. Due to the small movable area, her foot hooked Shana's heel. Shana staggered, stood up instinctively to avoid falling, and lifted the stealth state .Originally, Kuangmeng was about to be able to discover the stealth players, but after such a long period of time, Kuangmeng found a group of people without accident.Maya's crossbow arrows interrupted the howling of one madman, but couldn't stop the other madman.In an instant, the two roads outside the alley made noises, like thousands of troops responding to the howling.

Xuedan is the closest to the entrance, and entered the sewer first. I wanted to stretch my head to look at the knife, but was stepped on by Maya, and fell to the ground: "Just jump."

The others didn't grab the escalator and jumped straight into the sewer. After fleeing 20 meters under the leadership of Maya, they shot and killed all the zombies that entered the sewer.There were not many zombies following in. After disposing of them, Maya sneaked to the bottom of the ladder alone and turned around. It can be seen that there are zombies near the manhole cover.

Maya came back and said, "The entrance is sealed by zombies."

Shana called: "Lin Wu."

There was no answer, and after calling several times, Shana panicked: "He's not married yet."

Maya: "Don't you know if he's dead or not?"

Shana was busy looking at the cemetery of the base, only herself and the tombstone of Nightmare, she was relieved: "I didn't die."

A minute ago, Lin Wu saw the shadow men jumping into the sewer one by one through the glass window, seeing the restlessness of the surrounding zombies, so he opened the big oven beside him and got in, then closed the door.After a while, the zombies came to his side. These zombies were heading towards the sewer, but there were already many zombies congested near the sewer, and as a result, these zombies were squeezed into the bakery.

After waiting for a while, Lin Wu felt that the zombies had already left, or that there were not many left, so he pushed the oven door, but didn't open it... What is this design?Lin Wu didn't know that this was the anti-scald external lock of the large oven, and it could only be opened by pulling the handle from the outside.

"Help me."

Shana was worried at first, but when she heard Lin Wu's voice coming from the headset, she couldn't help but chuckle, seeing everyone looking at her, she explained, "He's calling for help."

Xiaodao was puzzled: "He shouted for help, why are you laughing?" This woman is so strange.

Shana was taken aback, how to explain?
Maya said, "Wait a little longer."

Shana: "Wait a minute, where are you?"

Lin Wu: "In the oven of the bakery."

Shanna asked, "How many zombies are there?"

Lin Wu: "It seems to be scattered."

Shana asked, "Then...then you come out."

Lin Wu said after a while: "Didn't you hear me calling for help?"

Shanna thought for a while and asked, "Can you come out?"

Lin Wu didn't say a word, Shana suppressed a smile and asked again: "Are you locked in?" This thing is good, find a way to move to the base, and lock him in next time you get angry.

Maya asked, "What's the situation with Lin Wu?"

Shana said: "Still hiding."

Xiaodao asked: "What can't come out?"

Shana explained: "There are zombies at the door."

Xiaodao didn't believe it: "As long as he didn't die, the one who died should be a zombie." One of the two must die.

Maya didn't pay attention to their conversation, and said, "Shana, go and have a look." Shana is agile after all.

Shana sneaked down the ladder, turned around and didn't see any zombies, so she climbed up the ladder and stretched her head to check, and found that the zombies near the sewer had dispersed, but they had spread to the surrounding areas, including pizza shops and bakeries zombies.There are also five or six zombies in the alley, and one of them is Xuekuangmeng.

After listening to the report, Maya also took a look at it herself. If the blood madman does not leave, her side will be very passive.

After waiting for an hour and checking it a few times, the blood madman was still about seven meters away from the sewer, and it was doing somersaults and rolling around on its own.

Shana made up her mind and said, "I have to go up and have a look."

"You're dead, we might all have to die." Maya replied calmly, without Shanna leading the way, Maya didn't have the confidence to take everyone back.

Shana thought for a while: "I'll take you back to the county sign first."

Maya said, "I'll go up and have a look."

Shana said: "I am the only one who has ever been married, and if I die, I will die."


During the long wait, Lin Wu knew that Shana and the others were in trouble, otherwise they would not have come to save him.Lin Wu tapped on the oven, which soon attracted the attention of a zombie.The zombies began to scratch the door of the oven, and this movement attracted several more zombies. After a while, the area of ​​three square meters outside the oven was crowded with zombies.

With more zombies, the efficiency of scratching the door is greatly improved, and the metal door is wrinkled and rusted at a speed visible to the naked eye.Lin Wu took down the assault rifle, and when the door was scratched and disappeared, Lin Wuguo disconnected the gun.It was almost zero distance, which was equivalent to pressing the muzzle of a gun against the head of a zombie, half of the magazine was full of bullets, and all the zombies in the area fell down.

Lin Wu took the opportunity to run out of the back door, and was met by a blood madman, and Lin Wu pierced past.But he didn't expect that the alley was too narrow, and Lin Wu's wind thorn moved quickly instead of teleporting, and his body hit Xuekuangmeng's body.Xuekuang bit Lin Wu's shoulder fiercely, and Lin Wu stabbed Xuekuang with a dagger.Result: Xue Kuang died violently, and Lin Wu was half dead.

After such a delay, all the zombies from the southeast and northwest came.Lin Wu didn't have time to put on a bandage, so he remembered the scene in the movie, so he stepped on the wall of the building in the alley and climbed up with his left and right feet.With the addition of double agility, the difficulty factor of this movement is not high. After climbing to about three meters, seeing that the zombies below could not pose a threat to him, Lin Wu took out a bandage to heal himself, and then swallowed two painkillers.Just for a moment, the bleeding caused by the blood madness almost drained his life.

Soon Lin Wu climbed to the terrace on the third floor on the right, and several zombies in the bedroom on the terrace rushed towards Lin Wu beyond their limits, and were wiped out by Lin Wu.But it's not safe here, the screamers have already started to show their power, and the zombies broke through the downstairs door and ran upstairs.Seeing the tide of corpses entering the bedroom and rushing to the terrace, Lin Wu jumped to the third-floor terrace next door, which is a residential building above the bakery.

The system did not lie, the attributes of the zombies in the blood mist were greatly improved. Seeing that Lin Wu had changed places, the zombies on the terrace and the bedroom swarmed downstairs, and crowded the stairway next to the bakery with other zombies.Before the change, these zombies would foolishly roar at Lin Wu on the balcony.

After the zombies invaded the third floor of the bakery building, Lin Wu jumped back to the balcony on the third floor of the private house.What you play is a repeated horizontal jump.But Kuangmeng is not used to Linwu, they easily cross the distance of 1.5 meters.It's a pity that they overestimated their fighting power, one jumped and one died, and one jumped and died, and they all met Hades without even touching Lin Wu's hair.

The people in the sewer already knew about Lin Wu's current situation, and Maya gave the only solution: "Jump into the sewer."

Lin Wu asked: "Jump into the sewer from the third floor?"


"The sewer you are talking about is the hole the size of a sesame seed?"


Lin Wu objected: "I can't jump." Zombies were crowded near the sewer.Once you don't jump into the sewer, the end is to be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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