Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 161 Injured

Chapter 161 Injured
Lin Wu looked down at the entrance of the sewer, and the height was estimated to be about 10 meters.It sounds like 10 meters is not much, but the highest Olympic diving is only 10 meters.

The distance is hard to say, four meters?five meters?Assuming that the base of a right triangle is 5 meters and the height is 10 meters, how many meters is the hypotenuse?Introducing the Pythagorean law... sorry, math teacher.Assuming that the value X is obtained, and then introducing gravity and inertia, as long as it is calculated accurately, you can know how many meters you have to jump before falling into the pit.

Who said mathematics, physics and chemistry are not practical?This is related to a living life.

Lin Wufeng stabbed to avoid the fierce attack from the opposite side, cut the fierce into shreds, grabbed the corpse and threw it into the sewer entrance.It's two meters short, can this jump?
Lin Wu also had to consider a practical issue.After I jumped down, one leg went in and the other didn't, would I be torn in two?It hurts to think about it.There is only one unit for the head, so it is impossible to do splits, but death is certain if the head is down.If you want to jump, you can only jump at the cost of losing your two legs.

Of course, Lin Wu always has a way, and the way comes from the rope he must bring when going out.Lin Wu tied a heavy object to the rope and threw it towards the sewer.Don't worry, Lin Wu moved to the third floor of the bakery and pulled the rope back.Throw it again and miss again, Lin Wu changes back to the third-floor balcony of the private house.These two throws have already made Lin Wu break out in a cold sweat. If he had listened to the idea of ​​a stupid woman like Maya, he would have ascended to heaven by now.

The third time I finally threw the stone into the sewer. Hearing the sound, the zombies around the sewer looked around for a while, and continued to squeeze towards the visible forest fog.Shanna, who was sneaking under the ladder, picked up the stone, climbed up the ladder, and tied the rope to the ladder.

Lin Wu tightened the rope and fixed it. After everything was settled, Lin Wu grabbed the rope and slid towards the sewer.Soon, Lin Wu, who was proud of his clever plan, discovered the problem, the rope was a slash.

Lin Wu's legs entered the sewer first, and his abdomen hit the edge of the sewer hard. The shock force caused Lin Wu's back to hit the edge of the other side of the sewer.At the same time, Lin Wuren fell downwards, hit his chest, bounced back, hit his forehead, bounced off the back of his head.The process was like a pinball game. Although it was riddled with holes, it finally landed safely.

As soon as Lin Wu landed, the soul egg brothers who had been waiting for a long time grabbed Lin Wu by one leg and ran away dragging him. He didn't care about Lin Wu's continuous screaming, and he didn't give Lin Wu time to take painkillers.

Maya and others formed a blocking position to snipe and kill the zombies who jumped into the sewer following Lin Wu.After a while of busy work, the situation finally calmed down, and the howling of the zombies outside could no longer be heard.

Lin Wu, who was tied up like a mummy, had multiple fractures all over his body, and the most serious injury was a comminuted fracture of both legs.A comminuted fracture is a serious injury.Not only is recovery slow, but you can't move, otherwise you won't be able to recover from the injury.

Since Lin Wu didn't die, everyone didn't ask about his health, and began to study the next move.Maya and Shana decided to stay where they were, firstly waiting for Lin Wu's legs to recover, and secondly because there were a lot of food resources nearby.It's all here, it's really not reconciled to go like this.Shanna calculated the time and distance. There are still 4 hours before the sunset, and it takes two hours to get from point D to the county mark. Considering that the members of the Shadow Base will return to the church on the top of the mountain and the snow-covered road, there is only 100 minutes left for everyone.

Now I can only see the situation of the surrounding zombies after an hour. If it returns to the original state, there will be more than half an hour to search, and it will not be a problem to get three more food bags.If the density of zombies is still relatively high, they can only retreat.


Lin Wu's recovery is very bad.I don't know if it's because of the low temperature, even though the bandages are covered, the recovery speed of the broken legs is still very slow.Of course, everyone has never lost their legs, so I don't know if Lin Wu's situation is normal or abnormal.Judging by the recovery percentage of Lin Wu's legs, Lin Wu needs to lie still for more than 4 hours.And only 4 hours until sunset.

If you can't return to the main shadow base before sunset, members of Shadow 4 will be frozen into dogs along the way.He may not necessarily die, but there must not be many medicines left.

Maya knew the situation and acted decisively: "Retreat after taking the food package, Shana will send us to the county mark, and then return to pick up Lin Wu."

This plan sounds very ruthless, everyone must first leave the seriously injured Lin Wu.In addition, Shanna needs to go through the sewers alone to pick up Linwu.If the former is unethical, the latter is putting your companions in danger.After all, Shana is a fresh newcomer now, and she has one more blunt weapon strike skill and weaponry than the newcomer.

It seems to have returned to the abandoned capital.Maya's decision is the best decision, but if Shanna can say it, it will feel completely different to everyone.Not to mention Lin Wu, even Brother Xiao Dao and Hun Dan thought it was wrong, but they couldn't think of a better way.

At this time, Shana showed her overall view. She kept explaining Maya's decision, explaining to everyone that Maya's decision was the best one.Shanna's attitude made everyone accept Maya's decision.It was at this time that Brother Hundan understood why Shitou asked Shana to be the deputy commander.


Lying alone in a stinking sewer is a strange feeling.It is not loneliness, not loneliness, but an attitude of being separated from the world and viewing everything from the perspective of God.Maybe God didn't want to use the perspective, so a blood madman fell down the sewer.

Kuangmeng was 30 meters away from Linwu.

Before that, this thing was Lin Wu's favorite, but now Lin Wu doesn't like it very much.If you can't stand up, you can't use the wind stab, and it is difficult to destroy the opponent only by relying on the upper body.If you are lucky, you will wrestle with it. After the wrestling, it will die and bleed badly.

Lin Wu picked up the silent man and shot him in the head.After the blood madman was fatally attacked, he rolled and fell a few meters before looking around as if he had been hit by a hammer.Lin Wuren was in the dark, more than 30 meters away, and even Xue Kuangmeng didn't notice his existence.So there was a second shot, a third shot, and soon Xue Kuangmeng had only his last life left.

At this time, Lin Wu was reluctant to do anything, the distance was too far, and he couldn't touch the corpse.But he couldn't attract it, who knew if he would bring his brothers to eat meat together.Lin Wu dragged his legs and crawled for a few meters to hide at the corner, took out the water cup in his backpack, and threw it to where he was originally.Hearing the sound, the blood maniac ran over to check, Lin Xiaoren suddenly probed and shot the blood maniac three meters away.

Using only his hands, Lin Wu crawled to the violent corpse and began to grope, first getting a bottle of serum.Normally, the blood burst rate of blood madness is not bad.Fumble again and find out a hunter skill book.It's okay, barely considered Kang Meng.

Before putting the hunter skill book into the backpack, Lin Wu conveniently clicked the skill book learning button, and the system prompted: Books are missing.Lin Wu clicked the question mark, and the question mark explained that after the hunter's experience is fully upgraded, the hunter profession can be upgraded to a junior professional hunter by collecting all 5 hunter skill books.

There is such a statement?
Lin Wu remembered the trump card of the invincible base: the second-level fishing master.Lin Wu and many people think that if you use more skills, you will naturally advance.Thinking about it now, it feels wrong. So many people learn to fish, and everyone fishes. Why are you a second-level fishing master?
It now appears that this player has used multiple fishing books to increase his career level.Then the question came again, why didn't others find it?Because other people's fishing experience is not full level.So there is another question, how to get fishing experience?The answer is real fishing.

Before the system reform, having the fishing skill was enough to provide food for the base.After the reform, players need to catch at least one fish per day to provide food for the base.This second-level fishing master is a fishing enthusiast and can also set fishing traps, so he can get enough experience points to upgrade the fishing master.

The last question, I have shot a few hares myself, how come the hunter experience is full?

Open your mind and think about it, there are still many possibilities.Maybe trapping is counting as hunter experience, maybe stealth is counting as hunter experience, maybe shooting is counting as hunter experience, maybe drones are counting as hunter experience.These four may have something to do with hunters.Secondly, it may be more fantasy, such as handsome?Have you been beaten by bears many times?Often in the forest?Always remind yourself that you are a hunter?
Being idle is also idle, Lin Wu summoned the little white rabbit.

The little white rabbit who came immediately after the call replied: "The game information needs to be explored by the players themselves."

Lin Wu: "No. I suspect that you admire my handsomeness and try to increase my favor with you through bribery, so you fill up my hunter skill experience points."

Little White Rabbit: "No."

Lin Wu: "Yes."

Little White Rabbit: "No."

Lin Wu: "Yes."

When Shana arrived, she saw Lin Wu arguing with the air.She stood behind Lin Wu and listened for a while, knowing that he was molesting the little white rabbit again.Shana believed that even if this poor little white rabbit had any human emotions, Lin Wu was already in the resurrection zone.

Lin Wu, who was so bored, got excited after seeing Shana: "Come and judge, my hunter profession proficiency is actually full. It's not that it cheated to please me, so why?"

Although she couldn't figure out the reason for Lin Wu's complaint even if she wanted to break her head, Shana was already familiar with the strangeness and asked, "Can I go?"

Lin Wu checked the injury, and there was still 2%, so he looked at the little white rabbit and said, "I must be."

Little White Rabbit: "No."

Lin Wu: "Then why do I have full skill proficiency?"

Little White Rabbit: "The game information needs to be explored by players themselves."

Lin Wu: "You bribed me."

Little White Rabbit: "No."

Shana walked aside with her forehead: I don't know this guy.If you say that before you came, you were bored and bickered with it.With such a beautiful woman by your side, you still choose to bicker with it.A monkey is a monkey, and it actually went to steal peaches after seizing the Seven Fairies.As long as Dong Yong has other ideas, it is not a good talk for Dong Yong to watch people take a bath and steal clothes, but to take over.

etc?Are Weaver Girl and Seven Fairies the same person?If yes, this story is interesting.Go to the library to look it up at night.

Lin Wu's injuries had recovered from his wild thoughts, so he waved and said, "Okay, you can go."

"It's a pleasure to answer your questions, I wish you a happy game, goodbye."


Lin Wu stood up and stretched his legs: "What's wrong with you? Your face is so dark?"

Shana sighed: "I just feel that some people have no lower limit when they are naive."

Lin Wu: "You are naive, and your whole family is naive."

Shana gritted her teeth: "Play a game: don't speak before returning to the base, whoever speaks is a puppy."

"Puppy Shana." Lin Wu said as he walked, "Do you remember the bet we made? Bear trap, you lost."

Shana said angrily: "Don't call people nicknames, it's very impolite."

Lin Wu: "Puppy Shana."

Shana: "Little Pig Lin Wu."

"Puppy Shanna."

"Little Pig Lin Wu."

"Puppy Shanna."

Shana is not an AI. After a round of verbal battles, Lin Wu immediately started fighting.

During the fight, Shana called to stop: "Stop, I made a mistake, it's all your fault."

Shana closed her eyes, put her hands on her temples, and entered the memory state, recalling the road she had traveled in the past few minutes.Then he opened his eyes and walked forward without saying a word, with a very serious expression on his face.Lin Wu accompanied Xinxin and followed behind, for fear that her own breathing would disturb Shana's thoughts.After all, getting lost here is likely to die.

After walking for a few minutes, Shana stopped at an intersection, frowned and pondered for a moment, she seemed to have made a difficult decision to go to the left, and Lin Wu followed.After that, Shana would meditate seriously every once in a while, and Lin Wu's heart was pounding. Finally, Shana couldn't pretend anymore, so she laughed first.

Knowing that he was being tricked, Lin Wu immediately stretched out his right hand and flicked at Shana, but Shana easily dodged it: "Prediction."

Lin Wu flicked Shana's head with his left hand: "Predict your prediction."

"I'm not leaving." Shana sat down on the ground and began to be silly.

Lin Wu said: "Hammer and cut cloth, let you play once if you win, and leave if you lose."

Shana said: "You can only use your right hand."

"it is good."

Lin Wu and Shana swung their right hands, and Shana kept staring at Lin Wu's wrist.When Lin Wu was about to hit the cloth, he abruptly stopped it and turned into a fist, but he didn't expect Shana to hit the cloth.Lin Wu was surprised: "Didn't you judge the content of my content through the movement of my small arm muscles?"

Shana shook her head with a smile, and hooked her hand to signal, Lin Wu reluctantly stretched her head over, and Shana tapped her index finger lightly.This made Lin Wu very dissatisfied: "I will feel guilty if you are so light."

Shana hit Lin Wu's head with a black thread, and Lin Wu said, "I want to pay back the light one."


Joking and chatting all the way, it was completely dark when they got out of the sewer.The two put on their skis and headed towards the base, and returned to the base smoothly relying on the familiar terrain.Throw charcoal to start a fire, arrange food, there is not much food, and there is only meat, continue to cook broth.

The two discussed going to Zuo County to get some food tomorrow.Sunset at 5:30pm, sunrise at 6:30am, winter nights are 13 hours long, the time is too tough.

However, the blood mist from the cement factory had already spread to Baihuashu Park, and within a day or two, the base would not be peaceful.What worries Lin Wu more is that the threat level of the base is close to 5 stars.

Shana contacted Maya, and Maya said that tomorrow she would take the day shift to Zuo County to transport food. At present, the shadow base only has the supply warehouse in Zuo County.Shanna mentioned that the siege problem made Maya feel tricky too.

During the last siege, the main base sent people to drive and transport building materials and other material packages.Now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, it is impossible for the main base to reach the sub-base within 10 minutes.The best thing to do is to push the car out of the way tomorrow and use the car as a storage spot.But it is possible for someone to take the material package.

One way is for Xuedan to go to the sub-base and use its life skill 'sound insulation technology' to suppress the threat of the sub-base.One way is to transfer the knife or Maya to the past to enhance the combat effectiveness of the sub-base, so that the sub-base has the strength to face the tide of tough corpses.

Stone inquired and learned that the materials currently stored in the sub-base are mainly building materials, as well as some medical units and gasoline.With a wave of his big hand, Shitou decides: everything depends on fate.If you can keep it, you can keep it, if you can't, let Shana and Lin Wu run away with a supply bag alone.

(End of this chapter)

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