Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 162 New Member

Chapter 162 New Member

It has been four days since the end of the blizzard, and the main base and sub-base have replenished food through unremitting efforts.In the ice fishing festival that will be held in three days, only Lin Wu has a good fishing rod in the two bases.The workshop can also make fishing rods, but it is very simple, just a wooden stick and a rope.There is one more sequined fishhook for the lure fishing rod, and two more fishhooks for the Taiwan fishing tank.

When discussing fishing rods, Blood Mist commanded the army to launch a wave of attacks on the supermarket base. This kind of attack is hard to hear, just stuffing zombies into the player's base. There is no wave and no cooperation. For the supermarket base with assault rifles There is no threat.It's okay to come here usually, but the most annoying thing is to wake up in the morning and open the door, only to find that the door is full of zombies.

Maya heard about this from the radio and asked, "Did you not change shifts for 13 hours at night?"

Lin Wu replied: "It's too boring to sleep alone... No, it's too boring to be on duty alone."

Maya paused for a while and asked, "Do you need to send someone there?"

Lin Wu said: "Forget it, there are not many of you."

"Call back later, the invincible base is calling us on the channel." Maya connected to the invincible base: "Hello, I am Shadow Maya."

Invincible: "Hi Maya, I'm glad to hear your voice, is the stone there?"

Stone: "I'm here, what's the situation old man."

Invincible paused for a few seconds: "Brother, are you still short of people?"

Stone half-jokingly said: "Sorry, the number of commanders is already full."

Invincible laughed and said: "No, something happened on our side, we need to adjust personnel. They are all brothers who have been with me for a long time, and it is impossible to justify helping anyone."

Shi Shi suddenly realized: "Oh... who is it?"

Wudi said: "Peanut and Cuiyu."

Stone: "Just two people?"

Invincible said: "Only them. Stone, if you have any difficulties, just tell us, whoever we are with whom."

Shitou laughed loudly: "That's who we are with whom. But please wait a moment, I have to consult the deputy commander."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

After 20 seconds, Shi Shi picked up the intercom and said, "No problem, when will you be here?"

"Is it okay tomorrow morning?"

Maya said something in a low voice, Shi Shi said: "Okay, as early as possible, preferably before eight o'clock. Tomorrow we will go out in a group."

Invincible: "No problem, thank you very much."

Shitou: "That's what you said. I should thank you for recommending me as a competent person."

The two chatted for a while.Invincible did not hide its own strategy, explaining that it will center on the invincible base, combine fishing and agriculture, and establish a sustainable ecological zone.In this ecological zone, the food can accommodate 15 people to survive and 20 people after spring.To put it bluntly, it is to focus on production, supplemented by combat, abandon search, and concentrate on operating the base.

There is also a reason why Invincible did this. There is no blood around them.Although siege is a big threat, after they are fully staffed, they have relatively strong firepower.In addition, there is another important reason, the importance of firearms supersedes the importance of personnel.

for example.Lin Wu can easily PK to kill the stone, and when the two go out to fight the enemy zombies, Lin Wu is a hundred times stronger than the stone.However, when the base is under siege, the fighting power of Lin Wuna AR15 is almost the same as that of Shitou Na AR15.

Invincible is taking the realistic route, farming and developing, and all the people are soldiers.Assimilate players of the survival class and enhance their strength with guns.In this way, the daily food supply can be guaranteed, and everyone's combat effectiveness can be exerted when defending the city.There is only one disadvantage, and the combat power in the non-defending state is limited.It is impossible to be the same as the shadow, nothing can form a team and a group to brush the cement factory.

Is the invincible development strategy right or wrong?Stone and Maya discussed it and didn't think there was something seriously wrong with the invincibility strategy.Survival in a corner is also a way.As long as the personnel management is proper, the invincible base can safely spend two years of game career in the garage.

Shi Shi asked, "Do you want to put a person in the supermarket base?"

Maya: "Not right."

Shitou: "I just feel sorry for the warehouse, and I want to demolish another one to build a dormitory. You will bring two building material packages to store in the supermarket base tomorrow."

Maya: "Okay."


"Hi, Peanut, Cui Yu." Lin Wu was very surprised to see these two people. After Maya introduced that they had officially joined Shadow, Lin Wu and Shana both expressed their welcome.Maya traded the building materials package to Lin Wu. Lin Wu said that the building materials were full and could only be stuffed into the trunk of the car.

Recently, the reputation of the shadow has declined. It is said that not only is it arrogant and domineering on a daily basis, but it is even more fierce internally. Even the deputy commander was exiled to the sub-base.Therefore, Peanut and Cuiyu were somewhat uneasy before joining the shadow, but after joining the base, they found that the shadow was harmonious.

Maya sent an assault rifle to Peanut, and should have given one to Cuiyu, but due to the heavy snow, she was worried about a sudden attack, so she left the last assault rifle to Shishi.Noise Wang Linwu splits the base, and the snow egg suppresses the noise. The current threat level of the shadow base is only four stars. If you want to come to Shitou, you can deal with it with an assault rifle.

Lin Wu abused Shi Shi unrestrainedly, and gave Cui Yu an assault rifle and 30 rounds of ammunition from the supermarket base.This made Peanut couldn't help but ask, "Where did you smuggle the arms from?" The entire Invincible Base only had one assault rifle, and the Shadow Base not only had one, but also provided the staff with two magazines of bullets.

Xiaodao said coolly from the side: "Fortress."

Maya worriedly looked at the blood mist spreading towards the cement factory, and considered whether to put a person in the shadow base.Xuedan and Xiaodao are inseparable, Ma Hun is a poor chef, and he has to lead the team himself. Peanut and Cuiyu are newcomers, so it is inconvenient to separate them.

Maya greeted Shana and chatted outside the base for a while, then returned to the base: "We think we can dig out this blood plague heart." Maya talked about the plan to use the terrain, explaining the bullets that need to be consumed.

Lin Wu expressed his objection: "So many resources are wasted here. If there is a blood plague near the sawmill, or multiple blood plagues, then we have no resources to deal with it."

Peanut raised his hand: "What is a sawmill?"

Xiaodao replied: "The Zuoxian base after winter."

Peanut asked: "Have you even selected the base in Zuo County?"

Xiaodao was quite proud, and introduced: "The supermarket base is used to attack the bridgehead established by the sawmill and hoard building materials."

Maya and Shana talked in a low voice, and felt that Lin Wu's consideration made sense.Shana thinks that Lin Wu's thinking is not only reasonable, he just wants to get food today, not blood plague.

Maya said: "Okay, Lin Wu and Shana, be careful. Let's go."

Everyone followed, Xue Dan took a step behind, turned her head to her buddy Ma Hun and said, "I don't think Peanut is a good person."

Ma Hun asked: "Because he has been talking to Xiaodao?"

Xuedan smiled awkwardly: "How could this be the reason? I don't think he is a good person from his appearance."

Ma Hun: "Hehe." Xuedan's words started in Blue Star three years ago.


A group of people went to point D through the sewer, Xiaodao has become a guide for Peanut and Cuiyu, and introduced the situation of Shadow, daily activities and so on to the two along the way.Whenever Peanut and Knife laughed, the snubbed Xuedan gritted his teeth behind them.Xuedan wanted to join in the fun, but Xiaodao and Cuiyu strolled down the sewer hand in hand, which made it impossible for him to see a needle.

Shana led the way, accompanied by Ma Hun, and Lin Wu and Maya were in charge of breaking the rear.Lin Wu asked his doubts over the years: "Why can girls hold hands with girls? It's natural to hold hands?"

Maya thought for a while but couldn't think of a suitable answer, and replied: "I don't know."

Lin Wu said: "I found out that the knife will wrap its arms around your left arm and rest its head on your shoulder."

Maya asked, "What?"

Lin Wu said: "If a man does this to me, I will kill him directly. I don't mean that, I mean even if I like boys, I still refuse to get too close to strange boys."

Maya thought for a while, stretched out her left hand and held Lin Wu's right hand with ten fingers interlaced, Lin Wu was frightened and froze in place, not daring to tear it apart or speak.

Maya asked, "Disgusted?"

Lin Wu shook his head, very quickly.

Maya let go of Lin Wu's hand: "Do you understand?"

Lin Wu nodded and said, "There is one more question."

"what is the problem?"

Lin Wu said: "I resent seeing a boy's naked body."

Maya was stunned for a second before she realized that she couldn't help but burst out laughing. She wanted to curse, but found that everyone stopped and looked at her.Maya immediately returned to a serious attitude, and said lightly: "Let's go."

"Oh." Everyone looked at each other and continued walking forward together.Just like they knew for the first time that fairies can also shit, they just knew that Maya could laugh.

Maya resisted the urge to give Lin Wu a kick, and walked forward as if nothing had happened.Seeing that Lin Wu was about to speak again, he immediately warned: "Don't speak, I want to be quiet."

Lin Wu walked at the back without saying a word, and Maya sighed: "Don't make faces behind me."

Lin Wu was surprised and asked: "How do you know? You have three eyes?"

Maya replied, "I don't have three eyes, I just know you're childish. Hey!"

Lin Wu walked up to Maya and walked side by side.

Maya said, "I abandoned you again yesterday."

Lin Wu: "I'm used to it."

Maya said: "It's a habit because Shana explained it to me yesterday."

Lin Wu nodded thoughtfully: "That's because Shana has feelings for you."


The team stopped, looked back in unison, and then continued walking.

Peanut whispered to the knife next to him: "Are Maya and Lin Wu lovers?"

Xiaodao frowned and thought for a long time, then hooked Xuedan behind him to come up, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think Maya and Lin Wu are lovers?"

Xuedan was also stumped by the question and didn't know how to answer.Cuiyu asked curiously: "Is this question difficult to answer?" Yes, yes, no, no.

Xiaodao looked sideways at Shana and Ma Hun, the vanguards seven meters away, and then looked back at Lin Wu and Maya who were walking side by side seven meters away, and said, "It's hard to answer."

Xuedan: "There is no sense of gunpowder between them."

Xiaodao nodded again and again: "This is the crux of the problem." The gossip glands were completely activated.

With an idea, Xuedan turned around and asked, "Old Lin, you are facing the threat of blood mist, why don't you consider getting married?"

"Married?" Lin Wu shook his head: "A real man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?"

Xuedan didn't understand: "I'm talking about marriage, who will be under him?"

Lin Wu said: "A friend of mine is in his fifties, and the status of their family is: daughter, wife, son, dog, him. When he first got married, his wife only had him in her eyes. After having a son, his wife only had him in her eyes. Son. After having a dog, his wife had to take care of both the dog and the son, and scolded him for not helping. After having a daughter, someone finally whispered intimately, and his wife stopped talking about him and just ignored his existence. "

Xue Dan said: "Every family is different."

You don't digress.Xiaodao glared at Xuedan, and said, "Lin Wu, if it's very dangerous, you must get married, will you find me?"

Lin Wu cut out: "I'd better find an old horse that no one wants."

Hearing this, the leader of the army, Horse Soul, turned back with tears streaming down his face and said, "Finally someone knows my existence, even though it's a man."

Not interesting, Xiaodao asked: "Sister Maya, how about you?"

Maya said, "I can do both."

Can't ask.

Reluctantly, Xiaodao quickly walked a few steps behind Shana and asked, "Shanna, if you want to get married, who will you marry?"

Shanna turned back in doubt: "I'm married."

So angry!Bagua's Xiaodao was completely defeated, he hugged Cuiyu's arm for comfort in aggrieved, Cuiyu cooperatively touched Xiaodao's face, after a while Xiaodao was alive and kicking again.


Point D is still that point D, or that food street.Today, there are two more helpers to stabilize the position, which is easier than yesterday.Lin Wu first cleared the zombies in the target building and returned to the team. Shana, Peanut and Xuedan were responsible for the search, and the rest of the team guarded the entrance of the sewer.

Peanut is the master of intelligence and assistant of sensitivity, he has two practical combat skills.The first skill is continuous shooting, the continuous shooting speed of firearms is increased, and it is suitable for weapons with low recoil or no recoil.The second skill is resourcefulness, which can quickly lock the location of resource packs in the scene, and speed up the search by 30%, including touching corpses.

Resourcefulness is an intelligence skill that Peanut learned in Ten Stars, and it is also the first intelligence skill known to Shadow members.Su Shi has the ultimate dual intelligence points, but he has almost never left the base, nor has he met zombies face to face. He has gained a lot of intelligence experience because of production, but he has never comprehended the star skills of intelligence.

The search speed of peanuts is very fast. After walking around the coffee shop, the locations of three supply packages were delineated.Resourceful also grants Peanut a loot speed bonus during looting against the three supply bags.It's a pity that there are only two food packages among the three material packages, and one is a gasoline package.

Why are there petrol packs in coffee shops?Who knows, maybe fuel for a backup generator.It was not idle at this time, so Lin Wu did not complain about this issue.

On the way back, Peanut revealed his deliberately restrained character, talking wildly when fighting the zombies.

For example, now, Peanut holds a crowbar in both hands and keeps stabbing the zombie's head. The words in his mouth are in rhythm with his actions: "Scare me? I can't stab you to death. Don't you faint? Don't you faint? You were born in a washing machine, right? I don’t feel dizzy, okay, I admire you for being a man.”

Everyone looked at Cuiyu, Cuiyu explained: "He does the same when he fights with others."

It was only after chatting that I learned that Peanut is a free kicking coach. He wears protective gear on a daily basis to allow students to practice whip kicks and boxing.In order to achieve the purpose of provoking the students to explode their potential, when he confronts the students, he will keep talking and teasing each other.

"You bitch, my mother beats me harder than this... Didn't you have sex early last night? It's just like this, swallowing ten catties of wolfberry raw can't save your wriggling bug... You can use something without a brain Straight fist, your arms are even shorter than my hair when you straighten them... Use force, force! Combining the strength of your waist. There is no ups and downs in your chest. I believe you are a man..."

Lin Wu said: "Just don't let him fight in the future."

Maya disagrees: "I think Knife can learn something from Peanut." Knife is a fighter, an expert in unarmed combat.Maya always believes that fighter skills have good prospects for expansion.

Xuedan immediately became nervous: "Xiaodao should practice bow first."

On the other side, Peanut has already begun to teach Xiao Dao, a fighter, how to use his legs.The violent knife kicked a zombie's left leg with a whip kick, and then trampled its head to death.

Peanut sucked in a breath of air, this girl is a bit tough.As a newcomer, Peanut hoped that he could make more contributions to the base to show his presence. Looking at it now, he seems to have picked the wrong target.

(End of this chapter)

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