Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 163 A5

Chapter 163 A5

The two sides separated at the county mark, and Lin Wu and Shana went to the creek near the supermarket base to help Shana find a fishing rod.Lin Wu had found the fishing rod at the creek earlier.However, the creek in winter is not only frozen, but also covered with knee-high snow, so we can only rely on digging to find tents buried by heavy snow.

"Can you fish?"

Shanna answered while plowing the snow with her hands: "Yes."

Lin Wu: "You know so many things."

Shana thought for a long time: "Very rarely."

Lin Wu said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, girl. I praise you to let you thank me, not to let you praise yourself."

Shanna said helplessly: "What I said is the truth. In order to find my interests, my mother exposed me to many things, such as skiing, fishing, yoga, ballet, piano, violin, painting, adventure, photography, speeches, public welfare, Animals, astronomy...there are so many."

Lin Wu asked: "Did you find it in the end?"

Shanna replied: "3 minutes of heat, after mastering the skills, I lost interest. My mother said that I would divorce in nine out of ten. I asked why. She said, when you lose interest in your husband, you will Divorce. My biggest shortcoming is lack of perseverance, and I can't stick to anything."

Lin Wu understood a bit: "So you choose will as the main attribute."

Shanna nodded.

Lin Wu said: "But your essence is to like the new and dislike the old. What does it have to do with will?"

Shana approached Lin Wu with a smile on her face, and wanted to repair it on the spot, but what she just said reminded her of her mother.Shana stopped, looked blankly at the sky, and said after a long time: "My mother said, she said that she made a lot of money, so she can make up a few more dowry for me."

Although there was a smile, there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Lin Wu knew that she missed her parents again.Lin Wu then looked at the sky to brew his feelings, and after a while he decided to continue digging: You still have something to think about, labor and management don't even have a reference point.

Shanna took a long time to withdraw her emotions: "My mother was joking. She said that she met my father as one of the lucky things in her life. I am very envious of their love. They are consistent."

"One?" Lin Wu found a most suitable topic for conversation.

Shana looked at Lin Wu: "That's right, the luckiest thing is that I was born."

Unbearable, Lin Wu: "Let's fight."

Shanna put on a pose: "I have learned Jeet Kune Do."

Lin Wu pulled out a fishing rod from the snow, and hit Shana head-to-head and ran away: "Jet Kune Do, Jeet Kune Do!"

"Take it easy, don't interrupt it." Shana took the fishing rod, checked the integrity of the fishing rod, and looked back to see Lin Wu standing on a stone by the creek.Shanna asked: "What are you doing?" She couldn't figure it out at all.

Without saying a word, Lin Wu fell to the ground freely with his arms outstretched, and hit the snow head-on, creating a human-shaped pit.Lin Wu knelt carefully and then stood up, looking at the deep pit and said proudly: "Even the pit that was smashed out is so handsome."

"You're so childish." Shana was speechless, but couldn't help asking curiously, "Why do you often act like this?"

Lin Wu explained: "When I was shaving the snow, I felt that the snow layer was very thick...the Sun Demon."

Shana looked over and saw footprints ten meters away, stepping deeply, walking very slowly, and making the sound of a 'pigeon' stepping on the snow.Shana took out the club, stepped forward and said, "The combat power of the Sun Demon is completely incomparable to that of the Night Demon."

Lin Wu agreed that among all the mutated zombies, Lin Wu is still quite afraid of Night Demon. It can be said that Night Demon is Lin Wu's second biggest enemy.For example, in the face of madness and giants, Lin Wu can fight and run.Although the blind bat is also strong, it will make a sound source.Although the sun devil has the ability to be invisible, its own combat ability is weak.The night devil has poor defense ability, but it is elusive and has high attack power. It can bite half of the life of the player with one bite.

Seeing the sun magic forest fog, he released the drone and found players in the supermarket base.It is a player who has locked weapons and skills, has no destructive power and attack power, and the player is near the base station.

After killing the Sun Demon, Lin Wu and Shana rushed back to the supermarket and saw the nightmare of breaking into the base.Nightmare dreamed that after seeing the two of them, there was no reminiscence, no moji, and he handed over a book of clothing making skills, and said, "I need help."


The nightmare found the A5 laboratory, which is located in an abandoned iron ore mine in the mountains beside the railway track in the lower farm.

Nightmare said: "Once the alarm is triggered, the laboratory will self-destruct within an hour."

Nightmare drew a topographic map, a flat land of 4000 to 5 meters, with a lot of stones piled up around it, and some scrapped trucks.The A5 mentioned by the nightmare is in the front mine.Nightmare needs to reach the core of A[-] and take away the chief engineer's personal laptop.

There are two types of security forces here, one is zombies and the other is automatic turrets.Automatic turrets would continuously scan the open space, not only firing but also sounding the alarm if they found a source of human heat.When the alarm is triggered, the task enters a one-hour countdown.

Lin Wu asked: "You want me to sneak into the mine?"

"No, I need your gun." Nightmare said: "Only I can close the two automatic turrets, but there are a lot of zombies in the open space, and I need you to help me make a way."

Shana said: "Can't we kill all the zombies first?"

"Of course it can be killed, but I have already said that there are a lot of zombies. There are many hills piled up with rocks in this open space. In addition, there may be zombies hidden in and near the scrapped truck."

Lin Wu understood that this is actually a task that can be solved by one person. As long as there are enough bullets, all the zombies in the open space can be killed, and then the fort alarm is deactivated, and he enters the mine to take the laptop.Nightmare didn't want to waste too many bullets, and she had the clothing making skills she wanted, so she offered to assist in sneaking in.

Lin Wu had no objection, and said: "But you are not a member of the supermarket base now, so you cannot use the headset."

Nightmare replied: "No need to communicate."

Lin Wu asked: "Time, place."

Nightmare replied: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, see you at the base near the railway tracks. It's the base before I joined the supermarket base."

Lin Wu nodded: "Okay."

Nightmare stood up: "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Shana stopped: "Wait a minute, I didn't understand after listening for a long time, do you need Lin Wu's help, or the two of us?"

Nightmare looked at Shana for a while: "You can go if you want, but please don't hold back." Then leave.

Lin Wu hurriedly stopped Shana who was smoking the stick: "Calm down, calm down."

Shana snorted and put down the stick, and said, "I remember, last time you went to the A6 laboratory with Maya, you have a mission called Secret, complete 10%. Are you considering letting Maya go with you tomorrow?"

Lin Wu hurriedly ran to the door of the supermarket: "Nightmare."

Nightmare just put on the skateboard: "What's up?"

Lin Wu asked: "Can Maya go?"

Nightmare replied: "That's the best."

Lin Wu waved: "Goodbye."

Nightmare looked at Shana behind Lin Wu: "Then she doesn't have to go."

Shana put her hands on her hips, wanted to curse but was at a loss for words, stomped her feet on the spot angrily, and called Lin Wu: "Come here."

When Lin Wu came over, Shana patted Lin Wu's head lightly, and immediately felt much more comfortable.

Lin Wu sneered: "Your way of decompression is very gentle and strange."

Shanna replied: "The effect of force is mutual, and you and I cannot be punished for the nightmare. Hot pot?"


Eat, drink, watch and sleep, 13 hours is not so difficult.


There was a landslide near the railway tracks on the side of the mountain.The earth and rocks did not bury the railway tracks, but buried a small freight transfer station here, and also buried part of the transfer station's way into the mountain.Circling along this road, you will arrive at the iron mine after 3 kilometers.

The iron mine has rocky cliffs on three sides, a road on one side, and a slope mine pit on the north side. The track of the mine pit surrounds the open space in the middle.From this information, we can infer the operation process of the iron mine at that time.

The workers got up from the dormitory on the west, went to the mine after having breakfast in the restaurant on the first floor, entered the ramp elevator and went all the way down to the excavation site.They send the mined iron ore to the mine car, and send the mine car to the ground through electricity and rails. The mine car unloads the iron ore at the designated location according to the requirements.Big trucks transport the iron ore, send the iron ore to the transfer station at the foot of the mountain, and finally transport the iron ore to the iron factory by train.

Suguang made the game very seriously, and arranged signal towers, domestic garbage dumps, power stations, and office dormitory buildings.Even the clothes and personal items in the private lockers in the dormitory are different. A locker is a story of a person.Even if no player is interested in knowing the fictional story, Dawn still has everything.

After all, AI does not count as uncomfortable, and being idle is also idle.Human beings can think about nothing when they are free, and completely empty themselves.And AI does not have the concept of rest.Otherwise, how could he find time to quarrel with Lin Wu.

As the nightmare said, there are many zombies. Observing the zombies, I found that this is not an ordinary quarry.There are soldier zombies and white coat zombies among the zombies.Therefore, another version of the story can be inferred. The boss pulled the iron ore through the transfer station, transported it to the flat land by truck, poured the iron ore into hills, and forged the appearance of a quarry.The end point reached by the ramp elevator is not a mining site at all, but a laboratory.

Based on all the information, there is another version. After a certain group bought the iron mine and made some modifications, it set up the A5 laboratory. It can be seen that this laboratory was built very casually, or in a hurry.

The nightmare reminded: "There are two automatic turrets in the north direction."

Lin Wu looked at the entrance of the tunnel to the north with the silent man. Five meters above the entrance, there was a circular fort with double barrels on the left and right sides. There was a light source above the fort, which scattered like a flashlight.The two lights scanned the entire clearing like searchlights.

Lin Wu asked: "Why don't you attack zombies?"

Maya said: "Infrared heating sense and intelligent human type judgment system, zombies have no body temperature or body temperature is much lower than humans, so the alarm will not be activated. Animals do not conform to human type. I am not sure how strong the thermal sensing system is, if it is powerful enough , Even if we hide behind trucks, hide behind ore piles, we will be found by automatic turrets."

"Any thoughts?" Nightmare asked.

Maya didn't make a sound, observed for a while and said, "Lin Wu, can you touch the northwest location, which is the roof of the three-story dormitory building?"

Lin Wu walked sideways to a higher position, checked for a while and said, "It should be possible, the roof is not within the scanning range of the automatic turret."

"Yes." Maya said, "I want to go to the top of the truck in the north. Nightmare, you detour to the northwest, and Lin Wu and I are responsible for covering you. As for how to pass through the blocked area of ​​the fort, it depends on your own judgment. Judging from the scanning speed of the turret, there is a gap of 3-5 seconds. But all of this is based on the fact that the thermal sense cannot penetrate obstacles, so Lin Wu should start first to determine whether the thermal sense can penetrate bunker."

Nightmare hurriedly said: "If the bunker can be penetrated, the alarm will be triggered, and the A1 laboratory will self-destruct in an hour. It's better to kill all the zombies, and then enter the mine while the turret is scanning."

Maya said: "It's not that simple. The bunkers such as ore piles and dormitories are not all for the convenience of players, but also for hiding zombies. We are currently in the south, and the horizon is only about 35%. You can't eliminate all zombies. It is even difficult to eliminate more than 50% of the zombies."

Lin Wu said at the same time: "No wonder the fortress agents were beaten by the guards until mother didn't even know him."

The two looked at Lin Wu together, Lin Wu smiled awkwardly, and asked, "Have you ever fought?"

Maya said: "The job of the guards is to deal with warlords and control the scale of various regions, religions, organizations and private armed forces. The job of the fortress agents is to obtain information through legal or illegal means."

Nightmare correction: "We are also responsible for the security of important personnel and the protection of commercial secrets."

Lin Wu suddenly said: "So that's the case, I went?"

Maya looked at the nightmare, and the nightmare hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

Watching Lin Wu sneak into the mine, Nightmare said: "It seems that many people think that the fortress and the dawn are hostile."

Maya replied: "It is undeniable that only Bastion has the ability to establish a warlord system."

Nightmare looked at Maya: "There is a lot of information in this sentence, it seems that what Lin Wu said is not entirely wrong."

Maya said: "You are not the boss of the fortress, why bother? But..."


"However, the Guardians are happy to develop informants if the need arises."

"Hehe, the content of our chat has exceeded the basic moral bottom line of our work."

Maya didn't answer, and said: "I guessed right, the light beam can't penetrate obstacles."


After Lin Wu occupied the roof of the dormitory building, Maya started to head towards the direction of the blue truck in the northwest direction. During this period, Maya not only observed the surrounding situation, but also looked at Lin Wu from time to time.When he was about to pass by a scrapped truck, Lin Wu raised his left hand. Maya stopped and pointed at the truck. Lin Wu turned his left hand into his head and pointed it up and down: Yes, there is something strange.It was the first time Maya saw such a funny posture, she smiled and pointed at the bottom of the car, Lin Wu waved her hand and drew a circle with her fingers.

Someone else would be confused, but Maya understood Lin Wu's knowledge reserve, and instantly understood that Lin Wu waved his hand to indicate that he didn't know either, but only learned from the drone that there were zombies in the truck.To draw a circle means to go around the road, to avoid the truck.

Maya used Liannu and lurked to advance slowly, bypassing the dangerous truck, and in front of her was a soldier zombie.Crossbow arrows have a not-so-obvious shortcoming, that is, their penetration is insufficient, and they cannot instantly kill zombies wearing steel helmets and tactical helmets.Even so, Maya is not worried, because Lin Wu will deal with the soldier zombies in the next second.

Maya arrived at the truck smoothly, climbed onto the roof and raised her fist at the nightmare in the south, and the nightmare set off.

(End of this chapter)

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