Chapter 170
Lin Wu and Shana squatted on the edge of the roof, looking at each other with their hands on their chins and thinking quietly.I finished the most difficult climb upstairs, but I didn't expect to be stuck in an unexpected link.

Shana said: "You are 1.8 meters tall, your arms are [-] meters outstretched, and the head and neck are deducted about [-] meters. So in theory, you can hold the floor of the opponent's roof if you stand on the edge with your hands up and fall down. It can be inferred from this that it should be possible to jump over.”

Lin Wu looked at Shana: "Theoretically, you can fly very far with a ski, do you want to try it?"

"Yes." Shanna was reminded, her eyes lit up.

Lin Wu hurriedly said, "I'm just joking."

"I'm not joking." Shanna looked back at the distance: "As long as you make a small slope, you can definitely go there easily. You help me eliminate the zombies on the opposite floor, and I will arrange it."

Lin Wu was not sure: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"But ski jumpers have a downhill inertia."

Shanna replied: "It's only two meters, no inertia is needed."

Seeing Shana like this, Lin Wu could only use the Silencer to shoot at the zombies on the opposite floor.Due to the abundance of pistol bullets and the low exchange rate, Peanut at the market yesterday swept all the .22 bullets on the market, which really gave Peanut a rich addiction.

After a while, Shana made the arrangements. Lin Wu always felt unreliable when he saw the small slope stepped on by his feet.But seeing that Shana was eager to try, it was hard to stop her, so Lin Wu took out two ropes: "Tie it around her waist."

Shanna took the rope and asked, "Safety rope?"

Lin Wu nodded, and tied the rope to a steel bar exposed on the edge of the roof.

Shanna asked, "Why two?"

Lin Wu replied: "You don't need to ask this question."

Shanna instantly understood: "Hey, I'm not fat, I'm only 90 pounds."

Lin Wu was startled, his eyes widened.Shana whispered: "More than 90... How about early 100? I hate it."

Lin Wu said innocently: "I told you that you don't have to ask this question."

"Hmph." Shana tied the rope, stepped back about 15 meters to tighten the rope, took a deep breath and slid out.Its speed was not fast at first, and with the help of ski poles, it didn't seem to be much faster.Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Wu immediately ran away from the edge with the wind thorn... Why didn't he use the wind thorn to cross two meters?Because the wind thorn is fast moving, not teleportation, but because the speed is too fast, many people think it is teleportation.

Shana also realized that something was wrong, and she immediately figured out the situation.Even if there is some soft snow on the surface at the Blue Star skiing site, the bottom is hard snow.The advantage of hard snow is that it is fast, but the disadvantage is that it is not easy to brake. It is commonly known as not eating the edge, so many professional ski resorts will spread a layer of soft snow on top of the hard snow.

But it was too late to say anything at this time.The front end of the skis plunged into the snowdrift slope, and Shana rolled over, her body hit the wall of the opposite apartment building firmly, and immediately fell.When Shana fell to 15 meters, because of the safety rope, she was thrown back and hit the wall again, and then hung in the air and drifted with the wind.

Lin Wu stretched out his head to make sure that Shana was still alive, then buried his head in the snow, and pounded the snow with his fist vigorously, so as not to hurt the poor Shana by laughing out loud.Shana, who was hung in the air, took a painkiller and crossed her arms angrily, without calling Lin Wu. She had already guessed Lin Wu's mood at this moment.

It took a while for Lin Wu to start pulling the rope. The bonus without strength can only rely on burning endurance.Every few meters Lin Wu pulled Shana up, he would wrap the rope around the steel bars. Relying on the method of ants moving, Lin Wu pulled Shana from the third floor back to the rooftop little by little.

After Shanna came up, she kept an angry expression, and sat on the edge of the house in the snow without saying a word.Lin Wu had already laughed when he should have laughed, and stepped forward to coax him: "Leave aside the result, that jump is still very beautiful."

Shana beckoned Lin Wu to come over, pinched Lin Wu's ears lightly, and immediately felt better, saying: "I tell you some bad news, I have a severe fracture of my left knee and a fracture of my right calf."

Lin Wu replied: "Let me tell you some good news. After you told the bad news, I immediately thought of a way to cross two meters."

"any solution?"

"jump over."

Shanna said: "We have discussed before that this is a relatively risky behavior."

Lin Wu said: "Anyway, you are disabled. Either I fall to your death, or I will find a way to bring you home after passing." The pain caused by the two results is similar.

Just do it, Lin Wu cleared the snow on the edge, and then cleared the two or three meters of the runway.Needless to say, such a small amount of work is already tiring.Lin Wu put on his seat belt, took a few steps back, then ran and sprinted.

Lin Wu landed on the opposite roof, landed on both feet, and stepped into the snow.Because he didn't step on it, his body immediately lost his balance and fell backwards.At this critical moment, Lin Wu activated the wind thorn, jumped forward from the snow at an angle of 15 degrees, and fell into the snow.This experiment told Lin Wu that it is indeed impossible to jump from a place 80 cm lower to a high place, especially when the high place is unstable snow.

The wind thorn was Lin Wu's prepared move from the beginning, otherwise, once the body loses its angle and the support of the feet loses support, the wind thorn cannot be activated.

Next is the rope time. Lin Wu and Shana fixed the A rope to form a rope bridge.Then take the B rope and tie Shana with a safety belt. One end of the B rope is tied to the A rope with a movable knot, and the other end is thrown to Lin Wu.Lin Wu pulled the B rope, and Shana was pulled by Lin Wu along the A rope.

Shana couldn't help but admire Lin Wu's ability to use the rope: "In the future, if you don't become a kidnapper, it's a shame."

Lin Wu shook his head: "It's not good to be a kidnapper, I want to be a butcher."

"Killing a pig? Why?" Shana was puzzled.

Lin Wu looked at Shana and replied, "Because I have experience in tying pigs."

"Haha." Shana laughed from ear to ear, and said while laughing, "I'm a puppy, you are a pig...I'm not a puppy, you are a pig anyway."

"Okay, little dog and little pig, let's go." Lin Wu reached out and grabbed the rope B, dragging Shana to slide in the snow.Regardless of Shana's objections, she walked to the edge of the other end of the rooftop smoothly.Below is the sidewalk, next to the sidewalk is No. 2 road, next to No. 2 road is Jiangbin Park, and next to Jiangbin Park is Zuoxian River.

The next step is to carry the beauty on your back and talk about love slowly in the romantic snow. Because of the skin-to-skin relationship, the relationship between the two is one step closer.

Of course not, because there are a lot of zombies below.

Although the number of zombies on the 2nd road is not as dense as that of the 1st road, and no blood mist has been seen, there are also waves of patrolling corpses on the 2nd road.Looking at the slush road that has been trampled in a mess, you can know how many zombies have passed by.

Lin Wu squatted on the edge of the roof and shot the nearby zombies with the Silencer.Shana sat aside without asking, she just wanted to see how Lin Wu would handle this matter.

After a while, the tide of patrolling corpses passed, Lin Wu put away the Silent Man, and pushed with his right hand, Shanna let out a scream and fell down, hitting the top of a scrapped car firmly.There is also thick snow on the top of the car. With the snow as a buffer, Shana's life safety is not a big problem.Since Lin Wu had already wiped out the surrounding zombies, Shana's cry did not attract new zombies.

Shana sat on the roof of the car, scraping the snow with both hands helplessly and angrily.How can there be such a thing?Without saying a word, he pushed himself downstairs.What's even more exasperating is that he was clever and walked down slowly with a rope.To be reasonable, my legs are useless, and I can't use the rope to go downstairs, but I'm just angry.

Lin Wu walked up to Shana, and stretched out her hand to help Shana get off the roof. Shana turned her head to one side, and Lin Wu reluctantly moved her head towards her. down.

Lin Wu made a noose out of a rope, put it on himself, and tied one end of the rope to Shana's safety B rope.Pulling Shana forward like a horse.As if returning to the abandoned capital, Lin Wu killed all the zombies that stood in his way.When the patrolling corpses appeared, he hid in a pre-emptive corner of the road, using his stealth camouflage to protect Shanna.

After avoiding the tide of patrolling corpses three times without any danger, Lin Wu finally dragged Shana to the entrance of the sewer.It took a lot of time to dig up the snow and remove the manhole cover.Lin Wu, who had done everything, looked at Shana who was sitting on the side.

Shana was puzzled, and then suddenly understood: "Are you giving me a choice? Do I jump off by myself, or do you push me down?"

Lin Wu asked: "Is there any other way?"

Shana wanted to cry without tears, propped her body with her hands and moved to the sewer hole, then turned her head and said, "Lin Wu."

"Yes." Lin Wu replied

Shanna: "I will remember you as long as I live."

Lin Wu hurriedly said: "It's just a game, it's nothing, don't take it to heart." With your little points, you have no chance to repay my life-saving grace when you arrive on Earth?
"Hmph!" Shana jumped off.

"Prepare the painkillers before jumping." Lin Wu heard Shana's screams of pain inside, and said in a speechless voice: "Silly girl."


It is reasonable to carry Shana next, but Lin Wu has no strength, and he has to rest after walking ten meters with Shana on his back. If he walks at this speed, he will not be able to reach the base even after dark.Fortunately, Shana only had a broken bone. After all, a broken bone won't lose blood, otherwise she would definitely die.Just let Shana die?That won't work, without Shana, who will lead the way.

Lin Wu started to act desperately again, put Shana on his back, and said seriously: "Climb up and let me see if it's my back that walks faster, or you crawl faster."

Lin Wu's idea was absolutely right, and Shana didn't know how to respond to Lin Wu. After a long time, Shana said: "I don't want to climb, it's dirty."

Lin Wu explained: "It will be refreshed in a while, it's okay. Besides, your leg won't heal anyway, so don't worry too much about the wound."

My old lady is going to die with him, right here, in the maze.

Shana started to climb, deliberately climbing very hard, Lin Wu looked at it for a while and said, "Stop, stop, I'll carry it on my back." At this speed, I won't be able to reach tomorrow.

Lin Wu hung the backpack in front of her again and carried Shana on her back. Shana suddenly felt that she was not so angry again.

Lin Wu walked ten meters, stood and rested, walked ten meters, stood and rested, and headed towards the county mark manhole cover at a turtle speed.Put Shana down when you meet a zombie, and throw Shana down when you suddenly meet a zombie.

Shana is no longer angry about this, she doesn't know if she doesn't want to be angry, or she has figured it out.At least she knows that Lin Wu really treats this game as a game, treats herself as a teammate and also as a game character, not a person.


It was already 700 o'clock in the evening when we returned to the base. Lin Wu and Shana were frostbitten in many places in such a short distance of [-] meters from the county mark to the base.Put Shanna on the wooden pier, light the bonfire, and Lin Wu picked up the intercom and dialed to the shadow channel: "Call, call, call."

After a while, the voice of the stone came: "Say, say, say."

Lin Wu: "Shana has a severe fracture and needs a doctor."

Stone: "I can't go tonight, I will go tomorrow morning."

Lin Wu: "Okay."

Stone: "Where did you go?"

Lin Wu: "I won't tell you."

Shitou: "Damn brat, I'll crush you to death every minute, believe it or not?"

Lin Wu: "I'm so scared."

Maya's voice: "Seriously?"

Lin Wu: "Seriously."

Maya: "What's going on?"

Lin Wu: "I missed the long jump."

Shana reached out, and Lin Wu handed the intercom to Shana.

Shanna explained to Maya the location of the Big Mac in the sewer, and the two women began to discuss how to deal with the situation, whether to destroy the Big Mac blocking the way, or find a way to pull the Big Mac to other places to ensure the smooth flow of the road.Or don't do the bounty task this month, and find a safe passage from the new home to the Hunter's Hall after moving.

The final result is to focus on the overall situation and first ensure the safety of the new home.Shana reported today's ammunition consumption, which shocked Maya and was unable to speak for a long time.Not counting the .22, these two men actually knocked out two hundred pistol bullets a day.Fortunately, Shanna explained the matter in an apologetic way. After being shocked, Maya thought that everyone should be given a pistol lesson.As long as these two people have better marksmanship, they won't waste so many bullets.

After finishing the call with the main base, Lin Wu was quite considerate, and dragged Shana into the library to avoid physical intimacy.In this regard, Shana's mood is that she has nothing to love, and she accepts it.Lin Wu cooked a stewed chicken and brought the food to Shana.When the time came, I planned to drag Shana back to her bed, but unexpectedly, Shana crawled back to the dormitory without saying a word.Lin Wu also returned to his bed to rest after expressing his admiration for Shana's willpower.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Wu knocked on the screen to wake Shana up: Don't sleep, get up and read a book.Going out of the dormitory to prepare a pot of black tea, Lin Wu saw a visible blood mist at the main entrance of the base. Obviously, the blood mist had spread to the core area of ​​the base, so he might not be able to sleep so easily tonight.Boiled black tea, put some pine needles, Lin Wu, who was idle and bored, drew a line on the edge of the blood mist, and then started timing.

Lin Wu couldn't understand this timing. The blood mist didn't continue to spread after an hour. Could it be because of the line he drew?Or is it because of the double-slit experiment effect?Or was the blood mist embarrassed to spread because of being stared at?
While thinking, Maya brought people here, and the whole day shift came.Cuiyu picked up Shana and went to the infirmary for treatment. Seeing the treatment time, both the doctor and the patient cried. It would take three hours to heal all the injuries.

Only then did Lin Wu understand why the system relaxed the restrictions on beds in the infirmary, and also understood the difference between specialists and general practitioners in the system.Fortunately, there is a library, so Cui Yu borrowed a book and waited for Shana to recover from her injuries in the infirmary.

"Lin Wu."

"Here we come." Lin Wu took a teacup and squeezed through the crowd to near the main entrance.

Maya stood up and said: "The blood mist stops spreading, which means that this line is the limit of the blood mist spreading, and it is about 1.5 kilometers by visual inspection."

Lin Wuxi said: "This is the best news I've heard in recent days."

"It's mine too." Maya greeted everyone: "Everyone has it! Change the pistol and prepare for training."

(End of this chapter)

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