Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 171 Mentality

Chapter 171 Mentality

Maya walked out of the main entrance, stood in the blood mist, drew out a pistol and taught everyone how to hold a gun.These tactics do not need to be taught, just skip to the assault rifle.But after listening to Shanna's account of the battle last night, Maya decided that a quieter pistol would be more practical than an assault rifle in some ways.Assault rifles are powerful, but the cost is different.In addition, pistols are better than rifles in places with complex terrain and frequent hand-to-hand combat.

Isn't there melee?Melee is ineffective and difficult to attack while moving.

About 10 zombies came from the blood mist. Maya waited for them to walk into the safe area of ​​the base, and stepped forward with a gun: "Attention, when raising the gun to aim, the pistol should not be placed between the eyes, it should be the left eye." , the crosshair and the zombie’s head, or the right eye, the crosshair and the zombie’s head. When you start shooting, don’t rely on your intuition and gun feel, and get used to aiming directly at the crosshair. Holding a gun with one hand is not recommended.”

Maya: "Don't extend the pistol too far, keep it as close to the main eye as possible. The shorter the distance between the crosshair and the eye, the faster the aiming speed will be." After finishing speaking, hold the gun with both hands and pull the trigger, and then step by step towards the main eye at a steady pace. Walking forward, one shot and one headshot, whether it was five meters or ten meters, Maya shot every shot, and quickly knocked down all the zombies.

"Ready to change the magazine." Maya kept the direct aiming posture unchanged, pulled out the spare magazine with her left hand, and shot with one hand with her right hand, and the left hand holding the spare magazine assisted in balance.Then the bullets were emptied, the magazine was pulled out, and a new magazine was sent: "This will keep the firepower of the pistol."

Maya said, "Lin Wu, scream."

"Here we come." Lin Wu took a long stick from the warehouse, which was a relic of the former Shana. When Lin Wu approached and screamed, Lin Wu stopped and came back and said, "There is a Big Mac nearby."


Lin Wu thought for a while, how far is the front door, the back door, plus the passage, plus the supermarket?Said: "It's at the small lake at the back door."

Maya understood the terrain of the supermarket and said, "It's okay."

So Lin Wu stabbed, screaming and brought a large group of zombies, Maya greeted: "Knife first, priority is to ensure accuracy."

It is unbearable to look directly at the poor skill of the small knife and spear. She can't hit the target at a distance of ten meters, can be blinded at a distance of five meters, and hits one out of three at a distance of three meters. She can even miss a target at a distance of one meter.Lin Wu urgently upgraded the infirmary, and Xiaodao became the first customer of the second hospital bed.Maya thinks that the problem with the knife is the panic when the gun misses the zombie, causing the body of the gun to shake, and the left and right eyes take turns to aim at the heart.

Snow egg and horse soul are comparable, but there is a world of difference.Xuedan is very accurate at hitting targets 10 meters away, but poor at hitting targets at 5-10 meters.On the contrary, it is difficult to hit the head of a zombie from 10 meters away, and the closer the distance, the higher the hit rate.Maya thinks that Ma Hun is an ordinary person, and Xuedan's abnormal behavior is because Xuedan has practiced archery and has a strong judgment on long-distance targets. She doesn't strictly follow Maya's requirements for holding a gun at close range, and she doesn't pay attention to aiming just like a knife.

Peanut performed well, killing more zombies than others at the same time, but Peanut has rapid fire skills.In other words, peanuts use more bullets.

Lin Wu's performance is the best, and everything benefits from playing Silencer every day when he was in the Shadow Base.But the rate of fire is slow, and the rate of fire of the pistol is not fully utilized.

In the end, Cuiyu's performance was in line with everyone's overdue, similar to Xiaodao. The difference was that when the zombie was one meter closer, Xiaodao continued to fight, and Cuiyu had already fled.From this, Lin Wu thought of a question, if a doctor is injured and lying on the hospital bed, is there a doctor on duty in the infirmary?

After Lin Wu asked this question, Maya was full of interest in the answer. After Xiaodao was discharged from the hospital, Maya called Cuiyu.Maya gave Cuiyu a painkiller, and then broke Cuiyu's leg with a stick. Poor Cuiyu was lying on the No. 2 hospital bed with everyone's help.Then the answer came out, as long as there is a doctor in the infirmary, whether in the hospital bed or lying on the ground, the wounded can be treated for their injuries and conditions.including myself.

Next, Maya began to train the double pistol coordination.After this day of tossing, the threat level of the supermarket base reached 5.8 stars.After telling Lin Wu and Shana not to rob indiscriminately at the base, Maya took the day shift back to the shadow base.

Lin Wu stood at the main entrance and watched everyone leave: "She asked us to shoot for a day, and then told us not to shoot."

Shana took a cup of hot water and asked while drinking, "Are you going to rebel?"

Lin Wu shook her head: "If she is really interested in this kind of life, I will be very happy. If she just restrains herself from working non-stop, and everything is based on work, I will not be happy."

"You want to say that you feel a little sad, right?" Shanna said: "The average age of the new members of the Guardian Army is 15 years old, basically no more than 18 years old. The purpose is to use the plasticity of teenagers to cultivate their living and thinking habits. The reason There is only one. You know that the biggest purpose of the Guardian Army is to prevent the emergence of warlords. Have you ever thought that if the Guardian Army wants to become a warlord, can someone in Blue Star stop them?"

Lin Wu nodded in agreement with Shana, turned his head to look at the sunset, then looked up at the gray clouds in the east, and said, "It's going to snow again."

Shana said: "You haven't finished your mission yet."

Lin Wu: "I don't really want to do this bounty task. What's the point of completing the task? I can't accept the task now."

Shana said: "Oh, so that's the case, I thought you were afraid of black bears."

"Cut, that's just an animal, but I'm a human being armed to the teeth." Lin Wu said disdainfully, "When the snowstorm stops, I'll immediately cut off two bear heads and use them as stools for you to sit on."

"I'll wait and see." Shana said, "Lin Wu, help me cut a few branches. The diameter is about the same as the lid of the mineral water. It's better to be bigger than smaller."

Lin Wu looked at Shana, and Shana explained: "She is just recovering from a serious injury." She just didn't want to move, and she didn't know why.

"Ha, that's funny." Lin Wu didn't say anything, and went to the warehouse to get Maya's relic with a machete and cut down trees.

After cutting down the tree, Shana took Lin Wu's machete, cut the branches into pieces, and took Lin Wu's spare dagger to carve on the small wood.Lin Wu stuck his head out from behind Shana and asked, "What?"

"Chess, chess." Shana said, "Indian chess."

Lin Wu asked: "Can you carve flying chess?"

Shana said: "I thought you should have the level of checkers, how did you reach the level of flying chess?"

Lin Wu said disdainfully: "You girls play checkers, okay?"

Shanna asked, "Do you know how to play chess?"

Lin Wu frowned, of course he would, but nine times out of ten he couldn't beat Shana. Shana seemed to know what Lin Wu was thinking, so she said, "I've only seen it a few times."

Lin Wu: "Liar." Go about your own business.But it seems that there is nothing to do, so I can only go to the library to find a novel.Thanks for at least the library.

Shanna is not very interested in chess and so on, her interest is in sculpture.It's a pity that art such as sculpture and painting was beaten by AI in Blue Star until my mother didn't know it. It can only be a personal hobby.

"Lin Wu."


"Tomorrow or when you are free, can you go all the way? I want to get some painting materials. Oil canvas, oil brushes, etc. Ink and paint cans are also fine."

"No problem." There was blood mist on the 1st road, but blood mist was nothing in front of Art.Lin Wu looked back at Shana: "Have you been stimulated by anything?"

Shana shook her head and said while sculpting: "I find that art is the most immersive way to kill time."

Lin Wu asked: "Aren't you sleeping?"

Shana looked back at Lin Wu for a few seconds: "The good atmosphere was ruined by your words."

Lin Wu smiled and said, "This is how I pass the time."

Shanna bared her canine teeth to express her anger, and continued to concentrate on the work in hand.Not to mention, Shanna's focused eyes are particularly beautiful when viewed from the side.What about looking at it from the front?If you look at it from the front, it will disturb people and you will be beaten.

Lin Wu took Maza and sat on the edge of the blood mist, waiting for a few minutes felt fine, and he didn't suffer from frostbite because he was too far away from the campfire.Wait a few more minutes for the zombies to arrive.When the zombies were about ten meters away, Lin Wu took Maza back half a meter, and the group of zombies began to be in a daze. The moonlight reflected the sunlight, and the heavy snow reflected the moonlight.Lin Wu unhurriedly picked up the Silent One and called the zombies by name.

After killing these zombies, Lin Wu advanced half a meter, picked up the novel at hand and read it, the light is not enough?It doesn't matter, just light a torch.Ten minutes later, the alarm sounded, the blood zombies entered the safe zone, and Lin Wu started a new round of shooting.On the other side, Shanna put on the nuclear Walkman after the first alarm sounded, concentrating on carving the chess pieces, and polishing them finely with whetstones and sandpaper.

After an unknown amount of time, Shana stretched out a hand from behind Lin Wu, and Lin Wu took the pawn in her hand: pawn.It feels quite good, not only the carving is good, but even the Bing characters are beautifully written.

Lin Wu's actions have already shown that he appreciates this work and does not need additional praise.

Lin Wu asked his own question: "Do you feel that daily life is boring? Boring?" Passing the chess piece over.

Shana took the chess pieces and leaned aside to look at the outside world: "I told you that I have such a personality." Subtext: I am really tired of the two months of life.Especially at night when I have nothing to do, I can only chat with Lin Wu, read, eat and drink.Everything was fine, whether it was chatting, reading, eating or drinking, Shanna was interested in participating in everything.But with the passage of time and less time for reading, Lin Wu was more interested in eating and drinking than she was.

Besides chatting, she would rather sit beside Lin Wu in a daze now, instead of chatting without topics.The only thing that makes Shana feel lucky is that she is not tired of Lin Wu yet, and she is very happy to have Lin Wu to accompany her in such a bad environment.

After hearing this, Lin Wu said with relief, "Human thinking is complicated."

Shana nodded, and Lin Wu said, "So I need some more time to annoy you."

Shanna smiled: "I understand that people's thoughts are complicated, which is completely different from yours."

Lin Wu said: "Girl, why do you feel a little sad?"

Shana didn't refute, she was silent for a while, and said, "I've been in love two or three times."

"You said, strictly speaking, it's not a relationship."

Shana nodded and said: "My ex-boyfriend treated me very well. He was the kind of person who cared the most and lived for me. At first I was very moved, but gradually I was very grateful. After getting along for a while, one day I suddenly feel so annoying, I don't want to see him, I don't want to talk to him."

Lin Wu said: "You should remember your parents more, not him."

Shana shook her head: "No. I'm worried that one day I won't want to see you or talk to you."

Lin Wu said: "Impossible, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and we have never even kissed."

Shana said: "I have never held hands with him."

"Wow." Lin Wu looked at Shana for a while, and said, "Scum girl."

"Flying kick." Shanna kicked up, without strength or pursuit, and said a little disappointed: "I don't like this kind of character. I have been very envious of my parents since I was born. They are very loving and never quarrel. , People in their 40s still fight in front of me from time to time."

Lin Wu said: "Scumbags are scumbags. The benefit of scumbags is that others suffer."

Shana gave a thumbs up: "I've never considered the problem from this angle."

Lin Wu: "Solve your worries and problems, I'm glad to serve you."

Shana asked: "What if one day I'm tired of you, and I can't hide it?"

Lin Wu said: "Don't hide it, just tell me directly."

Shanna said: "Remember that you chose Maya instead of me to go to the supermarket base together? Remember what you said to me?"

Lin Wu said: "I said you are beautiful, but I was worried that I would fall in love with you."

Shanna: "And then?"

Lin Wu: "No then, I just don't want to get mixed up with your trouble."

Shana said thoughtfully, "I should have guessed that you were lying."

Lin Wu asked, "Is it because Maya is more beautiful?"

Unbearable, flying legs, fly again, keep flying!Lin Wu had nowhere to escape, and squatted by the wall with his head in his arms.

After playing a set, Shanna asked, "Do you like Maya?"

"Like it."

"You know what I mean."

"Oh, if you don't have a sword in your heart, you don't have a sword in your hand." Lin Wu said, "As long as you don't think about the relationship between a man and a woman when you see a woman, you won't have those thoughts. Many people do it because of possessiveness, or because they love love." The desire to enlarge the relationship with women in the mind. As long as a person clearly understands that falling in love is wrong, love is wrong, and the harm of the two is like a drug gambling, then the thinking will not develop in this direction.”

Lin Wu said: "In addition, the relationship between love and X must be separated. The former is the spiritual domain, and the latter is the physical domain, which are completely different things. In this way, there will be no such thing as love. Look at fans, They all fantasize about being the silly white sweet bullied by the domineering president in the novel, and then have preconceived ideas, have love and desire in their minds, and hope that they can become the heroine in the novel. They are especially easy to fall in love."

Lin Wu said: "On the other hand, some boys like to play basketball and games. In their daily life, they don't talk about women, and they don't fall in love at first sight. Most of the reasons why they fall are because they are attacked by girls when they are unprepared. At this time They have some unhealthy mentality. Such as the idea of ​​not talking about nothing. The worst thing is that the female body has a very strong impact on them, and it is easy for them to regard X as love."

Lin Wu concluded: "There is no dust in the heart, where does the dust come from?" As long as there is no dust in the heart, the dust can only come from the outside world, as long as you resist the dust from the outside world, you can keep the dust in the heart.Translation: As long as I can resist the temptation of beautiful women and money, I can roam the world with peace of mind.

This is not steel, this is pure ferrochromium that has been tempered and tempered with theory and practice.Fortunately, Shana is not a person who likes to challenge difficulties, otherwise, she would have to smash Lin Wu, a rare flower that has been rare for thousands of years, no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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