Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 172 Bravely Fighting Three Bears

Chapter 172 Bravely Fighting the Three Bears
The blizzard lasted for a day and a night. During the period, it was obvious that Shanna was tired of being trapped in the base, and she couldn't even sit down to read a book. She could only be quiet for a while while carving.Lin Wu can understand Shana's mood. The winter in the game is worse than being in prison.

Lin Wu’s situation is the opposite of Shana’s. He has his own way of decompression, except for fighting zombies and reading books, he can go out to swim in the snow, he can count trees with a scope, and he can use ten cooking methods to toss a piece of meat.He even thought of cooking the meat of all kinds of zombies, but because it was too disgusting, he didn't continue to think about it.

Fortunately, Lin Wu has so many tricks, and Shanna can still maintain a certain level of happiness in general.

On the third day, the snowstorm stopped, and the two of them embarked on a trip north to the lake just after the sun came out.Shana, the guide dog, chose a shorter path. Lin Wu laughed at her because she chose to avoid Beishang Lake, and Shana gave up the shortcut after being agitated.Lin Wu ridiculed that there was a reason for the incident, and Shana chose the road that he was shot by the black bear when he was walking with Maya.

In order to deal with the black bear, Lin Wu brought all the rockets today.In a word, either the bear dies or the mist dies, and only one of the two can live.Carrying rockets is very troublesome. The rocket launcher cannot be hung on the weapon rack, but can only be carried on the back.Rockets are either held by hand or inserted into a backpack.During this skiing, the rockets in the backpack would shake back and forth, and Lin Wu almost fell down many times.

Lin Wu's strengths can also be seen here. He has great enthusiasm for many things.For example, skiing, while others regard skiing as a skill learned helplessly, he can regard skiing as a recreational activity.Because of this, his current skiing level is not low, so he didn't fall all the way to Beishang Lake.

Beishang Lake has not only been frozen, but also has accumulated thick snow.Lin Wu looked at the cliffs on the left and right with his gun, and could see dozens of six-winged nests on the cliffs, waiting for their prey to walk into the trap.Turn right from Beishang Lake and enter the forest path. The road ahead is not slippery. Not only is the slope drop large, but the road is narrow and it is difficult to use ski poles.The pair took off their skis and plugged them into the straps of their backpacks.

Seen from the back, Lin Wu's skis, rockets and bazookas were inserted behind Lin Wu's back, and the weapon racks on both sides of the backpack were full of weapons, like a peacock spreading its tail, which made Shana behind her couldn't help laughing secretly.Lin Wu didn't notice that he was concentrating on cursing Shuguang, and the walking speed of 10 meters every 5 seconds actually consumes stamina, can you believe it?
Whenever the foot is pulled out of the snow, the stamina bar will jump and consume a portion, which makes Lin Wu feel particularly guilty. What if he is chased by a bear?So Lin Wu was ready to be tough. The rocket was fired first, then the 120 rounds of the assault rifle were fired, and then the 120 bullets of the pistol were fired. If the black bear is not dead, then he will die.

A road sign was higher than the snow field, and Lin Wu swept away the snow on it, which was a warning of bears.Lin Wu stopped and searched the vicinity carefully with the drone, but found no black bears, only a dozen or so scattered zombies.The target location of the mission is a rocky mountain that is not too big.

Stone Mountain is more than 20 meters high. It is just a small hill. It is located in the middle of a dense forest. There are more than a dozen caves at the bottom of Stone Mountain. The goal of the forest fog mission is in Stone Mountain.In other words, Stone Mountain is the bear's den.Because drones can't penetrate the stone mountain, Lin Wu doesn't know which cave the quest item is in, and which cave the black bear is in.

This is a tricky task, and Lin Wu began to retreat in his heart.Originally, he thought that there was only one black bear, and he could kill it no matter what, and if it didn't work, he could also feed the puppy Shana, but now it seems that the situation is not good.Looking back, he saw Shana's half-smiling face, turning his head to wait for himself to speak, so Lin Wu gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

Leaving the park path and going into the woods, the difficulty of walking increases again.Not to mention that the soles of the feet will hook into the branches and roots of the trees, and all the way through, the snow blocks will not stop falling from the trees, which is the kind that can stun people.About 20 meters away from the stone mountain, Lin Wu smelled a strong smell of beasts, which reminded and told Lin Wu that there must be animals inside.

Lin Wu squatted stealthily, sitting on the snow with her buttocks, Shana squatted beside Lin Wu and looked at Lin Wu inexplicably.I saw Lin Wu tearing out a small piece of paper from his backpack, and then scribbling on it with a pen, asking, "What number is it?"


Lin Wu was overjoyed, turned over the paper and it turned out to be 7, Lin Wu said: "Choose a cave." There are four caves in front of you, one on the left and right sides, and one on the north side.Then you can only gamble on luck. Since Shana can guess the number, it means that she is very lucky.

Shana laughed and cried in her heart. Of course she guessed 7 because she saw Lin Wu wrote 7.But from Lin Wu's set of operations, it can be known that Lin Wu has a rare timidity.Shana didn't say anything. She looked at the cave for a while and signaled Lin Wu to go with her. After going around to the side, Shana pointed to the cave in the middle: "It."

Lin Wu took off the skis, and put the bazooka and rockets on the ground: "You stay outside, and I will run out from inside and tell you to fire, and you will shoot the rockets in."

Shana was worried: "Can you do it alone?"

Lin Wu nodded: "Of course."

"Okay, be careful." After speaking, Shanna inserted the rocket into the rocket launcher and pulled out the safety catch.That is to say, there is Maya, otherwise this group of rookies will not be able to use the bazooka.

Lin Wu sneaked into the cave quietly, stepped on the ground, and his feet were immediately released.Lin Wu made an OK gesture to Shana, and walked in with an assault rifle.The cave is about two meters high, the floor is wet and slippery, and the light is mediocre.Lin Wu turned on the flashlight, turned the corner, and smelled a stronger smell, as if he could meet a bear at the next corner.

Lin Wu took a deep breath, and considered whether to just lie here for 10 minutes, and then tell Shana that she killed 200 black bears but didn't find the so-called dog chain?It's not impossible, I am also for the good of Shana, what if I offend the black bear and the black bear hurts Shana?
Isn't it just death?What are you afraid of?It's not all death. Being shot by a bear is a kind of contempt for power, especially if the bear doesn't look at you at all after being shot, that kind of insult is extremely strong.Lin Wu convinced himself again, wasn't he just being insulted?No matter how hard it is to be defiled!

Looking around the corner, Lin Wu shrank back again.There is also a big hole on the side of the cave road. The big hole is covered with dead branches, and a bear is lying in it.Taking a deep breath, Lin Wu went up again, and then came back again, damn, there are two.Continue to take a deep breath, go up again, go back again, there are three.Two big ones and three black bears are sleeping in the nest.

Continue to inhale, Lin Wu didn't come back this time, he sneaked to the edge of the bear's den, and looked inside, only to see a chain under the bear's buttocks, which didn't seem to be a dog chain, but it could not be ruled out that the dog chain was relatively thin .

Lin Wu held his breath and stretched out his hand to grab the chain and pull it outward. He didn't pull it, and didn't dare to use force, for fear of hurting the little bear.So Lin Wu hung up the assault rifle and lifted the bear's butt with his left hand.Not to mention, it feels really good.Pooh!

Lin Wu grabbed the chain and pulled it out a little bit. It was a black cloth belt. After pulling it for more than half, Lin Wu found that it was stuck.Apparently there was a foreign object on the other end of the tape.Now that he has reached this point, how can Lin Wu worry too much, his left hand directly shovels in the bear's buttocks and lifts upwards, and his right hand gently pulls out the chain.

At one end of the cloth strap is a cross-like thing with many notches in it.Item Description: Armored compartment key.This reminded Lin Wu of the railway tracks in Zuoyou County.It is rumored that there is a mysterious military column on the railroad track, which is the highest command of Zuoyou County to fight against the zombie virus.But here is 8000 meters away from the railway track, why does the key appear in the bear den?

The railway tracks are built against the mountains, and black bears come and go every day. Maybe this key is the dowry of the bear mother.One day, Xiaoshuai was reprimanded by his mother and ran away from home, and came to the beautiful Xia Farm, where he met the love of his life, Cuihua.Cuihua, who just wiped out the human beings and got the key, fell in love with Xiaoshuai at first sight. Cuihua was convinced that she had obtained the lucky key.Finally, Cuihua followed Xiaoshuai back to Beishanghu Park, and the two bears lived happily together.

Lin Wu interrupted the love story in his mind, put away the keys, and tiptoed out of the bear den. After hesitating for a while, Lin Wu continued to walk in.Soon Lin Wu basically understood the structure of the cave.There are nine passages under the mountain. Although each passage is different, they can all reach the middle of the mountain.

The most central location is about 20 square meters, and there is also a bear den built with dead branches.Unlike the bear dens I met before, the owner here is not sleeping. The oversized black bear has been sitting on the branch of the bear den, eating bright red berries.In front of it is a pile of berries as high as a hill.Besides the bear, there was a dog, a dog on a leash.The dog rubs against the black bear while eating berries, and seems to have accepted the black bear as its owner or friend by default.

Lin Wu leaned aside, isn't this a zombie game?what to do?I discussed with others in the past, Boss Xiong, I want a dog leash.Black Bear: Take it.No, it doesn't say that.

Lin Wu took N deep breaths and came out of the bunker. Just when he was less than 7 meters away, the black bear suddenly stopped eating, became a little anxious, and sat there looking around.The change in the black bear's mood also affected the puppy. The puppy sniffed it and immediately looked in the direction of Lin Wu. Lin Wu hurriedly hid back to the bunker.Because of the downwind, this dodger immediately quieted down.

Damn!Lin Wu pulled out the silent man with his sinful hands, and quietly stretched out the gun barrel to aim at the puppy, but only the puppy's body could be seen, and the puppy's head was blocked by the huge body of the black bear.After thinking for a while, Lin Wu put away the silent man, and took out a piece of barbecue wrapped in plastic wrap from his backpack.Even if the puppy was killed, Lin Wu didn't have time to touch the dog's chain.

Why does Lin Wu have barbecue on his body?It's because I didn't finish eating last night.Besides, who doesn't bring some snacks when going out.

Lin Wu reached out and put the barbecue on the road next to the bunker, and soon the dog smelled it, turned around half a circle, saw the barbecue, saw Lin Wu, and stopped moving instantly.Lin Wu picked up the barbecue and began to seduce. It can be seen that the puppy is hesitant, but it is a natural relative, and it started to wag its tail from motionless.Then it slowly approached Lin Wu with some vigilance, and finally went to the barbecue and started eating.

Lin Wu stretched out his left hand, and hid the dagger in his right hand, ready to strangle him.Unexpectedly, when he touched the puppy's head, the puppy did not resist, which made Lin Wu very embarrassed.The knife was raised, but you didn't respond at all, how dare you kill you.

That being the case, Lin Wu put away the dagger, stretched out his hand to untie the dog's chain, and the puppy licked Lin Wu's hand and continued to eat.Lin Wu took off the dog leash, then slowly backed away and began to evacuate.After walking less than five meters, the puppy who ate the barbecue followed Lin Wu, and trotted to Lin Wu, wagging its tail, as if begging to be taken in.

Can this game have dogs?Lin Wu recalled the knowledge of the game, and it seemed that he had never heard of anyone raising a dog.Also, after the outbreak of the zombie virus, the poultry and dogs should have been killed by the zombies.Only the puppy who was kidnapped to the bear cave survived.Since we are destined, let's go together.

One person and one dog went home happily, but when they passed the bear den of the three bears, the puppy suddenly stood up and barked twice, as if reminding its new owner that it was in danger.

The three bears woke up and turned over to see Lin Wu and the puppy. At this time, they hadn't reacted from their sleep.Lin Wu, who reacted first, ran away: "Go."

The human puppy jumped at the black bear... Dogs are inherently mortal, either from old age or to protect their master.

After the puppy was broken, the nimble Lin Wu flew up and rushed out of the cave in an instant. At this time, the black bear growled and the puppy screamed from the bear den.Lin Wu praised the puppy for its courage. It pierced through the snow three times in a row, then sprinted and jumped on the spot, and fell not far from Shana.

Shana held the bazooka and asked nervously, "Are you firing?"

Lin Wu lay in the snow and looked back: "It shouldn't be used, it stopped them."

"Who is that?"


Shana was speechless: "This meme is not fun."

Lin Wu: "I'm talking about real dogs."

"Is the puppy still alive?"

Lin Wu nodded: "When I walked to the bear's den with it, it suddenly developed great courage and roared to challenge the black bear. As its new owner, how could I not fulfill it? So I let it go, and it went .I thought I didn't have the guts for it, and I ran away."

Shana ignored Lin Wu's nonsense and asked, "Can I have a dog?"

Lin Wu spread his hands: "Maybe."

Shanna: "You killed it?"

Lin Wu hurriedly said: "I didn't. We could leave safely. I can't help it if it insists on challenging the black bear. I don't intend to challenge three black bears." Although I am your new master, you still have to drag it to death. If the owner goes into the water, then he can only say goodbye.

Shana didn't blame Lin Wu, but became interested: "Can you raise animals?"

"Maybe." Lin Wu didn't know.

Shanna said: "We can find eggs."

Lin Wu nodded.

Shana asked, "Can we incubate eggs artificially?"

Seeing that Shana suddenly became very interested in something, Lin Wu nodded without hesitation: "Sure."

Shana said: "Using the constant temperature of the campfire, keep the temperature at 37 degrees to 39 degrees. As long as the campfire is not extinguished, we can hatch chicks before spring comes."


Shana: "Let's go." Instantly full of energy.

Lin Wu paid a silent tribute to the puppy in the cave for a second, then followed Shana.Lin Wu didn't mind adopting puppies, he really liked puppies, but there was no way the puppies had to kill themselves, it was impossible for him to go all out with the three black bears.

(End of this chapter)

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