Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 173 Refactoring

Chapter 173 Refactoring
The next job is to go to the farm to find the Sun Demon. With the Linwu drone cheating device, Shana can easily find the Sun Demon and beat him to death with a stick.The next step is to dig through the warehouse. There are only two eggs, so I can only take a risky trip to Zuo County.It is not appropriate to say that taking risks is not suitable for the two of them at present. This is because although the snow hinders the actions of the players, it also hinders the actions of the zombies. As long as the concentration of zombies in an area is low, the threat level will increase Low.

However, the process of looking for eggs was not smooth. The two searched along No. 2 Road and Jiangbin Park, but they never found a place that sold eggs. In desperation, they had to return to the base and call the headquarters for support.

Shana held the walkie-talkie and said, "Yes, eggs, eggs with black spots that can be seen under the light." Eggs are a very magical thing. A hen can lay eggs without a rooster, but they cannot hatch chicks.

Facing the puzzlement of the headquarters, Lin Wu explained: "We want to raise chickens."

Shitou: "Keep your thighs."

Lin Wu: "Shana wants to raise chickens."

Stone: "There seems to be eggs in the warehouse, wait a minute, I'll go and have a look."

Lin Wu exploded on the spot, wishing he could pick up the silencer thousands of miles away to take the stone dog's head immediately.

In the afternoon, Maya and Peanut personally escorted 13 eggs to the supermarket base. They got enough sleep during the day and went to the supermarket base to read books all night.When they came, Lin Wu was sitting by the blood mist playing with zombies, and Maya played with itchy hands for a while.

Shana, who got the eggs, checked the eggs and used a cardboard box with cotton to hold the eggs. Then she took a thermometer and a wooden block to find a place with a temperature of 37-39 degrees.And it took half an hour to observe the temperature change of the campfire, everything was ready, and the chicks were officially hatched.

But there is a small problem, the bonfire cannot be extinguished, and the bonfire cannot exceed 1.5 pieces of charcoal.That means someone needs to keep an eye on the campfire.Can it be hatched every day for a while?The answer is no, but an occasional interruption for a few hours is fine.

Maya was very strange about hatching chickens, so she asked Lin Wu about it in private.Lin Wu talked about some changes in Shana's emotions: "If she wants to hatch chicks, she can't go out. She must control the amount of charcoal and keep a constant temperature. I am worried that she will have negative emotions if she stays in the base alone."

Hearing what Lin Wu said, Maya could understand instead: "A player near the church was forced to quit the game and sent to a sanatorium on the virtual island. It is said that he had a mental problem. During the last blizzard event, he carried 8 One day, he shot himself while there was still food. Shuguang notified the commander of the base and his wife, saying that in order to protect the player, this person is not suitable for playing games for the time being. Last time I went to the market, I heard that several similar things happened in Nanxia Town. "

"Not to mention the blizzard challenge, the winter nights alone are very difficult. We have a large number of people and sufficient supplies, so there is no such situation." Maya thought for a while, and said: "Send Shana back to the main base, bring eggs and charcoal back , go back to the main base to recuperate for a month."

Lin Wu nodded: "Okay. But why don't you worry about my mental health?"

Maya said: "People like you are particularly resistant to stress, there is no problem."


Maya explained: "I resist stress because I have been trained and have a strong mental capacity. You resist stress because you can avoid stress. That's wrong. You avoid stress when you see it. Stress can't find you at all. Sarah Na is emotional and thinks a lot, and her resistance to stress is relatively weak." Most artists are more sensitive in spirit.

Lin Wu asked, "Am I alone?"

Maya hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is it appropriate for me to stay?"

Lin Wu replied: "Appropriate."

Maya asked, "What about the abandoned capital?"

Lin Wu: "I'll just ignore you."

Maya nodded, returned the silent person to Lin Wu and stood up: "I'll talk to Shana."

It's not that Maya can't chat, after all, the guards are not simple soldiers, but after chatting with Shana for a while, Maya also has some headaches.Shanna is in good condition, but she has become bored with the supermarket base because she stays in a dark, small and boring place for a long time.

Shana agreed to go back to the main base, but her wish seemed to be to return to the main base with Lin Wu.But she also knew that Lin Wu was very happy at the supermarket base.

"Hush." ​​Lin Wu mysteriously greeted Peanut who was reading in the library.

Peanut walked out of the library to ask questions. Lin Wu made a gesture, glanced at the two women, and they entered the supermarket one after the other.Sitting behind a shelf, Lin Wu stretched out his head to glance at the aisle, and sneakily took out a few son magazines from his backpack.

"Wow." Peanut is a person in the Tao, and he was immediately attracted by the magazine. After flipping through it for a while, he asked in a low voice, "Why is there a mosaic?"

"I complained, and Shuguang said it was for the physical and mental health of the players."

Peanut put the magazine in his backpack, then sneaked his head out to look at the aisle, and asked in a low voice, "Are there any more?"

"Yes, there are 12 in total."

"Okay, I'll change after I finish watching." Peanut said, "On behalf of the fellow men at the base, I would like to thank you for your contribution."

Maya walked to the entrance of the passage, and came over after seeing the two: "Let's talk alone."

Peanut understood, stood up and patted Lin Wu on the shoulder to leave.

Maya asked, "Do you want to go back together?"

Lin Wu said: "I go back? Who stays here?"

"Me and..." The others seemed inappropriate, except for Lin Wu and Shitou, everyone was somewhat reserved in front of Maya, and getting along for a long time would make them uncomfortable.Maya said: "If it doesn't work, abandon the building materials and abolish the supermarket base."

Lin Wu asked: "Do I have to go back?"

Maya replied: "That's not true. Shana has never had friends. Before that, because of the love of Hundan brothers, she told everyone to respect her and keep a distance so that they retreat. But I believe that even if you are not here, Shana can adapt Life at the main base."

Lin Wu agreed: "Then it's settled, when will we leave?"

Maya said, "Tomorrow morning? I don't worry about her going back to the base alone. Peanut sleeps to read a book on purpose. It's not good for him to go back right away."

Lin Wu said: "It's okay. Peanut!"

"I'm here." Peanut appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Lin Wu asked: "Is it convenient to go back to the main base?"

Peanut replied: "If you need it, just ask." Good things should be shared with brothers.

Maya was a little surprised. When did Lin Wu and Peanut have such a good relationship, she nodded and said: "Well, there is still half an hour before the sunset, hurry up."


Lin Wu and Shana fisted each other to bid farewell, watching Peanut and Shana leave, Lin Wu not only burst into tears, but chased after him and said, "Swallow, Swallow, you must live well, you want to be happy, you know..." Damn girl, why are you pulling out your gun?cut!
Lin Wu returned to the base, and Maya was reporting the situation to Shitou.

Shitou: "It's a miracle to be able to hang out with that kid for so many days without going crazy. Be careful, don't get infected."

Lin Wu was furious and rushed over to grab the intercom. Maya turned around and stopped Lin Wu with her back: "She has no mental problems, so there is no need to treat her specially. You asked Shana to pay special attention to and supervise the training time of Knife and Peanut , The fighting skills taught by Peanut have greatly improved the knife."

"Okay, I see." Shitou: "Is that kid by your side?"

Maya looked back at Lin Wu and said, "No, send Shana off."

Stone: "Is he all right?"


Shitou: "That's good. I mean, if it's possible, you two will get married and have someone to take care of you."

Maya replied: "Okay, I will think about it, and I will hang up if I have nothing to do."


Maya ended the call, went to organize the item warehouse, and then exclaimed: "Where are the bullets?"

Lin Wu replied: "It may have been brought back to the main base by Shana."

Maya looked at Lin Wu for three seconds, and Lin Wu said helplessly: "The last time Shana broke a bone, I used a batch."

"I know, what else?"

"I used a batch for the market, about 5, 6? Or 70 bullets?"

"If you are short of bullets, explain to the base." Maya shook her head helplessly as if talking to a worried child, and called Shitou: "Next time someone comes over, by the way, bring 100 rounds of pistol bullets." In case of emergency, carry more bullets when going out.

For example, in the Shanna fracture incident last time, if the two of them hadn't carried enough pistol bullets, it would have been difficult to break out of the encirclement.

Stone: "Okay." He won't ask Maya why.

Maya continued to organize the warehouse, there was a lot of garbage, and she sorted it while asking.It took a lot of time to sort out the item warehouse and go to the material warehouse to check the materials.Then I went to cut a tree and dragged it back to the base, and made two simple chairs with machetes and iron nails.Lin Wu sat up and leaned back, feeling great.Put your feet on the radio table, cool!
This is not over yet. Under Maya's call, Lin Wu assisted Maya to set up a few canopies on the top of the main entrance, and Maya cleaned up the snow under the canopy.In this way, when dealing with the attack of blood zombies, the player has a wide field of vision and a movable area.

After finishing all this, Maya went to the library to read.Unlike Lin Wu who is lying, sitting, twisting, and reading books upside down, Maya sits upright when reading a book. Even because of insufficient brightness, she will pick up the book instead of bending down.The books I read are all works that have won the Nobel Prize or have been nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Facing two partners with very different personalities, Lin Wu couldn't help admiring himself that he got along very well with them.


Having nothing to say all night, and getting up early in the morning, Maya greeted Lin Wu to go to the sentry tower. Lin Wu told him that there was a Big Mac nearby. Maya said that she knew that the purpose of going to the sentry tower was to destroy the Big Mac.The reason is that zombies will swim, and you cannot guarantee how far the Big Mac will swim to the base every day. Instead of betting on the kindness of the Big Mac, it is better to strike first.

When the first rays of sunlight hit the base of the supermarket, gunshots rang out.The Big Mac, which survived before the blizzard, faced the gunpoint of the crime. Although it tried its best to resist, it finally fell in a pool of blood.

"Cover." Maya jumped down from the roof and landed on the snow next to the giant's corpse. Lin Wu cleared the surrounding zombies on the sentry post, providing Maya with a powerful environment to touch the corpse.

"Hunter skill book, intelligence card." An intelligence card can increase one star's intelligence.After Maya explained, she assisted Lin Wu to remove the surrounding zombies.With this hunter skill book, Lin Wu still lacked a hunter skill book.

After finishing the work, Lin Wu came down from the sentry post slowly, and Maya had already finished preparations: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Can you take a breath?
"Cement factory." Maya said: "Our two bases don't have biochemical experts. And there won't be any new doctors joining the base for a period of time, so we need to apply more serum."

Lin Wu: "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Maya was stunned, seeing that Lin Wu didn't know how to answer.

The guilty Lin Wu asked in a low voice, "Can I have a cup of tea before leaving?"

"Cook it and take it away." Maya said, "I'll check the surrounding zombies."

The life of eating, drinking and playing is completely over, and fighting has become an indispensable part of life.Facts have proved that Lin Wu is really easy to use. In the cement factory, Maya fired a crossbow repeatedly. Lin Wu frantically touched the corpse. At first, he was a little out of touch with the cooperation, but he quickly found the rhythm.After one day, the zombies in the cement factory were not enough to kill, so they had to provoke a blood plague.

The number of zombies released by the blood plague of the perfect body is twice that of the incomplete body, and there is even a spectacular scene of four blood madmen appearing at the same time.But everything was in vain, Maya controlled the rhythm and opened the distance between Xuekuangmeng, and Lin Wu was in charge of flying the kite.

In order to avoid the inconvenience of movement caused by the snow, they used the office building two floors next door as a slaughterhouse. After Maya on the second floor shot as much as possible, the three blood madmen froze to make them stagnate.Lin Wu pulled Xuekuangmeng to run around the office building. When the target Xuekuangmeng was far enough away from his companions, Maya issued an execution order, and Lin Wu turned back to confront Xuekuangmeng.

When there were only the last two blood madmen left, Maya gave Lin Wu time to touch the corpse, and Lin Wu took out a hunter skill book and a bottle of serum from the last blood madman.

Maya saw the last sliver of sunset in the west disappearing, and ordered the troops to return to court.That's right, the two worked at the cement factory from 05:30 in the morning to [-]:[-] in the evening.Maya had a great time playing, and Lin Wu also thought it was fun.

5 books in one, the hunter is upgraded to a professional hunter.Professional hunters provide a total of five skills.

Hawkeye: Active skill, can be used once per minute.After use, you can know the creature that made the footprints and traces from the footprints or traces, and know the direction it left.Due to refreshing, footprints and traces will only be kept for 3-15 minutes depending on the terrain.

Hunter Sniper: Passive skill, double the lethality when using a bolt-action rifle to attack creatures larger than a normal human body, double the lethality when attacking animals, wild animals die immediately after being fatally attacked.

Bloodletting: Passive skill, use spears, bows and traps to kill the target, it will cause heavy bleeding that cannot be treated for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, it turned to moderate bleeding.

Concealment: Passive skill, in the stealth state, if you do not move for more than 30 seconds, you will enter the concealment state. In the concealment state, you will not be touched, and you will not be discovered by any creature if you do not take any action.

Hound: Active skill.After using it, you will get a hound that obeys the command, and the hound can be summoned again 24 hours after it dies.This skill can treat hounds in addition to infection and poisoning.

They are all good skills, and of course Lin Wu wants them all, but how could Lin Wu easily succeed with Shuguang's pissing nature.To light up any of the abilities, 50 wild mammals must be hunted.Currently known mammals include rabbits, mice, bears, leopards, wolves, dogs, and tigers.

It doesn't sound too difficult, as long as you have the perseverance to kill 250, you can light up five skills.But the cheapness of dawn once again refreshed Lin Wu's three views.Light up the first skill needs to kill 50 animals, the second skill needs to kill 500 animals, the third skill needs to kill 2000 animals, the fourth skill needs to kill 1 animals, and the fifth skill needs to kill 4 Thousands of animals.

Undecided and asked Maya, should she complain to Shuguang or curse Shuguang?
As the Dawn Guard, Maya is immune to Lin Wu's ridicule. After reading the instructions released by Lin Wu, he read it carefully and said: "Theoretically, you can master two skills. We have two questions. The first question is you How to hunt animals quickly and efficiently. The second question is which two skills do you want to choose. For now, let’s solve one problem first, which skill do you want?”

Lin Wu asked: "What do you think?" Lin Wu's determination was at full strength, and after reading the explanation, he focused on the hunter and sniped.He had already seen the scene where the black bear died tragically in front of him and shed tears of regret.

Maya said: "First of all, let's exclude the skill of hunter sniper."

"Why?" Lin Wu asked dissatisfiedly. You were the first to reject the skill I was interested in first. Isn't there a tacit understanding?
(End of this chapter)

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