Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 175 Rat Hunting

Chapter 175 Rat Hunting
Continuing to search, there is nothing good about the third wooden table.The fourth is a stone table with two stone drums on the left and right, and an Indian chessboard is engraved on the stone table.The chess players seem to have left in a hurry, and there is still an endgame on the board.Lin Wu and Maya watched for a while, and Maya reached out to pick up Heizi's car and feed it to the other party, and by the way, the other party's horse was stuck.

Lin Wu looked forward to seeing Maya: "Untied."

Maya said pleasantly: "The system prompts that my intelligence has risen by one star."


"Yes, impossible."

Lin Wu was speechless, and this woman would occasionally get angry.

Maya said, "It's two stars."

Lin Wu stared at Maya, and Maya was not to be outdone. After a long time, Lin Wu waved his hand and concluded: "Fake."

Maya nodded and turned to the next pavilion.

Lin Wu followed Maya: "You are laughing."



"No." Maya turned her head, and the two continued to stare.

Lin Wu confirmed with two fingers: "Yes."

"That's right." Turn around and leave.

The tone made Lin Wu very upset, and said, "Childish!"

Maya said without turning her head: "Don't underestimate yourself."

Lin Wu was frantic, knowing for the first time that this woman would talk back.

Compared with the day shift and living in the shadow base, Maya feels more free and relaxed when partnering with Lin Wu.There are also disadvantages, that is, there is no pressure, and people will gradually lose their aggressiveness when there is no pressure.


The second pavilion has many ancient musical instruments, which are already ancient musical instruments compared to 2044.It seems to be a gathering place for an elderly group of blowing, playing, playing and singing.There was also a sheet of music on a table, and Lin Wu couldn't understand Tadpole Wen and handed it to Maya.Maya shook her head. She knew nothing about music or art.What she learns is more practical.

Lin Wu got a mobile phone under a stage performance costume, and the battery was full.Maya said: "This is a mobile phone, the most popular communication device at that time."

Lin Wu turned on the screen, without password and fingerprint protection, and looked through the opened information for a while, and there were countless pieces of information in it.These include banking information, health professional information, weather information, and more.The last few messages are from the person who tagged the son.The seven messages were sent within 3 days.

Maya concluded: "His son is a scientist in Zuo County. He seems to be in a certain place and cannot leave. He asked his father to drive south to live at his aunt's house in Beicheng. He explained that the flu virus is spreading in Zuo County. I am afraid that it will be easy for him to get old. Infected. That is to say, the government did not tell the public that it was a zombie virus.”

Maya said: "In the end, they said that they will implement closed management, and they cannot be contacted for a period of time, and asked his father to go to his aunt's house immediately. There seems to be no useful clues."

After checking for a while, there are indeed no useful items and information.Lin Wu tied himself up with the last rope, handed one end of the rope to Maya, and jumped from the edge of the pavilion to the glacier, no problem.Lin Wu slid a distance away, and Maya grabbed the end of the rope and jumped onto the glacier, praying at the same time: don't crack, don't crack.She was not afraid of being frostbitten again, but worried that some childish ghost would think about her weight.

Blessed by the dawn, it landed smoothly and slid away from the lake.When going to the next plank road, Lin Wu's brain was convulsed, and he took Maya to slide to the center of the river, then asked Maya to grab the end of the rope, sweep away the snow by himself, and took the silent man to shoot at the ice.Maya saw that the ice was not broken, and she slid closer and saw a small hole.Lin Wu visually estimated: "17? Or 20 centimeters?"

Maya nodded: "Almost."

Lin Wu asked: "Can Overlord drive on ice?"

Only then did Maya know what Lin Wu was thinking, and said, "Even if the Overlord can drive on the ice, how can you drive the Overlord on the ice?"

Lin Wu thought for a while: "That's your problem. Since you can't do it, let's go."

After the episode, they came to the second plank road.This plank road is relatively wide, and there is a canteen on it. The left and right of the canteen are the dining car and the toilet.On one side of the long plank road, there are many compact one-piece tables and chairs for four people, as well as some zombies.

To eliminate the zombies, Lin Wu and Maya found a food package in the dining car and the convenience store respectively, and Lin Wu packed all the ingredients for the dining car.

Because the snow on the top of the bathroom was too thick, the drone could not scan the situation of the bathroom, so the two put mufflers on the pistols, and entered the men's bathroom first one after the other.As soon as she entered, she saw two male zombies in suits. Maya held her hands steady and knocked them down with two bullets.

"Special zombie." One person is in charge of touching a zombie.

Special zombies refer to ordinary zombies wearing unusual clothes. These zombies usually have plots, information or clues.Lin Wu found a box of business cards, about 20 of them.Half of the business cards are for a person with the title of chairman, and the other business cards are various.Among them was a blank business card with a line written on it.

"Boarding at 10 o'clock tomorrow night, the playground of Shuixi Middle School. Password: leave a lingering fragrance in your hands." Lin Wu read it over and handed the business card to Maya.

Maya said: "It seems that someone provided the chairman with a channel to evacuate from Zuo County. Shuixi Middle School is not far from the sawmill. You can go and see it then."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you have anything over there?"

"No, but I'm sure there's something in there." Maya pointed to the sink, on which was a black briefcase.

When I opened the briefcase, the first thing I saw was a document with the logo of the Fortress Company on the cover and the seal of the Fortress Company.The file was a personnel list of the Fortress company's Zuoxian office, which contained seven employee profiles.Other things are related to the office, and there is no useful information.Finally, four blank business cards were found in the interlayer, which were the same as the business cards obtained from the chairman, with the same words written on them.

Maya said: "This should be the person who issued the business card. The purpose is to take high-value targets away from Zuo County before the residents of Zuo County notice it."

Lin Wu said: "Be sure to go to Shuixi Middle School to have a look. There is something intuition, either a plot task, or a treasure, or a plot task plus a treasure."

Maya took all the cards and said, "Clear the surrounding special zombies so that others won't get the information."

"No way? Besides us, who else will come here?"

After all, Lin Wu searched around with Maya, but found no special zombies.The pair entered the final location to search: the women's restroom.A female zombie wearing a red suit was killed, and Maya touched the corpse to get a black card with a fortress icon on it.Interestingly, the cards don't have any information other than the icon.

Maya tried the material, but she was not sure and asked, "Is there a key?"

"I don't know." Lin Wu didn't see anything like a bar code or a chip, and said, "Take it first."

The subsequent search did not find much, but found a few mobile restaurants. Lin Wu's backpack was full, and he returned to the base in a state of 50% overweight.The speechless Maya could only carry some food for Lin Wu.


After Maya returned to the supermarket base, poking and screaming became a compulsory course again, and Lin Wu seemed to have changed her life.

On the night of the fourth day when Maya returned to the supermarket base, she planned the work for the fifth day: continue to cut down the cement plant.

Sister, are you not tired?It has been cut for two days in a row, still cut?Serum is now abundant enough to drink as a soda.So Lin Wu raised doubts, and at the same time explained that he was going to the sewer to fight mice to improve his hunter skills.Maya agrees, but she will not go to the sewer in a daze, she will continue to go to the cement factory.With the blessing of continuous crossbow and swordsmanship, there is no problem in terms of safety.

This is Lin Wu's character. It was fun to cut down the cement plant on the first day.Cutting down the cement plant the next day was not very fun, but it gave Maya face.On the third day, Maya proposed to cut down the cement plant. If she agreed, it would increase her work pressure, so Lin Wu objected.A lot of human pressure comes from not knowing how to refuse, and not being able to refuse.

Little Li, can you help me make the annual statistical report?Although he was reluctant, but because of face, and seeing the other party's humble and begging attitude, he agreed.But people like Lin Wu would resolutely refuse.Excuse me?You are too embarrassed to ask me for help, why should I be embarrassed to refuse?It's best if you can understand after being rejected.If you can't understand, but blame me for not helping, it means that you are a small person, so why should I help you?Sometimes don't think society is too complicated, a simple and direct way can make your life simpler and more direct.

If you don't refuse, people will trouble you again next time, so you still have to refuse.Unless you are willing to wrong yourself all the time.


The rare solo action made Lin Wu feel somewhat weird, but heartless people are very adaptable.Especially people like Lin Wu, who can roll in the snow and talk to mice, the word loneliness is not in the dictionary.

Going down to the sewer, Lin Wu didn't dare to go far, walked five meters to a tunnel with stinky water flowing out, sprinkled the bread crumbs and corn kernels he carried with him on a dry place nearby, retreated ten meters away and sat down against the wall , Take out the silent one and wait quietly.In order to collect hunter points, he brought out all the more than 200 rounds of .22 bullets today.
22 bullets are very cheap. One ammunition unit can make 5 bullets by manual lamination, and 10 bullets can be made if there is an electric system.It's a pity that Shadow currently doesn't have life players such as ammunition science, otherwise the production capacity can be further increased. The material consumed for 200 rounds of .22 bullets is only 5 ammunition packs.Of course, most of the .22 bullets are bought from the market with rifle or pistol bullets, and the exchange rate is quite good.

Thinking about it this way feels like I'm still a bit wasted, so I don't want to.

The first prey appeared soon. Lin Wu sat against the wall, straightened his left foot, bent his right knee, the body of the gun rested directly on his knee, looked sideways at the scope, and pulled the trigger with his right hand. The mouse was shot half a meter away In addition, he ascended to the sky after kicking his legs on all fours for a few seconds.

"It's still a child." Lin Wu pulled the breech and looked at the scope and waited: "Where is maternal love? Dear mother, where are you? Your baby is dead...Why did you bring your husband?" Lin Wu killed again One, another mouse that appeared at the same time took the opportunity to escape.

One shot at a time, Lin Wu regretted that there were not many mice, and the efficiency was further reduced because of the damn refresh mechanism.According to the game refresh mechanism, the mouse will not be refreshed when he is nearby, which makes Lin Wu have to have two hunting grounds.Lin Wu has self-knowledge, so he will not leave an acre of three-point land to open up new hunting grounds, otherwise he will be gone in a while.

It took an hour of playing to kill 9 mice. Seeing that the mice did not refresh for a long time, Lin Wu got out of the sewer and waited for the mice to refresh.Being idle is also idle, Lin Wu sneaked and shot, and began to shoot and kill the surrounding zombies. The zombies on Road No. 1 are much denser than those on Road No. 2. They are basically berserk blood zombies, and Lin Wu doesn't want to fight them at close range.

After playing for a while, I felt bored, so I rolled to the side of the snow and lay on my back looking at the blue sky.In a quiet daze, suddenly the sky was covered by a human face.Lin Wu hurriedly sat up: "Nightmare, what are you doing here?"

Looking at Lin Wu in a nightmare: "Homeless?"

"Mind your own business." Lin Wu asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Bounty mission." Nightmare glanced at the sewer entrance on one side.

Lin Wu said: "Just you?"

Nightmare took out a mobile phone, and after clicking it, the voice broadcast: "Fortress Navigation is at your service."

Lin Wu was surprised and asked: "Where did it come from? There are satellites in the sky?"

Nightmare was very satisfied with Lin Wu's surprised expression, and said, "Fortress is still there, why is there no satellite? Goodbye."

Lin Wu asked: "You didn't intend to ask me if I went with you?"

Nightmare said: "Don't ask." After finishing speaking, he ignored Lin Wu and went down the straight ladder.

Lin Wu said: "You will definitely regret it."


Lin Wu was too lazy to stand up, and crawled to the sewer with both hands to listen. This woman really wasn't kidding, she really left alone.Lin Wu could only sigh: People's hearts are not ancient, but Big Mac is happy.But that navigation is a good thing.Lin Wu suddenly thought of something, so he gave up using his legs and crawled around the ground with his hands.

After climbing, Lin Wu thought deeply. The last time Shana broke a bone, he asked Shana to climb it once to see if he could walk faster with her on his back, or she could climb faster by herself.It was very difficult for Shana to climb at that time, why could she climb so fast?Lin Wu climbed around the county sign again, but it was still very fast.If you use your legs, it won't be much slower than Kuangmeng.

There was only one explanation for that, Shanna was too lazy to climb.

Lin Wu's thoughts were interrupted by a mouse.A mouse appeared at the corner of the building complex 20 meters away. It was beside a zombie, holding something to eat, fat and fat.Lin Wu unceremoniously sent it and the zombies back to the west.Lin Wu touched the corner of the wall and found the mouse hole, so he took out the bait and sprinkled it. He went back to the county sign, climbed to the top of the 7-meter-high county sign, and stared at the bait from the scope from top to bottom.

This is what hunting is all about, laying the bait, hiding high, waiting, and killing your prey when it appears. After 3 minutes, a mouse fell under the gun of the criminal.Don't say it, it's quite interesting to play like this.Unlike the sewers, the rats here are very agile and move around the corners, snow and stones often block the shooting range.Lin Wu had to stare at the scope and wait quietly. The rewards of patience were much more interesting than the process of getting rewards directly.

Since the distance between the forest fog and the mouse hole is more than 15 meters, the mouse will always refresh.The only disadvantage is that the target is a bit small, especially the small mouse. The slender body makes it more difficult to snipe, so Lin Wu wasted many bullets and ran away several prey.

(End of this chapter)

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