Chapter 176
It's not that there are no mice, it's just that there is a lack of a heart to discover mice.

Thinking of the famous saying Xiami said thousands of years ago, Lin Wufan suddenly came to his senses, and immediately packed up his skis and returned to the base.With the help of drones and his diligent search, he found the first mouse on the southwest side of the supermarket.Following the trail of the mouse, Lin Wu found several nearby places that were suspected to be mouse holes.

Looking at the position of the sentry tower, Lin Wu cleared away a piece of snow, put the bait in an open space 4 meters away from the mouse hole, and quickly returned to the sentry post.Unexpectedly, the mouse was faster than Lin Wu. As soon as he took aim, he saw two mice fighting in the bait, rolling the bait and splashing it around.

But the distance seems a bit far, more than 70 meters.Maya wasn't there, so Lin Wu didn't know how to measure the wind speed. The first shot was aimed straight at the target, and the bullet bounced off the ground, only two centimeters away from the target.The two mice then ran away.

Lin Wu determined the trajectory of the ball, and after waiting for a few minutes, he successfully killed a mouse.What's so fun about beating zombies is what's fun about beating mice, it really tastes like hunting.

When Maya came back, she saw Lin Wu on the sentry post at a glance. Lin Wu didn't seem to hear the sound of her stepping on the snow, and quietly lay down on the sandbag of the sentry post and fired a shot.Keep your eyes and body still, press the gun body with your left hand, pull the bolt with your right hand to load it, and continue to wait for the next prey to appear.

Maya returned to the base, went up to the rooftop from the straight ladder, and then walked to the guard post, only to see that Lin Wu had already forgotten about him, and she didn't even realize that she was standing beside him.Maya took out her assault rifle and looked through the scope, only to see a very small mouse running to the bait area along the cleaned road.The mouse stopped and grabbed a kernel and started nibbling, and then it died, its body blown into the snowdrift.

Looking at Lin Wu again, his whole body was motionless except for his hands, he quickly pulled the bolt and loaded it, and kept his eyes on the scope.Maya looked at the setting sun, stretched out her hand, and put her fingers between the horizon and the sun, confirming that the sun would set in about 45 minutes, so she didn't bother Lin Wu, and let Lin Wu concentrate on playing.

Just as Maya was about to leave, the system alarm sounded suddenly, and a siege event occurred.

Lin Wu remained motionless. Maya knew that he had turned off the alarm communication of his personal base because zombies repeatedly entered the safe zone, so she patted Lin Wu on the shoulder lightly: "Hey."

Lin Wu shook his hand and released the empty gun, looked up and saw Maya, Maya said: "Siege, six-star siege."

Lin Wu looked at the system information and asked, "Why is the siege mission in red?"

The two clicked on the details of the siege, and found that this siege was different from the previous ones. Because their base was in the blood mist area, the proportion of blood zombies in this siege was 50%, and the probability of mutated zombies was greatly increased.The biggest problem with the supermarket base is that Kuangmeng will go up to the roof from the south, and the south is not a safe area, so there is no way to send people to guard it, so we can only let Kuangmeng in.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and it was too late to call for reinforcements, and the road was blocked by heavy snow, and the checkpoint had to be passed. When they arrived, either the base or the zombies were gone.

When Lin Sha was in the group, no one thought about the issue of siege at all. Even if they talked about it, they just chatted casually without any sense of pressure.Maya checked the threat level on the first day, and she already had a relatively mature response plan in her mind.

Maya: "See that birch tree on the edge of the safe zone?"


Maya said: "You go up the tree, and you are responsible for attacking the zombies that hit the main entrance, and eliminate them as much as possible. I will stay at the position of the ladder and go to the rooftop at the right time. Once I go to the rooftop, I need you to attract the zombies as much as possible and get them out of the way. The location of the base is pulled away to reduce damage to the base facilities. This is the tactics, the battle changes rapidly, and it can be dealt with flexibly. The purpose is to survive."

"Understood." Lin Wu asked: "Do you need me to pull a line from the guard post to the tree? If you are surrounded on the rooftop, you can escape."

"Okay." Maya said, "Attention, Kuangmeng can climb trees."

"What?" Lin Wu heard it for the first time.

"Well, it can climb trees, but the speed is not very fast. There are no branches in the lower half of the birch tree, and an assault rifle should be able to deal with it. There is no bonus for you to repair the gun. Get the Uzi submachine gun ready. The Uzi submachine gun has a very fast rate of fire. High, but easy to jam. Pistols, submachine guns, and assault rifles should be used flexibly.”

There is no problem in holding the supermarket base, the question is how much it takes to hold the base.The two were most worried that the zombies would attack the base without thinking. Even if the zombies could be wiped out, it is estimated that the dormitories and so on would be demolished, and there would be nothing left in the warehouse.

The two of them seized the time to carry out the handling work, and transferred the rockets, bazookas, extra firearms, unused bullets, and material packages to the two cars buried by heavy snow.In this way, even if the base is completely destroyed, they can still use these materials to rebuild the supermarket base.

Maya is most worried about the library. Other buildings can be built with materials, but the library can only be unlocked by collecting famous books.But Maya didn't say it out, her collective interests first killed the few selfishness in the first place.


The siege began, and zombies continued to appear from outside the safe zone.Today's siege mode is not gradual, but average.The biggest trouble for Lin Ma was the blood fog. The running speed of the zombies entering the blood fog was significantly faster, and the blood zombies in the blood fog were stronger than it. During the 2-minute defense, 3 zombies rushed into the base.

"I cover."

After Maya said something, Lin Wuci slipped down the tree and rushed to the base.Maya stopped the zombies behind Lin Wu on the rooftop.Lin Wu leaned against the front door to replace a magazine and entered, but saw that there were already a dozen zombies in the base: "The zombies at the back door have already entered."

"I know."

In order to deal with Kuangmeng, Maya attracted Kuangmeng to the rooftop, and could only put some ordinary zombies in.This time, Lin Wu was asked to kill the corpses, with the purpose of getting rid of the fish that slipped through the net together.

When Lin Wu killed the last zombie, there was a roar from the direction of the supermarket.What worried them most happened, the Big Mac was swept into the supermarket.This will result in them lacking the terrain to tackle the Big Mac.At this time, Lin Wu didn't flinch, and directly took the gun.Bullets hit the Big Mac, and headshots appeared from time to time. With a roar, the Big Mac grabbed the shelf at hand and threw it at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu took a step forward, his body dived forward, and the shelves where he was originally hiding were smashed to pieces by the flying shelves.Lin Wu ran to the side, as far away from the passage as possible, and shot while walking. The Big Mac rushed towards Lin Wu, smashing two shelves blocking the way, and Lin Wu ran away.

Because of the poor speed, Lin Wu had time to look back at the Big Mac. Seeing the end of the Big Mac's sprint, he raised his fists and hit the ground. Lin Wu, blessed by Shuang Min, jumped up and rolled to the ground while running, avoiding the shock of the Big Mac. land.Turning around, he will explode the heads of two zombies rushing in front of him, hang a gun in his right hand, and draw a dagger in his left hand to face Kuangmeng.

When Lin Wu solved Kuangmeng, the Big Mac was already in front of him. Lin Wu rushed out and killed a zombie by the way, letting the Big Mac grab the air with one hand.The giant stomped on the ground angrily, raised his fists with both hands and roared, Lin Wu took the opportunity to output and staggered for the first time.

Changing the magazine while running, he ran into a zombie head-on. Lin Wu changed the magazine but did not expect the gun to jam. In desperation, he pierced the zombie's head with a military stab from the muzzle to resist it, and pulled out the pistol with his left hand to kill the zombie. .Another wind thorn to kill a zombie, while avoiding the big hand of the giant behind him.

Change guns!

Maya: "Big Mac."



Lin Wu: "I'm dealing with a giant."

Maya: "Swipe a Big Mac from the front."

Then end the dialogue. There is no need for dialogue at this time, and each must hold a Big Mac.Once the Big Mac enters the base, it will tear the home into pieces in minutes.

Lin Wu marked the Big Mac to increase the damage by 100%. Seeing the Big Mac run and sprint again, he threw all three traps down while escaping in a circle.The giant stepped on the trap, and the trap pierced into the calf of the giant, three times in a row, causing the giant who had finished the sprint to suffer so much that he bent down and stretched out his hand to grab the trap.

Lin Wu, who was seven meters away, took the opportunity to output crazily, and staggered the Big Mac for the second time.The Big Mac didn't follow the routine, and took off the second trap and threw it at Lin Wu. Lin Wu jumped up, and the trap slid across the tiles under Lin Wu's feet with sparks and lightning all the way.Lin Wu didn't expect the Big Mac to shoot left and right, grabbed the zombies around him and smashed it again. In the mid-air, Lin Wu had nowhere to borrow strength, so he could only curl up his body and use his side and back to take the move.

Under the huge impact, Lin Wufei flew out and smashed through a shelf, falling 10 meters away.The bones of the whole body seemed to be falling apart. After checking the status, it was found that his left hand was severely fractured and he could not use his left hand.Three rib fractures, but fortunately, it only affects the recovery speed of stamina, and stamina is basically not a problem in the safe zone.Take the time to take medicine and replenish blood.

Jumbo seemed to think that Lin Wu was dead, so he turned around and walked quickly towards the passage.Lin Wu didn't wait for his life to return to full, and immediately sat up from the state of pretending to be dead, raised the assault rifle with one hand and fired continuously.It is difficult to control the recoil with one hand. Fortunately, the recoil of the assault rifle is not strong, and the hit rate is not satisfactory.

Jumbo faced Lin Wu again, and began to sprint for a series of moves.Lin Wu hung the gun and threw the trap 7 meters away, and landed 5 meters in front of the Big Mac. It is unbelievable that the Big Mac stopped abruptly, broke his own sprinting move, bypassed Bear trap.

Lin Wu had his own explanation for this. Theoretically speaking, being caught in a trap would hurt, but not very painful.But the Big Mac had a tendon, and he tore the trap off his flesh.The trap was torn off, and the meat was also torn off, so it's no wonder it didn't hurt.The last time the bear trap was used to cover the face, although the Big Mac was also pulled, but the piece of meat was incomparably bombarded, and the process did not cause secondary damage to the Big Mac.

I don't know the real reason, but the Big Mac just bypassed the trap.As the giant approached, Lin Wu raised the second trap, and the giant immediately stopped and stretched out his head to roar at Lin Wu, as if he was accumulating energy, and seemed to say: Throw it.

This thing is really intelligent, it seems to be the zombie with the highest IQ.Players rarely fight Big Macs, and Lin Wu has only met them a few times, so he doesn't know if the opponent is afraid of him.

No, this roar is comparable to a scream, it's a cameo scream, it's cheating.Thinking of this, Lin Wu immediately hung up the trap, took out his assault rifle and fired.Sure enough, the Big Mac yelled three times before stopping.Summoning is also a skill of Big Mac, but it is not used in daily life.

The Giant Mac pursued, Lin Wu hung his gun and ran away, took the trap and threw it behind him, the trap slid to a stop, and the Giant stepped on it firmly.This time, it was not the calf but the sole of the right foot that was pinched, and the right sole of the Jumbo landed on the ground. The pain and smoothness made him unstable and fell to the ground.Lin Wu had only run seven meters, and turned around to empty the magazine.

Jumbo didn't stand up fast. He first supported his body with his left hand, then his right hand, kneeled down with his left foot, and stomped with his right foot.At this time, Lin Wu had already walked 3 meters in front of the Big Mac, shot his head, and the bullets shot countless blood spots on the Big Mac's head.The Big Mac staggered for the third time and fell to the ground again.

Lin Wu creaked and clamped the gun, cooperated with changing the magazine with one hand, and continued to shoot at the Big Mac.However, the reinforcements summoned by the Big Mac had arrived. Although they were ten ordinary zombies, Lin Wu had to withdraw to deal with them.Lin Wu lit up the magazines to deal with the ordinary zombies, and the giant had already stood up.

Seeing this, Lin Wu ran for his life with all his strength, and his fist smashed into the air.The fist hit the ground, and Lin Wu fell to the ground under the earthquake.The giant took a few steps forward, bent down and grabbed Lin Wu. Lin Wu had already half-upped, and ran out of his clutches in a [-]-meter sprint.The angry giant grabbed the corpses of the zombies on the ground and threw them at Lin Wu.Unexpectedly, Lin Wu burned his stamina with all his strength, and ran too fast, and all the zombies smashed into the sky.

The speed was too fast, and he was about to hit the wall. Lin Wu turned sideways when he braked suddenly, and hit the wall with his crippled left half of his body.After taking medicine to relieve pain and recover blood, he turned around and shot.When the giant rushed in front of Lin Wu, he finally staggered for the fourth time, and there was a flaw in the execution.

Lin Wu emptied the magazine, and all the last ten bullets hit the head of the giant, and the mighty giant fell to the ground and died.

Lin Wu gave up touching the corpses and hurried to the base, where more than a dozen zombies had already been stuffed.

At this time, the Maya was on a birch tree at the edge of the safe zone, and a giant Mac was running underneath.This tree is not the tree where Lin Wu hangs the rope.

The body of the giant hit the tree, and the sound of the trunk breaking was clearly heard.The Big Mac ran backwards, and Maya slid out of the tree and ran out of safety.Gigantic abandoned the act of hitting the tree trunk again, and ran towards the base instead.Maya entered the safe zone, climbed up another tree, and shot at the Big Mac. The Big Mac turned around and rushed to the birch tree where Maya was.

Lin Wu wiped out the base zombies and reached the rooftop from the straight ladder, only to see the giant hit the tree, so he opened fire.Maya took the opportunity to shoot the Big Mac from the top down.

If Suguang has a conscience, then it shouldn't use two Big Macs at once.To say that Shuguang has no conscience, after all, it did not release a group of madmen when it spawned two giants.Like the last siege, more than 20 wild beasts appeared at the same time.If two Big Macs appear at the same time, then there is no need to fight, just give the base to others.

When the Colossus fell, the Legion of the Rage began to emerge.Lin Wu handed over the gun to Maya for repair, and then he took the gun and fired wildly.The assault rifle Maya uses is a raider with 7.62 caliber bullets, which is much more powerful than 5.56. You don't need to aim at the violent heads, and you can kill them with a burst of output against their bodies.Carbon-based organisms are always carbon-based organisms.

22 Kuangmeng spawned within 1 minute, and 1 Kuangmeng were killed by two people within 15 minute.Lin Ma and the two didn't find cover at all, they just leaned together in the open space in front of the main entrance, and completely wiped out the fierce army with firepower.What about the other 7 fierce ones?Naturally, they broke into the base from the back door.

Gu Tou can't Gu Tai, the situation is worse than the two of them thought, and the base is in a mess.After entering the base, Maya squatted and half-kneeled to shoot, Lin Wu stood up and shot, and every zombie who wanted to rush over was smashed into pieces.In particular, the Raider's 150-round large-capacity magazine does not need to be replaced at all. Its firepower is so fierce that it not only kills all the zombies, but also makes the base riddled with holes.

Without Legionnaires and Juggernauts, the last 4 minutes of siege time is garbage time.Lin Wu and Maya guarded a passage alone, pouring bullets as much as they wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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