Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 177 New Member

Chapter 177 New Member

With the end of the siege time and the elimination of all the zombies, the two of them did not feel like they had narrowly escaped death like the previous two times, but looked at the devastated base and wanted to cry without tears.The only good news is that the durability of the library is still 20%, which can be repaired by consuming building materials.


The dormitory and infirmary were demolished to obtain some supplies, and the building materials, medical and food packages hidden in the trunk of the car were put into storage.After the reconstruction, the base has a new look, but only 5 food units and 1 medical unit remain.The full warehouse of building materials is gone, 20 ingredients are gone, gasoline and ammunition are all cleared.

Lin Wu's repaired radio intercom: "Call."

Shitou: "Hearing the tone, you have a trace of uncontrollable joy."

Lin Wu: "Yes, yes."

Maya took over the intercom: "Six-star siege, defended, but suffered heavy losses."

Shitou: "It's okay for people to have nothing to do."

Maya: "Building materials are cleared."

The stone paused for a few seconds, which meant that even if the base was transferred to the sawmill, there was a huge gap in the construction facilities.Shi Shi said, "It's okay, is anyone injured?"

"Lin Wu's left hand was severely fractured."

Stone found an outlet: "Lin Wu, are you feeding the zombies with your left hand?"

Maya: "He's not here."

"Oh, okay, can I arrange people and supplies to be sent there tomorrow?"

Maya: "Yes."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"will not."

After the report, Maya went to the library to read like a normal person, as if nothing happened just now.Lin Wu was lying in the snow, resting his chin on one hand and looking at the burning clouds in the setting sun. He had endless aftertaste on the fierce battle just now, especially the process of single-handedly defeating the Big Mac.As long as the operation is precise, the bullets are sufficient, the stamina recovery can keep up, and the firearm is not damaged, he can completely single out the Big Mac.This is an achievement in the game. Although he didn't get any entries, Lin Wu was very satisfied with the process and the result.

Mix with Shana and take pride in eating hot pot.Mix with Maya and take pride in single-handedly fighting the Big Mac.The difference is identity.One person earned 1000 million yuan, but he dared not spread it to the outside world, for fear that others would borrow money.Without a wife, the sense of accomplishment is suffocated in my heart and there is nowhere to vent it, which will not bring endless joy to myself.Conversely, the husband returns home and tells his wife that he has earned 1000 million, which can bring joy to his wife and endless satisfaction to himself.

Sharing is sometimes a joy in itself.


The next day, Shana took the day shift back to her natal home. Lin Wu was lying on the hospital bed, and Cui Yu accompanied her with a book and a cup of tea. It lasted another three hours.Lin Wu felt that general practitioners should not be chosen, but specialists should be chosen. It would be a real pain to lie down for three hours.

Shana sat on the side, looking at Lin Wu with a smile: "I broke a bone when we were together, so you can't take care of yourself when I'm gone?"

Lin Wu chuckled and asked, "How does it feel to go back to the main base?"

"Not bad." There are many people chatting, you can also play poker and mahjong, and the most important thing is that there is electricity and lights at night.

Lin Wu asked: "How are the chickens?"

"Su Shi is watching for me." Shana said, "We discussed last night whether we can build a ranch."

"Wow, I miss the ranch before the egg hatches. Does giving you a coffee bean mean you miss the American continent?" Lin Wu added: "Columbus discovered the New World, as recorded in the history books. Where's the knife?" I didn't see the knife.

"Here comes the little knife." A gust of wind blew into the infirmary, and the little knife held a handful of green grass in his hand: "I really can't find flowers, and even grass is hard to find, so you can make do with it."

Lin Wu was speechless: "You can bring pork, mutton, and beef to visit the sick."

Xiaodao shook his head: "Reluctantly, we don't have much left."

"Stingy ghost." Lin Wu said: "I heard that you are very good at fighting now under the guidance of Peanut."

Xiaodao smiled and raised his fist: "You can try it later."

The next visitor was Ma Hun: "Old Lin, I heard from Maya that you singled out the Big Mac."

Lin Wu was so embarrassed by the praise, he stretched out two fingers: "It's just one and a half."

"Haha." Ma Hun sat aside.Then Peanut and Xuedan also came in, the two of them were also joking, talking nonsense.

The infirmary was crowded in an instant, the boys didn't intend to leave at all, and the girls had to leave first.Peanut pushed Cuiyu out, closed the door, and said, "Take it out."


"Magazine." Ma Hun said, "Don't play dumb."

"You guys are really discerning." Lin Wu flipped through his bag and took out the remaining six magazines, and each of them took one or two magazines and stuffed them into his backpack.Lin Wu said: "Hey, return my six copies."

Peanut shook his head: "The stone is taken away."

"Greasy man."

"What are you doing?" Xiaodao pushed the door open and entered: "Why did you close the door?" His face was full of suspicion.

"It's okay, it's okay." Everyone left one after another, Peanut asked Cuiyu to go back to the ward to continue treatment.

I don't know what sins the cement factory's bloody heart did in her previous life. If she didn't agree with Maya, she took the day shift to clean the cement factory.After Lin Wu recovered from her injury, instead of leaving the doctor Cuiyu behind, she tricked her to the sentry post to beat mice.

Cuiyu took the Silencer and fired a shot, which made Cuiyu feel very surprised, and became interested in an instant.You must know that she only played with pistols before, and the bolt-action rifle gave her a particularly good feeling.Under Lin Wu's guidance, she hit the mouse with the third shot, which made her extremely excited.

However, there is only one gun. After Cuiyu became addicted to playing, Lin Wu could only use an assault rifle to hunt and kill zombies. This game lasted another whole day.The main responsibility lies with Maya. She not only cuts down the cement plant, but also finds the characteristics of the team members and makes them cooperate with each other.Just like the battlefield, there are two or three people in groups, with spearheads, flanks, and cover.She simulated the offensive and defensive battle of the sawmill in her mind. She knew that there was only one chance to capture the sawmill.

Don't look at Cuiyu's limp speech, after playing with mice for a day, he fell in love with the bolt-action rifle that usually men would like.But the Silencer only had one, and Lin Wu was reluctant to give it up, so he came up with a bad idea: "The main base has a Timberwolf, .

After Bai Ban left, the world of Lin Ma and Lin Ma resumed.Maya took advantage of the afterglow of the sun and Lin Wu screamed once, and she went to the library after the sun went down.But today she didn't stay in the library, but borrowed books and sat by the bonfire, which made Lin Wu, who was preparing the barbecue, unable to understand.

Maya didn't look at Lin Wu, but she could feel that Lin Wu was thinking about herself, so she said, "Shana gave me a chance to spend more time with you, saying that you are too lonely alone."

"Ha, I want to thank her next time." Lin Wu said, "Go back."

"It's okay." Maya looked away from the book and looked at the grill: "The bacon is good, not too much cumin."

Lin Wu narrowed his eyes to express his dissatisfaction for ten seconds, but he was ignored, so he could only give up.After roasting, Lin Wu rolled up two pieces of bacon with a fork and handed it to Maya. Maya took it and put it in her mouth, and returned the fork to Lin Wu: "You roast meat, I'll study." After finishing speaking, it didn't matter whether Lin Wu agreed or not. , start to read the contents of the book aloud.

Maya has been stuttering since she was a child. In order to treat her stuttering, she insisted on reading for two hours a day.Reading aloud can be regarded as one of the few entertainments in Maya.It is best to have an audience when reading aloud, and Lin Wu has become the lucky audience.Lin Wu didn't lose anything, he listened to the audio novel, grilled meat, and ate.When it was over, he lay down on the chair, raised his feet and listened quietly.

Lin Wu would also ask questions while listening, which made Maya very happy.

Lin Wu asked: "Did the old man win or fail in the end? He spent two days catching a fish and fighting a shark, and finally brought back only a skeleton. I know that the novel wants to describe the old man's bravery and strength, but he learned to give up. Is it also a virtue?"

Maya replied: "I think the old man did everything he could do within the limit of his ability, and I don't think he failed in the end. Unless you think the old man only wants to kill sailfish for money. Facing greedy sharks, the old man Fight to protect your property. But not just property, but dignity."


"It's like if I slap you, you have little or no loss. But you have suffered humiliation. I stole your money, and you have suffered a lot. You will be angry, but it will not make you feel humiliated. .”

The two discussed this, and Maya made coffee while talking, went to the library to change a book, and sat by the campfire to continue reading.And Lin Wu leaned on the chair, snuggled up to the campfire, quietly watched the campfire and listened carefully.


Two days later, Lin Wu successfully brushed the number of mice to 50, and successfully lit up the first professional hunter skill: hound.And summoned a newly weaned Doberman Pinscher under Maya's watchful eye.Lin Wu and Maya supported their foreheads at the same time, and they were cheated by Shuguang again.People only said that they can summon hounds, but they didn't say that they should raise the hounds.This also completely bankrupted Lin Wu's idea of ​​having one hot pot a day.

Among dogs, Doberman pinschers are really not good-looking, but fortunately, the little things are cute and very cute.After coming out, he came to lick Lin Wu's hand as soon as he came out, closed his eyes under Lin Wu's touch, and seemed to enjoy the master's touch very much.

"Why don't you cook it?" Lin Wu asked while touching the dog's head.

Maya didn't answer this sentence. She knew that Lin Wu was talking nonsense, so she put her backpack by the chair and went to the library to borrow books.Lin Wu looked at the Doberman Pinscher and asked, "Can we cook it when it grows up?"

Lin Wu asked again: "Tell me how long it will take to grow up first?"

Checking the Doberman Pinscher, he found a growth bar, currently 1%, and no hunger value was found. Obviously, it will find food by itself, and Lin Wu is very satisfied with this.Since Maya came, I have not gone to the restaurant to buy goods, and I have eaten up all the food at home.If there is another mouth, Cuiyu can only stay in the supermarket base, and cut Maya's meat every day to feed it.


Lin Wu: "Maya, what's your name?"


"Okay." Lin Wu: "From now on, you will be called casually."

"Hey." Maya rushed out of the library, saw Lin Wu smiling and knew that he was playing with herself, she was speechless for Lin Wu's childishness, and also for her own credulity.

Lin Wu touched the Doberman Pinscher's head, and the Doberman Pinscher's head rested on Lin Wu's palm. Seeing his neck tilted, Lin Wu had a flash of inspiration and said, "From now on, you will be called Xiaowai."

Maya thought that Lin Wu was playing with herself again, but Lin Wu did not expect that Lin Wu entered Xiaowai's name to officially confirm his name.

Lin Wu took the walkie-talkie: "Call, call."

Stone: "Say!"

Lin Wu: "Bring some boards and nails for the day shift tomorrow, and it's best to bring a blanket."

Stone: "What are you doing?"

Lin Wu put down the intercom, entered the library, pulled Maya who had just borrowed a book to the radio station, and pointed to it.Maya smiled and picked up the intercom: "I need some boards, nails and blankets."

"Okay." Stone: "Do you need anything else?"

Maya looked at Xiaowai and thought for a while: "Lin Wu's hunter skill can summon hounds, but the little guy is still a baby now."

Shitou came to the spirit: "Do you have a dog?"

Maya: "Yeah."

Shi Shi said, "Okay, I got it."

Early the next morning, Shitou led the Bai team to the base of the supermarket. Everyone grabbed Xiaowai for a while, and even Xiaodao held Xiaowai and did not let go.After learning that the name of such a cute little thing is Xiaowai, everyone felt sorry for Xiaowai when they lamented the hardships of the world.There are ten shadows and millions of players, but you chose the most unreliable person as the master.

Lin Wu is quite satisfied with Xiaowai. In 12 hours a night, Xiaowai's growth has reached 5%. According to this calculation, Xiaowai will grow into a real hunting dog in ten days.No eating, no sickness, no training, no complaints, no shedding, no shitting, no peeing, where can I find such a good pet?

Group activities are only suitable for chopping cement plants.Lin Wu originally wanted to beat mice, but he wanted to play with Xiaowai, and the baby Xiaowai could not be more than 20 meters away from Lin Wu, so he had to go to chop the cement factory together.Xiaowai is a special relative, whoever hugs it will rub against each other, making everyone love it, even Maya couldn't help but pat Xiaowai's head.

When a zombie approaches Lin Wu at a distance of three meters, Xiao Wai will break free from other people's arms, run to Lin Wu's feet, show his teeth at the zombie and make a milky low 'um' sound, Lin Wu can't help but look back Shana glanced at her, and the woman would bark her teeth when she was angry, which made Shana both angry and funny.

Only when Lin Wu gave orders to Xiao Wai, Xiao Wai would call out, and he would keep quiet at other times.In addition, Xiaowai has been able to complete Lin Wu's simple language instructions, such as sitting, stretching claws, rolling, rolling, etc.What makes everyone dissatisfied is that Xiao Wai does not obey any orders from other people except for Xiao Wai's name. Xiao Dao even has the idea of ​​killing people and killing dogs.

As the boss of the base, Shitou didn't go to cut down the cement factory, but built a doghouse for Xiaowai.As far as Shitou is concerned, he has raised a son and a dog.Before marriage, he raised a skewer, which was not beautiful, but he liked it very much. Not long after getting married at the age of 21, his wife became pregnant. It is rumored that dogs are not good for pregnant women. Experts also advise not to let dogs be alone with babies and children. He reluctantly gave the puppy to a stray dog ​​rescue station.He said it was one of the two things he regretted most in his life.

"What's the other thing?"

"Bringing children."

"I thought you would say get married."

"Marriage is one of the two most correct choices in my life."

"What about the second?"



Compared with other people's enthusiasm, Shitou seemed calmer to Xiaowai. He kept silent while stroking the dog's head, as if he was recalling the puppy who followed his youth.He was also the only one who left the supermarket base in a bad mood.

Xiao Dao secretly hid Xiao Wai in his backpack before returning to the main base.After leaving Lin Wu for a certain distance, Xiao Wai began to bark and twist his body crazily.In desperation, Xiao Dao can only put Xiao Wai on the snow and watch Xiao Wai run to the supermarket base.Xiao Dao was so angry that he called Xiao Wai a fool, how could he be loyal to such an unreliable master?

Since then, Xiao Wai has officially become an official member of Shadow No.11.

The next day, at a strong request, Lin Wu took Xiaowai to see Su Shi, and visited a dozen future chickens by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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