Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 178 The Second Expedition

Chapter 178 The Second Expedition

With the countdown to winter, Dawn launched the end-of-season event: the second expedition to the Abandoned City.

After the first expedition, scientists, politicians, and the fungus met at the island's headquarters, and the scientists came up with the idea of ​​digging up green devices.The huge number of zombies in the abandoned city is the first problem they have to face.Since there is not much time left for human beings, some generals proposed to directly attack the abandoned city with nuclear bombs to remove the zombies.

Although the waste will be polluted in this way, human beings can't take care of it now, and the green device should be removed as soon as possible, so as to develop a long-term and reliable vaccine.

A few days later, the fleet launched several tactical nuclear bombs, reducing the number of zombies in the abandoned city by 80%.The marines landed first, and built two supply points in two places in the city using the remaining buildings. Various large-scale excavating machines and personnel were dropped into the supply points.Scientists built laboratories at supply points.

Everything is available, only the east wind is owed.Human beings are about to start excavation work on No. 1 and No. 2 green installations. Brave players will enter the abandoned city to protect the supply point, protect the scientists, and protect the excavation work.

The expedition lasted for seven days and was divided into ten dungeons by city, that is to say, all players in Future City are in the same dungeon and can form teams freely.Death penalty: certain points will be deducted, attributes will be cleared, equipment will be cleared, and skills will be retained.During the event, the base will not be attacked, and the system will fully protect the base.

After the system broadcast, the Shadow Base immediately held an enlarged meeting. Everyone's first question was: "One copy for 10 people?" Abandoned City is considered a medium-sized city, and it is estimated that the resident population was only 200 million at the beginning of the zombie virus outbreak. about.At present, 80% of the zombies in the abandoned capital have been eliminated by nuclear bombs. Why do we need 10 people?Evenly divided into two excavation sites, each excavation site also has 5 people, and each person shoots 5 rounds of bullets.

Maya analyzed: "Because of the nuclear explosion pollution, terrible creatures appeared in the wasteland, maybe mutant zombies. Or all kinds of monsters."

"Resident Evil?" Resident Evil is a famous series of movies and one of the originators of zombie games.Many people watched movies and played games before immigrating.

Shana said: "Although the number of players in the first expedition dungeon was small, the equipment and strength of the players crushed the zombies. This time, the number of players may exceed the zombies. Will the zombies have the strength to crush the players? "

Lin Wu agrees: "It feels like the player is not the protagonist in this expedition." The Spartan 300 warriors are the protagonists, and they farm enemies.The 300 billion warriors of Sparta can only be supporting roles, because they are the targets of being brushed.

Xiaodao said: "Isn't it fine if we don't act with the team?"

Maya agrees with Xiaodao very much: "That's right, we can't act together with the group until the situation is determined." There must be traps or restrictions in which step, otherwise, with such a quantitative ratio, the second expedition is meaningless, even There is no point in gaming entertainment.

Peanut said: "There is no mention of firearms and bullets in this expedition." The first expedition system reminds players not to bring too much supplies into the instance, because there are sufficient supplies after entering the instance.

Shanna: "Also, the death penalty for this expedition is more severe than that of the first expedition."

Maya said: "There is too much unknown information now, and we will make a decision based on the actual situation after entering the instance at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

Shanna asked: "How to form a team?" The distance between the supermarket base and the shadow base is too far to form a team.And you can only enter the instance from your own base, which means that the two groups of people may be divided into different regions.

Maya said: "I'll go to the main base, we'll draw up possible situations, and then we'll take our seats."

Shanna replied, "Okay."

Maya said, "Lin Wu, send me past the checkpoint."

Zombies at checkpoints in winter still clock in to work every day. As long as they leave the checkpoints, the snow will make it difficult for them to move.When he got near the checkpoint, Lin Wu pointed: "Xiao Wai, keep calling."

Xiaowai screamed continuously in the direction of his finger, and the zombies followed the sound.

Xiaowai has grown into an adult dog, but he is also crippled. It is not ugly, but it is not as good as it was when it was a baby.Looking at the adult Xiaowai, Xiaodao wept sadly: Why are you so disabled?Many animals are the same, ducklings are so cute, but not many people will say ducks are cute, they will only say that ducks are delicious.

After becoming an adult, Xiao Wai's various abilities have been greatly improved, even running for his life is faster than his master, and he turns back to wait for Lin Wu from time to time: Master, hurry up, the zombie is biting his ass.

Lin Wu: It's far away, okay?

The above is the process of Lin Wu replying to Xiaowai in his heart by interpreting Xiaowai's eyes.

Maya, who was waiting on the side, threw a piece of barbecue, and Xiaowai jumped up to catch it. Maya bypassed the zombies and passed the checkpoint.Looking at Maya's back, Lin Wu was indignant: "Even the dog has a thank you gift, why didn't I? Xiaowai, bring it to me."

Xiaowai obediently put the barbecue in his mouth in front of Lin Wu, Lin Wu said with disgust: "It's all halazi, eat it yourself."

On the way back, seeing the flat snow in the wilderness by the side of the road, Lin Wu had a whim: "Little Wai, let's compete in the long jump." A man and a dog rushed out of the road and landed in the snow in the wilderness.Lin Wu called Xiaowai over, criticized his quadruped long jump, and decided to punish him.

Putting a rope on Xiaowai, Xiaowai pulled Lin Wu and ran in the wilderness. One person and one dog played in the wilderness all morning.Maya came back from a meeting in the shadows, sat down on a stone by the side of the road, and watched the one-man-one-dog somersault.And the originally beautiful, clean and tidy snow field has been dug out of the black soil by them.

Seeing Maya by accident, Lin Wu giggled, put the rope around Xiaowai, and Xiaowai pulled Lin Wu to Maya's side.Maya touched Xiaowai's face and sighed: "You are a real dog, and he is a real dog."

Lin Wu pretended not to hear, and asked, "Is the meeting between you two over?"

Maya asked, "Do you care about the content of the meeting?"

Lin Wu shook his head.

"Let's go." Maya and Lin Wu put on the goggles and slid the snowboard. Maya talked through the headset: "I've made some people unhappy again."

Lin Wu asked: "You don't mean to suggest that XX should not participate?"

Maya: "That's probably what it means. One instance for 10 people, either the player is easy to die, or the rewards are poor. I suggest not to bring an assault rifle, after all, the equipment will be cleared after death. Currently, there are only 9 assault rifles in the two bases."

Lin Wu interjected: "Your plan to capture the sawmill is all based on assault rifles."

Maya nodded: "Yes."

Lin Wu said: "I only bring silent ones."

Maya said, "It's not about you."

Lin Wu asked: "I won't die?"

Maya said: "No, of course you won't die. I think your life is the hardest in the shadows."

Lin Wu said: "Thanks for the compliment."

Maya replied: "Smelly and hard."

"Little Wai, hit her."

Xiaowai, who was running at a slow speed, resolutely carried out the master's order, Maya suddenly slowed down and dodged the impact of Xiaowai.Seeing this, Lin Wu snapped his fingers: "You idiot Xiaowai, come back."

Xiao Wai ran to Lin Wu's side, waiting for the master's next order without shame.Maya slid past them: "The last one to get there is the idiot."

Lin Wu knew that his skiing skills were not as good as Maya's, so he would not be fooled, so he immediately ordered: "Xiao Wai, don't come here before me."

The two and a dog chased on the white ground, completely forgetting that this is a world of zombies, immersed in the playfulness of the young mind.


What materials are prepared to enter the dungeon?

Maya believes that this dungeon did not remind players not to carry too many supplies. Considering that 10 people have a dungeon, Maya asked Lin Wu to bring what he should bring every day.And asked: "Are you sure you want to bring the Silencer into the dungeon? I think the death rate in this dungeon will be very high." Maya knew that Lin Wu still preferred the Silencer to all kinds of assault rifles.The most important one is that .22 bullets are cheap, and Lin Wu does not have any psychological burden to use the Silencer outside the base.

Yesterday, Maya went to the main base to have a meeting with Shana, and by the way brought back all the .22 bullets, a total of 180 rounds, plus the remaining 220 rounds at the supermarket base, 400 rounds are enough for Lin Wu to play with.Of course, Maya also brought back a batch of crossbow bolts.

Lin Wu said: "Don't you also carry a crossbow?"

Maya shook her head. "It's not the same. I don't bring an assault rifle because the day shift has an assault rifle and I have to keep the assault rifle. I need to do this, you don't."

Lin Wu said: "I need it too. I have a very high moral character, and I think about how to contribute to the collective every day."

"Haha, that's funny." Maya thought about it for a while: "The game has been updated, so there's no reason why the dungeon should not be updated. The medicine in the dungeon still treats the symptoms but not the root cause. So you can bring some painkillers and a little bandage appropriately."

"Understood." Lin Wu looked at the time: "There are still 10 minutes." You can drink a cup of hot tea.

"Well, turn off the screaming, so as not to waste 7 days of refresh time."

Lin Wu's face was distorted at that time, but it's a pity that Maya walked out of the base without looking at Lin Wu's face, making Lin Wu twist in vain.After a while there were screams, and Lin Wu reluctantly climbed up the ladder to the guard post with his gun in hand.


The starting point for today's copy is not on the ship, but at the pier. From 8:8 to 10:[-] is the time to enter the dungeon. With bright lights, the number of players on the pier began to increase, and it was a bit crowded.To avoid being scattered by the crowd, Maya held Lin Wu's hand.Don't think too much, all wearing gloves.In order to avoid everyone's attention, the two put down their hoods and pulled up their masks. Xiao Wai was stuffed in the sweater, and breathed with a little nose out of Lin Wu's chest.

Near 8:10, Lin Wu looked at the sea of ​​people and asked, "How many thousands of people are there?" The scene was noisy, but fortunately, the headset was still working.

Maya stepped on her feet and glanced around, saying, "Two thousand to two thousand five hundred people."


Maya said: "It is understandable that a large number of mistakes are made when people gather. Let me ask you a question, how many zombies do you feel pressured when you see them?"

Lin Wu: "Six or seven."

"That's right, six or seven people is already a stressful number. When you are in a crowd of 100 people, your subjective judgment will not be 100 people, but 300 people or more." Maya said: "Look again In the movie, the confrontation between the two armies is majestic, like thousands of troops fighting, if you freeze the frame to count the number of people on it, there will be no more than 300 people."

Lin Wu: "So that's it, the time is up."

An NPC officer appeared on the high platform by the sea. He took a loudspeaker and said, "Warriors, you are welcome. Due to the nuclear explosion, the electronic equipment has been greatly affected. In order to allow everyone to reach the supply point and the excavation point smoothly , and prepared the necessary supplies for everyone at the exit of the pier."

"We know that this excavation work will face extremely difficult challenges. Based on the information we have obtained so far, in order to improve everyone's chances of survival, hereby make the following reminders."

Tip [-]: Protective clothing is your life guarantee. If the protective clothing is damaged, please replace it immediately.

Tip [-]: Do not light a fire at night, and do not make loud noises.

Tip [-]: It is recommended not to touch the dead body, especially the dead body for which you do not know the cause of death.

Tip [-]: NPCs are credible, but players are not necessarily credible.

After finishing the rules, the officer continued: "According to our information, there are a few large mutated creatures in the waste capital, and animal mutations caused by nuclear explosions cannot be ruled out. At present, only one mutated creature has been mastered: the mutated spider."

A projection appeared behind the officer, and a picture of a patterned spider appeared. The officer looked back at the projection and said, "It looks no different from an ordinary spider, but it is bigger than an adult. As for whether it is due to radiation mutation or virus mutation, Or both, it has nothing to do with you. You can go directly to the excavation point to protect the scientists and excavation machines, or you can go to the supply point to replenish supplies and rest."

The officer said: "Be careful and wish everyone good luck."

After finishing speaking, a wall on the side disappeared, and a passage appeared. There were two NPCs in protective suits at the entrance of the passage, and a large number of boxes were piled up behind them.Each player passes by and they will be presented with a box.Lin Wu is taller, and while following the flow of people to the exit, he explained: "Biochemical protective clothing, one or several rations, something like a walkie-talkie?"

"Gamma radiation detector."

Soon the two got the supplies, two rations each.The tester is provided with an instruction manual.If the pointer is in the green position, it means that the radiation value is safe, and you don't need to wear protective clothing.When the pointer goes to the yellow area, you need to wear protective clothing, otherwise you will lose blood.When the pointer reaches the orange area, the alarm light will flash. If you are not wearing protective clothing, you will lose blood and reduce the upper limit of life.Even if you are wearing protective clothing, it is recommended to pass or leave this area quickly. When the pointer reaches the red position, blood will be lost even if you are wearing protective clothing.

In addition, there is also a radiation-resistant drug in the material package, which is immune to radiation within one hour and can restore the upper limit of life loss caused by radiation. It can only be taken once in 12 hours.Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai what to do?The staff replied that Xiao Wai would not be harmed by radiation.Lin Wu objected to this, hoping to get another supply for Xiaowai.The staff told Lin Wu to leave quickly.

Walking out of the protected area with the large army, it was like passing through a layer of soap bubbles, and the abandoned capital loomed in front of us.It is still the main color of yellow, gray and black, the difference is that the buildings are dilapidated, some buildings have collapsed, and some buildings are only half left.The ground is no longer just yellow sand and dust, all kinds of construction waste can be seen everywhere, and it is easy to trip over the aisles if you don't pay attention.

The pointer of the radiation detector stopped at the edge line between green and yellow, and some people put on protective clothing.Everyone stopped and looked around, most checking paper maps.After about 5 minutes, someone finally set off northward first, and players immediately followed them. After 10 minutes, only Maya and Lin Wu were left on the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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