Corrupted Nation.

179 The Hunter

179 The Hunter

Since the shadow base personnel were not assigned to this dock, the meeting between the supermarket base and the birthplace of the shadow base failed.


Lin Wu and Maya are currently in District 9, southwest of the abandoned capital.The supply points are in the 1st and 4th districts respectively.The excavation points are in the 6th and 7th districts.Theoretically speaking, District 9 is the closest to District 1, as long as you go north and cross District 5, but according to the agreement between Maya and Shanna, they chose the east target as the assembly point, that is, the supply point in District 4 as the assembly point.And District 9 to District 4 is the longest straight line on the map.

"Go to District 4." Maya made a decision.

Lin Wu said helplessly: "Okay." Lifted Xiaowai from his abdomen and placed him on the ground.


Lin Wu flew the drone and caught up with the large army. He saw a group of hundreds standing on a street, and an NPC in a white coat was lying 10 meters in front of them. The NPC lay motionless on the ground, not knowing whether it was a coma or death. This scene was the same as the first expedition to save the scientists, except that the soldiers who were unconscious last time were the ones.

Someone stepped forward first, and then everyone leaned forward to look around.The brave girl turned the NPC's body over, and a fist-sized object hidden under the NPC ejected and took off to a height of 4 meters and exploded. Countless steel balls shot out, and now the onlookers were full of blood.

However, no one fell down, thanks to the full blood immune execution, but many people's lives fell to the bottom.Full blood is immune to execution. A prerequisite is that the two parties are players or NPCs. If you are facing a giant, even if it is full of blood, it will be torn to pieces.From this, it is speculated that this mine trap was set by the player or NPC.

Before the players could react, gunshots rang out from the third floor of the roadside building, and a machine gun sprayed bullets within 10 meters around the NPC.Those who reacted quickly escaped, and those who reacted slowly were killed immediately.Lin Wu controlled the unmanned people to fly to the opposite side of the machine gun, and found that the machine gun was controlled by a mechanical arm.

Maya listened to the explanation: "The third rule was violated and the trap was triggered. Humans dig green devices, but some people don't want humans to dig green devices."


"I'm not sure, but it seems that only the Fortress Company has such a trick." Maya said: "Be careful of Nightmare."

"Okay." Lin Wu ignored most of the players heading to District 1, and instead mobilized the drone to explore the way to the east.Flying this road, I didn't see a single player.Thinking about it, only an idiot like myself would follow that idiot Maya to go the farthest way to join the team.

The two walked forward cautiously, only seeing broken tiles and ruins along the way, and met a scientist lying on the ground halfway.Lin Wu raised his hand and shot him, but there was no movement.The two bypassed the scientists and continued on.After walking about a hundred meters, Maya looked up at the sky, and Lalin Mist entered the building: "Drones."

Can this be tolerated?Lin Wu immediately returned with the drone, and sure enough, he saw a drone that looked exactly like his own hovering over the sky between them and the scientist's corpse.However, there is still a difference between the two. Lin Wu's drone is an indestructible skill item, and the opponent is obviously a drone that conforms to physics and can be damaged.In addition, Lin Wu's reconnaissance drone also has the characteristics of concealment and silent anti-physics.

The Linwu drone followed the drone for about a kilometer in the sky. The target drone flew into the third floor of a building without an outer wall, and reached out with one hand to catch the drone.

Lin Wu said: "That's right, there is a fortress logo on the clothes, it is a fortress agent. But it should not be a player."

Maya asked, "Why so sure?"

Lin Wu said: "Because she is very beautiful, so perfect that she is not human." She was dressed in black, with red hair, black eyes, and a clean and tidy face.At first glance, you can tell that it is something that only CG has.The main thing is that she is wearing a black cape that reaches to the heels, a piece of cloth that blows in the wind.This thing looks cool, and the wind blows very nicely, but it's useless.It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to wear it like this, otherwise, if the wind blows, what will happen to the people behind?What is it if Feng Yi is directly dragged away?
System broadcast: "Player Lin Wu found the fortress hunters, now release information: There are 20+10 fortress hunters who will stop this excavation work. They have their own supply points, equipped with conventional weapons and various advanced equipment. Hunting Fortress hunters will get a lot of dungeon points."

Lin Wu was pleasantly surprised: "Don't tell me, Shuguang is generally good."

Maya looked at Lin Wu for three seconds: "I don't know how long you can keep this impression."

Lin Wu replied: "A few minutes at least."

Maya reminded: "Dawn didn't say that discoverers would get points."

Lin Wu was startled, and asked angrily, "Are you from the country of Shuguang?"

"No." Maya asked, "Is there a chance to kill the target?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "No, I ran away. The drone can't see through the building, so it can barely scan the location of creatures." One floor can scan the location of creatures, but two floors apart can't.

The two of them continued to set off with a dog. After walking for about two kilometers, Lin Wu stopped and took back the drone: "It is interfered by radiation, so it is difficult to control it normally." After walking two kilometers forward, the radiation detection value rose to the yellow area, and the two appeared to be exposed to radiation. state, so he put on protective clothing.One-click dressing, convenient and quick.

"I don't like this hood." The field of vision suddenly narrowed, leaving only a rectangular field of vision. Lin Wu was dissatisfied and pulled the hood. It was useless, and it was still a rectangle.

"Just get used to it." Maya looked at the map: "We have reached the edge of District 10, go two more intersections, turn left at the third intersection and go north."

Lin Wu asked: "Why do we have to meet?"

Maya replied: "Promise, credit. We guess the current situation will occur, but think it is a small probability."

Lin Wu: "All possibilities are possible before dawn."

Speaking of this, Xiao Wai stopped suddenly, and made a long sound through his nose: "Mmm..." He stared straight ahead, baring his teeth continuously, ready to go.A tram stopped 30 meters ahead.

Lin Wu crouched stealthily and touched the dog's head. Xiaowai knew that the owner had received the message, so he also squatted on the ground with the owner, returning to the silly look of sticking out his tongue.The two of them and the dog first hid behind the big pillar on the side of the road.Maya took out a spotting telescope from the era of great navigation, stretched out the telescope and looked at the tram.

Lin Wu was surprised: "What kind of antique is this?"


Lin Wu said: "I know."

Maya: "Then what are you asking?"

Lin Wu said: "Antique."

Maya: "All your gear is antique."

If this woman is not angry, she is really angry. Lin Wu said, "I'm asking, why use such an antique telescope?"

Maya replied: "Because I can't find a more advanced telescope...There are people inside, I will cover and go."

Lin Wu got on, leaving Xiaowai behind, sneaked and walked quickly, and reached the end of the three trams safely.Maya's voice came from his ears, accompanied by noises: "I don't seem to have found you."

Lin Wu replaced the silent man, took out his pistol, and entered the tram through the non-existent door.Then he saw a male player with dyed golden hair sitting on the bench in the second car, with a box of pizza and a glass of Coke on the table.And he looked at the magazine with his feet up, enjoying himself very much.

Lin Wu continued to approach with a dagger in his left hand, and the golden retriever took a sip of Coke: "Hey, how long will it take for them?" Just after speaking, Lin Wu suddenly came up to him and stabbed him with a knife. It was not an execution. Before the golden retriever could make a sound, Lin Wu shot it Beat him to death.

"Half an hour." A woman appeared from the middle of the No. [-] car, and seemed to stand up from the bench and walked to the aisle.

The two looked at each other, and Lin Wu shot immediately. With Maya's training, Lin Wu's pistol shooting level was greatly improved, and the first shot shot the woman's head.The woman jumped onto the seat, and Lin Wu shot at the seat unceremoniously.If the seat could block pistol bullets, he complained to Suguang until he only had a pair of underwear left.

Shoot while walking, empty a magazine and replace it with a new magazine, and then approach the target location.Seeing that the girl's body was already lying on the seat, Lin Wu immediately stepped forward to lay hands on her.

100 rounds of pistol bullets, damn it! 200 rounds of 5.56 bullets, which is even worse, because I didn't bring a gun.Assault rifle, I want an assault rifle.Looking at the progress bar, Lin Wu prayed in his heart: no, no.But the damn dawn wiped out the corpse at the last second of the progress bar.Lin Wu was so angry that he almost complained.

Maya followed. She didn't see the body, but only saw the 200 rounds of 5.56 bullets that Lin Wu traded. At that time, she also wanted to greet Shuguang's family in her heart.Fortunately, there are still pistol bullets, fifty rounds per person.

"A player?"

"Player." Lin Wu said: "This female player seems to be Fortress Agent Blood Dream."

"Like? Didn't you see clearly?"

Lin Wu replied: "Pretend not to see clearly." With the heavy reward of points, it is understandable that he could not see clearly.

Maya couldn't help smiling, she didn't understand why the person she hated utilitarianism the most would be amused by Lin Wu's utilitarian thoughts and behaviors.

Maya asked, "Is there another person?"

"He's a man."


"Men all look the same, so I'm too lazy to see clearly." So what if you see clearly?It won't make myself a little bit more happy because of it.Compared with Lin Wu, the only use of a man's appearance is to identify his identity. He doesn't mind that all men grow into the same mold.Girls are different. Seeing a girl with a good figure, a good face, and long legs will make her feel better. Maybe she will take two, three, or four more eyes...

Lin Wu got off the tram and beckoned, and Xiaowai, who obeyed the order and squatted in place, immediately ran to Lin Wu's side, and Lin Wu patted his head to praise him.Xiaowai was very calm. After licking Lin Wu's hand to express his response, he turned his head to look around in a decent manner, like a vanguard who is always vigilant.

Maya got out of the car and squatted down to touch Xiaowai's head: "We are hunters because of Xiaowai. Let me ask."


"Can't the name be changed?"

Lin Wu replied: "No." Of course it can be changed, but why should it be changed?change what?Xiaozheng?Lie down?Sit down?Shout out?
Maya patted Xiaowai's head again with some sympathy, and said, "We have to walk by the side of the street, and try not to go to open areas." One shot to the forehead, one shot to the system protection, and the third shot will kill you.

Lin Wu asked as he walked: "The nuclear bomb wiped out 80% of the zombies, so where is the remaining 20% ​​of the zombies? Why didn't I see a single zombie along the way?"

Maya said: "If you have played zombie games, you know that in many zombie games, zombies are not the scariest creatures."

Lin Wu said: "Do you still insist on the first expedition, thinking that this is a reconstructed real scene?"

Maya shook her head: "I don't know. It is not logical for the fortress hunters to attack humans, because at that time, the blue star humans had immigrated, and the extinction of humans on Earth has entered the countdown. There is no reason to attack and kill humans. Unless..."

Lin Wu: "Unless?"

Maya said: "Unless it is belief. Do you still remember? There is a message in the A6 laboratory, saying that some people think that human beings are moths on the earth, and in order to protect the earth, human beings must be eliminated. As far as I know, in the 21st century, there are many extreme environmentalists. All people hold the same idea, protecting the earth is their belief."

Maya said: "Fortress hunters are martyrs. They want to prevent humans from digging green devices, and they want to prevent the last humans from saving humans."

Lin Wu asked: "Is there really such an extreme person?"

Maya nodded with certainty: "Not only are there, but there are a lot of them. Someone once said that only human beings can destroy human beings. Some human beings are born with anti-social personality, and they lack basic empathy for the same kind. For example, you It's a hunter, and you see a wolf approaching an unsupervised baby, and normally you shoot the wolf, or scare it away."

Lin Wu asked: "Is it abnormal?"

Maya replied: "Appreciate the whole process in the scope. Maybe he will use violence to prevent others from saving the baby, so as to ensure the continuous development of the incident. It is even possible that he arranged all this. Once some people get bad, his behavior is far more than normal. human imagination."

Maya changed the subject: "However, I think players like Blood Dream don't have extreme ideas, and it's just a game task for them."

Lin Wu said: "I agree, killing them is also our game task."

System broadcast: "Very important reminder: It is recommended that players go to the supply point as soon as possible."

The same sentence was broadcast three times, and Lin Wu looked at Maya: "Are you still determined to go to District 4?" If you decide to go to the supply point in District 1 now, it is expected to arrive tonight.If you go to the supply point in District 4, if everything goes well, you can arrive at noon tomorrow.

Maya said: "Don't easily change the decision you have made, it will make your previous losses meaningless."

Lin Wu said: "It is also wise to stop losses in time."

Maya asked, "What's your opinion?"

Lin Wu thought for a while: "As far as I am concerned, there is not much difference between going to District 1 or District 4. It's just that reason tells me that going to District 1 is the best option."

Maya said: "Since your attitude is not firm, then go to District 4."

Lin Wu nodded: "Okay."

After hydrating and resting, the two left the tram and walked to the front of the car. They saw a tricycle with a sidecar hanging on the side of the motorcycle. This kind of motorcycle was very popular during World War II.Lin Wu and Maya looked at each other in surprise, and raised their hands to celebrate.Maya blamed herself for being stupid. Since the fort hunters have such good armament and logistics, how could it be possible that they do not have transportation?

Maya got on the driver's seat of the motorcycle, Lin Wu and Xiaowai sat in the sidecar, Maya started the vehicle as the driver, and Hui reported: "There is enough fuel."

Lin Wu raised his pistol: "Come on."

(End of this chapter)

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