Chapter 190

At 1:2 in the morning, the battle was about to start again, and the NPCs withdrew the food and everything they brought.As the time came, countless zombies rushed in, and when the zombies rushed halfway, the airdrop appeared. [-] group of players and [-] groups of players reversed into the group of zombies.

The powerful assault rifle opened up a path, and under the protection of the 2 groups, the 1 group took all the airdrops.Group 1 who did not get the airdrop shouted: "Someone give me some rifle bullets."

Someone around him immediately traded dozens of bullets. He used a shotgun and got the rifle by airdrop.The shouter saw that the other party was holding a shotgun, and traded more than 20 rounds of shotguns in his backpack to the other party.

Everyone is selfless, united and full of confidence.In addition to the five groups, there is another six groups, which is Lin Wu.Lin Wu was dedicated to cleaning up the zombies around the city wall, and the speed with which he raised his knife and dropped it was as fast as that of an assault rifle. This also showed that the wave of corpses was more dense this time, and the city wall suffered more damage.

Some players brought machine gun bullets to the machine gun position abandoned by Lin Wu, and asked for help after a while: "Who will change the bombs?" Immediately, some players came down from the city wall to help him.

This attack demonstrates the spirit of mutual aid among players.Even Lin Wu would throw a gun over when he heard someone asking for ammunition.Ammunition is a trivial matter, but trading ammunition and wasting time killing enemies is a major matter.

To everyone's surprise, the original 1-minute rest time was cancelled, which means that players have no time to clean up the zombies rushing to the wall.At this time, the mobile group took on such responsibilities.When the airdrop came, someone immediately shouted: "Two red teams take the airdrop, and three blue teams cover."

"4 groups of black guard the city wall."

"5 groups of white groups go out of the city to clean up the zombies."

"1 group of green teams against giants."

When someone yells, the people around will echo and yell, which makes the work of the five groups clear.With the help of the Youyi City Wall team, Lin Wu's monster killing rate dropped immediately, so he turned around and went crazy.The zombie that can break through the most blockades of the city wall group is violent.Lin Wu divided the skills into two groups. One group of skills has one wind stab for stun and two shots for headshot.A set of skills is wind stabbing stun, execution with a knife, he tried his best to restore his stamina non-stop.

Although a lot of Kuangmeng had been eliminated, they were in a melee state after all, and soon there was bleeding, so Lin Wu could only leave the field for treatment. After 5 minutes of treatment, Lin Wu mixed into the airdrop team and fished out an airdrop box. In addition to some bullets, there were two infrared guidance.

After checking the instructions, Lin Wu quickly ran back to the city wall, stood on the highest point, pointed the guidance device at the intersection of the tunnel and the subway entrance, and a red light continued to shine for 5 seconds.System broadcast: The cruise missile will reach the battlefield in 2 minutes, it will not harm the player, please rest assured.

Lin Wu ran to the engineer to hand in the construction package and repaired one of the city walls.Not long after returning to the battlefield, the excavation site alarm rang, and five cruise missiles landed in the tide of corpses, instantly clearing the entire open space of zombies, and even the zombies on the city wall were wiped out.The players rushed to the airdrop box unscathed in the shock wave, and all retreated safely after receiving the airdrop very smoothly.

This airstrike gives the player a rest time of about 20 seconds.

With the passage of time, the pressure of defending the city gradually increased, and the cost of grabbing airdrops increased. In the last two hours, there were only more than 200 players left, and zombies were still pouring in from the two exits. At this moment, despair shrouded everyone. personal heart.

"The No. 2 city wall was broken."

With a cry, a city wall collapsed. Fortunately, the mobile team had noticed that the city wall was replaced immediately. Five gunmen formed a firepower net to shoot and kill the zombies, and soon joined ten players to control the situation.But at the speed at which they shoot, no amount of bullets is enough for them to shoot.

After another two rounds, 4 city walls collapsed, and the life of other city walls has also fallen to the bottom. Players are about to have a decisive battle with the zombies without any geographical advantage.

"Big Mac!"

Lin Wu searched for the sound and saw that the player formation had been broken, and the giant rushed to the edge of the city wall, and it was beating a city wall.Each hit makes the wall lose 2% of its durability.There weren't many people around, and most of them had already filled in the gaps.Lin Wu took the gun and went straight up, rushed to the nearby lock three times and staggered, put the rifle down, raised the submachine gun with his left and right hands and fired together, the 80 times 2 bullets were shot by Lin Wu within 10 seconds, seamlessly connected The shotgun fired seven bursts, knocked the giant to the ground, and replaced it with a rifle to kill him.

In the next second, a zombie hit the city wall, and the city wall collapsed. Lin Wu still couldn't keep the city wall.

The players retreated while fighting, not because they wanted to retreat, but because they wanted to chase down the zombies that broke through the defense.Soon after the walls fell, battles were everywhere, with zombies among the players and players among the zombies, and everyone fought on their own.Not even a chance to get an airdrop.

At this time, the system let the player go again.At 5:30 in the morning, all zombies retreated.System broadcast: Zombies gather all their forces and will launch a final impact on the player's defense line in the last hour.Understanding: Take a half-hour break for the final battle.

There are 7 remaining players in the No. 130 excavation site, and only Maya and Lin Wu are left in the shadows.

The two stood together, looking at the sparse crowd sitting or standing, Lin Wu said: "I can't keep it."

Maya was a little tired and helpless and said, "I'm really not reconciled."

Lin Wu said: "Such a small number of people can't grab the airdrop. Even if the city wall is still there, our bullets can't last for an hour."

Maya looked at Lin Wu, Lin Wu was suspicious, and turned to Maya, Maya said: "Your words remind me."

After finishing speaking, Maya shouted loudly: "Hello everyone, I am Maya, we still have hope of victory."

Lin Wu squinted at Maya: "Really?"

Maya: "Yes."

Lin Wu looked at Maya.

Maya said the second half of the sentence: "Try it."


Maya's tactic is to abandon the airdrop and put all 130 people into the laboratory.

The first step: Dig a pit, throw the chief engineer in, and cover it with an iron plate.

The second step: still dig a hole and build a mound position.

Step [-]: Assign echelons. The first echelon will face the zombies directly, and the second, third, and fourth echelons will be arranged layer by layer in the center of the mound.

The fourth step: weapons rationing, and most of the bullets are handed over to the rear echelon.

Step [-]: The last echelon saves bullets and saves them for dealing with Big Macs and Bombers.

General idea: To build a circular formation, everyone must not retreat, and must die in their own positions.The echelon distribution principle is based on height. Maya recommended herself to be the first echelon, and only kept 50 assault rifle bullets, and donated other weapon bullets.

Because of their trust in Maya and the atmosphere of unity and fighting throughout the night, everyone rushed into the laboratory and started digging.Use a shovel if you have a shovel, use a weapon if you don’t have a shovel, and use your bare hands if you don’t have anything.With 5 minutes left, the chief engineer was thrown into the pit, covered with an iron plate, and a pipe was left to prevent him from suffocating.The players seized the time and desperately piled up the excavated earthwork.

As soon as the small mound took shape, the alarm sounded, and corpses spewed out from the two exits.The players did not have time to harden the ground, so they crowded onto the mound and trampled on the soil.Due to time constraints, Maya did not subdivide the echelon, but the crowd standing on the mound naturally formed an echelon.

The zombies quickly surrounded the laboratory and started beating. In less than 20 seconds, the wall of the laboratory collapsed, and countless zombies rushed towards the mound like a hurricane.


In an instant, there was a loud gunshot, and the zombies in front were smashed into pieces, while the zombies behind were still coming forward bravely.A player threw his pistol back, drew his machete and began to fight the zombies.

The tide of corpses quickly turned into a wall of corpses, and the corpses piled up very quickly. When the corpses were about to flood the first echelon, the corpses at the bottom began to be refreshed after 1 minute.At this time, the players in the first echelon were all corpses in front of them, and they couldn't shoot at all. They held up their melee weapons with both hands, and waved them in front of them without seeing them.

The pressure came to the second echelon. The zombies stepped on the corpse wall to attack the second echelon. The second echelon changed their melee weapons.The tide of corpses trampled on the first echelon, crossed the corpse wall of the second echelon, and hit the third echelon.However, because of the 1-minute refresh mechanism, the tide of corpses does not have a strong impact on the third echelon.

If there are no new corpses, there will be no corpse wall. The corpses outside the first echelon will be refreshed, and the tide of corpses will face the first echelon again.Maya's congestion tactics are very effective.

The so-called congestion tactic means that one man should be the gatekeeper and the other man should not be opened.Even if you have 1000 million people, because of the limited terrain, only a few people can attack at the same time.Facing a small number of zombies, players with weapons have a considerable advantage with the blessing of skills and attributes.The disadvantage is also great, that is, it cannot be healed.Those who have medicine can find time to take medicine by themselves, while those who have no medicine can only watch their lives drained.

Even so, no one retreated, and everyone tried their best to stab and stick as many times as possible.The only thing that can break up the player formation is the Big Mac.The last echelon of 10 people waited quietly most of the time, but as soon as the Big Mac appeared, they all shot together.Since they are the last echelon standing on the highest point of the mound, they can freely deal with the giants attacking from all directions, and often the giants die before they even run into the laboratory.

As the tide of corpses continued to attack, the number of personnel in the first echelon began to decrease, and finally Maya was left alone.Maya leaned against the players of the second echelon, a machete flying up and down.Due to the efforts of the second echelon, corpses were piled up around her, and she and the corpses built a corpse wall to prevent her from being flanked by left and right.

Maya is dual-purpose, biting the bandage to heal the wound on her left hand to stop the bleeding, and holding a knife in her right hand to kill.Endless drugs and powerful swordsmanship made the players behind him admired to the ground.Her behavior also greatly boosted morale, and the players refused to give up an inch of ground, and would rather die than retreat.The waves of corpses kept hitting the players, causing them losses every time, but every time they were able to repel the tide of corpses.

The zombies outside have been completely blocked in traffic, all the way to the tunnel. Although the Big Mac is domineering, it is difficult to move even if it is squeezed.The last echelon composed of Lin Wu and others shot at the Big Mac from near to far, and of course did not forget to explode the funeral.

Lin Wu flipped through his backpack and took out the infrared guidance device, which he had only used once before.Now I feel sorry for the zombies being squeezed in place and unable to move, so I turned it out.

Two minutes later, five cruise missiles fell with astonishing momentum.But just as Lin Wu thought, the gap caused by the cruise missile was quickly filled.Some zombies were ignited, and the flames were quickly extinguished after conducting for a while.However, the shock wave of the cruise missile blew away the zombies attacking the echelon, buying time for the echelon to take medication.A girl grabbed Maya by the collar and sent her to her side. At this time, half of the people in the second echelon had been killed.

I don't know how long it took to cut, but with the death of all members of the second echelon, Maya was promoted to the third echelon.Behind the third echelon is the fourth echelon, which is the last echelon.When the last echelon ran out of bullets, they each drew their melee weapons.

At this moment, the sun shone on the ground, and the tide of corpses paused for half a second, before turning around and fleeing towards the entrance of the tunnel and subway station.In less than 2 minutes, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only an unbelievable 30 players on the scene.

Screams and shouts resounded through the sky, and the players hugged each other, embracing each other's shoulders and bouncing around in place.

The system also cooperated very well and gave everyone 5 minutes to celebrate. After 5 minutes, the system broadcast: Congratulations to all the guardians of the No. 7 excavation site in Future City. You are the only team that defeated the zombies. Each of you will receive a warrior medal.

Entry, Warriors of Abandoned City: Increase the homeland points obtained by 1%.

In addition, there are dungeon points rewards, surviving players get 200% extra points rewards, and 1000 points become 3000 points after the reward.Dead players get 150% bonus points.This point includes the points for killing zombies in the final mission.Although a Big Mac only has 5 points, it is better than nothing.

All the players who died were sent back to the abandoned city, and were randomly sent to any location.Next is the point redemption time.There will be a second Expedition Closing Ceremony after the prize redemption.

No surprise, Lin Wu is No.1 again.No matter how hard Maya slashes, it can't be faster than cruise missiles.As the No.1 Lin Wu got another special reward option.

Lin Wu objected: "Why do I only have 5 options?"

Little White Rabbit: "I suggest you learn the details of the specific rewards first. If you are still not satisfied with choosing 5 out of 1, you can give up the special rewards and use points to exchange for prizes instead."

One: Immortal card, which retains attributes after death and is permanently valid.

[-]: Indestructible card, the skill is retained after death, and it is permanently effective.

Three: Undead card, points will not be reduced after death, valid permanently.

Four: Immortality card, the longer the survival time, the higher the attribute experience acquisition rate, up to 50%, and it will be recalculated after death and resurrection.Permanent.

Five: No return card, after death, can be revived at a designated place, permanently valid.

After Lin Wu finished watching, he looked at the little white rabbit with disgust: "What rubbish? Am I bound to die? Please be a little sincere, okay? Your attitude towards No.1 makes me, No.1, very dissatisfied."

The little white rabbit asked: "Aren't you worried that you will die?"

Lin Wu: "I'm worried, but which card is meaningful? An immortal card that retains attributes? I have lost all my skills. What's the point of retaining attributes?"

Lin Wu: "The indestructible card that retains the skills? The trap is counted as a design, not a skill. The drone skill is very useful, but where can I find the drone after I resurrect? Even if I keep the hunter skill, I have to Brush the mouse again. Without attribute support, my wind thorn is equivalent to half disabled."

Lin Wu: "What's the point of the undead card that doesn't deduct points? I never cared about points. There is also a non-return card for resurrection at a designated place. As a newcomer, I have the nerve to go back and drag everyone back? Your AI is too bad. Take A bunch of tasteless skills to fool me."

(End of this chapter)

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