Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 191 Rewards

Chapter 191 Rewards
Facing Lin Wu's remarks, the little white rabbit replied: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that some players would not be interested in these five cards. I will give you a new set of choices immediately."

One: Falcons, like hounds, have the ability to patrol and hunt, and can contribute one piece of food to the base every day.

Two: Obtain the indestructible entry, with the self-healing ability of bleeding and fractures.

Three: Get the entry without stopping, and running within the speed threshold will not consume stamina.

Four: Get the entry gunsmith, the gun will never jam or be damaged.

Five: Gain satellite navigation skills.

After finishing speaking, the little white rabbit said: "The falcon is very handsome. Just imagine a rebellious eagle standing on your shoulder, and the rate of turning heads is absolutely 100%."

Lin Wu was unmoved: "Don't lie to me. Once the Falcon is released, when will it be happy to come back? Even if you listen to me, can it be better than my drone? Self-healing is a trap , can heal itself, but the blood you shed during the healing process is estimated to be able to circle the blue star three times. It's all rubbish."

The little white rabbit said: "Please tell me your wish."

Lin Wu replied: "Upgrade my drone to an all-in-one surveillance drone." Thirty thousand surveillance drones and 3000 million all-in-one surveillance drones are not at the same level at all.

Little White Rabbit: "No, this is a late stage weapon."

Lin Wu was helpless: "Tell me what you can give."

Little White Rabbit: "Choose one of the two. The first choice: change your secondary attribute into the main attribute. The second choice: increase all attributes by 10 stars."

This is not bad, 10 star power can add 30 points of life, and power is useful in many places.Add 10 stars to agility, and you can learn sharpshooter skills. 10 star wisdom to make yourself smarter?Add 10 stars to stamina and increase stamina. 10 star will, reduce stamina loss.

Lin Wu bargained: "The sub-attribute physical strength becomes the main attribute, and I choose another attribute as the sub-attribute. It's not because I'm greedy, but mainly because I'm not used to not having a sub-attribute."

The little white rabbit replied simply: "Okay. What do you choose as the sub-attribute?"

Lin Wu replied: "Will." Both strength and will are fine.The strength is universal, and the will is very suitable for people who often use up the stamina bar. The lower the stamina, the less stamina consumed by skills.

The little white rabbit nodded, and the change of Lin Wu's attributes was completed.Lin Wu asked: "Hey, you don't want to kill me because of my strong attributes, do you?"

The little white rabbit replied: "No. Goodbye, I wish you a happy game."


Afterwards, the shadow man asked Lin Wu why he didn't choose the indestructible card?In their opinion, half of Lin Wu's ability is in skills.Lin Wu relayed his remarks to the little white rabbit to everyone, explaining that many skills are not skills.For example, after losing a drone, it is difficult to get another drone.The most important reason is that nine times out of ten, he will appear in a strange place after his resurrection. In a certain sense, it is equivalent to starting all over again.He was a pleasure to meet everyone.Based on the above reasons, he did not consider the indestructible card.

If he has to die, he prefers to start all over again, with a new environment, a new person, and a new self.Memories do not belong to him, his youth can only move forward and never look back.

Obtain the entry, the strongest warrior in the waste capital.In the abandoned city, the lethality is increased by 10%, which is more rubbish than the survivors of the abandoned city.


The last half hour is a dungeon activity, and the first program is a knowledge contest.Question [-]: On the basement floor of the supply point, how many pockets are there on the clothes of the electrician NPC working in the easternmost room.

There were instant boos.

The second question is a little more normal: "How many workers are there at the excavation site?"

Question [-]: "In the special instance event, which city was eliminated first?"

Lin Wu asked Maya beside him: "What other cities do you know besides Future City?"

Maya thought for a second before answering the question: "Tomorrow City."

Lin Wu asked: "Is there such a city?"

"do not know."

Lin Wu immediately answered the question: "Houtian City."

Maya covered her mouth and laughed, and punched Lin Wu on the shoulder.

The final answer is Dream City.

Question [-]: "Which base performed best in this event?"

Lin Wu and Maya rushed to answer: "The supermarket (shadow) base."

After finishing speaking, Maya said anxiously: "I was wrong, the supermarket base."

Broadcast: Some players answered inaccurately.

Maya, who has never been childish, slapped Lin Wu's mouth with a slap, and said into the headset, "The supermarket base in Beishang Town, Beicheng, Future City."

Pingback: Congratulations to player Maya for answering correctly.In this special event, the two members of the supermarket base in Beishang Town, Beicheng City, Future City all survived and performed extremely well.It is also because of the outstanding performance of one of the players named Maya that the No. 7 excavation site in Future City won this special event.Please give Maya a round of applause.

Everyone around the excavation site was considered acquaintances, and everyone shouted loudly together. Maya lowered her head and supported her forehead, and pressed her toes hard on the ground, hoping to dig out a basement to hide herself in.For her, it was a social death scene.Of course, it wasn't because of being named and praised, but because Maya answered the sentence correctly.

Broadcast: A very special player appeared in the two dungeon events of the Abandoned City. He won the title of Survivor of the Abandoned City in the first expedition, and the title of the Strongest Warrior of the Abandoned City in the second expedition.If any player can kill him in the third expedition, he can get a lot of dungeon points.

Lin Wu shouted: "I know, nightmare, it's a nightmare."

All the people around looked over and silently remembered the name.Someone reminded Lin Wu: "Brother, this is not a problem."

"Oh." Lin Wu suddenly realized, and had already cursed Dawn 650 four times in his heart.

Maya looked closely at Lin Wu, raised her eyebrows and asked, she knew that Lin Wu had an entry for the survivors of the ruined city, but this entry was not limited to one person, as long as the surviving players could get it, although the number was small.

Lin Wu smiled wryly.

Maya sighed, and said, "I won't stop you from scolding Shuguang in the future." This is indeed not something that humans can do.

Little White Rabbit: He must really like my unique and alternative way of praise.


After the question and answer, it was ballooning. I thought the meeting would be over at 24 o'clock, but I didn't expect Suguang to do something.Dawn opened a new dungeon channel, and all players who survived the dungeon can go to the beach for a [-]-hour vacation.

Lin Wu and Maya returned to the supermarket base after their vacation. It was already the 29th of the third month of winter, which means that the day after tomorrow is spring.

When I first arrived at the base, before I had time to sigh the gap between the two worlds, the voice of the stone came: "Meeting, come to the meeting, come to the meeting." The voice was pale and lacked soul.

Lin Wu searched around and found Xiaowai who had been resurrected from the dead. Since resurrecting Xiaowai was a systematic behavior, Xiaowai was still Xiaowai and did not become Jingwai.

The two put on their equipment, Maya skied away, and Xiaowai pulled Lin Wu away, the speed of both sides was about the same.As soon as the speed increased, Lin Wu seemed to be in the abandoned city. While slipping, he took a pistol and shot at the sky: "Come on." Thanks to Maya's self-restraint, otherwise the fight would have started.

Xiao Wai lured away the zombies at the checkpoint, and Lin Wu slid 20 meters by himself.After Xiaowai came back, he took the initiative to put on the noose and continue running.Maya watched from the side and shook her head. She thought that Lin Wu was not worthy to be Xiaowai's master.But the owner has no opinion, neither does the dog, and I am not qualified to express my opinion as an outsider.

Everyone waiting at the gate of the base saw the scene of dog sledding and condemned Lin Wu one after another. Lin Wu ordered: "Bark them."

Xiaowai yelled at everyone.

Everyone can only mourn its misfortune and be angry about it.

The stone on one side said a sentence of Shi's philosophy: "This is its contribution, its value. If you treat a dog as a master, the only value of the dog is the value of a pet. Come in, we are barbecue." Seeing that spring is coming, winter is coming The resources are very rich, and the wood and other materials cannot be taken away, so they can simply be consumed on the spot.

Shana shouted: "Upgrade clothes, whoever wants to upgrade clothes, upgrade clothes." Her attributes were cleared, equipment was cleared, and skills were retained.

"Did you upgrade your clothes in the last two days?" Lin Wu asked, "Where's your future chicken?"

Shana waved and led Lin Wu to the backyard, where there were more than a dozen eggs by the campfire.Lin Wu could vaguely see movement, including a broken eggshell.Shanna held up her left hand, a yellow chicken trembling in her palm.

"Why bully others?" Lin Wu called Xiaowai: "Don't eat it, play with it for a while." After speaking, he took the chicken and put it on Xiaowai's back.

Shanna sat down and said: "These seven will break their shells soon, what worries me is that these five have not moved at all."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you know hairy eggs?"

Shana flew in with one kick, Lin Wu dodged, two kicks, two dodges, three kicks, three dodges...

Shitou looked at the two with his hands on his hips, and said angrily, "It's a meeting, how many times do you have to shout? It's a meeting."

"Little Wai, go to the meeting for me."

The stone flew out three playing cards, and Lin Wu started to grab the three cards with his left and right hands. He was a little surprised: "Okay, old man, he can play playing cards."

Stone: "In addition to barbecue, there are artificial hot pots." Artificial hot pots are not systematic hot pots.

Lin Wu immediately moved his index finger and stood up to criticize Shana: "I'm not active in the meeting, I have a problem with my brain."

Run, Shuang Min runs fast.


After everyone sat down to eat and drink, Shitou said, "Shana will be in charge of today's meeting."

Shana looked confused: "Huh?" She didn't inform me.

Peanut understands the meaning: "I haven't seen you for a week. Let's get together and connect with each other. First of all, raise a glass to congratulate the brothers and sisters who survived this dungeon, including myself." There will be no death penalty for death in the final event of the dungeon .

Everyone laughed, and Shanna apologized, "I lost my equipment."

Cuiyu didn't expect to reach the review stage so soon, she took a bite of a bunch of spinach to watch everyone, then sucked it into her stomach forcefully: "Me too."

Maya said: "It was better than I thought, only two assault rifles were lost."

Cui Yu said: "I brought Timberwolves."

Maya was surprised: "Are you taking Timberwolves?"

Cui Yu apologized, "I'm sorry, I just like the pull-bolt sniper rifle very much." After speaking, she looked at Lin Wu.

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "It's related to you?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "No."

Everyone could see that Maya was sullen, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.Shi Shi opened his mouth and said: "If you lose it, you lose it. There are many bolt-action rifles. I will give you a special one later. By the way, Maya."

Maya: "Huh?"

Shitou said: "I heard that you answered questions about yourself. I thought only Lin Wu would do such a thing."

Maya covered her face with one hand.

Stone hates iron but not steel, sighed: "I told you, don't get too familiar with him."

"What do you mean?" Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "That's personality, is the characteristic good?"

Shana asked, "What reward did you get?"

Lin Wu talked about the story of his reward. At present, his main attribute is double agility, and his secondary attribute is will. Compared with ordinary people, he has the main attribute of one agility and one body.Lin Wu finally said: "If I die, I will be very happy to meet everyone and start a new life."

Shi Shi took advantage of the situation and said, "So, you'd better get married and not get divorced until the end of the game. After all, it is fate to meet each other."

Lin Wu replied: "I've considered it, but Shuguang won't let me marry Xiaowai."

A plate flew over, and Lin Wu caught it: "Haha, double agility is invincible in the world, who dares to plot against me, damn it!" Carelessly, the toe was stepped on by a knife.

Lin Wu must avenge any grudge, so he took a painkiller and said, "By the way, Xiaodao and Xuedan are not married, how can we have the nerve to get married, right?"

Everyone thought it made sense and nodded together.

Xiaodao replied: "I don't want to get married in the virtual world." Apparently Xuedan mentioned the matter of marriage to Xiaodao.

Lin Wu: "Because it's free?"

Xiaodao: "Because it's not true. You see, does it make any sense for Su Shi and Shitou to marry?"

Shana said: "In other words, it's okay to marry Xuedan, because it's meaningful."

Xiaodao said anxiously: "Nonsense, don't talk nonsense, nonsense, nonsense." Run away.

Lin Wu: "The bathroom is in front."

Maya sighed: "You are really bad."

Lin Wu said to Xuedan: "You're welcome."

Xuedan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was also embarrassed, but not unhappy.Xie definitely can't, otherwise Xiaodao will settle accounts with himself.

To say that Lin Wu is bad is bad, but there is some truth to what he said.If even those who have a foundation of love don't marry casually, then what is their marriage?Marriage is just a tool for the divorced man Shitou and uncle Su Shi, but it may not be the case for others.

Xuedan went to visit Xiaodao and took Xiaodao back soon.Xiaodao deliberately ignored Lin Wu, and Lin Wu ordered Xiaowai to lie on Xiaodao's body to show off his cuteness, which instantly disintegrated Xiaodao's fighting spirit.At the next dinner table, everyone talked about the prizes for this dungeon.

Different from the first expedition, each person in the second expedition can only choose one prize, and choose according to the value segment.For example, 100-120 counts as an interval, and you can choose one of dozens of prizes.Players over 120 can downgrade to choose prizes in this range.There are 50 steps in total.

Maya is the 48th step. She chose the prize of the 47th step. An exclusive knife, a Tang Hengdao that can be repaired by hand, with 7 characteristics. , Samurai swords are mostly curved, of course there are exceptions.

The whole knife is 80 centimeters long, and the blade is 60 centimeters long.The seven characteristics include the S-level characteristic armor-breaking that can ignore body armor and helmets.Beheading: Increase the chance of beheading by 25%. After matching with the skill, it can be said to be two swords and one beheading.Manual repair, as long as there is manual skill, it can be repaired on site with a small amount of scrap iron.In addition, there are improvements in durability and the like.

This time Maya did not choose a group prize, but chose an individual prize, because there is no collective prize in this prize, or there is no good collective prize.

The prize for the knife is the boxing champion gloves, which have the function of immunity to blood mist. As long as they are not scratched or bitten by blood zombies, they will not be infected with the virus.When it comes to knives, boxing gloves are the best of the best.The gloves are black leather mitts, which are not only good-looking, but also very comfortable to wear.This weapon is also an exclusive weapon, only a knife can be used, and it can be repaired, but the repair cost of boxing champion gloves is relatively high, requiring a whole bearskin.

After killing bear animals such as black bears, brown bears, and polar bears, there is a certain chance of obtaining meat and fur by touching the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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