Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 193 Hardcore Mode

Chapter 193 Hardcore Mode
Lin Wu raised his hand to let everyone listen to himself, and pointed to the back door: "The substation is across the river." The drone discovered it.

Hearing this, Maya and Shana went to the sentry tower to get a telescope to check.The good news is that the substation is not far from the base. It is estimated that after occupying the substation and becoming an outpost, there will be only about 15 meters of unsafe area between the base and the substation, which will help the shadow players to expand their activity area.The bad news is that the substation in the industrial area covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, and there are many zombies.

Shana suggested: "Build two sentry towers first, use the characteristics of the sentry towers to increase the range, and eliminate the zombies in the substation as much as possible."

Maya said: "We don't have enough building materials to build two sentry towers."

Shana said: "Tear down the farm."

Maya agrees, but the electricity problem must be solved as soon as possible after the farm is demolished, otherwise the food in stock will not last for a few days.

Not long ago, a large amount of building materials were lost in the 6-star defense of the supermarket base, which also disrupted the construction plan of the sawmill.Judging from the current situation, due to the high density of nearby zombies, base members cannot be allowed to go out to search.Not even Lin Wu.

The safe plan is to build twin sentry towers.The first step is to eliminate the zombies in the substation as much as possible, occupy the substation, start sawing wood, use the wood to build infrastructure, continue to clean up the surrounding zombies, and expand the scope of player activities.

The second step is to occupy the weather station and form an alliance, forming a confrontation with each other.The third step is to build a temporary base that focuses on looting, form an alliance with the temporary base, and use the temporary base as the center to remove zombies and search nearby areas.

These pre-base construction work will take time, and at the same time, it is necessary to arrange guard tower duty personnel to reduce noise and prepare for the first defense of the city.The two sentry towers required two people to be on duty. Excluding the loving couple Shitou and Su Shi, the other eight people were divided into four groups according to the combination of strength and weakness.

Xuedan is in a team with Shana, Peanut is in a team with Horse Soul, Lin Wu is in a team with Cui Yu, and Maya is in a team with Xiaodao.Since Peanut has night vision, Peanut and Shanna are in charge of the night shift from the early morning to 6:6 am.Lin Wu and Cui Yu got the shift from 0:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am.

Splitting snow eggs and knives is to take care of them. If they work on the same shift, they will not see each other for at least 6 hours.After the split, one person will go to work, and the other person can visit the class.

Due to geographical reasons, Shadow was temporarily trapped in the sawmill.Fortunately, the sawmill has artifacts for producing building materials, but it is unclear how much threat value will be increased by manufacturing building materials.

In the afternoon, Lin Wu hoped to touch a warehouse a hundred meters away. After approaching the warehouse with the firepower of the sentry tower, Lin Wu found groups of zombies in the warehouse, and there was a giant Mac inside.After giving up, he scouted the nearby situation and found that there was a large stock of Big Macs.The density of the Big Mac is equivalent to that of the Furious in Beishang Town.

Maya brought you a bad news through observation, the refresh rate of zombies in Zuo County is much higher than that in Beishang Town.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the system broadcasts: Dear players, Homeworld has ushered in its first spring. In the season of warm spring and flowers blooming... After the end of spring, Homeworld will enter a near-hardcore survival mode. I hope you like it.The specific situation can be inquired in the game manual, and I hope players can use the spring to prepare in advance.Thank you all and bye.

What is the near-hardcore survival mode?Simply put, death clearing is a near-hardcore mode.

The biggest change in this mode is that food has a shelf life, and food will no longer exist in unit form.Players will suffer from starvation and malnutrition.In order to take care of players, when summer comes, the system will give each base a large freezer. The food in the large freezer will not be damaged, and the system will provide free electricity for one month for the large freezer.

Farms will exist in dungeons.To harvest crops, players need to actually plant and pick crops.Harvest a certain proportion of food every day according to pesticides, fertilization, watering, etc.The system provides condiments such as salt for free.Fishing skills have fishing bonuses when fishing, etc.

Increase the normal demand for cooking and domestic water, and the water source problem needs to be solved by the players themselves.One way is to take river water and use water purification tablets made in the clinic to extract clean water in proportion.Another way is to sacrifice a building unit to dig a well after getting the blueprint.In addition, spring water can be drawn from the mountain, and everything is explored by the players themselves.

Finally, the manual states that any player can apply to leave the hardcore mode at any time, but after leaving the hardcore mode, they will not be able to return to the hardcore mode.After the summer starts, only the hardcore mode can get points, and non-hardcore mode players will no longer get and reduce points.

As soon as this notice came out, the entire service was filled with mourning.Even though people of insight had already guessed the direction of the game's development, they couldn't help being rude to Suguang.Even Shadow Base is the same.After the farm becomes a real copy farm, everyone has to do farm work to eat.They also eat vegetarian dishes.

At this point in the discussion, everyone focused their attention on Lin Wu. Lin Wu subconsciously protected Xiaowai: "What are you doing?"

"Hunter." Shana said: "From now on, we will hand over our daily meat to you. Ten people will need an average of ten catties of meat per day."

Lin Wu didn't care and said: "There are walking meat everywhere, and I will give you 20 catties every day."

Even knowing that Lin Wu was joking, this remark made everyone feel sick.Only Xiaodao took this question very seriously and asked: "If we can really cut the flesh of zombies, will we starve to death or eat meat?"

This question may seem simple, but it actually includes philosophical, ethical, moral and other issues. For a while, everyone was overwhelmed by the question and fell into deep thought.To eat or not to eat?If you don't eat, you can only switch to non-hardcore mode, and if you eat, you can survive.

"It's time to rest, and it's time to be on duty." Maya ended the meeting, and walked two steps in front of Lin Wu: "Hunters can consider learning eagle eye as the second skill." Eagle eye is the only skill for tracking prey.

Lin Wu was very open-minded, and replied: "There is Xiaowai here, are you afraid that there will be no meat to eat? Xiaowai, today we are going to have an idiom class, tell the dog to take the mouse, come with me."

I can't argue with it!Xiaodao turned to Lin Wu's back and said angrily, "Just bully it as hard as you can, and bully it as hard as you can."

"Bark her."

Xiaowei turned his head and barked at Xiaodao with a fierce look on his face.Xiaodao hugged Shana's left arm and complained: "He bullied me."

Peanut said at the same time: "It is obvious that you have violated other people's property rights. Xiaowei belongs to his private property..."

The knife stunned Peanut with a punch. He didn't dare to hit the villain, and he didn't dare to hit you?

Nth complaint.

Lin Wu: "The mice in the homeland do not conform to reality. Some mice in reality are stupid, but the mice in the homeland are too flexible, and every one of them is like this. The same is true when they are full and hungry. Their speed is almost the same. Their speed is almost the same. The reactivity is almost the same. There's absolutely no way that's going to happen."

Little White Rabbit: "In summer, we will increase the number of wild animals that can survive in the zombie world, and will give them random characteristics. Now to take care of the majority of players, we linearize the data so that players can discover the rules. This makes it easier to catch prey."


The little white rabbit repeated.

"did not hear clearly."

The little white rabbit continued to repeat.

"say it one more time."

The little white rabbit repeated.


"Have a nice day and see you later."

hehe!You don’t even know how to play, how about AI?Lin Wu sneered: Lin Q is victorious.

Maya, who was sitting on a log next to her, couldn't see the little white rabbit, but she guessed what was going on, and said, "In the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty signed unequal treaties with other countries. For the sake of face, the emperor asked his subordinates to only open the side door at the negotiation site. According to the rules at that time, the side was the door for servants to pass through. Although the unequal treaty was finally signed, the emperor felt that he had a lot of face because of it."

Lin Wu watched Xiaowai chasing mice around in the pile of logs without looking back, and asked, "Have you read any books?"

Maya asked, "You like revenge so much?"

Lin Wu propped up his hands and moved his body to the last log, and sat next to Maya: "Oh... I'm trapped."

"You are not that diligent. You are trapped because you feel that there are too many people, and you have to say hello and chat with people from time to time." Maya looked at the weather station uphill on the side: "Without building materials, your sub-base cannot be built. "

Lin Wu explained: "I like chatting, but I don't like chatting with many people."

Maya asked: "Because you need to consider the relationship between them?"

"Yes, the more people there are, the more you have to think before speaking." Lin Wu jumped up suddenly: "Hey, hey, Xiaowai, shut up."

Seeing that Xiao Wai went to bite a chick out of nowhere, and shut up immediately after listening to the master's order, Lin Wu said urgently, "Open your mouth."

Maya and Lin Wu squatted in front of Xiaowai, Xiaowai's mouth was open and there was a motionless chicken in his mouth.

Maya poked the chicken with her finger, and said to Lin Wu, "Shana will kill you."

"Those who betray their companions are called co-traitors." Lin Wu looked around, they were in the log pile in the west parking lot, and the people on the sentry post were killing the zombies on the other side, no one noticed them.Lin Wu reached out to take down the dead chicken, walked a few steps, and threw the chicken to the zombie ten meters away.

Lin Wu yelled: "Shana, your chick is attacked by zombies."

Shana, who just got to work, turned her gun on the sentry post and saw that her chick was stepped on by the zombie's feet, and immediately shot and smashed the murderer's zombie into pieces.

Lin Wu shouted: "Hurry up, circle all your chickens."

Lin Wu watched Shana come down from the sentry post in a hurry, went to Xiaowai and knelt down, and said, "That thing was called a chicken just now, and what I asked you to catch was a mouse. If you dare to say it, I will spank you. "

Maya smiled, and said: "Tell me?"

Lin Wu pretended not to hear, and stroked the dog's head: "Go, let's play."

Maya said, "I have something to do with you."

Lin Wu asked: "What's the matter?"

Maya said, "I heard you have a set of magazines?"

Lin Wu was stunned: "Who said that?"


Lin Wu said: "They took the magazine away."

Maya said, "I know, let me ask if it's Liu Bei."

Lin Wu nodded.

Maya also nodded: "Sure enough." Just now I saw that Shi Shi's expression was wrong, but fortunately he didn't ask, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Lin Wu explained: "It's not mine."

Maya replied: "It's okay, it's a normal thing. It's not normal if you don't like it."

Maya is also boring, there is nothing to clean up in the whole base.She doesn't like to chat with everyone, and she has no books to pass the time, so she can only wander around.

Lin Wu is also boring, but at least he still has a little crooked.You can also shoot a few shots secretly while the family members are not paying attention.The sawmill was big enough that no one could hear the Silencer's gunfire.But things didn't go as planned, and when he turned his head, he found that Shi Shi was looking at him ferociously, which startled Lin Wu.

The villain Lin Wu complained first: "Why did you scare me?" Just after Maya left, another stone came, are you all busy?
Shi Shi rolled his eyes and said, "Your personal computer can't do it, you need to upgrade the command post first."

Lin Wu: "Oh?"

Stone said: "After the last market, Maya told me that you want to make personal computers, and I asked everyone to focus on collecting and trading electronic components. It was not much worse, but I forgot that the command post needs to be upgraded."

Lin Wu: "It's okay." If you speak so kindly, I won't know how to answer.

Shitou said: "In addition, if you have to go out, or if you have the opportunity, pay more attention to the world's famous books. The library still needs to be built."

Lin Wu said: "Didn't the meeting mention the training room?" The training card is an ice fishing prize, which can be used to build a training room. Players can receive one-on-one professional training from the trainer, and the training content is mainly university subjects.

Shitou said: "Based on our survival time to calculate points, I don't think we need to train any skills. We can retire directly on Earth."

Lin Wu smiled and asked, "Are you so confident?"

Stone chuckled, without saying a word.Shitou said: "After occupying the sawmill, everything is based on stability. We must survive as much as possible."

Lin Wu suddenly realized: "The point is here."

Shitou nodded: "The most worrying thing is you, you don't need to take unnecessary risks. But I know you won't listen, you just treat the game as a game... Sigh! I really envy your mentality."

Lin Wu said: "Old things, only people with a spiritual age over 50 years old like to sigh with life, envy others and recall the past."

"50 years old?" Shitou thought for a while, "Maybe I was 10 years ago 50 years ago."

After finishing speaking, Shitou called the nearby Xiaowai to come over, and stroked the dog's head thoughtfully.

Lin Wu said: "Xiaowai, play with this old thing for a while." Give Xiaowai to Shishi, and give Shishi his seat.He could see that the middle-aged man was emotional.

Stone is not Lin Wu after all.Lin Wu had no other thoughts on Blue Star except for a few cronies.Stone has an ex-wife, a child, a company, and friends.


Lin Wu and Cui Yu went to work at six o'clock in the evening. At this time, the density of zombies in the substation was not as good as before.However, 20% of the area has no shooting range, and zombies cannot be cleared through the sentry.Maya stood beside Lin Wu and said, "The most troublesome thing is the central control office of the substation." The control office is about 100 square meters, and it is a cement room with only one floor, with a closed door at the front and back.

Lin Wu looked back: "Do you think Shuguang did it on purpose?"

"What on purpose?"

Lin Wu said: "There are street lights on the main roads of Zuo County, and there are street lights on the roads in the industrial area. Why are there only street lights in the east near our base?"

Lin Wu just complained casually, but Maya took out the map and explained seriously.The Tic-Tac-toe structure of the industrial area, or Go chessboard structure, each building is one of the grids, and the roads are the lines on the chessboard.

Take Tianzi as an example, each of the four grids has a factory, warehouse or other facilities.The two vertical lines on the left and right of the field are the main roads, and the vertical line and three horizontal lines in the middle are auxiliary roads.Although the layout is not so refined and neat, it is probably the case.At present, the sawmill is at the lower left of the field.The weather station is on the upper left.On the upper right is a fire station.The lower right is a two-story building, with a warehouse on the first floor and an office area on the second floor.

Maya is considering assigning 3 players to occupy the other three positions of Tian Zi, turning the entire area into a safe area.As a result, the safety zone of the four bases will exceed 5 hectares.

(End of this chapter)

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