Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 194: Air Corridor

Chapter 194: Air Corridor
At eight o'clock in the evening, Peanut replaced Lin Wu's sentinel, and Lin Wu and Maya formed a vanguard team to cross the river and assault the substation.Horse Soul, Xuedan, and Xiaodao held crossbows to provide fire support, while Peanut and Cuiyu stayed on the sentry post to support them.

Lin Wu stepped forward alone, pried open the control room of the substation, and gently pushed open the door.He didn't look inside, lit a Molotov cocktail and threw it in, then retreated quickly.A few seconds later, a large group of zombies rushed out of the door, including two giants and a dozen fierce ones.At this time, the bomb exploded after being ignited, and the surrounding ground shook.

The zombies that rushed out couldn't find their target, and they were very confused.The crossbow arrows and sentries began to harvest, but the giant would roar after being attacked, and the roar attracted the surrounding zombies to gather one after another.

Assassin Lin Wu didn't have any advantages when fighting in large groups, so he obediently joined everyone and took the Silent One to snipe the zombies.Instead, the main force now is the two sentries at the sentry post, and their assault rifles are very lethal.It's a pity that Cuiyu lost the Timberwolves, otherwise the giants would really be ignored.

Ten minutes later, Lin Wu and Xiao Dao lay down on the ground and bounced rocks. Xuedan watched with relish, and at his strong request, they joined the ranks of bouncing rocks together.Even Maya has received Liannu, and the arrows are made of materials no matter how cheap they are.She found that it was too difficult for two assault rifles to clear the main force of zombies in the substation.

The most difficult ones are Big Mac and Furious. The former is resistant to beatings and has a low long-range shooting hit rate.The second is ferocity. After being shot and unable to find the target, it will walk around quickly, making it impossible to chase the gun.Can't you keep locking on to a madman until you kill it?Of course it is possible, but during the same period, zombies are refreshed, and the roar of the Big Mac will attract new zombies.

Or use the method of occupying the sawmill to occupy the refreshment area manually.But there were no Big Macs in the sawmill.

It seems that the sentries have lost power, and the gunfire has been much sparser.After a while, a car drove near the substation and honked its horn, and the zombies ran towards the car through the door or over the wall.It turned out that Peanut was angry in his heart, and the evil came from his gallbladder, so he drove straight into the car.

Seeing a large number of zombies pulled out, Peanut reversed the car, and the rear of the car knocked the chasing zombies into the air and killed them.Just when the watching stone thought that Peanut was going to drive into the base, Peanut shifted to the forward gear and stepped on the accelerator.The car slammed into the tide of corpses coming out of the substation at a very high speed, flattening the zombies like a scythe, and even bumped into the body of the giant, knocking the giant to the ground.

At the same time, the engine of the car catches fire, and the car will explode after 7 seconds.

Peanut got out of the car and ran wildly, counting the seconds in his mouth, and lay down first. The car explosion swept through the surrounding zombies. Except for the Big Mac, none of the zombies could survive.Peanut ran to the east parking lot without stopping, got into a car and started it, and drove the car out.

Stone shouted anxiously: "Enough, enough." Do you think this is a car repair shop?Cars are tools, not weapons.

Peanut has made a comeback, and there are a large number of zombies resident beside the damaged car, all of them are attracted by the sound of the explosion.Peanut drove another car to death, then knocked down the Big Mac, and continued to get out of the car and run for his life.

This is an invincible assault tactic created by the invincible base using cheap repair kits, a large number of cars, and daily gasoline.First use the impact force of the car to clean up the zombies, and then use the car explosion to clean up the zombies.Get another one when you're done, and get another one if it's not enough...

Because of Invincible's conservative strategy, Invincible Base has never actually used car tactics. Peanut did not expect that he would actually practice it in Shadow Base.

When Peanut was going to drive the third car, he was stopped by a stone: "I said enough."

Peanut looked at the substation and found that his side had successfully occupied the substation.

After occupying the substation, Lin Wu and others squatted on the wall next to the substation, looking at the road not far away. Two scrapped cars completely blocked the road.The first way is to demolish the cars and clear the roads.The second way is to repair the car and clear the road.There are only two repair kits in the warehouse right now.Each repair kit can only repair a certain amount of car durability.

A row of people squatted on the fence, like sparrows standing on wires. Among them, Xuedan was the most distressed: "He blew up Bawang." Bawang is not only Xuedan, but also everyone's favorite car.Invincible Base is a gift specially upgraded for Shadow Base in order to thank Shadow Base for its assistance in defending the city.

Maya said: "It is undeniable that this is a very effective method."

"We can only go out on foot in the future."

Maya: "You can change the repair kit at the market." Obviously she appreciates Peanut's car tactics.

Lin Wu: "The question is, besides a few guns, what supplies do we have?" There are still some serum needles, which can be worth a little money, and the most valuable bullets are now running out because of the waste of the second expedition.

Stone through the command post channel: "Lin Wu is back on duty."

"Oh." Lin Wu looked at the sawmill, the sawmill was bright, Lin Wu said: "I have to say, electricity is the basis of life." Food?Food is the basis of survival.

Maya: "Don't dawdle, go to duty."

Lin Wu left in a resentment, annoyed by the lack of people, and had to be on duty every day.Lin Wu likes to play with guns, and likes to play with guns on the sentry post. He should have been happy to accept this job.Like shooting guns and having to shoot guns are completely different for Lin Wu. Lin Wu subconsciously has a mentality of resistance to going to work.Fortunately, it was just a rebellious mentality. Soon after entering the post, Lin Wu entered the role of sentinel.

Just as Lin Wu was concentrating on killing the zombies, the noise of sawing wood rushed into his eardrums.Lin Wu stretched his head to look in the direction of the factory building, and saw everyone running from the factory building to the backyard with their ears plugged.Sure enough, there is nothing good for free. The cost of adding a building material unit per hour not only increases the threat value, but also requires the player to endure the torture of noise.

Among them, Shanna has the best mentality. She put on a nuclear walkman and sat on the ground to enjoy the whole sawing process.Needless to say, the whole log cutting process is clean and tidy, which is very stress-free.

No noise can be heard outside the safe zone, and zombies will not be directly provoked, which means that the system still retains basic conscience.Why do you say that?Because the sound insulation effect of the barracks dormitory is very poor, all you can hear when lying on the bed are booming and chirping sounds.Even when sleeping and dreaming, the sound of sawing wood echoed in the dream.

The system judged that the quality of the sleeping environment was poor, so the 5 hours of sleep was changed to 6 hours.However, this problem can be solved as long as it lasts until summer, when the system will no longer stipulate sleep time or sleep place.But it is still required that each person must have a bed. If there are not enough beds in the base, all members will be in a state of low morale.

Waking up early in the morning, Lin Wu walked out of the barracks with dull eyes. There were no buildings around, and the sound of sawing wood kept coming from his ears.Lin Wu was about to sit on the ground, Shi La, who was wearing a straw hat, pulled Lin Wu to the farm chair and sat down, and put his straw hat on Lin Wu's head.During this period, Lin Wu didn't struggle or resist, only the sound of booming and chirping in his mind.

Xuedan and Shana were working at the guard post, and the others walked out of the dormitory one after another, looking left and right with empty eyes.When Xiaodao found a place to sit in the backyard, other people also sat side by side, and no one asked why they were sitting here.After sitting for a while, returning to his senses, the knife looked around and shouted, "Where's Lin Wu?"

Xuedan on the sentry replied: "I don't know."

Maya replied through the headset: "It's time to go out."

Xiaodao: "I want to go out too."

Xuedan: "It's dangerous outside."

Lin Wu didn't run far either. After crossing the river, he sneaked through the dangerous area, arrived at the outpost of the substation, climbed to the roof of the control room and lay down, looking beautifully at the blue sky and white clouds.Even the low roar of zombies nearby was far more beautiful than the sound of sawing wood.

After resting for a while, Lin Wu stared at a shopping street a hundred meters away.There are 7 shops in this commercial street, 3 restaurants, 1 bars, 1 small supermarket and [-] clothing store.Apparently before the virus outbreak they mainly served workers in nearby factories.

This street was on the edge of the blood fog, and three and a half shops were shrouded in blood fog.Lin Wu turned over to the wall of the substation and observed carefully. There were not many zombies on the road to the commercial street, but the density of zombies in the commercial street was extremely high.The situation is similar to the experience of stealing books with Maya back then.In order to steal the book that time, Lin Wu ate a corpse smell masking agent before entering the bookstore.

There are eight towering wire towers in the substation. After Lin Wu climbed up the wire towers, he threw a water pipe on the two wires to prove that the wires were not powered.Lin Wu tied his arms with a rope, made a simple safety rope cover, hung it on a wire with one hand, and hung the safety rope cover on the wire with the other hand.Once arranged, move your hands alternately towards the commercial street.

The characteristics of the game are reflected here. If you do such a dangerous thing in reality, you may miss it because of carelessness.As long as you have enough data in the game, you will not fall.

Lin Wu climbed about 30 meters alternately with his hands.When his stamina was exhausted, Lin Wu let go and let the noose hang himself in the air.Stamina slowly recovered to full value, Lin Wu continued to move his hands forward alternately, while constantly moving the knot of the safety rope on the wire.

At this time, everyone in Shadow went to the guard post to watch the excitement, some with binoculars and some with rifles.Xiaodao asked worriedly, "How is he going to get down?"

Two wire towers straddled the middle of the commercial street, and when they reached the rooftop of the commercial street, Lin Wu put down a rope and slid along the rope to the rooftops of a row of shops in the commercial street.There are no zombies on the rooftop, and tents and basic daily necessities can be seen everywhere. It seems that many people have taken refuge on the rooftop.

Opening the patio cover of No. 1 store and flying the drone, Lin Wu obtained information about the zombies in the clothing store of No. 1 store.It is unimaginable that there are 12 zombies in a store less than [-] square meters.

Lin Wu sneaked into the clothing store from the vertical ladder in the patio, and used obstacles and stealth to eliminate the zombies one by one.After spending a lot of time and energy cleaning up the zombies in the clothing store, Lin Wu asked himself a question: Why do you come to the clothing store?

This is not a meaningless question.Lin Wu touched most of the store, only a pile of fabrics and a brown suit.Looking at the brown suit, Lin Wu hesitated. He knew that the suit would fall into the claws of the stone, so he fastened a few embroidery needles on the thigh of the trousers.

After the overall search, there were only two fitting rooms left. Lin Wu pushed open one of the fitting rooms, and there was a lady's satchel hanging in it.Lin Wu fumbled in his satchel and got a key, a box of business cards and some information.On the whole, the owner of the satchel is the supervisor of No. 88 warehouse. Warehouse No. 88 is next door to the sawmill, in the lower right corner of the field.

The second fitting room finally gave Lin Wu a good thing: a bulletproof vest.Although it is unclear why the clothing store sells bulletproof vests, Lin Wu accepted a bulletproof vest that can withstand 5 shots.One-time 'surname' supplies, immune to damage caused by 5 rounds of bullets hitting the vest.In particular, one shot from a shotgun only counts as one damage.

Then there is the restaurant. Shop No. 02 had two food packages, and Lin Wu could only take one away. By the way, he packed the ingredients and found three cookbooks and a kitchen plug-in.However, small grids are scarce at present, and stone has no plans to build a kitchen for the time being.Finally, Lin Wu found a barrel of gasoline in the kitchen.

Why is there gasoline in the kitchen?God knows.

When the load was full, Lin Wu returned to the roof of No. 01 shop, put on the safety rope, grabbed the rope and climbed back to the wire, and hung the safety rope on the wire again.It is very easy for Gao Agility to do these things.

A few boring people in the shadow are imitating Lin Wu to climb the power tower, and even the sentry guards come out to fish.Climbing a power pylon is not difficult, but when climbing with alternating hands on the wire, everyone behaves completely differently.The zero-attribute main Min Shana, she uses up her stamina when she moves about 5 meters.The best performer is the two-body snow egg, whose moving distance is about 10 meters.

Of course, everyone is either really bored, or they are worried when they see Lin Wu going out on an adventure alone, and hope to help with something.They climbed and hung on the wire tower and waited until Lin Wu came back. Lin Wu transferred the things to Shana and Xuedan, and the two sentries went back to take out the garbage and go to work.

After some discussion, Lin Wu went back to the base and took a few more bundles of ropes, returned to the wire tower, tied one end of the two ropes to the wire tower, and then headed towards the commercial street.After the rope is pulled to the end, another rope is connected to the sky above the commercial street.

In the second step, Maya puts on the safety rope, hangs a belt on the wire, connects the A rope to the belt, and grabs the belt with both hands.On the other side, Lin Wu, who reached the rooftop of the commercial street, pulled the rope A, and Maya slipped all the way to the commercial street relying on the toughness and smoothness of the belt.At the top of the roof, Maya untied the safety rope, grabbed the C rope, and slid to the roof of the commercial street.

After searching the full bag, Lin Wu put on the safety rope, climbed up the wire, and grabbed the belt with both hands.Peanut and Horse Soul pulled the B rope and pulled Lin Wu back to the substation.After trading the backpack goods to the knife, Maya pulled the A rope to pull Lin Wu back.

In the case of lack of resources and being surrounded by enemies, the Shadow Base has opened an air corridor.Importantly, the sky corridor not only provides access to the high street.Using the eight wire towers of the substation to connect to the wires in all directions, the shadow can search for many potential resource points including the commercial street.

The disadvantage is that it is troublesome and manpower-intensive, but compared to listening to the noise of sawing wood at the base, everyone is more than happy to do coolies on the power towers of the substation.

Lin Wu is responsible for setting up the air corridor, but Lin Wu cannot be allowed to work alone, so Maya plans to reschedule the shift.Lin Wu strongly objected to this. The reason for his objection was that he was having a good time at first, but he lost motivation in an instant after a shift.I have to be a sentry for 6 hours a day, search for 6 hours a day, pull the rope for 6 hours a day, and sleep for 6 hours a day.24 hours a day is full.

Lin Wu's opinion is that anyone who likes it can play.

Maya is a typical collectivist who pursues collective interests and disapproves of Lin Wu's views.She believes that the Shadow Base is currently short of supplies, and collecting supplies as soon as possible can make the Shadow Base better prepared before the arrival of summer.She only agreed to adjust the working time of looting and rope pulling to 3 hours.

 I didn't ask for leave for the whole June, so give me a thumbs up!

  I will ask for a day off tomorrow, it is summer vacation, everyone can understand and love everyone, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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