Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 200 Weather Station Base

Chapter 200 Weather Station Base

As a sentinel weapon, Timberwolves are extremely ferocious. It has a shooting range of 400 meters, and the scope can see clearly within 400 meters.Coupled with the addition of sentry towers, zombies within a range of more than 500 meters are all targets.The second is the power of the Timberwolves. As long as they don't hit the limbs, ordinary zombies will shoot one by one.Bai Kuangmeng was taken away with a headshot, but Xue Kuangmeng could only get one more shot.The Jumbo shoots twice and kneels once, and after the fourth kneels, he hits and dies.

Although both are bolt-action rifles, the Silencer and the Timberwolf are two completely opposite weapons.The shooting effect brings a huge sense of power, and it is no wonder that Cuiyu is addicted to playing.

With the Timberwolves, the speed of clearing zombies from sentry towers has increased a lot.Lin Wu thought of the .50 heavy machine gun he got during the final event of the second expedition. If the sentinel could be equipped with that weapon, he wouldn't be afraid even if all the six-star siege came were Big Macs.

But even with Timberwolves, Shadow still can't think of a way to take down the first floor of the warehouse. Warehouse No. 88 is the closest material point for Shadow. The office area on the second floor of the warehouse has yielded a lot. One can imagine how many materials there will be in the warehouse on the first floor.


On the fourth day after the sawmill base was built, the shadow members, dispatched by Maya, captured the weather station on the north slope of the sawmill.Lin Wu officially became the only member of the weather station.

The construction area of ​​the weather station is more than 100 square meters, and it is a one-storey building with a height of 5 meters.It consists of three units, namely the left unit, the middle unit and the right unit, each unit is about 40 square meters.In the middle is the bonfire living room, the radio station, and the warehouse are all here.There is a small grid on the left, where a dormitory is built.A small grid on the right is temporarily deserted.

To everyone's surprise, the weather station has two large grids.A large grid is on the roof, which is what everyone thought in advance.There is also a large grid outside the main entrance.After discussion, everyone agreed to build a storehouse on the big grid.After the store was established, everyone happily dumped all the garbage from the shadow item warehouse into the weather station item warehouse. Looking at the clean item warehouse, even people without obsessive-compulsive disorder can look at it comfortably.

Lin Wu glanced at the garbage in the warehouse of his base and remained unmoved. He couldn't see it unless he opened the warehouse.What about the warehouse?Can you believe that there is even mud?In addition, there are crickets, broken cups, pens, pictorials, cans... These things are thrown into the bag when everyone goes out. They don't need to sort them out, and the items will fly to the item warehouse when they return to the base.Fortunately, most of them are miscellaneous items. As long as you don't go to miscellaneous items to find things, the item warehouse is not that bad.

Lin Wu put forward his own opinion: I don't know how to do business.

In view of this, and considering the loss caused by the disbandment of Linwu Death Base, Shitou asked everyone to vote for someone to join the weather station base.After a round of voting, the results came out.First of all, Xiaodao and Xuedan will not go, everyone can't bear to break up the couple, after all, it is too rare for only 10 people to produce such a pair.Shi Shi couldn't go there, and Su Shi couldn't go there.No one dared to vote for Maya.Horse Soul can cook, so he can't give benefits to Lin Wu.Cuiyu is a doctor and must stay at the main base.Compared with Shana, everyone is relatively unfamiliar with Peanut, so they all voted for Shana.

Shanna only joined the Shadow Base in name.Except for going back to the weather station every day when she sleeps, Shanna can move freely in the main base as an ally most of the time.The only restriction is that you can't take things out of the warehouse, but you can put things in the warehouse.

Shanna happily accepted the vote and moved to the weather station with 13 chicks.She built a chicken coop next to the storehouse, and surrounded more than 20 square meters of land with a fence. There are ditches and grass in this land.

After the weather station base is established, its southward safe zone is almost bordered by the northward safe zone of the main base.The closest distance is no more than two meters.The weather station base is about 15 meters higher than the main base. After the weather station base is built as a guard post, the view of the watch tower includes the west parking lot, east parking lot, north gate and about 40% of the backyard of the main base.The four gates of the main base are all within the range of the weather station sentry tower.

To the south of the weather station is the main base, to the west is the slope grassland, and beyond that is the road, which used to be a glass cutting factory.To the east is the slope meadow, the slope meadow, the slope meadow, and then the fire station.To the north of the weather station is a hillside, a higher hillside, and then a road.To the north of the road is a lumber field, and to the north of the lumber field is an afforestation field, which connects to a mountain range.

The highway north of the weather station is named Highway 99, which is at the same height as the weather station guard post.What's interesting is that the road sign on Route 99 shows that it can lead to Fantasy City, one of the top ten super cities, with a distance of 750 kilometers.The street sign shows that the nearest town is 250 kilometers away. This town is not a town going north and south, but a town called Lemon.

Maya found from the information that the town of Leman has a permanent population of more than 3000 people. It has a large military-civilian dual-use cargo airport and an exclusive airport supporting the military base.Most of the town's people are related to flying or working in the military.The town is like a large military base. Soldiers and officers live near the base, and many supporting commercial facilities appear, eventually forming a small town.

Currently the cars in Shadow Base are gas guzzling.In the absence of zombies and smooth traffic, about 250 liters of gasoline are needed to run 30 kilometers. The standard gasoline barrel of the game is 5 liters, and 6 barrels of gasoline are needed to reach the small town of Lemon.It may take several days to go back and forth, and due to the unpredictable situation, Maya temporarily gave up the idea of ​​visiting the small town of Lemon.

However, the road signs gave Maya inspiration. If she relocates the base in the future, she can consider going in the direction of Lemon Town and Fantasy City instead of going to Beicheng.After feeling the pressure of survival in Zuo County, Maya believed that although there were abundant supplies in big cities, the threat to life was too high.As food rots in the summer, the advantages of abundance in big cities will disappear.

Shana agrees with Maya, she believes that planting and breeding should be the answer to the end of the world, and the big cities obviously cannot give this answer.The county seat should be the largest city unit that players can survive.

The two deputy commanders took a walk to discuss the future of the shadow while releasing the chicken.Lin Wu on the sentry post informed them of his new discovery: "There is a manhole cover beside Highway 99."

Shana said: "It should be used for highway flood discharge." There are many manhole covers in the city, but many manhole covers are not sewer manhole covers, but cables, natural gas, and water pipes. These pipes are not connected to the sewer.Sewers, as the name suggests, are facilities that treat domestic wastewater and urban rainfall.

Under the cover of Lin Wu, the two deputy commanders walked to Highway 99 and found the manhole cover that Lin Wu said.The manhole cover is outside the highway guardrail, and many drainage outlets can be seen along the manhole cover. This is a typical manhole cover for the maintenance channel of the flood channel.The function of the manhole cover is not to allow water to be poured into the sewer, but to provide an entrance for dredging and maintenance.

Maya removes the manhole cover, Shanna enters it, and sees the sewer blueprint.This sewer blueprint is very simple and special, and it is independent of the sewer.Except for Highway 99, there are only four entrances and exits on the blueprint, which seems to be a sewer system independent of the city sewer and dedicated to flood discharge.

Now it is necessary to investigate the positions of the four entrances and exits, hoping to open the range of activities of the shadow through the four entrances and exits.After a simple investigation, Maya called everyone to a meeting through the headset, preparing to form an expedition team into the sewer.

Flood sewers have several characteristics.The first feature is that the passage is very spacious.The second characteristic is that there is no peculiar smell.The third feature is that there are a lot of zombies inside.Simple investigations obtained information clues that showed that before the outbreak of the zombie virus, the Shuixi Industrial Zone organized a migration.They took food and clean water into the flood drains for shelter.Of course, there are no eggs under the overturned nest, and in the end they did not escape the fate of death.

Shana: "The main waterway of Sewer No. 99 is four meters high and 3 meters wide. The lighting is very poor. The branch waterway is relatively narrow, only about 1.5 meters wide, and there are a lot of them. Maya and I suspect that there are night monsters hiding in the waterway. The good news is that the drainage holes can provide a certain amount of light during the day. However, the distribution of drainage holes is not uniform, and there is no pattern."

Peanut asked: "When being chased by the Night Demon, can I run to the light source of the drainage hole to avoid it?"

Lin Wu said: "Based on what I know about the Night Demon, the possibility of chasing and killing him is very small. Basically, he would burp on the spot. Except for the double-bodied snow egg, none of you here can run away from the Night Demon."

Maya asked: "Lin Wu, how many times have you dealt with night demons? Is there any pre-discovery method? For example, the sound of blind bats, the sound of six wings breaking through the air, and the giant shaking the ground."

Lin Wu recalled for a while and said: "The smell of blood, when it opens its mouth to bite you, you can smell a strong smell of blood."

Maya said: "Then you can only use weapons to advance all the way through artificial lighting. The team is divided into two waves, one wave advances, and the other wave defends against attacks that may come from behind. Although the night devils are very powerful, they are relatively small in number. They can be dealt with with light noise weapons such as crossbows and pistols, combined with melee weapons."

Xiaodao asked: "Where did you meet the Big Mac?"

Maya replied: "Retreat, and don't fight with the Big Mac outside the safe zone." The sewer is also considered indoors, and generally speaking, the Big Mac will not be brushed indoors.How can Lin Wu explain that he met two people indoors?Don't talk about probability with blood plague survivors.

Looking around everyone, seeing that everyone has no problem, Maya divided into groups: "Xiaodao, Shana, Peanut, Xuedan and I are the front group. Lin Wu, Ma Hun and Cui Yu are the rear group. Everyone carries portable lighting, 5 flashlights for the front team, and the rear team uses flashlights or miners' lamps." The flashlight is like a large button. The light it emits will not disturb the zombies, but the light source is weak.Different light conditions such as flashlights will disturb the zombies and attract their attention and attack.

Peanuts have night vision.Note that it is night vision ability, not dark vision ability.Darkness at night is not the same as a dark space.Simply put, Peanut cannot use night vision during the day.

Or why do you think that a good-natured young man like Lin Wu would have trouble with Shuguang?

Shitou explained: "Safety first." This is Stud.You are going to die, and I will not live anymore.He couldn't survive anyway, and it seemed more heroic to die in love with Su Shi.


Shana and Maya stood beside the blueprint and talked in a low voice. From the blueprint, they found the route to the entrance of the river in the south of the base.After assisting Shana to review the route, Maya called everyone to set off.

The Silent One is more suitable for medium and long-distance precise sniping. Lin Wu is holding the Silent Night revolver now.He likes the gun himself, especially the long barrel looks really cool.

Passing through an intersection, there is a small fork on the left, which is presumably provided for certain drainage points.The front team passed after inspecting the fork at the fork.The three of Lin Wu followed, and after passing the fork, the flashlight on Ma Hun's tactical pistol shone at the fork and passed by.

"Stop." Lin Wu squatted and sneaked: "There is a shadow around the corner."

Cui Yu said: "If there are zombies, they should come out."

"Unless it's a night devil." Lin Wu's miner's lamp illuminated the ten-meter-long path clearly.There is no shadow at the right turn position.Lin Wu stepped forward quickly, turned around against the corner and raised his gun, but he didn't see any zombies.There is only one trail drain and multiple trails connect to this trail.

The spillway of the game is very regular.There is a trail under the 3 drains on the ground, and the water from the 3 drains will enter the trail. There are 9 trails for 3 outfalls, and the water flows from the trails to a transverse trail.The more scuppers, the more trails.If there are not enough outfalls, not enough trails, or narrow passages, a single hour of heavy rain can turn a city into a lake.Also known as waterlogging.

One of the reasons why global cities in the 21st century are frequently flooded is that there are no dedicated spillways.Many spillways are intermingled with city sewers.For convenience, some cities do not dig sewers, but use pipes instead.Once the number of residents increases and heavy rains occur again, it is easy to cause waterlogging.

The flood discharge channel of the game connects multiple roads with one road. It cannot be said to be a maze, but there are quite a few forks in the road.

Lin Wu returned to the main road, which is the main road where the flood entered the river, and shook his head at everyone.Maya nodded to show that she understood, and directed the team to move forward.

After walking for tens of meters, a battle broke out. More than 20 zombies blocked the way, and everyone wiped them out with melee weapons and crossbow arrows.After two more battles, Maya discovered that zombies like places with light.Zombies will appear wherever there is sunlight shining through drains overhead.

At the end of the third battle, Shanna led people into the trail, or the middle trail, which was narrower than the main road but wider than the usual trails. At this time, it was only 50 meters away from the first sewer exit.

"Wait." Lin Wu stopped again, walked into the ten-meter-deep side path, turned around at the corner, and still didn't find the target.Lin Wu retreated, put down a bear trap at the corner, and joined the large army.

Just as Lin Wu took a few steps, the sound of the trap closing came from behind him, and Lin Wu immediately turned his head.Under the miner's lamp, a night devil was trying to escape with a trap on its foot. Lin Wu immediately shot, killing him with two shots and one headshot, and went forward to touch the corpse.The weakness of night devil is that it is relatively brittle, and headshots are enough.On the other hand, its brother, the blind bat, needs three headshots to kill.Of course, its sister sun devil is a joke, at least in winter, because it not only walks slowly, but also leaves footprints, and the success rate of sneak attacks is very low.

"Night devil?" Everyone rushed to fill the path.

Lin Wu nodded, and searched to get the night demon's eyes.This is a pharmaceutical material. After taking the medicine, you can gain 10 minutes of night vision.Lin Wu handed his eyes to Cui Yu.Although the eyes are very cute, like a glass bead, Cuiyu still felt quite disgusted, but as a doctor, she bravely accepted it.

"Night devils can be used as medicine." Lin Wu said, "This is the first time I've heard of it."

Xiaodao said: "You have killed a few night devils anyway, I have never confronted them head-on."

Lin Wu said: "Trust me, you won't want to fight it."

Most of the people had never seen Ye Mo, so they asked Lin Wu when they saw what Lin Wu said.Lin Wu could only explain in general terms.One way for him to kill the night devil is to use the sunlight. At that time, the night devil was more pitiful than the little girl who was robbed of her lollipop.There is also black to black, speaking with firepower and skills.Basically, there is no trick, life and death are separated by action.

 Let me tell you something I heard when a few friends made tea and chatted last week.

  A friend of a friend, let's call it AA.His wife is very beautiful and young, and she likes to dress up every day.Even so, AA is more at ease.

  About a month ago, AA's wife went back to her hometown to attend her cousin's wedding and went there for two nights.About two weeks after this incident, AA received an anonymous text message, which said brother AA (the last two characters of the name), sister-in-law is in orbit, and I have a video.

  Only the little girl from his wife's natal family or the youngster who is younger than him will call AA Brother AA. AA suspects, is there something wrong with the wedding?
  This entanglement lasted for three days, and he definitely couldn't ask. Even if he had, his wife would not admit it, and he was too embarrassed to discuss it with his friends, so he tried to contact the other party through text messages.

  The other party gave a screenshot of the video, which showed AA's wife without clothes,

  The other party asked AA to swear to keep it secret, and it cannot be said that he gave AA the video. AA agreed, but the other party changed his mind again, saying forget it, just pretending that he didn't say anything, and he explained that he just sent a text message to AA because he complained after drinking.

  The next steps are not clear.

  AA wanted to get the video very much and bought it for 4800 yuan.The video is very short, only about ten seconds, and it is not clear, but basically it can be identified as AA wife,

  The number of words is not enough, so to make a long story short: In the end, AA was cheated by more than 4 yuan by the head-changing technique.

  Saying this is not to persuade everyone not to get married.I don't want to tell everyone that if you have money, you can find a young and beautiful wife.Instead, let everyone be more careful in daily life, and prevent the police from being deceived.

(End of this chapter)

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