Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 201 Explore

Chapter 201 Explore
Chatting, walking and killing, all the way to the No. 1 passage easily.

Shana stopped and said: "Passage No. 1 is here. Note that the blueprint does not indicate the location above. According to the route and distance, I think this exit is 88 meters east of Warehouse No. 200."

Maya snapped her fingers and pointed forward, and Lin Wu stepped forward.Up to the straight ladder, Lin Wu lifted it, and then lifted it again, exhausting all his stamina in one fell swoop...

Lin Wu said: "It seems that a car is crushed on it." It didn't move at all, but barely moved 0.1 shrimp. (Xiami, blue star length unit. It is said that it is a specific measurement unit set up to commemorate a certain non-famous non-mainstream network writer, which cannot be tested now.)
Maya's power-level contestant went up the straight ladder, raised both hands, and his stamina was instantaneous. He only lifted the manhole cover a little bit, and shook his head to the people below: "No."

Twin Snow Egg said: "Let me try."

Xuedan went up the straight ladder, held it up with both hands, and the overlord lifted the tripod, and the entire stamina bar reached the bottom in an instant.With his shout, the manhole cover flew up, turned half a circle in the air and fell to the side.

Xue Dan looked down at everyone: "Are you guys joking?"

As soon as Xue Dan finished speaking, he suddenly saw that everyone was frightened, and the scene was in a mess: "Come down, hurry up, run." What's more, they directly pulled Xue Dan.

Xuedan looked up, only to see a head looking at him, and was stunned for a moment: "Great, giant..."

Jumbo reached into the mouth of the well with one hand, grabbed Xuedan's left hand, and everyone hugged Xuedan together and pulled down.After a wail, Xuedan's left hand was forcibly torn off.Everyone didn't care, dragged Xuedan and ran away. After running for more than ten meters, seeing that the Big Mac couldn't come in, they had time to check Xuedan's injury.

Xuedan was lying on the ground, Xiaodao was kneeling and weeping, while bandaging Xuedan: "I'll send you back right away."

Xuedan: "Give me a painkiller first."

After taking the painkiller, Xuedan sighed softly, looked at Xiaodao affectionately and said, "Tear wound, it can't stop the bleeding, it's useless. I'm leaving, you have to take good care of yourself."

"No, I have a lot of bandages." Xiaodao kept wrapping bandages while crying.

Xuedan put her hand on the back of the knife and said softly, "Forget it."

Xiaodao burst into tears: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I should marry you."

Xuedan smiled and said, "Fool, this has nothing to do with you."

Everyone wept sadly.

Xiaodao wiped away tears and asked, "What do I think of you?"

Xuedan: "Whenever in the evening, you look up to the west, you will see the brightest star. You will know that I am also looking at the star and thinking of you."

"Can I interrupt?" Lin Wu took out a bandage: "I have a high-level professional bandage here."

Everyone watched Lin Wu together, Lin Wu said: "It's a long story."

The knife quickly put a bandage on Xuedan, and Xuedan said happily: "The torn wound is healing, and it can withstand the blood return after taking medicine."

Xiaodao hugged Xuedan happily: "That's great."

Lin Wu left and said, "Fools, leave, he will take good care of himself."

Peanut walked and sang: "When I miss you, you are the brightest star."

Lin Wu turned his head to Peanut, and said, "I only have one doubt. What he broke was his hand, why did he lie on the ground?"

Peanut fell into deep thought and said, "That's a good question."

This result is also a happy one.Xuedan's injury needs treatment. Although professional bandages can stop the bleeding, Cuiyu's help is needed to regrow her left hand.A group of people had to retreat from the original road.

Back at the base ward, Xuedan lay on the hospital bed and vomited blood with Cuiyu, and the treatment for the severed limb took 12 hours.

This opened Lin Wu's mind, and he asked Maya beside him, "If there is no food in summer, can we eat one thigh every day?" With Cuiyu's healing efficiency, assuming no rest, we can eat two thighs a day, mixed with some grains and grasses to make soup, which should be enough for 10 people to eat.Compared with the farmer Shitou, the doctor Cuiyu can produce more food every day.

Maya couldn't help but knocked Lin Wu's head to let him return to normal, and greeted: "Others continue."

Lin Wu looked at Xiaodao: "She won't go, will she? She has to take care of her family."

As soon as Xiaodao heard this, she rushed up to fight for her life, but how could she catch up with Lin Wu.The two ran around the crowd twice, the knife stomped on the spot angrily, and knocked out the laughing Peanut with a fist: "You are the only one who can sing, and you are the only one who can sing."

The expedition was reduced to six people.


The expedition team successfully arrived at the entrance of No. 1 channel, and the manhole cover has been lifted.Lin Wu released the drone at the mouth of the well: "The football field is only an open football field with three floors of stands on one side. It should be an entertainment area for workers after work. Yes, this is a large grassy park, and there are fitness facilities not far away. About 300 meters away from the football field, there is an L-shaped apartment building with a height of 5 floors. It consists of 6 buildings and has an underground parking lot. Many cars are parked on the right side of the road of the apartment building."

Maya asked, "Are there any zombies nearby?"

Lin Wu replied: "The giant is 15 meters away, there is no wave of corpses, and the density of zombies is low."

Hearing what Lin Wu said, Maya pulled Lin Wu down, stretched out her head to see the situation, and came back to whisper with Shana while drawing pictures.Maya said: "The resources are located in these six apartment buildings, and the distance is far away, so it is not a suitable place to search."

Shana opened the system map given by Nightmare and searched for a while: "The football field is to the east of our base, about one kilometer away from the sawmill base in a straight line. This is a living area, and there are 20 single-family villas nearby. It should be the residence of external technicians."

The yawning Lin Wu noticed Xiaowai, who was staring at the dark corner more than ten meters away.Lin Wu patted the dog's head, turned off the miner's lamp, took out his pistol and sneaked closer.With his body pressed against the corner, Lin Wu turned on the miner's lamp and turned around to go out of the corner. A night monster suddenly appeared three meters away.Lin Wu couldn't lock his head, knowing that the distance was not enough, he wanted to take a step forward, but Ye Mo didn't attack Lin Wu, but ran away.

Lin Wu shot continuously and missed Ye Mo's head. Seeing Ye Mo turn around the corner and disappear, Lin Wu, who had only chased after a few steps, cursed angrily, "You are greedy for life and afraid of death, what kind of zombie are you?"

After the words fell, a Night Demon jumped out from the side passage, stretched out its strong left arm, and grabbed Lin Wu with a hand with sharp claws.It was too late for Lin Wu to react, so he could only dodge with the wind thorn, and the claws went deep into the flesh, leaving four bloody mouths.

Locking the head, Lin Wu counterattacked and killed the Night Demon.

If you didn't kill me, then I will kill you.The battle with the night devil is life and death face to face.


Stone watched Lin Wu enter the infirmary, and then looked at Maya: "Did you go to hell? How do you injure one at a time?" Lin Wu's wounds can be bought with ordinary bandages for time.

Maya apologized: "My fault." Lin Wu felt that there was a night demon, and Lin Wu killed the night demon.At this time, I should come up with a plan to prevent night monsters.Maya saw Lin Wu's actions before he was injured, and in her opinion, it would not be a problem for Lin Wu to deal with a night devil when he was on guard.It's just that Ye Mo's IQ is so high that he has learned the trick of luring the enemy to go deep.

In fact, as early as when the checkpoint met the Night Demon, Lin Wu and Maya had discovered that the Night Demon would use the terrain conditions to track humans and choose the most suitable time to strike. There are demons in the No. 99 underground passage, which means that there are other unknown secrets or treasures in the No. 99 underground passage.It is also possible that passageway 99 can lead to secrets or treasures.

Due to the lack of forest fog, the expedition team could only rest in place.The happiest thing about this situation is the knife, which can not only accompany the injured family members, but also revenge and revenge.

Lin Wu on the hospital bed immediately confessed: "I won't bully you next time, and I won't let others bully you."

snort!Xiaodao turned to face another hospital bed, focusing on taking care of Xuedan.In fact, I was afraid that Xuedan would be bored lying in bed for 12 hours, so I talked to him.Men and women are different. When men and women fall in love, women will sink deeper and deeper, while men will float faster and faster.

Feeling in love with the scene, Lin Wu remembered the story that Uncle Lan Xing told himself.The uncle warned his daughter not to live with her boyfriend before marriage.Not because of other reasons, but because after a man obtains a substantive marriage, he will look at the substantive marriage more objectively and rationally, and will feel the sense of responsibility and pressure brought by marriage.The uncle told Lin Wu that after a man and a woman get married, the test of family harmony is not based on the strengths of two people, but on the shortcomings of two people.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, the expedition team set off again. This time, six people formed groups of two to coordinate with each other and cover each other.Maya asked every fork in the road to be inspected, and everyone kept their guns in their hands. Chatting and joking were not allowed on the road, and they were always vigilant.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the expedition team arrived at Exit 2. Exit 2 is indoors, and it is the second-floor underground parking lot.There are very few vehicles and they are all scrapped.There were not many zombies, Maya asked Peanut to guard near the entrance, and the others searched for the map separately.

After a bit of searching, I found only a map showing how to drive from the second basement to the first basement.But Lin Wu made a new discovery, he found an elevator.There are buttons for the second floor, the first floor and the fifth floor in the elevator, and Happy Cinema is written next to the button for the fifth floor. There are stairs above the 5st floor, and the underground parking lot must use the elevator to go upstairs.

The next discoverer was Knife.This is a small square building with a vertical elevator written on the door.Lin Wu and Maya entered it after killing three zombies and one madman.There are two elevators inside, leading to the first floor and the third floor and the first floor and the fourth floor respectively. The 3rd floor is a gourmet paradise, and the 4th floor is a toy world.

After obtaining this information, Maya said with certainty: "The shopping mall is a comprehensive shopping mall."

Shanna said: "The elevator can't work, we can only walk out of the mall along the driveway."

Maya disagreed: "The purpose of our coming here is to search. If you have to walk hundreds of meters, or even kilometers, to reach the first floor, it is not only inefficient, but also dangerous. Lin Wu, is there a night demon?"

The underground parking lot was dark except for the lighting equipment everyone carried and the light source brought by the torches.

Lin Wu replied: "I didn't feel it, I didn't notice it."

Shanna asked, "What do you think?"

Shana didn't answer, she opened the door of No. 1 elevator, and everyone helped.After opening it and looking down, it is a pit that is not too deep. Looking up, the elevator is suspended on the negative floor. "

Open the No. 2 elevator door, and the elevator is also suspended on the negative floor.Maya took people back to the exclusive elevator of the cinema, and the exclusive elevator stopped on the 5th floor.

Maya greeted Lin Wushang, followed Lin Wu by herself, and asked the others to wait in place temporarily and be careful.Lin Ma climbed up the maintenance ladder in the elevator shaft.First, go through the elevator door on the negative floor, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors are all walls.Maya called Lin Wu back to the ground: "No, you have to find an elevator with elevator doors above the first floor. There must be freight elevators in this kind of shopping mall, and the freight elevators stop on every floor."

Everyone continued to search, only to find that the mall was quite large. Shanna found the mall on the map according to its location.The shopping mall is two kilometers away from the sawmill in a straight line. There is a commercial street next to the shopping mall and a school nearby.

Maya and Lin Wu asked in unison, "Shuixi Middle School?"

Shanna nodded: "What's wrong?"

"Mission." When he went to Zuo County to search in winter, Lin Ma found a message sent to some people by the Fortress Company through agents on the plank road.The message reads: Boarding at 10 o'clock tomorrow night, Shuixi Middle School playground.Password: lingering fragrance in hand.

Maya took the map and looked at it, and found that the shopping mall was still 500 meters away from Shuixi Middle School.Shuixi Middle School is built on a high point, and the main entrance is connected to the commercial street by a slope.To get to Shuixi Middle School, you have to go not only through the shopping mall, but also through the entire commercial street, which is very difficult and dangerous.

Maya looked at the time, and it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. She went through the blueprint in her mind and said, "Go to Exit 3."


Lin Wu went up the straight ladder, slowly lifted the manhole cover and waited for a while, and then released the drone when there was no movement.

Lin Wu: "Above is the sidewalk, on the right is about 40 meters away from the river, and on the left are two five-story office buildings. Tomorrow's high-end business office building and the day after tomorrow's luxury business office building. Wow..."


Lin Wu looked at it for a while, and said: "There is a parking lot in front of the gate on the first floor of the office building. There are not many vehicles, almost all of which are scrapped vehicles. Among them is a very beautiful black jeep with a fortress logo on the top of the jeep."

Maya asked, "How far away?"

Lin Wu calculated: "It's about a hundred meters. Cross the road and walk across the turf. There is a small coffee burger shop between the two office buildings. Walk to the left of the burger shop to the business office building, and walk about 40 meters to the parking lot. Walk another 30 meters to reach the entrance of the office building. Currently there is a Big Mac near the coffee shop, and there are two madmen on the grass on the left. The worst thing is that the entire business office building is covered in blood mist."

Shanna draws a picture, and Maya asks, "Where is the car?"

Lin Wu said: "Among the parking spaces closest to the gate, the three parking spaces closest to the gate are parking spaces for the disabled. The jeep is parked in the first parking space for normal people, and there is a sign beside the parking space that says exclusive parking spaces, please do not park."

Maya said: "If I'm not mistaken, at least one floor of this building is related to the Fortress Company, and maybe the entire building belongs to the Fortress Company. This place is not far from Shuixi Middle School. The purpose of Night Demon's existence is to guard the underground passage and prevent players from reaching the Fortress Company."

Lin Wu said: "There is an overpass on the side of the road where we are located, and the overpass directly leads to the second-floor rooftop of the fortress office building. There is a protruding rooftop on the second floor. You can drive across the overpass from the second-floor rooftop of the office building and drive the car to the river. There is a pier by the river. There is a sign on the pier: corporate property, do not use. There are also stone walls inlaid with iron fences installed on both sides of the road from the overpass to the river."

The people of Fortress can reach the river through the river, transfer to a car and drive across the bridge to the second floor of the office building.There is also an apron on the highest roof of the office building.It is not difficult to guess from such handwriting that this office building must be related to Fortress.

Maya said: "Go out of the river and enter the Nancheng River, and you can go to the sea after driving on the Nancheng River for an hour and a half. This office building is not so simple. If you guess correctly, this should be the branch of the Fortress Company in Zuo County, or it may be a secret laboratory."

Shana reminded: "I don't have time to investigate the office building today."

(End of this chapter)

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