Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 204 Zuo County Hotel

Chapter 204 Zuo County Hotel
Lin Wu explored stealthily and walked more than half a circle around the rooftop, only to find 35 soldier zombies.They didn't disperse, but walked or didn't go around the helicopter within 10 meters.

Lin Wu squatted 20 meters away from the helicopter to observe carefully for a long time and found the problem.Turning to the passage, the passage is empty, and the doors of the two elevators are tightly closed.Looking down from the stairs, I didn't see any zombies.When Lin Wu turned his head to return to the rooftop, he realized something was wrong, there was water stains beside the elevator.Just like a person walking from the rain to the elevator entrance to stay, the water drops kept dripping down.

Lin Wu took out Ji Ye and fired a shot in the direction of the water drop, and a hole immediately appeared.Lin Wu locked his head without hesitation, shot down, and a corpse fell to the ground.

It's the sun devil!Not only the Sun Demon, but also the Poor Demon.

Lin Wu went back to the helicopter and flew the drone again. The scan found 10 zombies within 42 meters around the helicopter. Lin Wu counted again and found only 35 soldier zombies.In other words, there are 7 sun devils mixed in with the soldiers.

This is difficult.Soldier zombies have a characteristic. Wearing body armor and helmets, they are very resistant to guns.Lin Wu's silencers can't kill them with headshots unless they use armor-piercing bullets. Headshots with 5.56 bullets can kill them, but there is a shortage of 5.56 bullets in the base, and there are only more than 50 rounds together.

The best way to deal with soldier zombies is to fight in melee, knock off the helmet, and smash the head.Or it is directly trampled to death with a knife and Maya's beheading swordsmanship.Lin Wu's wind thorn is also very useful.But the situation is different if there are 7 sun devils in it. Even Lin Wu can't be sure when he will be seen through stealth, and whether he will bump into the sun devils if he enters the corpse group.

Although the sun devil is not as agile as the night devil, its mouth is similar to that of the night devil, and it bleeds heavily when it bites down.At present, ordinary bandages can only stop bleeding for 5 minutes. It takes more than an hour to return to the base from here, and at least 15 bandages are needed.A big family and a big business can't stand such consumption.Once someone bleeds unhealably, the entire team must retreat.


The first person to get out of the sewer was Peanut, and the first sentence he said was: "The shadow is too fun." Compared with the invincible base, he felt that the shadow was playing a game.

"It's your fun." The fun of drilling pipes is definitely not the reason for the pipes.

Peanut smiled and punched Lin Wu.

After 5 minutes, all the personnel arrived at the roof, everyone connected the ropes and lowered the ropes to the ground.Then start counting and confirm that there are 35 soldier zombies.

The drone hovered overhead, and Maya slowly approached the helicopter. Lin Wu stared at the drone's scanning display: "Stop, back, back."

Maya backed away slowly with the Tang knife in her hand.


Maya stood up and slashed at the air in front of her, triggering the beheading, and the body of the Sun Demon fell to the ground.

Shana said: "There are six more."

Maya came again, but this time it did not attract the Sun Demon, but alarmed two soldier zombies.The soldier zombies howled and ran towards Maya, who turned around and ran: "Lin Wu?"

Lin Wu looked at the scan: "Give me some time, the dynamic scan can't see clearly." The 35 zombies were not moving, or walking slowly, and the drone could clearly send the scan.Once the zombies start running, there will be ghost images. After all, it is the lowest drone, and the requirements cannot be so high.

"Hurry up." Maya pulled the two zombies to the empty apron in the northeast direction, and the surrounding people were already in place, waiting for Lin Wu's order.

"3." Lin Wu said, "There are 3 zombies."

Everyone only saw two soldier zombies, which means that there is a sun devil in the middle of the two soldier zombies, and it is likely to be injured in close combat.

"Persevere." After Lin Wu finished speaking, he rushed to the elevator room and took out the round trash cans next to the two elevator doors.Lin Wu put the trash can down and rolled towards Maya. Maya jumped over the trash can one by one. The two zombie soldiers separated one from the other and continued to chase Maya.At this time, the trash can made a sound and shook it.Lin Wu saw it clearly: "Xiaodao, go up and trample to death. No, run, you have already stood up."

While speaking, the knife had already run to the trash can.Instead of following Lin Wu's suggestion, she continuously punched the air she guessed, but the punches fell through the air.Lin Wu: "It bypasses the trash can."

Xiaodao jumped over the trash can, and the sun demon attracted by Xiaodao attacked Xiaodao, and tripped over the trash can again without accident.Compared with its brother night devil, its flexibility is really poor.Knife kicked out and kicked the sun devil's body, judged the approximate location of the sun devil, and stomped on the sun devil's head.

As soon as the Sun Demon died, Maya confronted the two soldier zombies single-handedly, slashed stiffly continuously, triggered decapitation, and chopped off the head and helmet together.Everyone who appreciated the whole process was full of praise for the Tang Dao in Maya's hand, after all, everyone was ashamed to praise Xiao Dao's feet.

There are 33 zombies and 5 sun devils left.The Shadow Seven is not afraid of 5 sun devils, it's just that the system is too fucked up.Injuries, especially bleeding injuries, must be returned to base for treatment.Only at this time can I think of the goodness of the first responders in the field. If such a doctor is by my side, everyone will not have too many worries.

3 ropes are tied into a rope ladder, and one rope remains.

Lin Wu crouched stealthily, turning the noose in his hand, and flung the noose out like an ancient cowboy movie.Not to mention, the result wasn't too bad, it almost caught a zombie.After two more efforts, the noose successfully caught the zombie 5 meters away. Lin Wu pulled the rope, and the rope was tied around the zombie's waist.

Xue Dan and Ma Hun, who were holding the other end of the rope, used both hands to drag the zombie from the pile of zombies and bring it to Xiaodao's feet.Xiaodao kicked up and down, crushing the zombie's helmet with one foot, and crushing the helmet and head with the second foot.Lin Wu hadn't seen the knife in action for many days, and seeing that it took all the soft and the hard, he was also shocked by the power of her feet.

Shana took the noose and ran to Lin Wu, and threw the noose to Lin Wu.Lin Wu continued to swing the noose, this time it seemed to be empty, but it caught the Sun Demon.Lin Wu immediately showed the expression that he wanted to trap the Sun Demon, but everyone didn't have time to appreciate it, so he dragged the rope and pulled the Sun Demon to the knife's feet to die.

Lin Wu's noose is thrown more and more accurately, all thanks to his stealth skills, which allow him to attack zombies at a distance of 5 meters.Although it is still far behind the professional cowboy technique of riding a horse and throwing a holster, it is already very good for Lin Wu's pragmatists.You can use it.

As Lin Wu's accuracy gradually improved, zombies fell at the feet of Xiaodao's Xiaodao one by one.Without the cover of ordinary zombies, the remaining few sun devils had nowhere to hide under the drone's scan, and they completely wiped out the sun devils with a few pistol bullets.After spending an hour and a half, the shadow finally took over the helicopter.



The harvest was good, but not as expected.Lin Wu opened the last box, and there lay a gun that looked like a gun but was not a gun.It looks a bit like a shotgun, with a telescoping tripod, and looks a bit like a heavy machine gun.The barrel was very thick, and there were belts hanging on both sides, and six large bullets were inserted in the belt.The above is Lin Wu's understanding of this gun.

When Maya saw the gun, her eyes widened, and she picked it up in surprise and watched it in her hand: "M7 special launcher for grenade." Then she gave everyone a popular science.Grenade guns are commonly used firearms in the second half of the 20th century. Many ordinary firearms are equipped with such accessories as grenade launchers, which can be used to fire bullets or launch grenades through the grenade launcher pendant.The grenade can shoot a parabola, which can not only deal with enemies hiding in trenches, but also deal with lightly armored vehicles.

In the game, this product is called a grenade launcher instead of a grenade launcher, which means that the system recognizes this product as a gun, which means that you can enjoy unlimited grenade treatment in the base.

However, things have two sides, and the lethality and area of ​​​​the grenade are beyond doubt.But the grenade is an explosive, not only will it make a lot of noise, but the shock waves and debris after the explosion will also damage the facilities of the base.For zombies, the most important thing is the head rather than the body. Dozens of fragments inserted into the body are not fatal.

Thinking about the actual combat effect of the grenade launcher, I am sorry for Maya's surprise.However, Lin Wu, who is good at brainstorming, endowed it with a special use: "The maximum range is 400 meters. It can be used by sentries to launch grenades at an open space. After the explosion, all the zombies around ran to the explosion point to watch the excitement, and the sentries added another grenade. Using this, we can obtain miraculous effects in the process of capturing resource points around the base."

Everyone agreed, and Maya gave Lin Wu a thumbs up, and happily put away the grenade launcher.The grenade made Maya fantasize about the future, maybe she could form a shadow mortar team in the future.Be a little more daring and even form an artillery squad.


A group of people entered the elevator room, but the elevator was not working properly, and everyone went down the stairs to the 35th floor. The fire doors on the 35th floor were closed and could not be opened from the outside.Lin Wu went down the stairs to the 30th floor, and found that all the fire doors could not be opened, and seemed to be locked from the inside.

Maya thought that it might be the zombie attack, and the people in the hotel blocked the safe passage for self-protection.Of course these people must have died, because the virus cannot be stopped by a door.


Another option is to take the elevator shaft.

The process went smoothly. Maya opened the rooftop elevator, went down to the 35th floor and opened the elevator door.As soon as a gap was opened, a zombie head came out.Even though Maya had the guts to go to heaven and earth, she immediately screamed in fright.Screaming is instinct, and fighting is also instinct. The next second, Maya hit the zombie's head back with her forehead.

Xuedan, who was watching the excitement above, turned to Xiao Dao and said, "I told you earlier that you are not violent at all."

"Aunt..." The people around immediately had goosebumps.

Below, Maya held a crossbow with one hand, shot a zombie outside the elevator, and said in the headset: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wu responded by pressing the headset: "Here we come."

Lin Wu followed the maintenance elevator to the 35th floor. After looking around, he got in through the opened elevator door.

A standard hotel carpet was laid on the floor, and the service desk on the floor was on the left. A female zombie wearing a waiter's work uniform raised her head inside the service desk.Even if she turned into a zombie, it can be seen that she was a beautiful woman before she was alive.Lin Wu took the backstab: "The zombies in five-star hotels wear better clothes than those outside."

This situation is relatively rare. Normal zombies are dressed in tattered clothes, and their appearance is basically carved out of several molds.The first time I met a person wearing professional clothes was in the A6 laboratory, where many researchers turned zombies into white coats.

Lin Wu touched the corpse and reported: "I got a 35th floor card." It can open the cards of all the rooms on the 35th floor.

Maya: "Continue to investigate."

Lin Wu reported: "This hotel is a bit high-end, I don't understand it."

Maya: "Describe."

Lin Wu said: "On the right side of the elevator entrance is the fire door, which is locked by an iron chain and a padlock. On the left side is a garden with a rockery and flowing water, about 01 square meters. A corridor surrounds the garden. There are rooms beside the corridor. The nearest room is VIP[-]."

Shana said: "A high-end business hotel floor. It's not very high-end. Normally, it should be equipped with a playground and swimming pool dedicated to this floor. Based on the area occupied, there are 5-7 large suites on this floor."

Lin Wu said: "The zombies in the corridor are wearing black suits, and the suits are a bit tattered. Wow..."

"What?" Everyone asked.

Lin Wu said: "There is a zombie with a pistol in his hand. What's the situation?"

Shana guessed the basic situation, and said: "Bodyguard, the bodyguard of the big shot. Lin Wu, will it shoot?"

"It's hard to say, the safety is off, and the pistol is in the firing state." Lin Wu reached for the pistol from behind the zombie, killed the opponent with a knife, and checked it: "The bullet is full."

Everyone was surprised: "Do you see through eyes?"

Lin Wu: "No, I got the pistol to check."

Maya said: "It sounds weird everywhere. Lin Wu, wait where you are. Horse Soul, guard the entrance of the rooftop sewer, and pay attention to the changes of the rooftop. The others gather at the elevator entrance on the 35th floor."

Lin Wuhui reported: "Touched the corpse and got a certificate. I will be an agent of the City's Secret Service in the future."

Maya walked up to Lin Wu and knelt down, took the documents to check, and said, "The special agent who is responsible for the safety of the mayor of the future city, it seems that the helicopter upstairs is here to pick him up." How good is the mayor of the future city?There are only ten cities in the world, and he is the boss of one of them. You can imagine how honorable his status is.

Lin Wu reminded: "We are not here to find clues to the story, we are here to search." Obviously the story of this hotel involves the background of the game story.Lin Wu is not interested in the background of the story, but he knows that Maya likes solving puzzles in games.After all, a person who can read materials for two hours in the A6 laboratory, how much do you think she likes to solve puzzles?
After all the personnel arrived, they pushed forward along the corridor, and Lin Wu wiped out another black-clothed zombie, which was obviously the bodyguard of the mayor of Fantasy City.In other words, there are at least two mayors here.

Just when Lin Wu was about to open room 01, everyone in the team received a system prompt: after opening door 01, they will enter the task: evacuation.Mission objective, escort the mayors of Future City and Fantasy City to evacuate the hotel.Hostile target: NPC Fortress Mercenary Blue River Squad.Task difficulty level A.

"Damn it." Everyone exclaimed, no wonder there were not many zombies, and no wonder they were all wearing professional clothes.

Lin Wu said indignantly: "You didn't even mention the reward, do you plan to give it?"

Maya looked at Lin Wu for a second, why is his brain circuit so novel?
(End of this chapter)

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