Chapter 205
Maya reached out to prevent Lin Wu from opening the door: "We have to face the NPC mercenaries. Now we lack bullets and can't afford to be injured. This task cannot be done now. To do this task, we must hoard weapons and ammunition." What Maya is really worried about is Not to mention whether the task can be completed in this kind of rush, given the current conditions of our own side, it will definitely reduce the number of staff.

Shadow is not without foundation, in addition to Timberwolves, assault rifles and just got the grenade launcher, they also have rockets.There are even stun bombs and grenades.It is not today to fight.

Shana said: "Boldly guess, will this hotel be the player's mission center? The 35th floor is locked, and the floors below are also locked. The 35th floor is for evacuation tasks, what about the 34th floor?"

Maya said, "Go down and have a look."

Shanna is right, there are also missions on the 34th floor.The quest is to find the Deep Blue Star, a gemstone set in a necklace.The owner of the necklace is a female star.After the outbreak of the zombie virus in Zuo County, the whereabouts of the female star were unknown, and a rich man in Houtian City offered a huge reward to find the dark blue star.

After getting the dark blue star, the player can give the dark blue star to the uncle in the bounty hunter hall to get the reward.Rewards unknown.

The cheating is also here, you must take the token and go to the bounty hunter to receive the exclusive reward mission before you can start the mission.The same is true for the next 33 floors and 32 floors.Only mission tokens are provided, and the number of mission tokens is unlimited. Anyone can take the tokens to pick up the mission, first come, first served.

Lin Wu conveniently made a complaint: Why can't I take the Deep Blue Star to hand in the task?
The little white rabbit explained this to prevent players from completing all tasks at once, so this threshold was set up.Each group of players can only accept one exclusive mission at a time, and there is a mission deadline.

Little White Rabbit also revealed two pieces of information. The first piece of information is that after a floor mission is completed, it will be reset to other missions after a certain period of time.The second message, players who complete a task can go to any floor through the elevator.

Lin Wu felt that the little white rabbit was very interesting, so he didn't make things difficult for it today, but soon he found out that he was wrong, because there were instructions written near the elevator entrance on each floor.It's just that I didn't discover it myself.I can't blame Lin Wu. Lin Wu looked very carefully at the 35th floor, but the 35th floor is not a bounty task, so there is no explanation.When we reached the 34th floor, everyone went to the topic without paying attention to the details.

So far, the four entrances and exits of No. 99 sewer have been investigated clearly. The No. 4 entrance and exit is near the industrial residential area, which has a strong search potential, but the distance is far away, and the density of zombies on the road is high. Entrance No. 1 is in the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, which is the best place to search for resources. Entrance No. 2 is directly related to the office building of Fortress, and the risk factor is extremely high. Entrance 3 is the Bounty Mission Hotel. If you want to do these missions, you must first open the route to the Bounty Hunter Hall.

After weighing and deliberating, Maya and Shanna unanimously decided that starting tomorrow, the main job of the base is to operate the No. 2 entrance and exit.


When the group retreated to the base, the first thing they did was to test the grenade gun.The sentry at the weather station was the highest. Lin Wu took the grenade gun and adjusted the height of the grenade gun according to Maya's instructions.The body of the gun is balanced, and there is a level on it. If the gun is not stable, the tripod of the grenade gun can be opened and placed on the ground.

The second step is to adjust the angle.

Put a grenade in the magazine when you're done, push and pull to load, and pull the trigger. With a soft 'poof' sound, the grenade flew out and landed somewhere.Only the sound of the explosion was heard, but the site of the explosion was not seen.Maya made another shot after adjusting, and this shot hit the fire station a hundred meters away.

The grenade fell between the Big Mac and the three zombies and exploded. The three zombies were blown ten meters away. The Big Mac was pushed forward by the shock wave and rushed two steps forward, not staggering after being fatally injured.

The third grenade flew out and exploded right on the Big Mac's head.The Big Mac staggered first, then continued to take a few steps backwards before falling to the ground.

"Lin Wu is too good." Lin Wu was pleasantly surprised and fired again, this time the grenade fell on the ground three meters away from the Big Mac and exploded.The three launches were all at the same height and at the same angle, but there were deviations of several meters.Lin Wu explained: "I missed it on purpose."

Maya: "I know." If you don't have a meaningless debate with Lin Wu, you will be what you say.

After continuing to play a few times, Lin Wu became dull.The advantage of grenades is area damage.The disadvantage is that the damage is insufficient, and there is a high probability that zombies three meters away from the explosion point will not die.Of course, this is a characteristic of zombies, only the head is the key.Another disadvantage is that it is more troublesome to load the ammunition. The refreshed ammunition is on the belt. You have to take out the grenade first and load the grenade. During this process, you must be careful and pay attention to the level pointer at all times.

These are not problems, the problem is that you can't hit the target directly with one jump.To change from point A to point B, one or even several adjustments are required.In contrast, sniper rifles and assault rifles are so cool to use, just aim and fire.

The others had the same opinion as Lin Wu, they preferred firearms to grenade launchers.But I didn't expect Stone to like grenade guns very much. He said that the kid doesn't know the art of explosion.So this grenade gun became Stone's weapon when he was on duty.Since the sound of the grenade gun is very small, the stone will be taken out and fired around when it is not on duty and boring.He doesn't care about level either, he just tilts the gun and shoots upwards, it doesn't matter where it lands.

It's a pity that the bazooka is a rocket launcher, not a rocket gun, otherwise this thing with unlimited bullets shouldn't be too scary.


The new base was established for a week, and with the double farms run by Stone, there is no need to worry about food and clothing.The two deputy commanders led the team to Exit 99 of No. 2 sewer again: a large shopping mall.During this period, because everyone obeyed the instructions given by the captain Maya, they not only avoided a sneak attack by the night devil, but also successfully counterattacked and killed the night devil.

After knowing the terrain of the underground parking lot, it only took 5 minutes for everyone to find the freight elevator.The freight elevator stopped at the third floor, opened the elevator door, and followed the maintenance elevator to the first floor. Maya opened the elevator, looked inside for a while, opened the elevator again, and called everyone to come up.

The elevator entrance is the warehouse of a supermarket, but the back door of the supermarket is closed, and a group of people walk along the road.There were almost no zombies along the way, and they soon reached a public toilet hall.There are also massage chairs, claw machines, and smoking areas in the lobby.There are not many zombies.When everyone was dealing with the zombies, Maya arranged for Lin Wu to investigate by the door of the hall, which was the first floor of the real shopping mall.

The team wiped out all the zombies and squatted down beside Lin Wu.

Lin Wu said: "There are a lot of zombies, and the density is high. Except for screaming, no other mutant zombies were found."

Maya stood up and looked out through the glass on the door, everything was as Lin Wu said.

Maya said: "Horse Soul and Xuedan stay at the door, Shana observes the overall movement of the zombies, Lin Wu handles the screaming, Xiao Dao, me, and Peanut are fighting head-on." Cui Yu stayed at the base today.

Shanna asked: "Do you want to try to deal with zombies with cold weapons?"

Maya said: "It seems to be possible. In terms of density, the roar of zombies only affects a certain range. As long as we hold still, we can clear an area. Logically, it should be the same, otherwise it will be difficult to search." Relying on Lin Wu The stealth stealing chicken is very difficult and the efficiency is very low.

Shanna suggested: "The opposite is the UFO fried chicken shop."

Maya looked at Shana, and Shana explained: "Eating in the game won't make you fat."

Xiaodao agreed very much: "There is a milk tea shop next door. I want to eat all the trans fats in my life in the game."

"Okay, each perform their duties." Maya: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wu opened the door, and the fighters took out their weapons and walked out. The nearby zombies moved immediately, and a fight broke out between the two sides.Due to the open terrain, the pressure in the battle is still relatively high.Fortunately, Maya and Xiaodao were extremely ferocious and withstood waves of attacks.Slowly, the intensity of the battle began to decrease, and there were fewer and fewer supporting zombies. An area about 15 meters away was cleared of zombies.

But it is so easy for players to succeed, Shuguang should be renamed Shengguang.Peanut opened the kitchen freezer of the fried chicken shop, wanting to see what to eat, but unexpectedly, there was a madman inside, grabbed Peanut right away, and hugged Peanut's head to eat.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xiaodao flew out with an arrow and headshot violently. After hitting the wall violently, he fell to Lin Wu's feet and was taken down by Lin Wu.

Maya ordered: "Search the fried chicken shop quickly, get the supplies you can get, and then retreat to the base." The injured must go back to the base, and it takes more than 20 minutes to walk back to the base. There are zombies on the road, and night monsters that are about to move.Therefore, as soon as someone suffers non-healing bleeding injuries, the entire team must withdraw to the base.Cui Yu couldn't treat the infection, so a shot of serum had to be wasted.

Peanut was very sorry and kept apologizing.Knowing that it wasn't Peanut's fault, Maya blamed herself for being paralyzed by appearances.Before the change, Lin Wu would definitely be asked to investigate and deal with the possible zombies in the store first.Lin Wu might not be able to escape the fierce attack of the freezer, but it was not the same as being injured by Peanut.Even Lin Wu couldn't escape the violent attack, and no one else could escape the attack.Furthermore, Lin Wu could save a serum needle after being attacked.


The 20-minute journey was blocked by zombies. It took 40 minutes to walk, 80 minutes to go back and forth, plus 10 minutes of treatment. After an hour and a half, the team returned to No. 2 passage and successfully reached the first floor of the mall.

Then began a comprehensive search, killing zombies in close combat, Lin Wu scouted the storefronts, and evacuated the stores after eliminating the threat.In addition to the five major resource packs, the obtained items also have a variety of commodities.

Watch shop: More than 300 watches were looted. Most of the watches can be broken into mechanical gears, which are common but scarce materials like electronic components.

Optical shop: Blue Star already has the technology to completely correct eyesight.So for them, glasses are more of a decorative function.Choose your own lensless glasses or sunglasses.

Jewelry store: I don't know what it is for, but several girls thought it was very beautiful, so they were also ransacked.

Obviously, these stores have little significance in improving the survivability of players.

The next shop is the bakery, which has a variety of pastry breads in addition to the two-pack food packs.Some flower seeds were found after a thorough search.

Then there is the clothing store, only a set of purple women's evening dress is a complete item, and a building material bag is also obtained.

5 resource packs were found in 7 stores, one for each person, and there is no way to get more.Seeing that everyone carried a bag of goods, Captain Maya ordered to go home and take out the trash.

During the shopping mall, fight monsters for 30 minutes and search for 30 minutes.

At the end of the fourth trip, the sun was about to set, and today's search work ended smoothly.Everyone stepped back to the base on the setting sun to take stock of today's harvest.

18 resource packs, including 6 building material packs and 12 food packs.

In addition, there is a lot of miscellaneous goods such as watches, dolls, glasses, jewelry, and cash.A lot of cash brought in?They had never seen an ATM machine before, and after dismantling it, they obtained a large amount of banknotes. After dismantling everything, they brought the banknotes back, so that they could light a fire.

There are a lot of snacks, including potato chips, prunes, melon seeds, etc., too many to count.

There are a lot of dolls, including pillow dolls that can be placed on the bed, and cute dolls that hang on backpacks.

In addition, there are all kinds of wine, cups, porcelain and other commodities.

Here we must praise the system backpack, as long as the things that can be stuffed into the backpack are not counted as volume, only weight is counted.As long as it is not overweight, it can hold unlimited items.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire to discuss tomorrow's goals, and their enthusiasm for shopping kept them happy.Given that the No. 99 exit of the No. 2 sewer has been opened, resource points have been obtained.Therefore, tomorrow's work content needs to be adjusted again.

Maya held a red wine glass in her hand and said, "We still have two things to do. The first thing is to find the entrance to the sewage sewer."

Shanna reminded: "There is a sewer near Warehouse 88." When I moved the furniture last time, I found that there were blueprints inside.

Maya nodded: "For the task of Zuoxian Hotel, we need to open an underground passage to the bounty hunter's hall. This matter must be handed over to Shanna and you. The intensity of zombies in the sewer is low, and you can choose two team members to explore with you sewer."

Shana looked at everyone and said, "Lin Wu..."

Maya interrupted: "Lin Wu will take the air corridor to the blood mist area tomorrow. His job is to apply serum and try to stock up on a batch of high-value goods before the next merchant comes." Red wine, snacks, etc. are garbage in the eyes of merchants.A load of 200 kilograms full of merchants may not be exchanged for a resource pack.

Shanna didn't raise any objections and asked, "Who wants to go on an adventure with me?"

Let's all raise our hands together.While a sewer job isn't quite as good as shopping at the mall, everyone is more than happy to take on jobs that others won't.This is cohesion.

Peanut has exploration skills and is suitable for looting.Maya is going to lead the team.As a doctor, Cuiyu can't go too far.Anytime someone needs treatment.After excluding Lin Wu, only Brother Soul Egg and Xiao Dao remained.Shana said: "Knife and horse soul."

Xiaodao raised his fist to touch Shana, and then fisted with Ma Hun.Xuedan frowned unhappy, but it was a deliberate act. When the boy separated from his prospective girlfriend, he expressed sadness, which was a normal survival instinct.

Maya said, "Lin Wu, you choose a partner."

Lin Wu said: "Peanut."

Maya said: "The Peanut exploration skill is very helpful for looting."

Lin Wu replied: "I know." It was also very helpful for touching the corpse.Peanut has the ability to speed up the corpse touch, but he doesn't have it. Of course, Peanut is responsible for all the corpse touch work.Those who can do more work!

What else could Maya say, Lin Wu said: "Serum is expensive!"

Maya nodded: "Okay. Xuedan, Cuiyu and I are responsible for searching for supplies."

Shana raised her hand lightly and said, "I don't quite agree with being divided into three groups at the same time. The mall team will face too much pressure." In theory, Maya's Liannu can clear the field.However, the theory needs to consider the objective situation and the fault tolerance rate.

Shitou said: "Maya, I understand your desire to quickly establish an advantage. I don't agree with dividing into three groups at the same time."

Maya has evaluated the combat effectiveness, and she thinks that she, Xuedan and Cuiyu can fight against Night Demon.When Maya heard what Shishi said, she immediately realized her mistake, and she didn't think premiumly.

When partnering with Lin Wu, assuming that Lin Wu's combat power is 1 and her combat power is 0.8, they usually do things with 2.5.Although it is dangerous every time, it is always fun.In Blue Star's work, the team's combat effectiveness is 3, and she will definitely arrange training no lower than 3, because only in this way can the team improve.

Xuedan 0.6, Cuiyu 0.5, own 0.8, and 1.9 fighting power can deal with night demons around 1.5.But players are not soldiers, and cannot be evaluated and measured by numerical values. They must have an overwhelming advantage to reduce the risk value.To deal with 1.5 night demons, it is best to have 2.5 or even 3.0 combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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